Assessment of the use of Microwave Volumetric Heating to inactivate MAP


Microwave volumetric heating (MVH), a unique technology developed by Advanced Microwave Technology (AMT) Ltd for pasteurising liquids, has the potential to inactivate Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). The key objectives are: 1. To determine MVH thermal inactivation curves for MAP in phosphate buffered saline, 2. To investigate inactivation of MAP spiked retail milk by MVH at 65, 75, 85 and 95oC and 3. To investigate inactivation of Escherichia coli in buffer and retail milk by MVH at 65, 75, 85 and 95oC. The resistance of MAP to standard High Temperature Short Time pasteurisation conditions is of concern due to the controversy that exists over the zoonotic potential of MAP and the known contamination of milk supplies. New knowledge relating to the inactivation of this resilient pathogen and efficient pasteurisation methods is of great value to the dairy industry.

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