Simultaneously wireless information and energy transfer for exploration swarm robots (SWIFT)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Electronic and Electrical Engineering


The main goal of the project is to develop cutting-edge technology for miniaturised wearable healthcare monitoring systems for comprehensive in-situ sweat characterisations e.g. lactate glucose, muscle cramps/fatigue, stress and etc. Various sensor technologies such as microwave and millimetre wave, lab-on-a-chip and electrochemical monitoring techniques will be intensively investigated and combined to create multi-subsystems integrated in a package. Fabrication technique features both additive and subtractive micro-manufacturing provided by EPSRC National Facility for Innovative Robotic Systems at Leeds. The developed prototypes will be intensively characterised and optimised for the best figure-of-merit using various laboratory equipment facilitated at Leeds, e.g. 1.1-THz Network Analyser, THz TDS measurement and etc. The main applications of the project is to introduce real-time comprehensive in-situ health monitoring of end-users for remote analysis and diagnosis with comprehensive sampled data from the sensors. The outcomes from the project are expected to be submitted and published in the world's leading journals and conferences in the relevant research fields such as Lab-on-a-Chip (impact factor=6), IEEE Access (impact factor=3.557), which should be qualified as 3* for REF2020 submission.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509681/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2021
2113366 Studentship EP/N509681/1 30/09/2018 24/09/2020 Mateusz Loboda