Probing the Composition of Planet-Building Material with ALMA

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy


Planetary systems, such as our own, are assembled from the material - dust, gas, and ice - contained in the protoplanetary disk around a newly-born star. Studying the dust and gas orbiting nearby young stars gives us unique insight into how our solar system might have looked prior to the inception of the planets. This enables us to answer some fundamental questions on our origins. Is our solar system unique? Do young planetary systems contain information on the physical and chemical conditions in the natal protoplanetary disk? Are planetary atmospheric compositions set by the molecular content of the planet-forming zone in the disk?

We are in a unique era to begin to address these questions. Not only is the Kepler space observatory (now K2) revealing the extreme diversity of exoplanetary systems, we now have tools at hand to map the physical structure and chemistry across the planet-forming region of nearby protoplanetary disks. The primary tool we use for this is ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. ALMA, an interferometer composed of up to 66 antennas, has the sensitivity and spatial resolution to zoom into the planet-forming zone (< 50 au) and reveal the molecular composition of the birth environment of nascent planets. Recent highlights from ALMA include the first detections of so-called complex organic molecules (COMs), molecules consisting of 6 or more atoms which are also thought to be the main feedstock of larger (prebiotic) molecules. COMs also trace the composition of the ice reservoir hosted on cold (<< 100 K) dust grains which are the building blocks of icy planetesimals such as comets. Also revealed via high spatial resolution observations (~0.1"-0.01") are dust gaps and traps, for which one explanation is sculpting by unseen forming planets. What remains to be determined, is the degree to which dust sculpting can influence the chemistry, thus altering composition of planet-building material (both gas and ice) in situ.

This project will investigate the chemistry of organic molecules in nearby planet-forming disks. ALMA observations of gas-phase methanol (CH3OH) of our nearest solar-system analogue, TW Hya, will have the sensitivity and spatial resolution necessary to reveal its distribution and abundance. Of particular interest is whether the methanol emission is coincident with the CO snowline (at 19 au) and/or a planet-carved dust cavity (at 22 au). Analysis of the data using detailed chemical models will reveal its chemical origin and provide vital data for motivating future ALMA searches for even larger (and closer to prebiotic) molecules. In parallel, ALMA observations of known molecular disk tracers, CO, CN, HCN, and HCO+, of the protoplanetary disk encompassing HD 100546, will be used to investigate the effects of planet-carved gaps on the disk chemical structure. HD 100546 is a unique test case because it remains the only known source for which an embedded (proto)planet has been detected in the outer disk (~50 au) and for which existing ALMA data have revealed a dust trap external to the location of the forming planet. The new ALMA data, in combination with detailed chemical models, will reveal whether the forming planet has carved a deep gap in the gas structure at its location, and the molecular emission across the gap will reveal chemical changes induced therein and in the dust traps bordering the planet location. This pilot study, on potential molecular diagnostics of planet-carved gaps, will motivate future ALMA studies of nearby protoplanetary disks which may be host to as yet unseen forming planets.

Planned Impact

The primary impact from this work is via public engagement and outreach with the primary beneficiary being the general public.

ALMA: Revealing Our Origins
With its unprecedented sensitivity and spatial resolution at (sub)mm wavelengths, new results from ALMA are of great interest to the general public. One of its primary scientific goals is to reveal the birth environment of planetary systems, which is the first step en route to 'life' and our origins. High-impact results from ALMA are communicated to the general (and international) public via press releases prepared in collaboration with the ALMA observatory ( and ESO (European Southern Observatory, These are, in turn, picked up by the international press and are promoted nationally and internationally via social media. Leeds astronomers have been involved in several recent press releases regarding high-impact results from ALMA which have also led to engagement with the press via interviews for publication in international and national online media. It is anticipated that the work conducted during this project will lead to similarly high-impact results of international press interest.

Public Engagement at Leeds
The Astrophysics Group at Leeds has a strong track record in public engagement and outreach via public talks, participation in initiatives to promote (astro)physics as a career to under-represented demographics, and the organisation of local public events in collaboration with national events such as BBC Stargazing Live. Leeds astronomers have had several high-impact results picked up by the press (in addition to those from ALMA highlighted above). Results from this project will be communicated to the general public during public talks and outreach events.


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Title From Interstellar Snowflakes to Life 
Description This is an exhibition that uses props and audience participation to demonstrate fundamental concepts pertinent to astrophysics, astrochemistry, and astrobiology. It is a collaboration between the grant holder, Dr Catherine Walsh, and an Associate Professor in scenography and performance at the University of Leeds, Dr Joslin McKinney. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact This exhibition has been delivered at two public engagement events in 2017 and 2018, and during the course of this grant, is being continually updated, developed, and expanded for future delivery at science festivals and outreach events in 2019. 
Description This research involved the imaging and analysis of state-of-the-art data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, to answer key questions on the chemical structure and composition of planet- and comet-forming regions around nearby young stars. The findings reported below also laid some of the groundwork for successful follow-up observing programs with ALMA, including the ALMA Large Program, Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) and also led to the successful award of future funding in the form of a UKRI FLF (PI Walsh: 2021 - 2024) and STFC ERF (PI Ilee: 2022 - 2027).

Summarised key findings from these observational studies are:

> The first detections of several molecules in protoplanetary disks for the first time, including C34S, 13CS, H2CS, DNC, and C2D (Loomis, ..., Walsh, ... et al. 2020), and 13C17O in the disks of HD163296 and HL Tau (Booth, Walsh, Ilee, et al. 2019; Booth & Ilee 2020). The analysis of 13C17O showed that these disks are more massive that previously thought and also massive enough to form a planetary system. The analysis also suggested that HL Tau is gravitationally unstable.
> The successful detection and analysis of key complex organic molecules, CH3CN and CH3OH, in TW Hya (Loomis, ... Walsh, ... et al. 2018) and HD 100546 (Booth, Walsh, et al. 2021), respectively. For HD 100546 we showed, for the first time, that the presence of methanol in this source is a strong indicator of inheritance of ices formed in the molecular cloud from which the star formed.
> The first detection of the shock tracer, SO, in the disk around HD 100546 showcasing SO as a potential diagnostic of the presence of otherwise unseen forming planets (Booth, Walsh, et al. 2018).
> Deep upper limits on the abundance of H2O and CH3OH in the disk around HD 163296 (Notsu, ..., Walsh, ... et al. 2019; Carney, ..., Walsh, ... et al. 2019), revealing the apparently peculiar chemistry in this source.
> We also made the first predictions of dust emission from planet-forming disks with the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) quantifying the resolution and sensitivity needed to resolve planet carved gaps feeding into SKA development and design (Ilee, Hall, Walsh, et al. 2020).
Exploitation Route The outcomes of this funding are mainly of benefit to academic sectors and those involved in telescope design/upgrades and instrumentation development (led by engineering companies in collaboration with astronomers). All data and model results and codes presented in the reported outputs are available to other researchers for use in other investigations and studies and to motivate future observations with ALMA and other telescopes. The detections and analysis presented also feed into laboratory astrophysics in the the development of new laboratory techniques and equipment, that is of use in other areas of physical chemistry (spectroscopy, cold atoms/molecules, condensed phase).
Sectors Other

Description During this award, 22 outreach and public engagement events were designed and delivered, reporting results from this research to the general public via talks and activities at local science festivals and museums (e.g., New Scientist Live), school talks, and talks for special interest groups such as astronomical societies. Further, two press releases were produced in collaboration with ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) reporting our scientific results to a global audience. And two videos were generated and distributed to the wider public via ESA (European Space Agency).
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Education,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Societal

Description A Programme of Astrophysical Theory and Observations at Leeds
Amount £2,306,595 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/T000287/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2020 
End 03/2024
Description Seeding life on habitable planets
Amount £1,144,309 (GBP)
Funding ID MR/T040726/1 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2021 
End 01/2025
Title Oph A mosaic image 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'VLA cm-wave survey of young stellar objects in the Oph A cluster: constraining extreme UV- and X-ray-driven disk photoevaporation. A pathfinder for Square Kilometre Array studies.' (bibcode: 2019A&A...631a..58C) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Varied oxygen simulations with WACCM6 (Proterozoic to pre-industrial atmosphere) 
Description The history of molecular oxygen (O2) in Earth's atmosphere is still debated; however, geological evidence supports at least two major episodes where O2 increased by an order of magnitude or more: the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) and the Neoproterozoic Oxidation Event. O2 concentrations have likely fluctuated (between 10-3 and 1.5 times the present atmospheric level) since the GOE ~ 2.4 Gyr ago, resulting in a time-varying ozone (O3) layer. Using a three-dimensional (3D) chemistry climate model, we simulate changes in O3 in Earth's atmosphere since the GOE and consider the implications for surface habitability, and glaciation during the Mesoproterozoic. We find lower O3 columns (reduced by up to 4.68 times for a given O2 level) compared to previous work; hence, higher fluxes of biologically harmful UV radiation would have reached the surface. Reduced O3 leads to enhanced tropospheric production of the hydroxyl radical (OH) which then substantially reduces the lifetime of methane (CH4). We show that a CH4 supported greenhouse effect during the Mesoproterozoic is highly unlikely. The reduced O3 columns we simulate have important implications for astrobiological and terrestrial habitability, demonstrating the relevance of 3D chemistry-climate simulations when assessing paleoclimates and the habitability of faraway worlds. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Too early to report as data only made public in 2022 
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department Purple Mountain Observatory
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Harvard University
Department Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Leiden University
Department Leiden Observatory
Country Netherlands 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Max Planck Society
Department Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Max Planck Society
Department Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Penn State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Country Chile 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Chicago
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Chile
Country Chile 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Florida
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Grenoble
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Michigan
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Tokyo
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Virginia (UVa)
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Wisconsin-Madison
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description ALMA/NAOJ Press Release 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Press release by ALMA/NAOJ reporting new results pertaining to planet formation from state-of-the-art observations with the ALMA telescope.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Be Curious 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I prepared a two-minute explainer video on the topic of life in the university that was promoted as part of a virtual festival, through the university social media accounts.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Be Curious Goes Virtual 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I prepared a two-minute explainer video on the topic of planet formation that was promoted as part of a virtual festival, through the university social media accounts.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Be Curious LATES 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I coordinated and delivered a live-streamed session on "How to Build a Habitable World" aimed at teenage/adult audiences as part of the University of Leeds annual festival.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Bradford Science Festival 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Two days of back-to-back participatory presentations on astrochemistry aimed at families and general public interested in science.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Chemistry - LATE 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Participatory presentations in astrochemistry delivered to an "adults-only" event on chemistry in Manchester.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Contribution to ESA video "Rosetta: the Story Continues" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Contribution to the narrative of a video prepared by ESA on the legacy of the Rosetta mission to comet 69P/C-G. The video was posted on YouTube and so far has more that 8,700 views.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description ESA SoundBites Video - Rosetta Lives On 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A one minute video posted to ESA's website on my thoughts/reflections on the legacy of the Rosetta space mission.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Forum 2000 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Public talk to retired people in Leeds.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Huddersfield Astronomical Society 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Talk on astrophysics to public interested in astronomy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description New Scientist Live 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Public talk and panel Q&A on "Biggest Questions in Physics".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Press Interview with The Gryphon (official newspaper of the University of Leeds) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Interview by Olivia Maskill (an undergraduate journalist) on my experiences as a woman working in a STEM research area. Since then, I have received other requests for interviews related to women in science.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Press release by ALMA/Nova 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Press release on a published paper "An inherited complex organic molecule reservoir in a warm planet-hosting disk" prepared in collaboration with the Leeds press office and the Nova organisation in the Netherlands.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Public Talk: An evening with NASA Astronaut, Tony Antonelli 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The University of Leeds hosted an evening with NASA astronaut, Tony Antonelli, in collaboration with Pint of Science, an international public outreach and engagement initiative. I gave a 15 minute talk to the audience (mainly the general public, undergraduate and postgraduate students) to introduce the research done in astrophysics at the University of Leeds. Since then, I have received requests for more public talks, and also request to share the slides from the presentation with members of the audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Realising Aspirations 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A sample lecture to A-level physics students interested to study physics at university.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description School Talk (Wellington College) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Keynote talk at a virtual interdisciplinary symposium organised by a pupil at Wellington College, Berkshire, UK on the theme of "Exploration". I delivered a keynote talk on astrophysics following talks from pupils from schools in the local area on a diverse range of topics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description School Talk: Realising Aspirations 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact I met with around 15 A-Level students at Ashton Sixth Form College as part of their initiative (Realising Aspirations) to deliver a lecture on astrophysics research at the University of Leeds. The aim is to introduce their students to university subjects, and enable them to engage with a university lecturer. Following the lecture I spent around 30 minutes one-on-one with a subset of the student to discuss their views/questions on all things astrophysics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Soapbox Science 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Public talk in York city centre.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Talk at Garforth Academy 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact School talk on research and careers in astrophysics to A-level physics students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Talk to Special Interest Group - Doncaster Astronomical Society 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I presented a 45 minute seminar describing my research activities to an amateur astronomical society. Since then, another member of my group has been invited to give a seminar on their work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description University festival: Be Curious 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In collaboration with other researchers in astrophysics, we organised a drop-in session for members of the public to participate in an interactive presentation related to astrochemistry, and to view an optical effect that mimics a hologram.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description York Philosophical Society 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Public talk.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019