Plastic UV Radiation Protection Operating by Stokes Emission (PURPOSE PROJECT)

Lead Research Organisation: Brunel University London
Department Name: Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing


This project aims to develop novel energy harvesting products for a wide range of applications. This will be achieved by enhancing the properties of polymer composites; more efficient use of solar/therm-al energy, longer life and recyclability. These improvements stem from the use of novel inorganic phos-phor particles downconverting solar UV light to other parts of the electomagnetic spectrum. With the incorporation of low cost novel phosphors, the new composite materials will have more efficient UV protection (giving longer life and enhanced recyclability), provide innovative thermal heating for clim-ate control (in both car and domestic interiors), and give enhanced plant growth (by converting light to increase the intensity of the wavelengths of light used in photosynthesis). In summary, this generic tec-hnology has the ability to deliver significant energy benefits across a wide range of applications.


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Broxtermann M (2017) Cathodoluminescence and Photoluminescence of YPO 4 :Pr 3+ , Y 2 SiO 5 :Pr 3+ , YBO 3 :Pr 3+ , and YPO 4 :Bi 3+ in ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology

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Den Engelsen D (2016) Red Shift of CT-Band in Cubic Y 2 O 3 :Eu 3+ upon Increasing the Eu 3+ Concentration in ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology

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Den Engelsen D (2014) Cathodoluminescence of Double Layers of Phosphor Particles in ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology

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Den Engelsen D (2020) Laser-Activated Luminescence of BaAl 2 O 4 :Eu in ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology

Description The PURPOSE project developed new breakthrough technology to address the need for climate control in buildings and vehicles by using solar energy in specially designed smart materials and enhancing the properties of existing materials. The project pushed the boundaries over beyond current leading-edge world technology in its area of focus by a novel use of nanometre and micrometre sized phosphor particles as solar energy harvesters and energy convertors. Using the latest technological breakthroughs in the mass production of nanometre sized particles to produce down-converting nanophosphors we were able to bring existing phosphor technology into a new important area for the marketplace. The innovative concept of Smart Down converting Photo luminescent Polymer Sheeting , was aimed at one main area (i) and two spill-over areas(ii and iii) :-i) To harvest solar energy by using down converting phosphors in smart materials (for cladding materials and window materials) converting it to near infra-red as a totally new way for interior climate control to supplement other kinds of heating (in cars, homes and office/industrial buildings).ii) The first spill-over bonus was to protect polymers from degradation by ultraviolet radiation (UVR) replacing the current expensive antioxidants used for this purpose, and of course prolonging the life of existing cladding materials and other polymer products used outdoors. This saves energy by cutting down the frequency of needing to replace/renew/remanufacture such items.iii)The second spill-over benefit was to enhance plant growth in the specific target application of poly tunnels and greenhouses.
All aims of the PURPOSE program were successfully achieved. We demonstrated that all the phosphor particles (when incorporated into polymer sheets) could protect the polymers from UV degradation as well as the organic agents currently in use. We also showed they could emit light (when excited by UV light) in other regions of the spectrum such as the near infrared (for keeping plants warm in poly tunnels), moreover they could down-convert UV light to wavelengths that the plants harvest.
Three companies will continue their product developments using knowledge gained from PURPOSE, two reported favourable results Teal and Mackrill Ltd. demonstrated extended lifetimes against UV protection with the nanophosphors where incorporated into paint systems and Altro Group Ltd. where the test work indicated extended UV protection versus their standard organic additives. Niftylift plan to continue their developments with Brunel University.
Two companies obtained less success due to either the phosphors failing to be adequately dispersed in their polymer plastic systems (Bayer) or achieved good performance but pricing levels could not be met (Innovia). However both gained knowledge in the possibilities of nanotechnology, materials handling and incorporation of such materials into their end products.
Other positive outcomes were; general increase in knowledge and materials manufacture of nanophosphor materials (includes more research papers to be published imminently by Johnson Matthey and Brunel University), development of coatings technologies for particles to aid dispersion and networking opportunities for further development between the partners.
Brunel offered excellent material characterisation facilities including analysis of products for the industries which would not be usually available shared knowledge and experiences on testing methods, dispersion technology, quality control and lifetime testing.
Intrinsiq Materials Ltd.'s participation was extremely worthwhile, though not benefiting directly from immediate commercial exploitation, they gained substantial knowledge in:- the management of TSB programmes; nanophosphor material knowledge including synthesis, dispersion and optical measurement which was used subsequently to address market needs for security, biomedical and solar cell applications.
Exploitation Route Please see above.
The polymer protection findings (using inorganic phosphors could be used to protect plasticsfrom UV light degradation in the open environment for much longer time periods tham the present organic sacrificial molecules can achieve.
We also learnt much more about downconverting phosphors and how they can be used, One outcome of this program was another program Supported by both Innovate Uk and the EPSRC EP/N508974/1 (our part) This Program is called "Plastic Packaging Recycling using Intelligent Separation Technology for Materials (PRISM)" Prof Jack silver is PI and Prof. Karnik Tarverdi and Dr George Fern are Co-Is.
In addition some of the work from this project has eventually helped towards the winning of two new Innovate UK programs:-
Pesticide free global horticulture (via smart light controlling crop cover technology) (PURELIGHT), £246,293, TS/P006388/1, 1/April/2017-31/03/2020. File Ref: 132743, to Brunel University London Dr George Fern is PI and Prof Jack Silver is Co-ITotal project cost ~£1M
Laser Lighting for Algae growth and Water for the World (LIGHTWAY), £246,053, TS/P006345/1, 1/April/2017-31/03/2020., File Ref: 132746 to Brunel University London Dr George Fern is PI and Prof. Jack Silver is Co-I., Total project cost ~£1M
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Food and Drink








Description Yes we learnt much information on how to apply down converting phosphors to plastics,polymers and surfaces., as well as learning, much more about the downconverting phosphors themselves and how they can be used, One outcome of this program was another program Supported by both Innovate Uk and the EPSRC EP/N508974/1 (our part) This Program is called "Plastic Packaging Recycling using Intelligent Separation Technology for Materials (PRISM)" Prof Jack silver is PI and Prof. Karnik Tarverdi and Dr George Fern are Co-Is. In addition some of the work from this project has eventually helped towards the winning of two new Innovate UK programs:- Pesticide free global horticulture (via smart light controlling crop cover technology) (PURELIGHT), £246,293, TS/P006388/1, 1/April/2017-31/03/2020. File Ref: 132743, to Brunel University London Dr George Fern is PI and Prof Jack Silver is Co-ITotal project cost ~£1M Laser Lighting for Algae growth and Water for the World (LIGHTWAY), £246,053, TS/P006345/1, 1/April/2017-31/03/2020., File Ref: 132746 to Brunel University London Dr George Fern is PI and Prof. Jack Silver is Co-I., Total project cost ~£1M We are cureently working on these three programs, and in each a range of UK industrial companies are working with us. We are thus spreading and applying our knowledge widely.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals,Creative Economy,Energy,Environment,Other
Impact Types Societal
