'How do you want to do this?' An examination of Dungeons and Dragons as transformative fantasy narrative
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Glasgow
Department Name: College of Arts
My project will establish Dungeons & Dragons' (D&D's) meaningful, extensive contribution to fantasy. Examining how D&D has transformed fantasy literature since its creation in 1974, this project will use D&D as a lens to investigate how contemporary fantasy narratives are generated, influenced, and (re)shaped within multiple communities of practice. A collaborative storytelling medium revolutionised by digital technologies, D&D exemplifies a mode of fan-made narrative which empowers reader-led definitions of fantasy, typically resisting the genre norms it is presumed to epitomise. This investigation will explore, taxonomise and analyse the transformative properties of the narratives D&D gameplay enables readers themselves to produce.
People |
Matthew Sangster (Primary Supervisor) | |
Emma French (Student) |