Innovative approaches to extraction of valuable resources from meat industry waste

Lead Research Organisation: Queen's University Belfast
Department Name: Sch of Chemistry and Chemical Eng


Waste arising from commercial food processing activities contributes to an ever-growing waste management problem. These by-products should however be viewed as a valuable resource - for conversion into value added products - rather than a waste. This project therefore seeks to find new uses for meat industry waste, through the extraction and exploitation of valuable components for both food and non-food reuse. The proposed project brings together the waste treatment-polymer clusters of Manesiotis (Chemistry-Chemical Engineering) and McGrath (IGFS-Biological Sciences) to provide a synergistic framework of innovation in the development of sustainability within the food industry. The proposal builds on current research activity within the cognate groups and seeks to strengthen the identifiable synergies and cross-disciplinary collaboration between the EPS and MHLS researchers (who jointly have attained >£1m for the development of waste recycling technologies), and the partner company. The projects remit sits squarely within the strategic priorities of IGFS (sustainability and profitability of the food industry), MATCH PRP (development of new materials) and the Energy PRP (new feedstocks).

Waste from the meat industry consists primarily of organic residue from processed raw materials (blood, bile, bone etc). The utilisation and disposal of this waste is difficult, due to its inadequate biological stability, potentially pathogenic nature, high water content, and high level of enzymatic activity. Current products derived from these waste streams are generally low value and agricultural based e.g. fertiliser or animal feed. Indeed <12% of the gross income from the meat industry comes from by-products utilisation, despite the fact that such by-products can amount up to 70% of live animal weight. More efficient utilisation of meat by-products could this significantly enhance the profitability within the sector.

The aim of this project is to develop novel materials and processes for the extraction, isolation and purification of valuable compounds from meat industry waste. To achieve this, team members will, in collaboration with Elmgrove Foods Ltd./Dunbia Ltd, develop and optimize an eco-innovative polymer technology for the extraction of high value compounds: The principle of using polymers is this respect has already been successfully demonstrated for the recycling of phosphorus from other agri-food waste streams. Development of such technologies will thus enable the Northern Irish food industry to add value to its business and become world leaders in sustainable solutions for food by-products.

In order to achieve our overarching aim, we have set the following objectives:
1. To identify key high value components, present in meat production waste via an extensive literature review. Bile salts, and in particular cholic acid, which is of interest to the pharmaceutical industry, have already been identified as a potential target: Positive preliminary recycling results using a first generation cholic acid polymer have been obtained.
2. To synthesise a range of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) to generate "plastic antibody" materials with specificity for key meat waste components. Extraction efficiencies will be evaluated in lab scale experiments.
3. To scale-up MIP synthesis to kg quantities and design a pilot compound extraction/recovery platform.
4. Perform a detailed cost analysis of the process.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509541/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1942677 Studentship EP/N509541/1 30/06/2017 29/06/2021 Andrew McClure
Description Molecular imprinting, a technique where a cavity is created for specific binding of a molecule, was attempted for the extraction of bile salts from ruminant bile. Several different polymers were created within the lab, however, the creation of a cavity specific towards the bile salts is difficult. The application of the imprinted polymers in water, the proposed binding environment for bile salts had limited success. Hydrophobic interactions were dominant, meaning non-selective binding occurred, however a protocol for the separation of the more hydrophobic bile acids from the hydrophilic bile salts was achieved. From my research, I believe the development of polymers more amenable towards imprinting in water is key. Potential applications of imprinted polymers in this area would be the separation of bile salt conjugates for research purposes or development of sensors that would facilitate the detection of bile salts in biological fluids.

The utilisation of functional polymers for the purification of bile salts from ruminant bile was also investigated. Traditional methods implement fractional crystallisation, however, this separation technique can lead to low yields and consumes vast quantities of solvents. Adsorption is an alternative technique which employs polymers to adsorb and/or purify molecules from a specific environment. Several adsorption approaches are still being evaluated, with mixed success to date. Batch adsorption, where an adsorbent is added to the feedstock, was not possible due to the high concentration of the target molecule relative to the contaminants. In a test environment, where all the target molecules were of equal concentration, the polymer could adsorb more of the contaminants relative to the target, however, in a real sample, this was not the case. Therefore, dynamic adsorption where the feedstock is run through a polymeric adsorbent was investigated. Based on the research carried out, this approach is viable, however, the process needs further tuning in order to conclude whether it is economically viable. The traditional methods have been carried out for decades, and whilst they may be old, the process is well understood and cheap to implement. Therefore, whilst adsorption may be able to achieve the goal of purification, any approach must be fully optimised in order to reduce the associated costs.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of this funding will help others answer the question as to whether different separation and purification techniques, in particular adsorption, can be applied to the purification of bile salts from animal sources as opposed to fractional crystallisation which can lead to low yields, and consumes vast quantities of solvents. There is space to employ different techniques, however, they also need to be cheap in order to compete with traditional methods.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink




including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description EIT Global Food Venture Programme 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact I applied for the EIT Food Global Food Venture programme, which helps doctoral students working within food systems develop their research from the bench and bring it onto the market. The programme had 3 boot camps in Germany, USA, Israel where students participated in workshops dealing with all aspects of growing a start-up into a fully-fledged business. After the 3 boot camps, the students pitched their start-up ideas in Paris at the EIT Food Venture Summit to potential investors, academics and businesses.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018