Poetry Beyond Text: Vision, Text and Cognition

Lead Research Organisation: University of Dundee
Department Name: English


Poetry Beyond Text: Vision, Text and Cognition

This research project uses psychological, critical and creative methods to study how readers respond to the visual aspects of poetry. It involves specialists in English and Comparative Literature, Fine Art and Psychology. These include the shape of visual or concrete poetry (where words are arranged spatially in particular patterns on the page), the combination of poetry with images (in artists' books and prints), and the moving words and images found in digital poetry (a relatively new form of poetry which is usually web-based and often interactive).

Psychologists have established typical patterns of eye-movements for reading text and looking at pictures, as well as models of the cognitive processes reflected by such looking behaviour. We are interested in finding out what happens when readers are presented with art works which combine text and images. If the text and image are separate elements, do we look at text or image first? Or do we move rapidly from one to the other? If textual and visual elements are fully integrated, do we adopt a 'reading' or a 'viewing' approach to the text? For example, do we read from top to bottom and left to right, as if we were looking at a more conventionally-arranged poem? Or do we treat the poem as a form of image?

Arising from these questions are more general ones. How are our visual exploration strategies affected by the presentation of the art work and the previous knowledge of the reader? How do different reading strategies influence our assessment of the interest, meaning and aesthetic value of the work? What determines whether the visual aspect enriches the meaning of the words (and vice versa), or whether each element limits the force of the other? For example, sometimes the shape of a poem, or an accompanying image, can seem to determine the subject of the poem, reducing the possibilities of interpretation. In other cases, the two elements can each prompt further interpretative possibilities.

To study these questions, we plan to use a combination of methods from literary criticism, psychology, and creative practice. Literary criticism has developed theories of reader response, including the idea of a 'horizon of expectation' (a set of expectations which conditions how we approach the reading of a text), as well as many accounts of interpretation and the assessment of aesthetic value. Psychological methods include eye-tracking (which measures eye-movement with great precision) and pupil dilation (which relates to the complexity of cognitive processes). We see creative practice, involving both the creation of new works of art, and individual spoken responses to works, as another way of thinking about and understanding these questions. So we will be using discursive methods based on argument, experimental methods based on analysis, and creative methods based on imaginative engagement.. We will assess how reading strategies affect memory, interpretation and perceived aesthetic value, using both quantitative measures and reader-response theories.

We have developed, on the basis of previous work in this area, a strategy of a 'reflective feedback loop', in which participants in experiments are regarded as co-researchers. Their cognitive processes will be assessed, using various experimental methods, while they are reading the various types of poetry, in some cases with modifications of layout. Crucially, these results will also be presented to participants, who will be asked to write their own responses, allowing us to explore their aesthetic experience and interpretation of the poems, before and after receiving such feedback. Furthermore, participants on appropriate degree programmes, together with poets and artists will be invited to create works in response to the investigations. Art works and materials from the project willappear in exhibitions and an on-line gallery, and results will be discussed in journal articles.


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Roberts A (2013) Space and Pattern in Linear and Postlinear Poetry Empirical and theoretical approaches in European Journal of English Studies

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Shaki S (2012) Multiple spatial mappings in numerical cognition. in Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance

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Knowles K, Schaffner, A K, Weger U, Roberts AM (2012) 'Reading Space in Visual Poetry' in Writing Technologies

Title Big Upon Little 
Description Installation by artist / poet David Bellingham, in the form of a wall painting at Scottish Poetry Library 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development and promotion of artist's work; also led to collaboration with project postdoctoral researcher on an artist book with interviews ('For the Wall') 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/bellingham.html
Title Dark as a Pocket 
Description Artists' book by Francesca Wilde and Nicola Lee 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of career of artist and poet 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/lee-wilde.html
Title Dinner and a Rose 
Description Sarah Bodman and Nancy Campbell, Dinner and a Rose , Artists' book 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/bodman-campbell.html
Title Engine/House 
Description Lawrence Upton and Guy Begbie, Engine/House, a pop-up Artists' book 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. Development of careers of poet and artist. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/begbie-upton.html
Title Flattened Scores 
Description Steph Harvey, Flattened Scores, Artists' book 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of career of artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/harvey.html
Title Foreshore 
Description Lawrence Upton and Guy Begbie, 'Foreshore', artists' book 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/upton-begbie.html
Title Generosity 
Description Thomas A. Clark, 'Generosity', printed card with poem 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/clark-thomas.html
Title Headline 
Description Kevin Hutcheson, 'Headline', Fine art print with text 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. Development of career of artist. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/hutcheson.html
Title Lot 76 
Description Michael Waight and Jim Carruth, Lot 76, Artists' book in the manner of a folded map, with text 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/carruth-waight.html
Title Lyric, Manifest, Forme 
Description Robert Sheppard and Peter Clarke, Lyric, Manifest, Forme, 3 Fine art prints with text 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/clarke-sheppard.html
Title Mellisographia 
Description Volume of poems by John Burnside in form of artists' book, as collaboration with artist Amy Shelton 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/burnside-shelton.html
Title One Time In A Tale of Herring 
Description Will Mclean and Angus Martin, 'One Time In A Tale of Herring', Artists' book 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/martin-mclean.html
Title Pibroch 
Description Marion Leven and Robin Robertson, 'Pibroch', Fine art print with poem. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/leven-robertson.html
Title QR-Comms 
Description Giselle Beiguelman, 'QR-Comms, an animated sequence' 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/beiguelman.html
Title Ransom Note 
Description Kevin Hutcheson, 'Ransom Note', Fine art print with text 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of career of artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/hutcheson.html
Title The Matter Propounded 
Description David Gatten, 'The Matter Propounded, Of Its Possibility Or Impossibility, Treated In Four Parts', 16mm handmade-film 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/gatten.html
Title The Wren's Egg 
Description Photograph of artefact and poem, collaboration between poet (Deryn Rees-Jones) and artist (Alice Maher) 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of poet's career into new innovative forms. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/maher-rees-jones.html
Title This is Not a Pier 
Description Sarah Turner, 'This is Not a Pier, a film' 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/turner.html
Title Three Little Words 
Description Murray Robertson and Jim Carruth, Three Little Words, Fine art print with text 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/carruth-robertson.html
Title Uncertain Territories 
Description Mary Modeen and Kathryn Gray, Uncertain Territories, Artists' book 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/gray-modeen.html
Title Valdotavvo 
Description Michael Waight, Valdotavvo, Artists' book 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/waight.html
Title Vivam 
Description Wooden sculpture with text and glass panels. Collaboration between poetr (Deryn Rees-Jones) and sculptor (Marion Smith) 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of career of poet and artist 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/smith-rees-jones.html
Title Wish You Were Here 
Description Robert Hampson and Leena Nammari, Wish You Were Here, Artists' book 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/hampson-namari.html
Title Words On a Wall 
Description Installation by artist / poet David Bellingham, in the form of a wall painting at the Visual Reseach Centre, Dundee Contemporary Arts 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Promotion and development of artist's career 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/bellingham.html
Title Written on the Body 
Description Nancy Gray, Written on the Body, Fine art print with collage and text on handmade paper 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of career of artist. Exhibitions at Scottish Poetry Library, Dundee Contemporary Arts and Royal Scottish Academy. 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/gray.html
Title poempondscroll 
Description Photographic / Textual work in the form of a scroll on Chinese paper, by poet Valerie Gillies and artist Helen Douglas 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2011 
Impact Development of careers of poet and artist 
URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/douglas-gillies.html
Description - Effects of visual presentation of poetry on readers' aesthetic and evaluative responses.
- Creative and analytical interpretations of visual-textual artworks.
- Integration of methods of literary criticism, human experimental psychology and practice-based research in fine art and poetry.
- Critical evaluation of aesthetic consequences of readers' perceptions of image and text interactions in literary and artistic works.
- Dialogue between empirical, theoretical and creative modes of understanding (psychologists, literary critics, art historians, artists, poets)
Exploitation Route -Researchers and Practitioners in Poetry and Fine Art have continued to develop collaborations initiated as part of this project, or using project collaborations as a model.
- Other researchers in literature, cognitive science and fine art studies have used experimental findings for their research.
Sectors Creative Economy



Museums and Collections

URL http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/index.html
Description Articles on 'Space And Pattern In Linear And Postlinear Poetry: Empirical And Theoretical Approaches' and 'Reading Space in Visual Poetry: New Cognitive Perspectives' combined psychological testing methods (eye-tracking and interviews) with theoretical investigation to study the cognitive, emotive and aesthetic effects of visual-poetic works. Integrating the empirical methods of human experimental psychology with the critical and evaluative methods of the humanities, the research showed how cognitive processes associated with text-reading and image-viewing interacted in productive or inhibiting ways. Before dissemination in the form of the published articles, the results were shared with the volunteer participants (19 in Dundee; 14 in Kent), contributing to their personal development. Impact generation was built into the AHRC follow-on grant (with the Scottish Poetry Library). AH/1026138/1. The research leading to article 'Creative Practice and Experimental Method in Electronic Literature and Human Experimental Psychology' involved an investigation into convergences between the procedures of experimental psychology and the innovations of digital poets and artists, carried out by a psychologist (Fischer), literary scholars (Roberts, Schaffner and Otty) and digital artists and poets (John Cayley and Simon Biggs). The opening advisers' workshop of the project (May 2009) led to Cayley's innovative on-going digital poetic art-work (The Readers' Project) responding to results of pilot eye-tracking experiments. Cayley describes this work as 'strongly and productively influenced by Poetry Beyond Text', adding that as a result 'The Readers Project has now gained significant attention from the appropriate research community'. Building on this co-production of research with creative practitioners, a small grant from the University of Dundee Humanities Research Fund was used to initiate a collaboration between digital media artist Simon Biggs and Computer Programmer Mark Shovman to create Tower, an immersive 3D textual environment combining visualisation, speech recognition and predictive text algorithms, using the HIVE (Human Interactive Virtual Environment) housed in the University of Abertay, Dundee, and unveiled at the project's concluding conference. The practice-based research recorded in Poetry Beyond Text: Vision, Text and Cognition: Exhibition Catalogue and project website (http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org/) (includes research results, resources for readers, online gallery) of the references involved creative interventions in the practice and careers of 44 poets and artists (in diverse media). The commissioning of collaborative art works advanced creativity by pairing together poets, artists, sculptors and printmakers, with an invitation to engage specifically with the aesthetic, technical and artistic issues arising from the interaction of visual and poetic forms. The experience of collaboration has had substantial continuing effects on individual creative careers, and on the specific media and disciplines concerned. Those involved include well-established and distinguished poets (such as John Burnside, Robin Robertson, Jim Carruth, Thomas A. Clark and Deryn Rees-Jones) and artists (such as Will Mclean, David Bellingham), as well as younger and emerging artists and poets, and some art students, whose careers and profiles have been enhanced through the opportunity to exhibit and to engage in a collective process of creative research. The range was international, including John Cayley, based at Brown University, and Jim Andrews, a Canadian media artist. Discussions of the process of collaborative creation have included public events: Helen Douglas with Valerie Gillies (at the opening of the Dundee exhibition); Deryn Rees-Jones with Marion Smith; Jim Carruth with Murray Robertson and Michael Waight (at the Scottish Poetry Library). These events have shown how collaboration has prompted new insight into formal and thematic aspects of creative practice (Rees-Jones comments that the work 'extended my existing poetic compositions into mixed media form'). The benefits for the commissioned artist and writers also included new contacts and additional opportunities to engage the public. The exhibitions attracted good numbers for the venues: 412 at the Visual Research Centre in Dundee; c. 500 at the Scottish Poetry Library (14 May - 15 July 2011); 1,389 at the Moray Arts Centre (9 Aug - 30 Sep 2011), c. 3000 at the Royal Scottish Academy (12 Nov - 18 Dec 2011). The role of these exhibitions in enhancing cultural life is shown in visitor feedback. The research contributed substantially to the connections, profile, subject interest areas and events programmes of the Scottish Poetry Library.
First Year Of Impact 2010
Sector Creative Economy
Impact Types Cultural


Description 'Tower' Digital Interactive Work 
Organisation Abertay University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Commissioning of collaborative digital interactive work, by Professor Simon Biggs (Edinburgh College of Art) and Dr Mark Shovman (University of Abertay)
Collaborator Contribution University of Abertay: Provision of HIVE facility (Human Interactive Virtual Environment) for development and exhibition of work.
Impact 'Tower' (Interactive Art Work)
Start Year 2010
Description Royal Scottish Academy Exhibition 
Organisation Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Commissioning of works, design of exhibition, curation of exhibition
Collaborator Contribution Joint curation of exhibition; provision of exhibition space in RSA, publicity, support staff, etc.
Impact Exhibition, November - December 2011
Start Year 2011
Description Scottish Poetry Library 
Organisation Scottish Poetry Library
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Joint creation of exhibition of commissioned works and research outputs.
Collaborator Contribution Joint creation of exhibition of commissioned works and research outputs.
Impact Poetry Beyond Text Exhibition at Scottish Poetry Library, 13.05.11 - 15.07.11., with opening event on 15.5.11.
Start Year 2009
Description Panel Discussion, Poetry and Visuality, STANZA Poetry Festival, 2013 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Panel Discussion, Poetry and Visuality, STANZA Poetry Festival, St Andrews, March 2013
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description Panel Discussion, with Deryn Rees-Jones and Marion Smith, Scottish Poetry Library, 2011 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Panel Discussion, with Deryn Rees-Jones (poet) and Marion Smith (sculptor), Scottish Poetry Library, May 2011
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2011
Description Panel Discussion: 'Poetry Breakfast: Watch this Space', STANZA Poetry Festival 2012 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Panel Discussion: 'Poetry Breakfast: Watch this Space', STANZA Poetry Festival, Byre Theatre, St Andrews,16 March 2012
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012