An investigation of the properties of nanoelectrodes and Nanopores using new electroanalytical techniques

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Sch of Chemistry


Nanoelectrodes and nanopores are of significant interest; they have extremely high local mass transfer and are able to characterise extremely small particles. The project outlined here will fabricate and investigate these structures using an array of bespoke and unique electroanalytical techniques developed in Southampton. Recently new nanoelectrodes have been fabricated in Southampton using a modified literature approach. This approach has produced a series of nanoelectrodes that can be fabricated in < 1 hour. In turn, these have been used as the basis for the generation of a set of conical glass nanopores. The new nanoelectrodes and nanopores, as well as being interesting from an electroanalytical aspect, can also be useful for other applications. For example, the generation of an electrochemical potential differences as a result of the imposition of a suitable stimuli (and hence the possibility to produce power) has been suggested. In addition, some structures at this dimension also exhibit interesting flow properties which do not follow the conventional predicted response. In order to exploit the unusual flow characteristics, nanopores will be produced which have graphitic carbon as an integral part of their wall. The effect of this surface and its functionalisation will be investigated. One such investigation will involve the study of the electrochemical potential generation across a set of simple nanopores produced in-house with the specific aim of characterising the influence of the materials used, the solution pH and surface functionality etc. The project outlined here will investigate these structures with the specific aim of exploiting the new technologies developed at Southampton (for example high-speed impedance analysis and differential coulter counters) with the specific aim of gaining further insight into the mechanistic details of these systems.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509747/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1938018 Studentship EP/N509747/1 30/09/2017 29/06/2021 Laura Powell
Description Key Findings:
- An apparatus and methodology for measuring nano-newton forces between surfaces was developed and tested
- The apparatus was optimised for autonomous measurements with high repetition to generate a statistically significant number of data points.
- The approach and retreat of solid objects to a solid electrochemical interface was characterised using impedance techniques and modelled using COMSOL multi physics.
- A simple impedance circuit was employed so that dynamic environments could be investigated with high sensitivity.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of this research will be used to further develop the apparatus for measuring nano-newton forces between different solid interfaces. The impedance modelling and understanding will also aid the development of proximity sensors for a wide range of materials; both insulating and electro-active.
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