Identification of genomic biomarkers associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in cats

Lead Research Organisation: Royal Veterinary College
Department Name: Clinical Sciences and Services


Rationale: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), the most common cardiac disease in humans and cats, occurs spontaneously in 15% of domestic cats and may cause heart failure, cardioembolic complication or sudden death. HCM is heritable in many cat breeds, and two causative mutations in the MYBPC3 gene have been identified in Maine coon and Ragdoll cats using a candidate gene approach based on human studies. Further genetic studies could not only provide the means to control the disease, via genetic testing and selective breeding programmes, but they could also help identify new therapeutic targets. However, over the past decade the candidate gene approach has failed to identify further mutations. Genome-wide genotyping technologies might offer a useful alternative.

This project is aimed at investigating the genetic architecture and the underlying molecular mechanism of HCM susceptibility in cats. Our hypothesis is that HCM is a complex disease of polygenic inheritance controlled by several variants in both protein-coding genes and regulatory elements.

The objectives of this project are:
(1) Map and evaluate genomic regions affecting HCM susceptibility in cats.
(2) Identify gene expression signatures for HCM in cats.
(3) Integrate results and identify genetic markers and biomarkers for prediction of HCM susceptibility.

Experimental Design and Methods: We will conduct a genome-wide association (GWA) analysis to detect loci affecting HCM susceptibility using 200 meticulously phenotyped cats from 2 pedigree breeds, Birman and British shorthair, chosen on the basis of their diversity regarding disease onset, clinical expression and prognosis. We will analyse the disease as a binary trait (case vs. control) and using continuous variables based on echocardiographic measurements and histopathological findings.The study will include GWA, regional heritability mapping and selective sweep analyses across and within the two cat breeds (obj.1). In addition, the gene expression profile associated with disease will be assessed using RNA-sequencing in 20 myocardial samples collected from cases and controls (elderly, to avoid false-negatives, and sex matched) from the two cat breeds, followed by differential expression and pathway enrichment analysis (obj.2). Systems biology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning approaches will be used to integrate the results of the genomic/ transcriptomic analyses and shed light on the underlying HCM mechanism (obj.3). Main results will be validated using qRTPCR and Western Blot. Thus, the student will be trained in cutting-edge molecular, genetic and bioinformatic technologies as well as advanced echocardiography and histopathology.
Description The genomic study used genome-wide methods; GWAS, FST analysis, and RHM to identify genomic markers and regions associated with HCM within BSH and Birman breeds as well as across a cohort of pedigree cats. Candidate genes were identified, with enrichment, pathway and network analysis revealing potential involvement of immune and inflammatory related pathways in feline HCM-susceptibility. These results provide novel candidate genes and pathways for further study and support the hypothesis that feline HCM not a mendelian disease, at least not in all cat breeds, but instead is a complex disease of polygenic or oligogenic inheritance.

The RNA-sequencing and differential expression analysis to identify gene expression signatures of feline HCM, for the first time in both BSH and Birman cats. DEGs were identified including known human HCM-associated genes and genes reported as DE in the one previous existing feline HCM-transcriptomic study. Overall, these results provide candidate genes and pathways for further study, support the hypothesis that HCM is a complex disease, with involvement of many, diverse genes and pathways and show commonality between feline and human HCM, providing supporting evidence of the cat as a good study model.
These results represent the first transcriptomic analyses of HCM in BSH and Birman cats, adding to the knowledge of feline HCM and perhaps giving some insight into why these breeds display phenotypic differences. Additionally, we describe the first across- breed/cat transcriptomic study of feline HCM, suggesting genes and pathways that may be in common across cats in HCM.
Furthermore, there is only one previous feline transcriptomic study (in non-pedigree cats only), these results therefore add to this relatively unexplored area of feline HCM research and hopefully may guide further advancements into the understanding of feline HCM.

The computational work undertaken to determine the effect of a known disease-causing mutation has informed on a potential mechanism by which this mutation may cause the disease in question, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).
Exploitation Route The studies performed have identified potential target genes and pathways for further study that may lead to future drug targets.

The results of this work are informative with regard to how mutations may cause HCM. Additionally, the pipeline developed will be applicable to mutations identified in the future.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description These studies have provided evidence that feline HCM is a complex, polygenic disease, at least in BSH and Birman cats.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Description Genetic control of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in cats: genomic and transcriptomic characterisation
Amount £147,389 (GBP)
Organisation Petplan Charitable Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2021 
End 09/2024
Description LIDo Conference Fund
Amount £1,000 (GBP)
Organisation London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Biosciences Consortium 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2023 
End 02/2023
Title Echocardiography for phenotyping cats 
Description Echocardiography is performed to measure left-ventricular free-wall thickness in order to diagnose HCM. This determines individuals as HCM cases or controls. All LVFW measurements were taken from echocardiographic studies performed by cardiology residents in training at the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals (QMHA) using standardised equipment (GE Vivid E9 echo machine; GE systems, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK). Measurement results were stored in EchoPac (Version 110.0.2; GE Medical Systems, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK) and from this 'Echo Reports' are generated which contain patient details; breed, age, sex, heart measurements and final clinician comments/diagnosis. 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Echocardiography is the best current tool available for diagnosis of HCM and measurement of LVFW thickness. The cardiology residents at QMHA, Professors Virginia Luis Fuentes and David J Connolly are leaders in the field and have been involved in the development and improvement of this method for heart examination and diagnosis of cardiomyopathies, an example being the cut-off measurements used for determining HCM-positive or negative. 
Title Dataset of Differentially Expressed Genes from RNA-Seq. data from RNA collected from meticulously phenotyped cats with HCM and healthy controls 
Description Differential expression data identifying differentially expressed genes between HCM and Healthy feline myocardial samples. Analysis performed on the dataset described in; "Dataset of RNA-Seq. data from RNA collected from meticulously phenotyped cats with HCM and healthy controls". This study aimed to use RNA-sequencing and perform differential expression and enrichment analysis to identify the transcriptomic profile of HCM in BSH, Birman and DSH cats. Providing the first examination of the HCM transcriptome in BSH and Birman cats. Identified DEGs were interrogated based on known HCM/cardiomyopathy-associations, function and roles in potentially relevant pathways and networks. Additionally, GWAS were performed to identify genomic markers associated with HCM-susceptibility. DEGs were identified within and across breeds. Overrepresentation analysis indicated enrichment for genes with roles in cell signalling and organisation, ion transport and binding, IGF and EGF-related terms and some immune/inflammation related terms. Networks and pathways analysis with IPA highlighted fibrosis, cell growth and proliferation, inflammatory and immune response-related and other cell signalling and organisational pathways. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This data represents the first differential expression analysis of feline HCM in the pedigree breeds; British Shorthair and Birman. Further, this dataset includes non-pedigree, Domestic Shorhair cats. Prior, there is only one existing similar analysis performed on a smaller, DSH only dataset. 
Title Dataset of RNA-Seq. data from RNA collected from meticulously phenotyped cats with HCM and healthy controls 
Description RNA-Seq data obtained from RNA from individuals described in the Dataset; "Dataset of myocardial samples collected from meticulously phenotyped cats with HCM and healthy controls for RNASeq analyses". Consists of 28 samples sent for total RNA-seq with Novogene. Dataset will be used to determine differential expression of genes relating to HCM. Quality control has been performed using FastQC before and after adapter removal and general trimming using Trimmomatic. Alignment has been performed using STAR and differential expression will be determined using DESeq2. This is ongoing analysis. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Analysis ongoing. 
Title Dataset of blood samples collected from meticulously phenotyped cats with HCM and healthy controls for GWAS analyses 
Description Dataset created identifying appropriate cases and controls for GWAS analyses. This is a set of ~130 individuals, cases and controls, from the British Shorthair and Birman cat breeds, which have been phenotyped by echocardiography and that we have EDTA Blood samples for. Echocardiography is performed to measure left-ventricular free-wall thickness in order to diagnose HCM. This determines individuals as HCM cases or controls. All LVFW measurements were taken from echocardiographic studies performed by cardiology residents in training at the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals (QMHA) using standardised equipment (GE Vivid E9 echo machine; GE systems, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK). Measurement results were stored in EchoPac (Version 110.0.2; GE Medical Systems, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK) and from this 'Echo Reports' are generated which contain patient details; breed, age, sex, heart measurements and final clinician comments/diagnosis. DNA has been extracted from these samples using the Qiagen DNeasy kit with an optimised protocol. So far 130 DNA samples have been extracted, this is a work in progress with a total target number of 200 individuals. These samples will then be sent for sequencing. 
Type Of Material Data handling & control 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact These datasets underpin all the genetic analysis we will do for this project. 
Title Dataset of genotyped DNA samples collected from meticulously phenotyped cats with HCM and healthy controls for GWAS analyses 
Description Dataset created from genotyping of Feline DNA from HCM case and control individuals using the Illumina Infinium iSelect 63K Cat DNA Array. Dataset consists of 167 individuals from the British Shorthair and Birman breeds described in the: "Dataset of blood samples collected from meticulously phenotyped cats with HCM and healthy controls for GWAS analyses". 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Ongoing analysis. GWAS analyses have identified SNPs of interest. Further analysis will consist of Fst and RHM. 
Title Dataset of myocardial samples collected from meticulously phenotyped cats with HCM and healthy controls for RNASeq analyses 
Description Dataset created identifying appropriate cases and controls for RNASeq analyses. This is a set of ~30 individuals, cases and controls from the British Shorthair and Domestic Shorthair cat breeds, which have been phenotyped by either by echocardiography or post-mortem histopathology and that we have myocardial tissue samples for. Collected samples are stored either in RNALater or frozen at -80 degrees. RNA will be extracted from these samples using the Qiagen RNeasy kit with an optimised protocol. This will be sent for sequencing. This collection is still in progress in order to get a better balance of controls to cases. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Samples to be sent for sequencing and analyses will be performed subsequently. 
Title Dataset of protein domain models of the C6 domain of cMYBPC3 for discrete molecular dynamics analysis to determine mutant effect 
Description Dataset of homology models produced using SwissModel for the C6 Fn3 domain of cardiac myosin-binding protein from amino acid sequence data from cardiomyocyte cell lines edited using the CRISPR/Cas9 system to contain the HCM-causing variants R820W and KDel814. These are found in cats and humans and humans only respectively. Models were produced for the wild-type domain and variant-containing domains. Models were secondarily produced using the more recently available AlphaFold software in order to validate our models. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact These models were run through discrete molecular dynamics simulations in order to identify the impact of a known, HCM-causing mutation. This work is being prepared for publishing. 
Title Discrete Molecular Dynamics Simulation Pipeline for analysis of the cMYBPC3 C6 domain and its association with HCM 
Description In order to investigate the impact of two known HCM-associated mutations; R820W in cats and humans and KDel814 in humans, we have developed a pipeline to produce homology models from amino acid sequence data gained from iPSC-derived cardiomyocyte cell lines edited using the CRISPR/Cas9 system to contain these single nucleotide mutations. The pipeline has multiple processes, starting with the generated model and; 1) Running denaturation simulations 2) Running Replica-Exchange simulations on a) Folded and b) Unfolded versions of the models 3) Displaying the protein folding landscape of models 4) Extracting key structures from simulation files in order for structural and surface comparisons to be made. This enables conclusions to be drawn on the impact of these HCM-causing mutations on the structural stability of the domain and changes to protein-folding specificity. This will inform on potential pathomechanisms such as haploinsufficiency or a poison polypeptide effect. 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The analysis of the models produced has identified potential pathomechanisms of a known HCM-causing mutation. In combination with laboratory work performed by other team members on wild-type and mutant-containing cardiomyocyte cell lines this data suggests the pathomechanism in action is a poison polypeptide mechanism where mutant proteins are still incorporated into the protein complex but have a deleterious effect. A draft has been prepared and will be submitted this year. 
Title Genome Wide Association Study Data from Genotyped Feline DNA 
Description Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) Data from "Dataset of genotyped DNA samples collected from meticulously phenotyped cats with HCM and healthy controls for GWAS analyses". GWAS analyses were performed on; the entire cohort, British Shorthair only and Birman only data as well as in combination with existing genotyped samples from other pedigree breeds and Domestic Shorthairs. GWAS were performed using Plink and Gemma incorporating meta-data including age and sex as covariates. Additionally, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been performed to determine the genomic relationships within and between groups. The initial GWAS results have identified several genomic markers associated with HCM across-breeds as well as within breeds. Some of these are located close to potential candidate genes linked, for example, to actin and myosin-binding. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Ongoing work, this will continue with Fst and RHM analyses and will be integrated with transcriptomic analyses in 2023. 
Title Pipeline for production of protein model and subsequent molecular dynamics simulations and analysis 
Description Protein models were produced for a wild-type and mutant protein, molecular dynamics simulations were performed in order to compare. This enabled computational functional analysis of a previously identified genetic variant. This work is currently being prepared for publishing. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Pipeline will be used in the future of this project and also will be available for others to use for functional analysis of any identified mutations. 
Description BSH Cat recruitment for genetic studies - Maiken Bayer Thode Bach 
Organisation University of Copenhagen
Country Denmark 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have performed GWAS on DNA extracts from blood samples. Allowing identification of genomic markers for HCM susceptibility between HCM-case and control cats and identification of genomic differences/similarities between UK BSH and Danish BSH cats with HCM. In any publications, presentations and reports the help provided in this sampling will be credited in the acknowledgements and any discoveries that will aid in the treatment or detection of HCM will be shared.
Collaborator Contribution Provided DNA extracted from blood from Danish BSH cats.
Impact 37 DNA extracts provided and included in our analysis dataset. Results of the analysis included in PhD thesis and detailed in the datasets and key findings sections.
Start Year 2023
Description iCASE Studentship partnership - Zoetis 
Organisation Zoetis
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This PhD studentship is an iCASE studentship partnered with Zoetis. We have created two datasets of phenotypes cats for which we have 1) blood samples for GWAS analysis and 2) tissue samples for RNASeq analysis. Samples are still being collected, when target sample numbers are reached we will be sending them for sequencing and performing genetic and genomic analyses.
Collaborator Contribution This PhD studentship is an iCASE studentship partnered with Zoetis. Zoetis have contributed to funds for the sequencing analyses for this project and will be providing advice and feedback on the analysis performed. Additionally they will be facilitating a 3 month placement.
Impact Creation of two datasets of phenotyped cats for the GWAS and RNASeq analysis. These datasets are still growing.
Start Year 2019
Description BSAS 2021 Abstract and Poster Presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Online presentation to researchers and students attending BSAS 2021. On a topic unique to this conference (protein modelling), sparked follow-up questions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description ISAG 2023 Abstract, Poster and Oral Presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Oral presentation and poster presentation at the International Society for Animal Genetics Cape Town Conference 2023.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Invited Plenary Talk "Feline Hypertopic Cardiomyopathy: Unravelling the genetics of a puzzling disease" at Conference organised by the Hellenic Veterinary Association in March 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Invited plenary talk entitled: " Feline Hypertopic Cardiomyopathy: Unravelling the genetics of a puzzling disease" presented in a one day conference on feline cardiomyopathies organised by the Hellenic Veterinary Association in March 2022.

Speaker; A. Psifidi
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description LIDo Annual retreat Poster Presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Poster presentation to LIDo peers, facilitated discussion and questions, gained useful advice.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description LIDo iCASE Gala 2021 Poster Presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Poster presentation to other LIDo post-graduate students and supervisors. Discussion of research with peers, led to useful ideas on future direction and options.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description LIDo iCASE Gala 2022 Presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Formal presentation to other LIDo post-graduate students and supervisors of 3 years of PhD research. Discussion of research with peers and investigators led to useful ideas on future direction and options.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description PAG 2023 Abstract and Poster Presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Poster presentation at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference in San Diego January 2023.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023