Tracking adaptation to climate change using big data

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Sch of Geography


Adaptation has become a core element of climate change policy and research, and figures prominently in the UN Paris Agreement (Lesnikowski et al., 2017; Magnan and Ribera, 2016). Global funds to support adaptation in low and middle income nations have begun to be disbursed and adaptation financing is expected to significantly increase by 2020, with $100bn pledged (Donner et al., 2016). National governments in high income nations have also identified the importance of adaptation, including across Europe, and have begun to invest in specific actions (Biesbroek et al., 2010; Jude et al., 2017). Strategic allocation of adaptation funds and assessment of adaptation progress will require measurement of whether pronouncements on the need for adaptation are translating into action (Ford et al., 2015a; Magnan, 2016; Magnan and Ribera, 2016). The importance of developing systematic and standardized means of assessing adaptation from which future progress can be monitored and evaluated, including the creation of baselines and indices, has been identified by the UN, national governments, and the private sector. Longitudinal assessment in particular, is critical for assessing national investments in adaptation, facilitating policy learning and the sharing of best practices between nations, promoting accountability and transparency of adaptation financing, and for guiding national adaptation planning (Arnott et al., 2016; Lesnikowski et al., 2016). Despite this, there has been little consideration of how to track adaptation systematically across nations, and we thus have limited and fragmented evidence on adaptation progress globally (Berrang-Ford et al., 2014; Ford and Berrang-Ford, 2016).

In response to this challenge, the Tracking Adaptation to Climate Change Collaboration (TRAC3) was created to facilitate new and innovative research that improves our understanding of adaptation to climate change around the world ( A key focus of TRAC3 is the development of novel approaches and indicators for assessing adaptation progress across nations globally. First generation work has used national reporting on adaptation action as a basis for creating a global adaptation index for nations globally, but is constrained by limited and biased reporting, and an absence of dataset on adaptation actions (Araos et al., 2016; Berrang-Ford et al., 2014; Epule et al., 2017; Ford et al., 2015b; Ford et al., 2015c; Lesnikowski et al., 2016; Lesnikowski et al., 2013; Lesnikowski et al., 2015; Lesnikowski et al., 2011; Panic and Ford, 2013). Herein we are seeking a student to help pioneer the use of methods rooted in computer science/big data to identify, document, and characterize what nations, regions, and sectors are doing on adaptation as a basis for creation a second generation global adaptation index. The student will work with the supervisors bringing and further developing skills such as latent semantic analysis (word2vec), topic modelling (LDA), web scraping methods, and supervised machine learning to document, retrieve, and analyze data on adaptation policies contained in official government documents, primarily laws, and ministry or executive actions at the national level. The work will directly feed into the global climate policy stocktaking process as part of the Paris Agreement, as well as regional efforts to examine adaptation policy (e.g. through European Environment Agency, World Bank, UNDP).


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
NE/S007458/1 31/08/2019 29/09/2028
2296287 Studentship NE/S007458/1 30/09/2019 30/03/2023 Anne Sietsma
Description Climate change adaptation refers to esponses to the risks and impacts of climate change. Because the effects of climate change can look very different from place to place, adaptation projects are context-dependent. At the same time, the number of projects is increasing rapidly as climate effects are becoming more apparent. Keeping track of such a large-yet-specialised research field is difficult, but also vital for building on prior experiences and directing resources to where they are most needed.

This PhD thesis adds to an emerging literature which tries to improve adaptation tracking through machine learning. I explore how a combination of various machine learning methods, including Structural Topic Modelling and different supervised learning models, can be used to investigate evidence from academic literature. I use inquisitive evidence mapping to systematically assess the breath of adaptation-relevant literature, finding it has developed rapidly and shows signs of maturing. However, some long-standing problems persist, including significant geographical biases in both the content and quantity of research for many areas in the Global South. The findings closely align with the results of semi-structured expert interviews, supporting the validity of my approach.

Building on these results, I use a larger dataset and a more complex Transformers-based machine learning model to identify and classify adaptation policies globally. Here too, I note substantial geographical differences; moreover, I see few signs of progress on policy implementation and structural reforms.

Finally, I critically assess the first generation of machine learning applications for adaptation. I note that most of these applications fall short of their transformative potential and provide suggestions for improvement. I also argue that the adaptation community should treat machine learning as a paradigmatic shift, rather than an extension of business as usual.
Exploitation Route Machine learning remains one of the few ways to make sense of the massive amounts of adaptation-relevant data out there, but most adaptation researchers are pretty adverse to such quantitative methods. Increased outreach to the adaptation community and collaboration with machine learning researchers could help take adaptation tracking to the next level. Researchers should stop treating machine learning as an entirely novel tool that still requires a proof of concept, and rather think strategically on the issues that efforts to date have already uncovered, most notably: a) focussing on new sources of data, e.g. by building web scrapers or by combining and homogenising existing datasets; b) systematically assessing to what degree bias in machine learning models is relevant to climate change research; c) setting up a few ambitious projects that are built from the start to incorporate machine learning, capitalising in particular on machine learning's ability to repeat analyses easily by building self-updating evidence platforms.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Description The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (UK) has used methods developed in this project to systematically map the evidence on the health impacts of climate change.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Policy & public services