Using novel differential diagnostic techniques for Lithium-Ion battery state of health diagnosis and prognosis

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Mechanical Engineering


To further develop DTV, Imperial College's own battery state of health diagnostic technique. To combine this technique with other diagnostic techniques to make a complete diagnostic and prognostic tool to extend Li-ion cycle life.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509486/1 30/09/2016 30/03/2022
2066472 Studentship EP/N509486/1 22/10/2017 21/04/2021 Ryan Prosser
Description An improved method for diagnosing the health of lithium ion batteries has been developed which can be used for batteries while they are in use. The method uses the heat generation of the battery to quantify the degradation that has occurred inside the battery. Such information can be used by battery management systems to adaptively control the use of the battery to optimise the balance between maximum power and longevity of the battery.
Exploitation Route The electric vehicle industry must be able to produce battery packs which last in the order of 10 years. Being able to apply comprehensive diagnostics to the vehicle while it is in use ensures that the vehicle's power can be limited to prevent accelerated degradation. Similarly, smart phone manufacturers have come under scrutiny in recent years over their management of batteries as they degrade. With this new diagnostic method, they can now achieve a more accurate diagnosis in real time which allows better decisions to be made on how to manage battery operating limits to maximise performance whilst ensuring degradation is not accelerated.
Sectors Energy

