X-ray and neutron scattering techniques for the characterisation of organic thin films

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Oxford Physics


The student will use X-rays and neutrons to characterise the microstructure of vacuum-deposited organic solar cells (OSC), with a focus on bridging our understanding of thin film microstructure with underlying solar cell device physics. She will carry out her research using our world-class X-ray characterisation facilities in Oxford for ex-situ studies, as well as our newly upgraded vacuum deposition chamber at Diamond Light Source beamline I07 for in-situ X-ray scattering. During her DPhil, the student will also make use of the equipment built as part of a previous DPhil at the new Larmor instrument at ISIS for the characterisation of OSC thin films using neutron scattering. These unique sample environments will lay the foundation for new, world-leading capabilities for the study of OSCs and other vacuum-deposited advanced functional materials.

This project falls within the EPSRC Physical Sciences research area where Energy and Manufacturing the Future are two of the themes.


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