Bundles in noncommutative geometry

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Mathematical Sciences


Noncommutative geometry is a generalisation of differential geometry that allows for an inclusion of quantum effects, such as those expected from quantum gravity. The aim of this research is to study noncommutative analogs of principal bundles, called Hopf-Galois extensions, within different approaches to noncommutative geometry. One the one hand, we will develop the synthetic geometry of noncommutative principal bundles and connections internal to braided monoidal categories, such as the representation categories of quasi-triangular Hopf algebras. Such scenarios can be used to describe quantum group equivariant noncommutative geometry. We shall in particular define and study a concept of noncommutative gauge groups and their actions on principal connections in this setup by using techniques from topos theory. Examples will be provided via deformation quantisation by Hopf algebra 2-cocycles. On the other hand, we will investigate fuzzy noncommutative geometries and their equivariant generalisations in the spectral triple approach of Alain Connes. We will in particular focus on examples coming from the quantisation of coadjoint orbits, such as complex projective spaces, and construct noncommutative analogs of spin structures for these models, which are certain Hopf-Galois extensions.


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Description The research so far has resulted in a paper titled ``Dirac operators on noncommutative hypersurfaces´´. Dirac operators play a fundamental role for both quantum physics and noncommutative geometry (in very broad terms, noncommutative geometry is a generalisation of ``ordinary´´ commutative geometry where one also allows for noncommutative algebras to play the role as function algebras). Given a Dirac operator built from some geometrical data on some ambient (noncommutative) space, we developed techniques to induce the corresponding geometrical data on a hypersurface (a space embedded in the ambient space of one dimension less) and from there build an induced Dirac operator on said hypersurface. This process is a generalisation of results in commutative geometry.
Exploitation Route The results allow other researchers in the field to compute DIrac operators on hypersurfaces from known Dirac operators on some ambient space since it is is an explicit construction.
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