Restoring cultural property and communities after conflict

Lead Research Organisation: Queen's University Belfast
Department Name: Sch of Law


The destruction of cultural property represents an attack on a community's history, cultural and religious activities and even identity, and can serve as a way to eliminate diversity and divergent historical narratives. Recent years have seen an increase in incidences of intentional destruction of cultural property during conflict, for example in Iraq and Syria. While established legal frameworks outline the obligation to protect cultural property during conflict, there has been little consideration of the ways in which different actors can respond to and make reparations for destruction which has already occurred. One development has been the growing recognition of the need to criminalise and prosecute attacks on cultural heritage, as evidenced in international criminal tribunals such as the International Criminal Court. However, challenges remain for those who would seek to respond to such harms, both in terms of the appropriate legal frameworks to be used, and in relation to the practical and ethical challenges associated with the restitution and restoration of cultural property.

This project contributes to this emerging discussion. It aims to develop a 'thicker' understanding of the impact of the destruction of cultural property on the affected communities. It will explore the practical challenges associated with protecting and restoring cultural property after armed conflict, and consider to what extent transitional justice processes can effectively respond to the harm caused by the destruction of cultural property. Being aware of the the dangers associated with giving preferential treatment to the perspectives of elites over affected communities, the project will also analyse in whose interests' reparative projects are designed and implemented, and will aim to challenge elitist perspectives by engaging directly with affected communities.

The project uses Cambodia as a case study. In Cambodia, the Cham Islamic minority were were subjected to genocide and religious persecution during the Khmer Rouge regime, and an estimated 130 mosques were destroyed. Many Cham are now participating in the work of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, where a number of accused face charges related to persecution and the destruction of cultural property. The ECCC has the power to award reparations for harms resulting from the destruction of cultural property if the accused are found guilty of those crimes, but will rely on external sources of funding and organisation in order to deliver such reparations As a case study, Cambodia therefore provides an opportunity to explore the role of courts, civil society and international actors in responding to the destruction of cultural property, as well as offering an opportunity to speak with affected communities.

The project team will collaborate with a local NGO known as the Documentation Centre for Cambodia (DC-Cam) and will conduct focus groups with affected communities, in order explore the impact of the destruction of cultural property on those communities. Interviews will also be conducted with practitioners involved in restoration projects elsewhere, and with individuals involved in the prosecution of cultural heritage crimes.

This project will produce outputs which help inform future policy responses to the destruction of cultural property and development in relation to cultural heritage and cultural diversity. Collaborating with DC-Cam, the project team will produce:
- Guidelines on developmental multi-actor responses to the destruction of cultural property.
- A proposal advocating for the restoration of Cham cultural property. The specific sites will be determined by fieldwork and consultation with local actors and civil parties. The proposal will be disseminated in the form of a legal submission to the ECCC.
-A broader Cambodia policy document for organisations potentially involved in the provision of reparations.

Planned Impact

A key part of this project will be to develop bespoke accessible policy reports. These impact outputs include:

1. A reparations proposal for the restoration of Cham cultural property to be submitted to the ECCC.
2. A reparations proposal based on the submission to the ECCC, but drafted so as to be of use to organisations and donors working outside the Court's remit.
3. Guidelines on the restoration and restitution of cultural property during and post-conflict.
4. The publication of newspaper articles in Cambodian papers, as well as a blog.

Who might benefit?
Primary Beneficiaries
The primary beneficiaries of the research will be the victim communities, their legal representatives, and civil society actors who are engaged in advocating for and litigating on reparations in Cambodia.

Secondary Beneficiaries
The secondary beneficiaries are policy makers, relevant government departments, legal institutions and other civil society and human rights organisations who engage with issues surrounding the restoration and restitution of cultural property.

Tertiary Beneficiaries
The lessons derived from this research will be of direct relevance to a range of similar actors in other jurisdictions (e.g. Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia) that are seeking or may seek to deal with a legacy of violent conflict, and specifically its impact on cultural heritage and the destruction of cultural property. The guidelines on the restoration and restitution of cultural property may be of use to victim groups, legal collectives, jurists, drafters of the Crimes against Humanity Convention and any future UNESCO conventions, human rights NGOs and state actors.

How might they benefit?

Primary Beneficiaries
Primary beneficiaries will be involved throughout the project lifecycle including through fieldwork, engagement on the drafting of the reparations proposal, and through the dissemination of the reparations proposal and guidelines. The Guidelines and proposal will be of use to local civil society, victim representatives and victim groups, particularly when engaging with courts and other actors in reparation negotiations and processes. Beneficiaries will also be engaged through the publication of newspaper articles in local papers, and through blog posts and the project's Twitter account.

Secondary Beneficiaries
Secondary beneficiaries, including policy makers, relevant government departments, legal institutions and other civil society and human rights organisations will also be engaged with throughout the project lifecycle. Blog posts, the Twitter account and the publication of newspaper and academic articles will be used to ensure international dissemination. Our guidelines will be of practical use to international human rights organisations, legal collectives, victim groups and other policy makers going forward.

Tertiary Beneficiaries
As the project gathers pace and momentum, policy makers, lawyers, NGOs, activists with an interest in reparations, victims and victims' groups, regional and international courts, relevant international human rights/transitional justice bodies and the general public in other jurisdictions will be engaged via the project dissemination strategy (including the blogs, guidelines, reparation proposals, website and through presentations at conferences). Listservers, such as the Victims' Rights Working Group, Network of Transitional Justice Researchers (TJNetwork), and JUSTWATCH, which have several thousand members working in international law and transitional justice in over 80 countries and UNESCO's mailing list will be used to further ensure wide dissemination. Following completion of the research and academic outputs (journal articles), it is expected that invitations to give addresses will follow, both from academic institutions and policy making/practitioner bodies.


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Killean R (2020) What's in a name? 'Reparations' at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in Melbourne Journal of International Law

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Description The project is delivering a 'thicker' understanding of the harm caused by destruction of cultural property, and new strategies for effective community-driven reparations for the Cham communities in Cambodia. We found that the harm caused by destruction of cultural property was felt as a deep and serious personal harm (equated to an attack on life), and had ongoing inter-generational impacts, particularly in terms of cultural/religious leadership capacity, and memory and understanding. While communities spoke of the loss of physical manifestations of culture, they related that harm to an attack on a way of life and religious practice. The participants we spoke to often reflected on the community's desire to rebuild mosques and to have a place to engage in religious practice, but not necessarily a desire for this rebuilding to be done in a particular way. The communities we spoke with rarely attached particular significance to rebuilding mosques in the style that they had been in before the regime. It seemed that participants prioritised having a space to gather, and some physical representation of their religion.

The communities we spoke with identified ongoing needs for reparations in various forms, having to do with: culture preservation; mosque restoration/expansion; education about the past; community services; justice/acknowledgement; and compensation. We argue that international law should recognise that reparations can come in these various forms, and give further recognition to the prominence of the voice/wishes of local communities in framing and delivering reparations. Our research has found that international law is beginning to develop in this way, but also that the role of reparations as a response to the destruction of cultural property needs to be further explained and developed.
Exploitation Route The project team will continue to work with DC-Cam and other appropriate to develop community-based engagement activities in Cambodia. DC-Cam has distributed through its networks the book account of the Cham history and culture co-produced under this project, and the project team will undertake further work to develop/implement a non-judicial measure.

We have shared key findings of our project with colleagues in UNESCO's Emergency Preparedness Unit and Cultural Heritage Section Division, and been able to learn from their experience of engaging directly with communities. There is scope to develop a robust and general methodology for engaging with communities to design and deliver reparations.

The findings and method of this project can be developed and applied to a larger comparative study, with a wider interdisciplinary base. The project team held a meeting at Cambridge University in December 2018 to present the key initial findings of this project to an audience of academics and students in the Cambridge Heritage Research Centre. Early work has begun on a funding proposal for a research network to develop the interdisciplinary base, as a first step towards a larger comparative study.
Sectors Education


Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections

Description Direct dialogue with the Cham people (through focus groups) has facilitated their ability to engage and consult on issues around the reconstruction of their cultural heritage. Building on work with our partner in Cambodia (DC-Cam, a prominent local NGO) on a series of pathways to impact, in December 2018 we conducted further research with Cambodian NGOs engaged in reparations development; and with DC-Cam we published a short book exploring and explaining the Cham post-conflict recovery story aimed at a high-school-age audience: The creation of the book was a direct response to the wishes of the communities taking part in the project, and specifically our research finding that the Cham wish for their experiences to be known and understood by future generations and beyond their own group. In March 2019, team member Rachel Killean began to develop further activity in response to this finding, contributing to a workshop in Phnom Penh, sharing our research with an audience of students, activists and social society actors, promoting greater understanding around the Cham's experience and culture. These contributions will form the basis of a proposal to develop a 'non-judicial measure' in Cambodia. Non-judicial measures are projects which address the broader needs of victims, and are the creation of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia - they are donor funded and facilitated by civil society actors coordinating with the ECCC's Victim Support Services (VSS). Developing this proposal will allow us to strengthen the capacity of the project team, building its capacity for victims-research and assisting its engagement with the ECCC. In the medium-long term, such initiatives have broad capacity to reinforce minority rights and promote social inclusion, fostering social cohesion, and promoting the development of a peaceful and inclusive society for sustainable development.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural


Description DC-Cam 
Organisation Documentation Center of Cambodia
Country Cambodia 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We benefitted from a mutually supportive relationship with a key non-academic stakeholder in the identified LMIC (Documentation Center of Cambodia - DC-Cam - an independent Cambodian research institute which has developed a reputation as a leader in the quest for memory and justice in Cambodia). The project team has engaged in capacity building activity with DC-Cam staff and volunteers, including a workshop on legal skills/analysis delivered at DC-Cam in March 2017.
Collaborator Contribution DC-Cam arranged and facilitated fieldwork, providing translation and interview transcription. We worked with them to develop dissemination activities with the communities we visited, and they have translated to Khmer a research findings summary which can be presented and discussed to Cham communities (DC-Cam facilitated the first of these sessions on 9 January 2018). DC-Cam facilitated preparatory work on policy outputs intended to assist NGOs working in Cambodia to develop strategies for community engagement/empowerment. The Belfast team will complete these in 2019.
Impact The team prepared fieldwork reports and summaries which have been translated into Khmer by DC-Cam and distributed to interviewees/focus group members. The summary is published in English here: We have co-produced a short book which aims to reflect the stories and lived experiences of the communities we visited, which has been published and distributed freely in electronic form by DC-Cam through its website and networks:
Start Year 2016
Description Conference talk: Transformative justice, cultural heritage and genocide in Cambodia: Reparations for the Cham 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Talk at Utrecht University (SIM) on transformative justice. I spoke on our research in Cambodia with the Cham.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Feedback Session with a Cham Community in Cambodia 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact In January 2018 Dr Killean revisited one of the communities who had participated in the field research. She relayed the project's main findings, and sought feedback on whether those findings accurately reflected the community's experience. Space was given for the group to flag any omissions in the report, during which the community reiterated the importance of the finding that communities wished to have more sources of information about the crimes perpetrated against the Cham with which to educate the younger generation. Copies of the report were left with the community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Learning from the past with and for young people, Phnom Penh, 15-17 March 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Rachel Killean presented on Cham genocide, culture and intergenerational memory, sharing our research in the relevant LMIC to a variety of students, activists and social society actors, promoting greater understanding around the Cham's experience and culture, which links directly to our research finding that the Cham wish for their experiences to be known and understood by future generations and beyond their own group.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Legal-skills workshop, DC-Cam, Cambodia 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact This was a workshop on legal-skills and analysis, facilitated by members of the project team in March 2017, and delivered to an audience of approx. 40 staff and volunteers of the Documentation Centre for Cambodia in Phnom Penh.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Restoring Truth to Ruins - Cambridge Festival of Ideas 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact For the 2017 University of Cambridge Festival of Ideas we organised an exhibition (21 October - 11 November), panel discussion (Saturday 21 October 15:00-16:00), and workshop (Saturday 21 October 16:00-18:00) entitled "Restoring Truth to Ruins?". These were held at the Cambridge Central Library (the city's main public library).

The exhibition was curated by Dr Dacia Viejo Rose and Sarah Nankivell.
The panel discussion was chaired by Dr Dacia Viejo Rose, the panellists were Sarah Nankivell, Dr Paola di Giuseppantonio di Franco, Dr. Rachel Killean, and artist Martha McGuinn.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Strategic Meeting , McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge University 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Strategic Meeting on Reparations for Cultural Destruction, 13 December 2018, Seminar Room, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge. Presentation of the project followed by a discussion with invited participants on the ways forward. Co-organized with the Cambridge Heritage Research Centre. A dozen participants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Tilburg reparations for international crimes workshop April 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Engagement with Tilburg university on their ongoing research on reparations. Rachel Killean and Luke Moffett attended and spoke about the cultural property research in Cambodia and RRV project's initial research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018