Control of electronic properties of metal halide perovskites through vacuum co-deposition

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Oxford Physics


Metal halide perovskite solar cells have emerged as promising semiconductor devices for next generation photovoltaics. This photovoltaic technology is currently approaching commercialisation and so it is critical to develop high-throughput thin-film deposition techniques that can be applied on an industrial scale. Vacuum deposition is a prime candidate to achieve this, however has to date lacked behind solution-based technologies, owing to a lack of research focus in this area, and the challenges of optimising a large collection of growth-control parameters.

This EPSRC PV-CDT studentship will focus on methods to control and optimise the growth of polycrystalline metal halide films via vacuum co-deposition for application in solar cells. In particular, processes will be developed to control the morphology of the films (including crystal size and orientation) and optimise the electronic properties of a range of lead-halide perovskite films. The project will involve understanding the formation of vacuum-deposited metal halide perovskite films, developing apparatus and methods to control growth and performing a wide range of analytic methods to characterise the films (e.g. X-ray diffraction, photoluminescence spectroscopy, electron microscopy, transmission/reflection optical spectroscopy) and the properties of solar cell devices fabricated from the films (e.g. J-V and EQE measurements). Feedback from device and film characterisation will be integral to the growth optimisation cycle.

The proposed research sits in the EPSRC Themes of Physical Sciences, Energy & Manufacturing the Future; and the Areas of Materials for Energy Applications, and Solar Technology and within the EPSRC's portfolio, targeting identified Grand Challenges in Physics (Nanoscale Design of Functional Materials).


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Studentship Projects

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NE/W502728/1 31/03/2021 30/03/2022
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