White Matter Bundles and their Relationship to Language Decline Following Anterior Temporal Lobe Resection

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Medical Physics and Biomedical Eng


1) Brief description of the context of the research including potential impact

Epilepsy in the UK alone affects 450,00 people with around 30,000 annually developing epilepsy. Pharmaceutical intervention with antiepileptic drugs results in a remission rate of 60%, leaving 40% with drug-resistant epilepsy. Anterior temporal lobe resection (ATLR) is a surgical intervention for temporal lobe epilepsy that results in a remission rate of up to 77%. ATLR is underutilised, principally because of concerns regarding adverse effects, with up to 30% acquiring a language deficit negatively impacting on their quality of life. This means that fewer patients opt for this treatment which has a good chance at rendering them seizure-free.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is routinely used preoperative to assess lesion location and language. These scans do not reveal a structural or functional cause for the language deficit. One potential explanation for the language deficit seen is damage to white matter bundles. Diffusion MRI is able to map white matter tracts, using this it has been shown that the greater lateralisation of white matter between functionally activated areas during language tasks to the dominant hemisphere is associated with greater post-surgical naming decline.

This project aims to investigate white matter bundles which are shown to be involved in language and run through the temporal lobe. If this project can predict any single or combination of white matter (WM) bundles accurately predicts language decline, we can outline this to surgeons to minimise language deficits. This alleviation of adverse side effects would make ATLR a more attractive choice for many, thus leading to a more cost-effective treatment and an improvement in their quality of life.

2) Aims and objectives

This project can be split into two general aims with sub-aims

1) Retrospectively investigate which WM bundle relates to the language deficit seen post-operatively from ATLR
a. Assess the quality of retrospective data
b. Investigate what processing methods make all retrospective data comparable
c. Develop an automated tractography algorithm reflecting the literature to reconstruct WM bundles in all patients
2) Using findings from 1. Plan ATLR based on avoiding areas critical to language function and assess the impact post-operatively
a. Assess which language tests best assess what we are investigating
b. Work with neurosurgical teams to identify how best to avoid critical regions

3) Novelty of the research methodology

There has been no research that investigates language and WM bundles to this extent in ATLR. The discovery of damage to which WM bundle or bundles causes a language deficit would not only help improve patients' lives but also help clarify the current understanding of white matter bundles and their function. In addition, there is currently no automated tractography algorithm that reflects the current literature for the bundles we're focusing on. The development of such a tool would allow more research groups to investigate this for projects relating to white matter bundles and their relationship to language. This will, in turn, improve the understanding of how these connections work

4) Alignment to EPSRC's strategies and research areas

This project aligns with the EPSRC research theme of healthcare technologies, particularly in optimising treatment by further tailoring surgery to the individual by minimising potential deficits. Furthermore, this project matches two additional EPSRC research areas: 1) Medical imaging as this project relies on multi-modal MRI data. 2) Software engineering as we will develop a new algorithm for automatic tractography of language-related bundles.

5) Any companies or collaborators involved
Sjoerd B. Vos, Peter N. Taylor, Pamela J. Thompson, Sallie Baxendale, Jane de Tisi, Gavin P. Winston, John S. Duncan
UCLH, Newcastle Uni, The Epilepsy Society, Epilepsy Research UK

Planned Impact

The critical mass of scientists and engineers that i4health will produce will ensure the UK's continued standing as a world-leader in medical imaging and healthcare technology research. In addition to continued academic excellence, they will further support a future culture of industry and entrepreneurship in healthcare technologies driven by highly trained engineers with deep understanding of the key factors involved in delivering effective translatable and marketable technology. They will achieve this through high quality engineering and imaging science, a broad view of other relevant technological areas, the ability to pinpoint clinical gaps and needs, consideration of clinical user requirements, and patient considerations. Our graduates will provide the drive, determination and enthusiasm to build future UK industry in this vital area via start-ups and spin-outs adding to the burgeoning community of healthcare-related SMEs in London and the rest of the UK. The training in entrepreneurship, coupled with the vibrant environment we are developing for this topic via unique linkage of Engineering and Medicine at UCL, is specifically designed to foster such outcomes. These same innovative leaders will bolster the UK's presence in medical multinationals - pharmaceutical companies, scanner manufacturers, etc. - and ensure the UK's competitiveness as a location for future R&D and medical engineering. They will also provide an invaluable source of expertise for the future NHS and other healthcare-delivery services enabling rapid translation and uptake of the latest imaging and healthcare technologies at the clinical front line. The ultimate impact will be on people and patients, both in the UK and internationally, who will benefit from the increased knowledge of health and disease, as well as better treatment and healthcare management provided by the future technologies our trainees will produce.

In addition to impact in healthcare research, development, and capability, the CDT will have major impact on the students we will attract and train. We will provide our talented cohorts of students with the skills required to lead academic research in this area, to lead industrial development and to make a significant impact as advocates of the science and engineering of their discipline. The i4health CDT's combination of the highest academic standards of research with excellent in-depth training in core skills will mean that our cohorts of students will be in great demand placing them in a powerful position to sculpt their own careers, have major impact within our discipline, while influencing the international mindset and direction. Strong evidence demonstrates this in our existing cohorts of students through high levels of conference podium talks in the most prestigious venues in our field, conference prizes, high impact publications in both engineering, clinical, and general science journals, as well as post-PhD fellowships and career progression. The content and training innovations we propose in i4health will ensure this continues and expands over the next decade.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/S021930/1 30/09/2019 30/03/2028
2371255 Studentship EP/S021930/1 01/11/2019 30/11/2022 Lawrence Binding