This chapter describes the oldest known hot spring deposits (travertines) and discusses their similarities and differences with modern examples. It is emphasised that these ancient examples, preserved in outcrop and sampled during FAR - DEEP imply the presence of features at the Earth's surface c. 2Ga ago.

First Author: Melezhik, Victor A.; Prave, Anthony R.; Fallick, Anthony E.; Kump, Lee R.; Strauss, Harald; Lepland, Aivo; Hanski, Eero J.


No abstract provided

Bibliographic Information

Type: Book Chapter

Book Title: Reading the Archive of Earth's Oxygenation: Global Events and the Fennoscandian Arctic Russia - Drilling Early Earth Project: Volume 3 (2012)

Page Reference: 1435 to 1456

ISBN: 978-3-642-29669-7