Lead Research Organisation: University of Leicester
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy


Our approach with SPLIT, the Small Planetary Linear Impulse Tool, is to take a specialised instrument developed for planetary exploration and use that publically funded research to deliver an economic return through commercial exploitation. SPLIT is a geologist hammer where a field geologist cannot be sent, because the environment is too hostile, or in the case of space exploration, on another planet. From a space science point of view, SPLIT enables scientists to open a rock like a book and read its geological secrets. For an astro-biologist, if life ever existed on Mars, SPLIT probably represents the best chance of finding that evidence. We know that life seeks refuge from the environment inside rocks on Earth and so it is reasonable to expect that life could have done the same on Mars. A piezo sensor inside SPLIT also enables the device to "feel" the rock upon which it might be deployed, where the force it applies is directly proportional to an output signal, in this case, a small voltage.

This proposed SPLIT technique is delivered by its tool tip for the mechanical removal of rock samples from a bigger specimen by spalling and splitting. It takes advantage of weathering lines, cleavages and other natural weaknesses in the rock, as well as using the tip to induce brittle fracture through low cycle fatigue. The tool works similarly to an automatic centre punch, where a mechanism delivers a rapid force to the tool tip. SPLIT is a motor driven mechanism. As the motor inside a spring rotates, it drives a cam wheel about the profile of its inclined helical cam, thus compressing the spring. The potential energy stored in the spring is released rapidly when the cam wheel reaches a profile drop on the cam, driving a mass forward towards the mechanically decoupled tool tip. It is in this impact path that we place the piezo sensor so that the characteristics of the impulse (impact over time) can be mapped by the signal output of the sensor.

There are two technologies we can exploit from SPLIT:

1) SPLIT as a geo-technics tool for use in extreme environments (space or terrestrial)
2) Piezo sensors to measure physical properties of rock & other materials (focus of this application)

So how does the sensor side of SPLIT work and how is it of value to industry?
Part of the SPLIT technique is not dissimilar to a device used in industry called a Schmidt Hammer. As the Schmidt Hammer is pressed against the surface of a material an impact mechanism is used to deliver an impulse to the tip, just like a hammer striking an anvil. A component of the energy is absorbed at the surface (work done in plastic deformation) and the remaining portion represents the penetration resistance, which is thus related to hardness of the surface. Consider the rubber ball analogy; drop it on a hard surface and the ball will bounce to a particular height. Drop it from the same level on a softer surface, like a carpeted floor, and the ball will not bounce as high. The sensor in SPLIT enables us to measure the energy lost in the bounce and thereby measure the hardness, or more correctly, the resistance to penetration of the surface. Unlike the Schmidt Hammer, SPLIT is a dynamic measurement and can measure the profile of the bounce, similar to the tactile sensation of pushing a pointed object, like a screw driver, into different materials. Furthermore, because the SPLIT tip remains in contact with the rock the piezo sensor is able to record the elastic properties of the rock as it vibrates. As an analogy, consider the different sounds (vibrations) made when a wine glass with various amounts of liquid is tapped. It is these mechanical measurements that are proposed as an enhancement to the Schmidt Hammer, or other existing technology, and may offer a cost effective capability to industry and science alike.


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Description SPLIT enables aseptic sampling across a range of lithologies.
However, the piezo sensor incorporated in the forward section of the mechanism can only be used to estimate the strength of a rock in the same way that the Specific Grind Energy of NASA's MER Rock Abrasion Tool is used to infer rock strength. For example, it is possible from collected data to assign a sample rock classification based on the strength class reported by Hoek & Brown 1997. From the perspective of a rover deployed instrument, this improves the fidelity of resource management for a given mission (eg. in the future a Mars Sample Return mission will be able to gauge the energy requirements and time required to access a sample from inside a target rock).
Exploitation Route The purpose of this technology is to position the UK for future Mars Sample Return and other sample return missions; for example, Phobos or Lunar sample return. There are also technical applications for this research both in its use as a geo-technics device for hostile environments.

As part of the STFC FoF, we were able to take advantage of an opportunity to conduct field work on the UK Space Agency ExoMars trials in Utah (Nov 2016). This involved collaboration with NASA and the Canadian Space Agency with oversight from ESA. From the perspective of SPLIT, the trials were very successful and the instrument clearly demonstrated its versatility and complementary functionality with traditional drilling and coring technology. Typical sampling, on the sedimentary rocks of the analogue field, showed acquisition depths of the order 100 mm and a specific process energies that are an order of magnitude greater than can currently be achieved by NASA. (Specific Process Energy is a measure of the energy per unit vol of acquired material).

Markets may include:

Geomorphology, civil engineering, mills, mines & space (private and state exploration)
(New measuring capability to complement existing test devices)

Terrestrial sample extraction in hostile environments
(Specialist market inc. volcanic rim, deep sea mining, radiological sites)

Sample preparation in planetary exploration
(Mars, Moon other rocky bodies)

Off World prospecting
(mining of the moon and asteroids)

Future deep space exploration will include, and probably to a significant extent, private enterprise that wish to exploit resources that are available; complementing existing markets and creating new ones. More recently, Jean-Jacques Dordain (former DG of ESA) has acted as an advisor in Europe, supporting asteroid mining as a technically viable commercial venture.

(Ref. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/feb/03/luxembourg-aims-to-be-big-player-in-possible-asteroid-mining
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Description As a result of the STFC FoF, it has been possible to explore the commercial potential of the SPLIT technology beyond its intended planetary use. Reported in previous sections, the development of SPLIT has allowed us to attract a commercial research contract with Thales Alenia Space where a specific application of SPLIT has been identified. Specifically, SPLIT addresses a current unmet need in the proposed sampling of high value science targets. Upon completion of the TAS DWI contract, the University will look at marketing SPLIT as a specialist piece of scientific hardware that will have applications in rock sampling (demonstrated by FoF and DWI) but potentially in volcanic rim, subterranean and deep sea vent sample acquisition.
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Other
Impact Types Economic

Description SPLIT Advancement to TRL 5
Amount £162,711 (GBP)
Organisation UK Space Agency 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 01/2019
Description ESA ITT and DWI subcontract with TAS 
Organisation Thales Group
Department Thales Alenia Space
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution As part of this current research collaboration, the University of Leicester and the SPLIT instrument are working to exploit a terrestrial application of the technology in sampling a future mars sample returned to Earth. Specifically, it has been identified that there is a technology gap in the way that rock material is sampled. For example, cutting a rock causes considerable wastage of the material and introduces contamination from the cutting tool and the cut interfaces. High science value samples (eg. returned Mars rock with a typical value of tens of millions of UK pounds per gram) will require an aseptic sampling technique that mitigates both the risk of undue material loss and contamination caused by the sampling technique. The SPLIT technique is able to address these concerns. As part of this collaboration, the University of Leicester have designed a Double Walled Isolator (DWI) that meets the scientific and engineering requirements for a facility to accommodate a high science value sample and any operations that might be performed on such a sample (eg. subsequent sampling of the sample for analysis). Contributing to this project, SPLIT will be used to test a "worst case scenario" in terms of sample preparation using a technique that currently does not exist for such investigations. In order to accommodate SPLIT in the DWI facility, with an analogue sample, it has been modified with a forward bellows to reduce the risk of the device its self being a source of contamination in the aseptic sampling chain.
Collaborator Contribution In relation to this collaboration, the DWI project have contributed to the design, through user specific requirements, that have been used to inform a retro-fit and medication of the second generation breadboard (2GBB) of SPLIT. The upgraded 2GBB will be used for bench testing before committing to tests in the DWI. In particular, a new 3rd Gen BB will now incorporate double O ring seals, a smaller forward profile (smaller diameter compared to the 2GBB), bellows front seal and a new motor enclosure. Additionally, the tip angle is being optimised for core samples and a shock dampener is included with a new articulation frame. In many respects, ESA and Thales Alenia Space are seen as the customer and SPLIT changers, in relation to this collaboration, were agreed at a detailed design review at ESTEC, in Oct 2016.
Impact In terms of outputs, the following is proposed. 1) A terrestrial application of SPLIT that responds to a previously unmet need.
Start Year 2016
Description MINAR V 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The SPLIT TRL 4 model (output of the CREST 2 and FOF) were used during the MINAR V field trials at the Boulby mine Mars Yard facility.
This resulted in media interest and the SPLIT research (along with the MINAR V programme) being included in regional (BBC Look North) and national (Channel 4 news) TV reporting of the event. See YouTube results below:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description UCAS Open Days for University of Leicester 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact The PI participates in regular University UCAS visits and uses SPLIT as an example to show working hardware to potential undergraduates.
SPLIT is an ideal vehicle for education in physics because it included an easy to understand mechanism and for potential students, an example of the Hook's Law and the work energy principle.

Approx. 10 visits per year and an average of 30 people (potential students with parents) per visit.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017,2018