TheZeroBrush - a sustainable, fully biodegradable, pre-pasted, single-use toothbrush



Over _4.7 billion_ toothbrushes go into landfill each year globally. The healthcare industry makes a substantial contribution to this providing patients with plastic toothbrushes that are often left on the side and dropped on the floor, either needing to be reused, dirty, or replaced.

We want to replace single use plastic toothbrushes with an alternative utilising an innovative biodegradable material. With the outbreak of COVID-19 we were inspired to take the next innovative step and make a toothbrush suitable for patients (i.e. infectious or bedridden) who face challenges brushing their teeth due to the inability to access washing facilities, they always need nursing support for this simple task.

Public Health England (PHE) has released mouth care guidance for hospitalised patients as part of its care for those with suspected or confirmed COVID-19\. The guidance reads: 'The aim of good mouth care for patients in hospital is to maintain oral cleanliness, prevent additional infection and reduce the likelihood of developing bacterial pneumonia.' All patients must brush their teeth.

TheZeroBrush will be the world's first cold-water soluble, fully biodegradable pre-pasted toothbrush in the market, designed and manufactured in the UK. It is the only fully sustainable toothbrush, which is non- toxic to the environment, wholly degradable and with zero end of life impact, including the packaging (certifications pending).

TheZeroBrush is pre-pasted with quality organic food grade toothpaste. There is no SLS to foam and no fluoride therefore no requirement for spitting or rinsing. Patients in hospitals can brush their teeth comfortably without the need for nursing support. As it is single use and soluble there will be no toothbrush left on the side creating risk of spreading germs.

No other toothbrush is fully degradable like TheZeroBrush. The leading eco alternative, bamboo toothbrushes, utilise nylon bristles which take hundreds of years to degrade. The handles are often made utilising bamboo that is not sustainably sourced and can take up to 4 years to degrade in landfill.

Aimed at single use, TheZeroBrush is an innovative solution for a wide range of end users, such as the healthcare sector (hospitals, dental care, care homes), the military, leisure industry (hotels, camping, festivals) and the travel industry.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

THE ZERO BRUSH LIMITED £146,671 £ 117,337




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