The Effects of Particulate Contamination and Jet Fuel Chemistry on the Nucleation of Water and Ice in Aircraft Fuel Systems

Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Cranfield Defence and Security


The project is part of the ongoing general improvements to aviation safety, aircraft reliability and reduction in maintenance costs. The existence of water in aviation fuel supplies and aircraft fuel systems has been known about for a long time, but cost-effective measures to control or eliminate water have proved extremely difficult. At present, aircraft fuel supplies are subject to a series of filters intended to remove solid particulates and free water, with a simple go/no-go test for the presence of free water prior to refuelling. Water can subsequently enter aircraft fuel tanks as vapour via fuel tank vents, along with airborne dust, bacteria, pollen and tiny insects; however, there is no on-board monitoring system for these contaminants. Current operating requirements dictate that aircraft are taken out of service regularly for fuel tank drain tests and visual inspection of fuel tank interiors.
Traces of free water are usually not too troublesome, but if ice is formed at low temperatures this can have serious consequences. A rational approach may be to accept that water cannot be totally eliminated, but to devise operating schemes that ensure that water, and the by-products of water contamination, does not compromise aviation safety and reliability.
In addition to the above, the compositions of jet fuels have changed subtly over the years due to changes in sources of crude petroleum, modifications to refinery practices and the introduction of hydrocarbon feedstocks from renewable sources. Each of these factors has an impact on how water is solubilised in the fuel and determines the prospects for water shedding or removal. Data in this area is mostly of an empirical nature with very little true understanding of how water molecules migrate through the fuel and aggregate to form water droplets.
The key objectives of the project are to investigate interactions between the chemical constituents of jet fuel, the different types of surface in an aircraft fuel system (aircraft structure and particulates) and water that is dissolved or entrained in the fuel. The work will encompass a range of chemical and physical techniques to identify the critical parameters that drive water solution, migration and water shedding. Tests will be carried at temperatures below 0C to identify the conditions that lead to ice formation and the form that the ice takes. The student will use chemical analytical techniques such as gas chromatography and Karl Fischer coulometry alongside physical techniques such as cold stage microscopy and particle counting.
Currently it is possible to observe the growth of water droplets from jet fuel which are above 1 micron in diameter, and to infer how and where these droplets may have been nucleated. Project novelty lies in being able to identify exactly how and why these droplets nucleate and what drives subsequent water migration when ice crystals develop and start to grow.



Judith Ugbeh (Student)

Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509127/1 30/09/2015 26/06/2021
1985434 Studentship EP/N509127/1 27/06/2017 26/06/2021 Judith Ugbeh
Description This work provides a detailed account of the recent advances and technologies in the literature indicating conditions that might lead to the nucleation of water and ice in aircraft fuel systems. The originality and uniqueness of this work is that there is no peer reviewed paper that focuses on the key complexities associated with jet fuel chemistry. The research contribution will help identify the significant knowledge gaps that exist in the literature highlighting routes to be investigated for future research.

This work was also designed to evaluate the water settling rate of five different alternative jet fuels made to different national standards in comparison with conventional jet A-1 fuel. The result from this work helps to identify some of the ASTM certified alternative jet fuels that are potential candidates for an increased blending portion with the conventional Jet A-1fuel.
Exploitation Route The result from this work helps to identify some of the ASTM certified alternative jet fuels that are potential candidates for an increased blending portion with the conventional Jet A-1fuel.

This work proposes the implementation of a hydrophobic and super hydrophobic coating strategy in future aircraft fuel system design. This will serve as a basis for future fuel systems design guidelines

The originality and uniqueness of this work is that there is no peer reviewed paper that focuses on the key complexities associated with jet fuel chemistry. The research contribution will help identify the significant knowledge gaps that exist in the literature highlighting routes to be investigated for future research.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine





Description The result from this work helps identify some of the ASTM certified alternative jet fuels that are potential candidates for an increased blending portion with the conventional Jet A-1fuel The research contribution helps identify the significant knowledge gaps that exist in the literature highlighting routes to be investigated for future research. The work proposes the implementation of a super hydrophobic coating strategy as this will serve as a basis for future aircraft fuel system design gu
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Energy,Environment
Description Cranfield Doctoral Network Annual Event - Cranfield Campus 17th Sep 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Cranfield Doctoral Network Annual Event & three minute thesis competition (3MT) which Judith Ugbeh participated in. There was an expert panel to judge the 16 Post graduate students participating in the competition at Cranfield Campus with keynote speakers. About 55 people were attended the event including speakers and alumni from various industries. Judith Ugbeh won the 3MT competition and was given a prize
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018