How does Chinese Official Development Assistance impact the Official Development Assistance efforts of traditional and other emerging donors?

Lead Research Organisation: King's College London
Department Name: International Development


China has experienced miraculous socioeconomic
transformation in the last four decades, transitioning from a
net recipient of Official Development Assistance (ODA), to
that of a leading donor. Chinese ODA is fast becoming a
predominant and alternative source of income, support and
bilateral understanding for many developing countries.
Better understanding ODA allocation, its motives and the
role of China are key to understanding global ODA and its
efficacy. It is plausible that countries' ODA portfolios reflect
that of their peers and rivals, as they seek to gain influence
over resources and institutions in recipient countries. This
adds impetus to the empirical study of competition among
donors in foreign aid. As such, my proposal aims to answer
whether Chinese ODA crowds out other donors' ODA; which
countries' ODA efforts are most influenced by Chinese ODA
distribution; the triggers of any competition mechanism;
and in which sectors this is most prevalent. Since the
Chinese government does not explicitly disclose ODA data,
I will instead use existing datasets and other proxies for
aid. I intend to investigate the empirical relationships
between the ODA of each key donor in turn over time and
Chinese ODA, to answer which countries' ODA efforts are
most influenced by Chinese ODA. Since Chinese ODA often
targets large, infrastructure-based ODA projects, one can
test whether the competition mechanism is strongest in
areas closest to that most common of Chinese ODA.


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Studentship Projects

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ES/P000703/1 30/09/2017 29/09/2027
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