Beyond the Standard Model.. and how to get there

Lead Research Organisation: The University of Manchester
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy


In the 60s, theoretical physicists had written the rule-book for the game of particle interactions: the "Standard Model of Particle Physics".
This model has been very solid for more than 50 years now, providing precise theoretical predictions which have stood experimental test countless times. Yet, a particle called the "neutrino" breaks the rules, and its criminal behavior could help explain why the Universe didn't simply disappear in a flash of light just after the Big Bang. Additionally, astronomers have observed a new type of matter, dark matter, tying galaxies together. Since we think that everything in the Universe is made of particles, dark matter particles should exist, but have eluded experimental physicists for at least 30 years. These "criminals" tell us that what we once thought was the rule-book of the Universe is actually just a chapter in a much bigger tome, unfortunately much harder to read.

For this fellowship, I propose a 3-fold program that will open pathways to explore physics Beyond the Standard Model via the creative use of Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPCs) the cutting-edge technology that I spent the last seven years of my research developing and performing world-leading measurements with.

LArTPCs have been chosen by the international neutrino community to construct the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), the next flagship experiment in the field. DUNE, will go live in the late 2020s, is set to identify the neutrino's role at the beginning of the Universe via the measurement of neutrino oscillations: the appearance of neutrinos of the electron type in a beam of neutrinos of the muon type. This Beyond Standard Model measurement will reach the required sensitivity and be successful only if we characterize how electron neutrinos interact with the argon beforehand.
My first objective is measuring for the first time the comprehensive set of quantities needed for this characterization: electron neutrino cross sections in argon. I will perform this search using the biggest sample of electron neutrino interactions ever recorded on argon -- a dataset from the MicroBooNE experiment, a smaller LArTPC on the surface. MicroBooNE's constant exposure to a heavy rain of cosmic muons produced in the atmosphere represents a key background which I will have to study and remove to identify electron neutrinos; but it has the potential to become an unexpected treasure. Indeed, the second objective of my fellowship is to pivot my first analyses and scan the muon data for a signature of the long-sought-after dark matter particle. I will perform this search with a method developed for my PhD thesis; and its application to dark matter searches has never been attempted before. If evidence of the elusive dark matter particle is found in the muon data, the impact would be transformational.
The third objective of my strategy tackles Beyond Standard Model physics from an technological perspective, pushing the boundaries of the LArTPC. Multi-kiloton underground neutrino detectors like DUNE provide a unique opportunities to register extremely rare events predicted only by theories more fundamental than the Standard Model rule-book. Combining innovative pixel technology with state of the art research on amorphous selenium and graphene, this fellowship will allow me to develop a sensor that optimizes the LArTPC performances for these extremely rare events.

My proposed research program incorporates high-impact and novel analyses with an ambitious but potentially transformative technology development. This work outlines a clear path to ensure DUNE's success in its Beyond Standard Model program, while describing innovative dark matter searches to be performed on already available datasets. Since definitive experimental proof of what lies beyond has been extremely elusive, the impact of any Beyond Standard Model discovery would transform our understanding of Nature.
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation Brookhaven National Laboratory
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research
Country Spain 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation INFN Sezione di Cagliari
Country Italy 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation INFN Sezione di Milano
Country Italy 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation INFN Sezione di Napoli
Country Italy 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation National Center for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS)
Department IN2P3 CNRS
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center
Country Poland 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation TRIUMF
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation University of Alberta
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation University of Liverpool
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation University of Naples
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation University of Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation University of Texas at Arlington
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description DRD2 Liquid Detectors International Collaboration 
Organisation University of Valencia
Department Corpuscular Physics Institute (IFIC)
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Formation of the DRD2 R&D collaboration for the advancement of liquid detectors, now recognized as official CERN experiment. R. Guenette is the DRD2 spokesperson, E. Gramellini is convener of the charge readout working package. Contributions were leading the coordination amongst international collaborators, the community poll and engagement, collation of ideas, proposal writing.
Collaborator Contribution Coordination among different working packages, collation of ideas
Impact The collaboration is multidisciplinary by nature: the R&D proposed spans from HEP to solid state physics, from cryogenics to liquid purification. First outcome: collaboration proposal was accepted by CERN to officially establish the collaboration. First collaboration meeting organized in February 2023
Start Year 2023
Description Manchester - Tel Aviv Collaboration 
Organisation Tel Aviv University
Country Israel 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution First research award: New Physics with Muons and Neutrinos - Organised two workshops, joint with the ATLAS group who had a parallel research grant - Laid the groundwork for a joint analysis effort on a oscillation studies with TKI variables carried out by grad students. Second research award (ongoing): - Started building an inter-experiment data acquisition lab with other co-applicants to this award (C. Doglioni and A. Keshavarzi)
Collaborator Contribution Knowledge exchange regarding TKI variables in neutrino physics and networking with AI/ML experts on FPGA development for data compression.
Impact No public outcomes yet, publication expected after the conclusion of the second research grant. Since this is seed funding, the subsequent funding that we have applied for and we have obtained are: - funds for a Tel Aviv engineer to undertake a two-month research project in computing sustainability and AI-based compression algorithms at the University of Manchester through the Wohl Clean Growth Foundation
Start Year 2023
Description Interview for BBC sky at night (national news) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Interview about my research on neutrinos, currently available at on the BBC sky at night website
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023,2024