Investigating high radio-purity electroformation capabilities at Boulby Underground Laboratory

Lead Research Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department Name: School of Physics and Astronomy


Extreme radiopurity is key for rare-event searches in particle physics, including searches for Dark Matter (DM) and neutrinoless double beta-decay. Electroformed copper (EFCu) is the material of choice for manufacturing ultra-high radiopurity structures for experiments and radio-assay programs. In particular, EFCu produced in clean-rooms at underground laboratories maximises radiopurity by avoiding cosmogenic activation. SNOLab in Canada is working towards establishing the world's largest underground electroforming facility by hosting the Electroformed CUprum Manufacturing Experiment (ECUME). ECUME aspires to deliver a 140 cm in diameter spherical proportional counter for use in direct DM searches, with construction scheduled to start early in 2021. Through Birmingham's contribution to ECUME, the unique opportunity arises for Boulby Underground Laboratory, and the UK in general, to acquire expertise on high radio-purity EFCu, towards establishing an underground electroforming capability. This development will further strengthen Boulby's world-leading ultra-low background material assay facility and the capacity to support and host future experimental activities.


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Description This award supported the development and commissioning of an underground ultra-pure copper electroforming facility, a cutting-edge ultra-radiopure manufacturing technique, in the Boulby Underground Laboratory, the UK's deep underground science facility. This timely project benefitted from the wealth of experience and on-going work by international scientific collaborations, e.g. the NEWS-G experiment. This facility provides the capability to manufacture ultra-pure copper, which is critical to the success of rare-event search experiments. This is transformative to the potential of Boulby to host future experiments towards understanding the particle nature of dark matter and the characteristics of neutrinos. Moreover, it complements the existing investment in Boulby's radioassay facility.
Exploitation Route This work has established a cutting-edge manufacturing technique in the UK, which is a prerequisite to many proposed future experiment (NEWS-G/DarkSPHERE, XLZD, etc.), and has enhanced the UK's potential to host such projects. The facility will be used to construct a spherical detector which will be employed by the international NEWS-G collaboration to search for light dark matter in Boulby, with world-leading physics potential. Furthermore, the facility is available to other experiments and research projects, for example, it will be used to study how other materials might be prepared to reduce the background they give in experiments, and it will be used to improve the existing radioassay facilities, by retroactively fitting them with ultra-pure copper to improve their sensitivity.
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Description High Radiopurity Copper ElectroFormation at the Boulby Underground Laboratory
Amount £141,032 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/W005611/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2022 
End 03/2022
Description High radiopurity underground copper electroformation 
Organisation Queen's University
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Copper electroformation
Collaborator Contribution infrastructure, radio-assay techniques, electro-chemistry
Impact Development of underground electroforming capabilities for the Boulby Underground Laboratory, UK's deep underground science facility.
Start Year 2021
Description High radiopurity underground copper electroformation 
Organisation Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Copper electroformation
Collaborator Contribution infrastructure, radio-assay techniques, electro-chemistry
Impact Development of underground electroforming capabilities for the Boulby Underground Laboratory, UK's deep underground science facility.
Start Year 2021
Description High radiopurity underground copper electroformation 
Organisation U.S. Department of Energy
Department Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Copper electroformation
Collaborator Contribution infrastructure, radio-assay techniques, electro-chemistry
Impact Development of underground electroforming capabilities for the Boulby Underground Laboratory, UK's deep underground science facility.
Start Year 2021