The place of learning: teachers, artists and young people at Nottingham Contemporary

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Education


MA Educational Research Methods


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Description The project examined some of the ways that children, staff, artists, community members and teachers learnt through involvement in a photography project with the local community surrounding a school, and its subsequent exhibition at Nottingham Contemporary and the National Portrait Gallery in London. The interplay of creative and collaborative risk in the artistic process, versus the benefits of producing a high quality exhibition was explored.

The project initiated collaborative practices and relationships with staff and artists at the gallery, which are valuable assets in the ongoing doctoral research growing from this MA pilot study.
Exploitation Route The findings of this project might be taken forward in other research examining the complex role that creative collaborative projects between schools, galleries and artists can have in allowing schools to articulate and shape a public identity. The findings on the nuances of these learning processes for the various stakeholders will inform Nottingham Contemporary's future learning programmes.

These research relationships are being developed in my ongoing doctoral research with the gallery. This project also gave gallery staff more insight into the possibilities of embedding researchers in their activities which they are taking forwards into their ongoing practice.
Sectors Education



Museums and Collections

Description I communicated the findings of the MA dissertation research to staff and artists at Nottingham Contemporary through a seminar and sharing the written text. The key findings have informed their understanding of their ongoing work with artists in schools, and the function that gallery exhibitions of children's artwork about their community might have.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Education,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural
