The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS): the scientific goals of a shallow and wide submillimeter imaging survey with SPIRE (2010)

First Author: Cooray, A.,Eales, S.,Chapman, S.,Clements, D.L.,Dore, O.,Farrah, D.,Jarvis, M.J.,Kaplinghat, M.,Negrello, M.,Melchiorri, A.,Peiris, H.,Pope, A.,Santos, M.G.,Serjeant, S.,Thompson, M.,White, G.,Amblard, A.,Banerji, M.,Corasaniti, P.S.,Das, S.,de_Bernardis, F.,de_Zotti, G.,Giannantonio, T.,Gonzalez, J.G.N.,Khostovan, A.A.,Mitchell-Wynne, K.,Serra, P.,Song, Y.S.,Vieira, J.,Wang, L.,Zemcov, M.,Abdalla, F.,Afonso, J.,Aghanim, N.,Andreani, P.,Aretxaga, I.,Auld, R.,Baes, M.,Baker, A.,Barkats, D.,Barre


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