Coherent Gamma rays from BEC of 135mCs isomer
Lead Research Organisation:
University College London
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy
The general concept of a gamma-ray laser based on the de-excitation of nuclear isomers has been around for some 50 years and no practical demonstration has proved possible. Recent advances in radioactive ion beam (RIB) facilities, selective removal of isomeric nuclei, trapping and cooling suggest now is an appropriate time to reconsider this. Demonstration of coherent emission of gamma-rays from nuclear isomers is an important first step and in itself presents a significant challenge offering lots of potential applications. In this project we will prepare a Bose-Einstein Condensate of the isomer 135mCs and investigate its emission with regards to coherency.
People |
Ferruccio Renzoni (Primary Supervisor) | |
Krishna Jadeja (Student) |