Mechanics of thin elastic sheets

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Mathematical Institute


In the last decade, interest in thin materials such as Graphene has exploded. These materials arise in a wide range of applications, including novel electronic devices, as well as coatings of other materials. However, many aspects of the mechanics of materials that are only one or two atoms thick remain poorly understood; indeed in recent years there has been a good deal of controversy in this general area. For example, recent experiments have suggested that the stretching stiffness of Graphene may increase significantly (compared to the accepted value measured in 2008) if the Graphene is first stretched. At the same time, the polymer science community has begun to explore the properties of very thin polymer films, which may be only one or two polymer molecules thick. Here the controversy instead revolves around whether the material properties of such thin films are quantitatively different for thin, versus bulk, materials.

A particular problem of interest in a number of systems is the equilibrium of a liquid droplet sitting on or beneath a thin elastic sheet. For example, it has been suggested that the large pressures in drops covered by a sheet of Graphene may give rise to novel chemistry, while changes to droplet shape are used as a diagnostic tool to measure pre-existing stresses in thin films. However, no theoretical predictions for the pressure within a Graphene "nano-bubble" have been made; similarly, the deviations of droplet shape with pre-existing stresses remains contentious with fundamentally different models used by different experimental groups. We will study this fundamental problem from first principles, developing a mathematical framework within which these two specific problems can be properly understood. A key question that we will address is how the equilibrium contact angle of a droplet changes due to the flexibility of the elastic object? The novelty here is that we will develop a formal asymptotic theory valid for relatively weak surface tension (compared to the stiffness of the sheet); this will allow a precise understanding of when approximate results may safely be used experimentally.

A second problem of interest concerns the measurement of the mechanical properties of thin elastic objects. At present, experimental groups use ad hoc 'analytical' formulae. While these formulae are constructed to recover the relevant asymptotic limits appropriately, almost all experiments lie in the intermediate regime where the relative errors introduced by the ad hoc formulae are largest. We will develop strategies that will allow experimentalists to test the appropriateness, or otherwise, of such formulae as well as investigating more robust methodologies. A key development will be an understanding of how the behaviour of such thin sheets change when the response is no longer Hookean (i.e. linearly elastic), allowing us to re-interpret recently published experimental data on the stiffening of Graphene under strain and with induced defects.

This project falls within the EPSRC "Continuum Mechanics" research area, within the theme "Engineering".


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publication icon
Chandler TGJ (2020) Validity of Winkler's mattress model for thin elastomeric layers: beyond Poisson's ratio. in Proceedings. Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences

publication icon
Chandler T (2020) Indentation of suspended two-dimensional solids: The signatures of geometrical and material nonlinearity in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509711/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1941975 Studentship EP/N509711/1 30/09/2017 04/05/2021 Thomas Chandler
Description So far with this award, I have had two papers published, one on the indentation of two-dimensional materials, e.g. graphene, (published: and the other on the response of thin elastic substrates (published: I have also produced and successfully defended my PhD thesis ( This thesis covered three problems:

The first problem is motivated by the indentation of suspended elastic sheets, as is often done to characterize ultra-thin solids (including truly two-dimensional materials like graphene). While this is a convenient means of measuring properties such as the stretching modulus of these materials, experiments on ostensibly similar systems have reported material properties that differ by more than an order of magnitude. I demonstrated that such reported differences may arise from the inappropriate use of asymptotic results as well as commonly neglected effects, namely the indenter geometry and non-Hookean material behaviour. In particular, we presented a modelling study of this indentation process assuming linear elasticity and implement a model that accounts for large strains and plate rotations.

The second problem comes from the deformation of a thin elastic foundation. A linear force--deflection relationship (known as Winkler's mattress model) is often used as a simplified model to understand how a thin elastic layer deforms when subject to a distributed normal load. For an incompressible material, however, the model predicts infinite resistance to deformation and, hence, breaks down. I derived a model that describes the deformation of thin elastic layers in response to pressure and shear loading, and that holds for both incompressible and compressible materials alike. I found that the applicability of Winkler's model in not determined by the value of the Poisson's ratio alone, but by a compressibility parameter that combines the Poisson's ratio with a measure of the layer's slenderness. I illustrated the application of our combined foundation model to three example problems.

Finally, we consider the macroscopic elastic properties of thin cellular structures. Internal cellular pressure (turgor) is known to provide structural rigidity to non-woody plants and has been used to induce Gaussian curvature in inflatable shells. However, the route through which pressure induces this macroscopic rigidity remains unclear. I calculated the macroscopic bulk, stretching, and bending moduli of a two-dimensional single-cell thick structure with variable internal pressure in a simple model. Using these effective moduli, I then considered problems purely at a macroscale, considering the implications of our results for bryophytes (e.g. mosses) and soft robotics.
Exploitation Route My work on indentation on 2D sheets is crucial for understanding indentation experiments on thin elastics sheets (e.g. graphene), which is the currently the typical method used in engineering to determine mechanical properties of thine elastic sheets. The theory has further applications to problems found in biology and industry.

My work on modelling the response of thin elastic response can be used in many branches of industry, biology, and engineering. Thin elastic substrates are found throughout the literature; I am currently looking at the applications for Hele-Shaw injection flows --- a type of flow which is analogous to many real-world problems.

Finally, my work on turgored plants has direct implications for understanding the mechanics of single-cell thick plant leaves and other simple structures. It also applications for soft robotics as a passive gripper.
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology
