Quantum networking of trapped-ion qubits

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Oxford Physics


Opportunities for collaboration with partners: NPL or Sussex
Facilities: Three ion trap labs, equipped with laser systems for quantum manipulation of calcium and strontium trapped-ion qubits, and photonic interfacing between remote traps. New clean room for assembly of microfabricated traps and UHV systems.
Training: Oxford graduate classes in QIP and Q.Tech, lab supervision and support by experienced PDRAs.
Description: The flagship NQIT goal is a quantum network of ion traps, each holding a few qubits, linked by single-photon interconnects. We have recently achieved ion/photon entanglement, the first step towards a photonic interface between two ion traps. At the start of this project (Oct 2017) we will be in a position to demonstrate our first such photonic interconnect (hitherto only achieved in a single lab in the USA). Once operational, we will combine this with our recent achievement of mixed-species quantum logic gates, to implement purification of the entanglement provided by the photonic link. This entanglement purification is the key technique underlying the NQIT architecture of a freely scalable modular quantum computer and has not yet (to our knowledge) been demonstrated in any ion trap lab worldwide.


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publication icon
Sepiol MA (2019) Probing Qubit Memory Errors at the Part-per-Million Level. in Physical review letters

Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509711/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
1947811 Studentship EP/N509711/1 17/04/2017 30/03/2021 David Nadlinger
Description We recently succeeded in establishing an optical link between two quantum computer nodes, the performance of which significantly surpassed that of previous work in other research groups. This is an important component in the grand vision of constructing a scalable ion-trap quantum information processor out of multiple, smaller modules connected together by optical fibres, and can also be used directly to demonstrate various quantum information protocols between remote parties.
Exploitation Route The quantum link technology developed and refined as part of this project could be deployed by various contenders in the budding quantum technology industry. In the shorter term, photonic links of this kind might be used to implement various schemes for quantum information processing in first-of-a-kind scientific experiments.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

Security and Diplomacy

URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.10841