Using grey literature to enhance the practices of BAME community mental health practitioners: a combined systematic review, rapid review of reviews an

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Social Science


Over two years I will work with community mental health groups to find out about their acitivities and
how they can be better supported in the resources they use to support for black and minority ethnic
people (BAME).In the first year I will investigate the activities of BAME community groups and what other researchers
have written about the effectiveness of the work they do. I will be exploring paperwork made by 2-4
community groups with information about the activities they run. The definition of paperwork is very
broad and could be anything considered relevant including: emails, leaflets or meeting minutes, they
may also include dissertations and theses. I will use the paperwork to describe the main patterns I see in
community groups and how resources (such as funding or time) affect activities they run. When I have
formed an idea of what BAME community groups do, I will illustrate the support they provide with a
diagram. The diagram will also show other themes that influence their activities. I will also summarise
what I find from published research work on BAME community groups. In the second year I will
investigate how BAME community groups can be supported to make best use of their resources. I will
work in a placement role at BAME community mental health groups with the aim of bringing in more
resources for the groups. I think this is really important so that the research brings some sort of practical
change that I can help to facilitate.


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