The Fundamentals of Formulation Science: Controlling the microstructure of lamellar polycrystalline formulations under dynamic consumerrelevant proces

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Chemistry


Structure-property relationships are one of the key factors in design and development of modern materials used in cosmetics, pharmaceutics and foods. These materials are complex mixtures and neither ideal solids nor ideal liquids. Their molecular structure, morphology and composition control the viscoelastic properties responsible for application performance. This project aims to develop understanding of microstructural characteristics of lamellar formulations, specifically hair conditioners, under consumer relevant dynamic processes such as shear, dilution and drying from substrates. X-ray scattering will provide a means for studying the microstructural response of the material in setups that mimic the hair-care application. These dynamic processes will be studied to establish structure-property relationships allowing informed decisions on product design and performance to be taken. New learnings will have direct impact on future development of cosmetic products.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/W522235/1 30/09/2021 30/03/2027
2824844 Studentship EP/W522235/1 24/07/2022 23/07/2026 Anna Newman