Big Data on the Roman Table

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leicester
Department Name: Sch of Archaeology and Ancient History


In archaeological terms, the Roman period is exceptionally data rich. Most people are familiar with iconic monuments like Hadrian's Wall and the city of Pompeii. Yet infinitely more important for understanding people's lives across the Roman world are millions of artefacts unearthed during excavations. A great proportion of these artefacts, especially pottery vessels, are objects used by almost everyone from senator to slave to eat and drink from, and so hold essential information on the diversity of such practices among different social and cultural groups. However, this wealth of data is under-utilised due to its very complexity. For decades it has served to provide chronological sequences for individual excavations and to develop region-wide understandings of economic networks, rather than to answer socio-cultural questions. E.g., how can differing combinations of differing sizes, shapes and types of vessels, excavated from different contexts, provide more nuanced understandings of how individuals and communities throughout the Roman world used them and socialised around food and drink?

Many people are also familiar with studies that have focused on the idealised discourses of food consumption in ancient texts and visual culture. Authors such as Petronius, who wrote about the dinner party of the nouveau riche ex-slave Trimalchio, have done much to colour perspectives on dining practices throughout the Roman world. These texts are frequently used to interpret the architectural remains of, for example, dining rooms in Pompeian houses. While writings of ancient authors provide helpful insights, they are frequently limited to elites from urban centres, and, more importantly, lack the detail needed for consistent comparison across different context and different regions of the Roman world. Such perspectives obscure a more critical understanding of the everyday eating and drinking practices that would have provided the daily sustenance and communication opportunities for the majority of people living in this world - citizens and provincials, indigenous and immigrant families, shop-keepers, soldiers, and slaves, as well as the upper crust. The meals of these different kinds of people are not well recorded in the literary record but are prolifically documented by archaeological evidence, in particular artefactual remains.

More recently, archaeological scholarship on Roman food - notably through zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, osteoarchaeology - has begun to address some of the lacunae in literary-based studies and the biased views they portray of social behaviour in the Roman empire. However, these approaches focus on the kinds of food eaten, but not the contexts in which it was consumed and the experiences involved. It is timely for more impetus in studies of styles of consumption - crucial for understanding the diversity of Roman social and cultural differentiation - 'to catch-up' with bioarchaeological approaches, in the process harnessing the potential of what constitutes the largest surviving body of evidence from the Roman world - its artefacts.

By harnessing the 'big data' of Roman archaeology - artefactual datasets that are so large and complex that it is difficult to visualise fine-grained patterning using standard archaeological methods - this network seeks to set a new benchmark for the application of statistical, spatial and visualisation techniques to such data to provide fresh historical insights into social practice across the Roman world. In the current climate of recession and limited public funds for archaeological research, the network can point the way for the cost effective use of so-called legacy data from older excavations, and also for more efficient data collection in future excavations that can be used to build more robust and analysable datasets. Establishing best practice for the on-going collection and digital collation of materials enables future research that is also of public interest.

Planned Impact

The main impact of this network on the academic community is outlined above. The main impact on the non-academic community will be on participating non-HEI organisations who are custodians of relevant datasets of artefacts and professional non-academic archaeologists. These invited participants will both contribute to and gain insights from the workshops presentations and discussions arising from them, during the network. The published freely accessible guidelines for best practice, resulting from this network and with input from this non-HEI partners, will facilitate the collection, digital collation and management of the artefact datasets in their care and enhance the usefulness of these data in their public presentations. Such participating custodial organisations include the Museum of London (MOLA), Historic Scotland (HS) and the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS) in the UK, and the Archaeological Superintendencies of Pompeii and Piedmonte in Italy. Further participating professional and commercial archaeological organisations, who also perform a custodial role for such datasets and are concerned with the contribution the types of analyses investigated by this network can make to greater understandings of Roman society, include the Vindolanda Trust, Oxford Archaeology, Archaeology South-East, and the University of Leicester Archaeological Service (ULAS - custodians of archaeological collections in the East Midlands - e.g. at Jewry Wall Museum in Leicester).

The papers, discussions, and results from the workshops, especially the guidelines for best practice, will also benefit further non-HEI custodial organisations and professional archaeologists, nationally and internationally and beyond the network participants, who are charged with the collection, collation and curation of similar datasets, and responsible for the research design of field and excavation projects. These network resources, with the input from the key participating non-HEI stakeholders, will be particularly important for such organisations in the management of the artefact datasets in their care.

It is also anticipated that the results from this network, especially the international collaborations and the programme of research that will develop from it, will also be used by the museums and relevant institutions listed above (e.g. MOLA and the Superintendency of Pompeii), as well as by other museums with collections of Roman artefacts, to enhance their public displays by providing more reliable information to museum visitors on the varied dynamics of Roman social practices. This should provide a more satisfactory and rewarding visitor experience that will go beyond current and traditional approaches which typically flag textual descriptions of elite dinner parties, and the provenance of artefacts, rather than the social and cultural significance of artefact 'biographies' in the Roman period.

It is anticipated that the general public with interests in archaeology, and especially Roman archaeology, will benefit from the results of this network and subsequent research projects, with greater understandings of the role that material culture can play in understanding the social aspects of foodways in the past through more intelligible presentation of archaeological information.


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Description The aim of this research network was to bring together some 50 international participants from archaeology, mathematics, computer science and digital humanities scholars, and from HEI and non-HEI organisations. Through the two workshops that were held (Sept 2015 and July 2016), we have identified the main needs for this group:
a) more emphasis in Roman pottery research on more rigorous approaches to developing greater understandings of the potential ranges of uses for particular forms of tableware vessels
b) greater digital literacy for the collation and analyses large bodies of Roman tablewares and in the visual presentations of the analyses.
c) more rigorous approaches to identifying vessel use
d) more effective ways of collating Roman pottery through enhanced technologies
e) more international and inter-regional approaches to pottery typologies through collaboration
Exploitation Route On the basis of the contacts made through this network there have been further developments and potential projects in the process of being developed: This include:
1) An application for a ERC advanced grant by P. Allison, Roman Tablewares and Social Interaction: 'Big Data' and Material-cultural Approaches to Social Practice, with an advisory panel made of members of this research network.This application been successful at Stage 1 of the application process. Stage 2 and results are expected in March 2017
2) A further pilot testing of one of the applications for pottery collating that was proposed by the interdisciplinary members of the network, at the Jewry Wall Museum, Leicester
3) Invitation for further testing of this application by the Museum of London
4) An grant application made by the Croatian network members for two UK network members to showcase some of the technologies presented at the network at the Institute of Archaeology at Zagreb. Outcome of application unknown.
5) Plans for research project to further develop some of the technical developments piloted at this network, for a project in Turkey, in collaboration with colleagues from Turkey and Belgium
Sectors Culture


Museums and Collections

Description Regarding the document 'A standard for pottery analysis in archaeology' the Study Group of Roman Pottery considered that it was 'very valuable, therefore, to share a draft of the document with the [AHRC Research] network, and receive feedback on its content from those actively engaged in academic big data projects. The strategic aims of all three pottery groups recognise the need to develop better links between the commercial and academic sectors in British archaeology. The Big Data project, by engaging with these groups and other individuals working in the commercial sector, has made an important step towards achieving this.' MOLA, UK. 'will be seeking opportunities where practical within our developer-funded work to use some of the types of analysis and visualisations discussed in the workshop. We intend to trial the sooting/abrasion typology created by Laura Banducci on a large assemblage of pottery to be recorded later this year to see if this additional level of detail produces different results from our standard level of recording. Additionally, we have been comparing some of our in-house approaches to chronological modelling with some of those advocated at this workshop.'
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural

Description BDRT network members P. Allison, A. Birley, S. Colley, G. Dannell and M. Pitts did provide comments and are acknowledged in the publication by Historic England, Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group, Study Group for Roman Pottery and Medieval Pottery Research Group 2016. A Standard for Pottery Studies in Archaeology. ISBN 0 9506105 9 3.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Arch-I-Scan: Automated recording and machine learning for collating Roman ceramic tablewares and investigating eating and drinking practices
Amount £811,815 (GBP)
Funding ID AH/T001003/1 
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2019 
End 08/2022
Description A standard for pottery analysis in archaeology (SGRP) 
Organisation Study Group for Roman Pottery (SGRP)
Country European Union (EU) 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The Study Group for Roman Pottery (SGRP), the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group, and the Medieval Pottery Research Group are the three main British period-based pottery research groups for archaeology. Together they have produced a standard for pottery analysis in archaeology document to ensure that pottery from all types of archaeological projects is recorded consistently, so that data can be used in the sort of wider research proposed by the AHRC Research Network 'Big Data on the Roman Table'. Representatives for SGRP have stated: '... that it was very valuable, therefore, to share a draft of the document with the [AHRC Research] network, and receive feedback on its content from those actively engaged in academic big data projects. The strategic aims of all three pottery groups recognise the need to develop better links between the commercial and academic sectors in British archaeology. The Big Data project, by engaging with these groups and other individuals working in the commercial sector, has made an important step towards achieving this.'
Collaborator Contribution A representative of the SGRP took part in the first workshop for this AHRC Research Network (Sept 2015) and a number of the participants in the network (from HEI and non-HEI organisations) commented on drafts of the pottery standard's document.
Impact A standard for pottery analysis in archaeology (forthcoming)
Start Year 2015
Description Laura Banducci's usewear typology trial and chronological modelling 
Organisation Museum of London Archaeology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Laura Banducci (Univ. of Ontario) is a participant of this AHRC Research Network and presented a paper on her research at the first workshop (26th-27th Sept. 2015). Following this workshop representatives of MOLA (also participants in this network) have written that: 'We will be seeking opportunities where practical within our developer-funded work to use some of the types of analysis and visualisations discussed in the workshop. We intend to trial the sooting/abrasion typology created by Laura Banducci on a large assemblage of pottery to be recorded later this year to see if this additional level of detail produces different results from our standard level of recording. Additionally, we have been comparing some of our in-house approaches to chronological modelling with some of those advocated at this workshop. These two representatives of MOLA have been made honorary associates of the School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester.
Collaborator Contribution Two representatives from MOLA are participants in the network and they presented a joint paper at the first workshop (26th-27th Sept. 2015).
Impact N/A
Start Year 2015
Description Big Data on the Roman Table - Workshop 1 (University of Leicester - Sept 26-27 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This workshop involved presentations and discussions among HEI and non-HEI national and international experts in the study and analyses of Roman pottery, and postgraduate students, to: a) foster greater dialogue in the development of approaches to Roman consumption practice, which are typically informed by b) 'big data'. Participants were from the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Canada and the USA. 18 papers were presented on approaches to Roman pottery assemblages from Scotland to Turkey. Questionnaires indicated that: 83-88% of responders felt that the workshop impacted on their ideas about consumption-oriented approaches, data standardisation and quantitative analyses; 72-78% felt that it impacted on their ideas about spatial analysis, pattern visualisation and data interpretation; and 61% felt it impact on their ideas about artefact characterisation. The vast majority stated that it would, or could, change their current practices in all these areas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Big Data on the Roman Table - Workshop 2 (University of Exeter - July 6th-7th) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The purpose was to network with relevant scholars and professionals, to present papers on aspects of this research network and plan further research and impact activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Think Ontologically: An introduction to the use of ontologies in archaeology and digital humanities (University of Leicester, 9th June 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact PGR workshop as an outcome of the 'Big Data and the Roman Table' research network, organised by my M3C PhD student (Ruben Montoya) and funded by M3C, with two of my other PGRs as co-organisers. Presenters from UoL (Archaeology and Computer Science - including two of my PGR students), University of Liverpool, University of Exeter and Soprintendenza Archaeologica Belle Arti e Passagio per le province di Alessandria, Asti e Cuneo, Italy. PGR students from Nottingham, Open University, Computense University (Madrid), and University of Barcelona took part in the workshop. Excellent feedback from participants. I oversaw the organisation and introduced the workshop with a paper: 'What do we do with archaeological data?'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017