Domain-Aware Data Matching in Emergency Response Scenarios

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Informatics


Nowadays, there are a lot of situations where participants from different domains have to collaborate. For example, in emergency response (ER) scenarios different agencies have to work together in order to reestablish normality as fast as possible. Nevertheless, this cooperation is not easy because the agencies involved in such scenarios represent knowledge in different ways. Although there are applied some techniques in order to address this heterogeneity problem, these sometimes produce mismatches caused by ambiguity and different knowledge representation degree between agencies (specialisation). In this research we are going to use domain-specific terminologies, to tackle these problems, instantiating our approaches into ER scenarios.

At this point, we are formalising terminologies from ER agencies. Concretly, we are taking terms from the UK Civil and Protection glossary, which cotains common terms used by ER organisations in the UK. The next step consist in integrating these specific terms into a lexical resource (WordNet) and using these new terms to carry out semantic matchings between different agencies' schemas. Thus, we are going to take advantage of domain information in order to takle ambiguity and specialisation.


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Bella G (2019) Diversicon: Pluggable Lexical Domain Knowledge in Journal on Data Semantics

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Bella G (2019) Diversicon: Pluggable Lexical Domain Knowledge in Journal on Data Semantics

Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509644/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1812618 Studentship EP/N509644/1 30/09/2015 29/09/2018 Francisco Quesada Real
Description During these years I have been working on the emergency response field and I have developed an extension of technical terms that can be used to improve the performance of ontology matching algorithms. This resource is crucial in my research, in improving the exchange of information between organisations in emergency response scenarios.
Exploitation Route Once I have finished my PhD, these findings will be useful for emergency response organisations because they can benefit from the produced methods and resources, integrating them into their systems. Moreover, they will also contribute to integrate heterogeneous medical classifications of diseases.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

