Photogrammetry - technology and processes, platforms and services for different user groups and contexts

Lead Participant: CYREAL LIMITED


"The project will use 'human-centered design' research methods to explore improved solutions to the digital capture of objects and artefacts through photogrammetry. This technology creates photorealistic 3D models from digital photographs and is fast outstripping other methods of digital capture (often called '3D scanning') in terms of the multiple applications of the resulting models and 'data sets' of photos and their various forms of processing.

In addition to their long-standing role in scientific, geological and archaeological analysis, these digital 'outputs' have a very wide range of uses in art, craft, design and other creative and cultural practices - from sculpture to gaming and VR; cultural heritage study and dissemination, preservation and archiving - in museums, libraries and collections; and the wider creative and production industries like fashion, footware and industrial design.

The application of the use of 3D models in augmented, virtual and mixed reality systems is growing at a rapid pace. The demand for the creation of these models from real life artefacts is an expanding market, but one in need of innovation, especially in terms of the reliability, efficiency and affordability of photogrammetry at the more accessible end of the market. There is also a pressing need for solutions to the standardisation and preservation of models for cultural heritage, museums and archives of captured material objects and more recently created digital culture.

The research will investigate the further potential of this technology for a range of user groups; from those wanting to access an integrated solution through supported technology and 'bureau'-type services, to 'super-users' seeking high-end adaptable systems that can grow with their needs, and form part of an ongoing exchange of knowledge through evaluation and testing, co-design and innovation.

Through a combination of interviews, user testing of current solutions, brainstorming and discussion workshops, modelling and prototyping sessions, the research aims to identify the potential for development of all of the different elements of photogrammetry. Users and designers, technologists and researchers will work together developing new ideas, and experiment with equipment, systems and software; processes, methodologies and service design that will suit different user demands, levels of technical expertise and budgets - from the individual artist, through educational and cultural institutions, to the commercial and creative industries."

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CYREAL LIMITED £21,824 £ 15,277




10 25 50