Are prolactin and progesterone receptors co-ordinately regulated in the human breast?

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute


Progesterone and prolactin remodel mouse mammary morphology during pregnancy by acting on the mammary epithelial cell hierarchy including stem/progenitor cell activities. The roles of each hormone in mouse mammary development have been well studied, where evidence of signalling cross-talk between progesterone and prolactin is emerging. Specifically, key local mediators such as STAT5, RANKL and Elf5 are co-ordinately regulated during mammary epithelial development. Recent data demonstrate progesterone to be a major regulator of proliferation in the luminal progenitor population of the normal human breast through induction of paracrine RANKL signalling. However, there are currently no data addressing how prolactin and progesterone co-ordinately regulate normal human breast development, a deficit this project aims to address.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
BB/M011208/1 30/09/2015 31/03/2024
1640214 Studentship BB/M011208/1 30/09/2015 24/01/2019
Description Found differences in hormone receptor levels between the normal population and those at a high risk of developing breast cancer. Found genes that could be used in future breast cancer prevetion trials
Exploitation Route If we uncover the pathway underlying how normal breast tissue signals anf how this is changed in high risk of breast cancer women then we could use this in new drugs to prevent breast cancer. Could trials drugs that block identified pathways to see if these will help prevent breast cancer.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology