Spin States in Base Metal Catalysis

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Sch of Chemistry


preparation of new tridentate, pincer-type ligands bearing electron-donating and -withdrawing substituents, and complex them to iron(II), nickel(II) and other base metal salts. By careful variation of the ligand substituents, using expertise developed in the Halcrow group, she will isolate high-spin and low-spin variants of these metal centres. The compounds will be screened for their activity towards cross-coupling and hydrogenation model reactions, and the activities and mechanisms of high-spin and low-spin catalysts compared and contrasted. In this way, Namrah will contribute to the replacement of expensive palladium catalysts, which are widely used in industry and in academia, with cheaper, more benign base metal alternatives.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509681/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1939678 Studentship EP/N509681/1 30/09/2017 29/09/2021 Namrah Shahid
Description Key findings in this award have involved experimentally synthesising an organic molecule which when complexed to a metal, Iron in this instance, can create a special metal molecule with the ability to mimic a binary system at the molecular level owing to its temperature-dependent magnetic properties. This work was following on from a previous project within the research group which developed some interesting Iron molecules with regards to this. The project herein toys with the electronics of this system to see how this affects the magnetic response from the molecule and therefore its application in the world of molecular electronics such as data storage and memory devices..
Another project within this studentship looks at using metals to synthesise catalysts that can speed up chemical reactions used in fundamental industrial reactions to produce common chemical commodities. The use of a good catalyst, ensures the industrial process to be more economically viable, cheaper and longer-lasting, whilst still ensuring the desired product is optimally obtained.
Exploitation Route Outcomes will allow for further research around the scope of the molecules used herein. As the work involves mimicking a binary system at the molecular level, applications can be in molecular electronics, such as data storage and memory storage devices. At the experimental level, further work can be explored by further fine-tuning of this series of molecules.
A successful catalyst can be used industrially to make chemical commodities in a more economically viable method.
Sectors Chemicals
