Loom-State: 3D Woven Garments

Lead Participant: WEFFAN LTD


Weffan revolutionises garment production by weaving fully-fashioned 3D woven garments. Weffan aims for an ambitious near-zero fabric and resource waste by engineering with existing UK automated textile weaving infrastructure to eliminate production steps from the supply chain. Using existing infrastructure will promote low-cost adoption, near-shore manufacturing to build demand-driven, transparent, sustainable production.

Weffan focuses on developing a 3D woven trouser MVP, experimenting with different shapes, styles, materials and design details to be sold under an IP licensing agreement to fashion brands seeking sustainable solutions to reduce pre-consumer waste and overproduction with more accurate demand responsiveness to garment manufacturing.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

WEFFAN LTD £24,279 £ 24,279




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