Solar Orbiter UK Community Support FY2016/17 and FY2017/18

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Mullard Space Science Laboratory


As previously agreed with STFC, this award will cover travel expenses for members of the UK Solar and Heliospheric Physics research communities, who are not affiliated with the UK hardware build teams, to travel to meetings and workshops in support of achieving the scientific objectives of the ESA Solar Orbiter mission. Relevant meetings in the time frame of the award include regular ESA working groups that UK scientists could contribute well to - two of these are the helioseismology working discussion in October 2016 at MPS and the mission data analysis and modelling working group which is next due to meet at the end of 2016/start of 2017. The latter meeting is part of an ongoing series, so a commitment to the working group will be required. In addition, the next Solar Orbiter science meeting is in Granada in April 2017, and a strong attendance from the UK would be excellent. We will seek to provide partial travel support for a number of UK scientists to go and present relevant work at that meeting. we will seek to support other meetings on a case by case basis, depending on perceived relevance to the Solar Orbiter mission objectives.

Planned Impact

The impact of the award will be that members of the UK Solar and Heliospheric Physics communities will be better engaged with and understand the details of this upcoming mission and thus be in a better position to make ground-breaking advances in the mission science opportunities. They will be better placed to further disseminate information to broader audiences about this mission and its science.


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Description The broader UK community has increased its awareness of the Solar Orbiter mission, the planning of its operations and the potential data returns. Following the mission launch in Feb 2020, a number of beneficiaries of the travel grants made under this award are now in a position to make significant contributions to the science return of the mission.
Exploitation Route The Uk community s better placed to access and use data from the Solar Orbiter mission, thereby increasing the potential scientific return to the UK in the post launch and operations period (2020-2029).
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Description The award has been used to fund travel of a number of members of the broader (i.e. outside of the hardware teams) UK solar and heliospheric communities to attend Solar Orbiter related meetings. This increases awareness across the community which in turn increases their ability to engage with outside entities such as schools and the general public. It also allows the broader community to better prepare for the post-launch period in which they will hopefully engage with analysis of the data returned and provide further impacts through their findings.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Education
Impact Types Cultural


Description Solar Orbiter Community Project - Linking Remote and In Situ Observations Through Numerical Modelling Tools of the Solar Corona and Heliosphere.
Amount £105,252 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/S006559/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 03/2020
Description Solar Orbiter - Eruptive Events and Large-Scale Structure Working Group 
Organisation Austrian Academy of Sciences
Country Austria 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter - Eruptive Events and Large-Scale Structure Working Group 
Organisation Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter - Eruptive Events and Large-Scale Structure Working Group 
Organisation University of Calabria
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter - Eruptive Events and Large-Scale Structure Working Group 
Organisation University of New Hampshire
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science Working Group 
Organisation Harvard University
Department Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science Working Group 
Organisation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Department Goddard Space Flight Center
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science Working Group 
Organisation National Center for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS)
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science Working Group 
Organisation Predictive Science
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science Working Group 
Organisation Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on Solar Wind Origins and Connections Science to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures Working group 
Organisation Austrian Academy of Sciences
Department Space Research Institute
Country Austria 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures Working group 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures Working group 
Organisation University of Calabria
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on CMEs, CIRs, HCS and Large-Scale Structures in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Heavy Ion Processes Working group 
Organisation University of Michigan
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and particularly the heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in heavy ion processes in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on heavy ion processes in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Heavy Ion Processes Working group 
Organisation University of New Hampshire
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and particularly the heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in heavy ion processes in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on heavy ion processes in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter In situ Working Group 
Organisation European Space Agency
Department Solar Orbiter
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This group has meet every few months over the last decade in order to discuss and plan the joint operations of the in situ group of instruments on Solar Orbiter. As a key contributor of 3 separate scientific sensors within the SWA consortium, we have been at the forefront of this activity.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes members from all of the institutes that have contributed the 4 in situ instruments on Solar Orbiter. Together we have planned joint operations and produced instruments that have incorporated specific elements or capability to support those plans. Now in flight the group continues to meet to continue to plan and execute joint operations of the in situ instruments on the mission.
Impact Launch of the Solar Orbiter mission with advanced plans to jointly operate the in situ instruments in order to improve the overall science return of the mission
Start Year 2012
Description Solar Orbiter In situ Working Group 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This group has meet every few months over the last decade in order to discuss and plan the joint operations of the in situ group of instruments on Solar Orbiter. As a key contributor of 3 separate scientific sensors within the SWA consortium, we have been at the forefront of this activity.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes members from all of the institutes that have contributed the 4 in situ instruments on Solar Orbiter. Together we have planned joint operations and produced instruments that have incorporated specific elements or capability to support those plans. Now in flight the group continues to meet to continue to plan and execute joint operations of the in situ instruments on the mission.
Impact Launch of the Solar Orbiter mission with advanced plans to jointly operate the in situ instruments in order to improve the overall science return of the mission
Start Year 2012
Description Solar Orbiter In situ Working Group 
Organisation Observatory of Paris
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This group has meet every few months over the last decade in order to discuss and plan the joint operations of the in situ group of instruments on Solar Orbiter. As a key contributor of 3 separate scientific sensors within the SWA consortium, we have been at the forefront of this activity.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes members from all of the institutes that have contributed the 4 in situ instruments on Solar Orbiter. Together we have planned joint operations and produced instruments that have incorporated specific elements or capability to support those plans. Now in flight the group continues to meet to continue to plan and execute joint operations of the in situ instruments on the mission.
Impact Launch of the Solar Orbiter mission with advanced plans to jointly operate the in situ instruments in order to improve the overall science return of the mission
Start Year 2012
Description Solar Orbiter In situ Working Group 
Organisation University of Alcalá
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This group has meet every few months over the last decade in order to discuss and plan the joint operations of the in situ group of instruments on Solar Orbiter. As a key contributor of 3 separate scientific sensors within the SWA consortium, we have been at the forefront of this activity.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes members from all of the institutes that have contributed the 4 in situ instruments on Solar Orbiter. Together we have planned joint operations and produced instruments that have incorporated specific elements or capability to support those plans. Now in flight the group continues to meet to continue to plan and execute joint operations of the in situ instruments on the mission.
Impact Launch of the Solar Orbiter mission with advanced plans to jointly operate the in situ instruments in order to improve the overall science return of the mission
Start Year 2012
Description Solar Orbiter In situ Working Group 
Organisation University of Kiel
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This group has meet every few months over the last decade in order to discuss and plan the joint operations of the in situ group of instruments on Solar Orbiter. As a key contributor of 3 separate scientific sensors within the SWA consortium, we have been at the forefront of this activity.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes members from all of the institutes that have contributed the 4 in situ instruments on Solar Orbiter. Together we have planned joint operations and produced instruments that have incorporated specific elements or capability to support those plans. Now in flight the group continues to meet to continue to plan and execute joint operations of the in situ instruments on the mission.
Impact Launch of the Solar Orbiter mission with advanced plans to jointly operate the in situ instruments in order to improve the overall science return of the mission
Start Year 2012
Description Solar Orbiter Kinetic Physics Working group 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in kinetic physics in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on solar wind kinetic physics to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Kinetic Physics Working group 
Organisation University of Calabria
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in kinetic physics in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on solar wind kinetic physics to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Kinetic Physics, Turbulence, Waves and Reconnection Working group 
Organisation Imperial College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in plasma kinetic physics, turbulence, plasma waves, and/or magnetic reconnection
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on plasma kinetic physics, turbulence, plasma waves, and magnetic reconnection to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter Kinetic Physics, Turbulence, Waves and Reconnection Working group 
Organisation Observatory of Paris
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in plasma kinetic physics, turbulence, plasma waves, and/or magnetic reconnection
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on plasma kinetic physics, turbulence, plasma waves, and magnetic reconnection to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter Kinetic Physics, Turbulence, Waves and Reconnection Working group 
Organisation University of Calabria
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in plasma kinetic physics, turbulence, plasma waves, and/or magnetic reconnection
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on plasma kinetic physics, turbulence, plasma waves, and magnetic reconnection to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter Origin and Transport of Energetic Particles Working Group 
Organisation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Department Goddard Space Flight Center
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in the origin and transport of energetic particles in the heliosphere.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on the origin and transport of energetic particles in the heliosphere to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Origin and Transport of Energetic Particles Working Group 
Organisation National Observatory of Athens
Country Greece 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in the origin and transport of energetic particles in the heliosphere.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on the origin and transport of energetic particles in the heliosphere to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Reconnection and Small-scale Structure Working group 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in reconnection and small-scale structure in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on reconnection and small-scale structure in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Reconnection and Small-scale Structure Working group 
Organisation Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in reconnection and small-scale structure in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on reconnection and small-scale structure in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Shocks and Energetic Particles Working group 
Organisation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Department Goddard Space Flight Center
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in collisionless shocks and energetic particles in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on collisionless shocks and energetic particles in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter Shocks and Energetic Particles Working group 
Organisation National Observatory of Athens
Country Greece 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in collisionless shocks and energetic particles in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on collisionless shocks and energetic particles in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter Shocks and Energetic Particles Working group 
Organisation Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF)
Country Sweden 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in collisionless shocks and energetic particles in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on collisionless shocks and energetic particles in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2022
Description Solar Orbiter Shocks and Particle Energisation Working group 
Organisation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Department Goddard Space Flight Center
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in shocks and particle acceleration in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on shocks and particle acceleration in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Shocks and Particle Energisation Working group 
Organisation Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF)
Country Sweden 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in shocks and particle acceleration in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on shocks and particle acceleration in the solar wind to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Sources and Connection Science Working group 
Organisation National Center for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS)
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in sources of the solar wind and science related to their connection to the heliosphere.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications to arise from this collaboration over the next decade related to the sources of the solar wind and science underpinning their connection to the heliosphere.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Sources and Connection Science Working group 
Organisation Predictive Science
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in sources of the solar wind and science related to their connection to the heliosphere.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications to arise from this collaboration over the next decade related to the sources of the solar wind and science underpinning their connection to the heliosphere.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Sources and Connection Science Working group 
Organisation Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in sources of the solar wind and science related to their connection to the heliosphere.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications to arise from this collaboration over the next decade related to the sources of the solar wind and science underpinning their connection to the heliosphere.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Solar-system Bodies and Dust Working group 
Organisation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Department Goddard Space Flight Center
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in solar-system bodies and dust and their interactions with the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications to arise from this collaboration over the next decade on the subjects of solar-system bodies and dust and their interactions with the solar wind..
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Solar-system Bodies and Dust Working group 
Organisation University of Michigan
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in solar-system bodies and dust and their interactions with the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications to arise from this collaboration over the next decade on the subjects of solar-system bodies and dust and their interactions with the solar wind..
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Turbulence and Waves Working group 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in turbulence and waves in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on solar wind turbulence and waves to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description Solar Orbiter Turbulence and Waves Working group 
Organisation Observatory of Paris
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an open scientific working group coordinated by members of the above institutes. As principal investigator group for the SWA instrument suite on Solar Orbiter, we provide a key dataset for the scientific studies initiated by this group, including high time resolution measurements of the electron, proton, alpha particle and heavy ion populations in the solar wind.
Collaborator Contribution The group includes representatives of other Solar Orbiter instrument teams and is open to participation from any scientists worldwide who have interest in using our data to further their interests in turbulence and waves in the solar wind.
Impact Expect multiple scientific publications on solar wind turbulence and waves to arise from this collaboration over the next decade.
Start Year 2020
Description BBC News article on Solar Orbiter 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact News article for BBC news online.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Host and LOC for the Solar Orbiter MADAWG meeting at UCL, September 2019. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Solar Orbiter MADAWG working group aims to bring together the expertise of the international solar and heliospheric community to discuss and forward plans in mission-relevant modelling and data analysis, particularly in magnetic modeling and model validation, to increase the impact of the international efforts in preparation for Solar Orbiter operations, and to coordinate the efforts for the exploitation of the satellite observations. We at UCL hosted the international participants in the September 2019 meeting.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Interview for BBC Radio 4 PM programme 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Radio interview for BBC Radio 4 'PM' programme on the Solar Orbiter mission
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Interview in the Telegraph Newspaper 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Interview on the Solar Orbiter mission for the Telegraph newspaper
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Interview in the Times Newspaper 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Newspaper interview on the Solar Orbiter mission
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Media Post on UCL News 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Media post on UCL news channels focussing on UCL's involvement in Solar Orbiter.

We note that UKSA reports it can identify 266 media articles relating to the launch of Solar Orbiter, with an estimated reach to 50 million people in the UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Organisation of the 2nd UK Solar Orbiter Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The UK Solar Orbiter Workshop brought together the expertise of the UK solar community in magnetic modelling and model validation, to increase the UK impact on the international efforts in preparation for Solar Orbiter operations, and to coordinate the UK efforts for the exploitation of the satellite observations.
All members of the UK solar physics community interested in the Solar Orbiter mission goals were encouraged to attend.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Organisation of the 3rd UK Solar Orbiter Workshop, University of St Andrews 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The 3rd UK Solar Orbiter Workshop brought together the expertise of the UK solar and heliospheric communities to further discuss scientific research planned by UK researchers, including magnetic modeling and model validation, to increase the UK impact on the international efforts in preparation for Solar Orbiter operations, and to coordinate the UK efforts for the exploitation of the satellite observations. The workshop was open to all members of the UK solar and heliospheric physics community interested in the Solar Orbiter mission goals.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Presentation to International Astronomy Show 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Lecture on the Solar Orbiter Mission
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Talk to Newbury Astronomical Society 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Talk on Solar Orbiter science results to a large group of amateur astronomers from the Newbury person and online attendees).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023