Collaborative research on the meterological and botanical history of the Indian ocean, 1600-1900.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sussex
Department Name: Sch of History, Art History & Philosophy


The proposed network aims to address the sense of global concern associated with the threat of anthropogenic climate change by:
(a) Attempting to plug the gaps in our knowledge of human induced climate change by uncovering historical records that help us understand climate and environmental change in the last 400 years. European intellectual engagement with the environments of empire over four centuries produced a corpus of documentary sources on the environment. The use of colonies for environmental experimentation resulted in locations in South Asia, Southern Africa, Australia and islands such as Mauritius becoming open-air laboratories for scientists attempting to understand, investigate, and manipulate a world of new peoples, species, environments and diseases. These sources have rarely been examined for the information they contain on environmental and climate change.
(b) By redressing the information imbalance in the Global South by creating a group that would bring together data and approaches in the area of climate change and environmental history with groups and researchers concerned with understanding change in the environments on the peripheries of the Indian Ocean.
The network will do this by:
1. Bringing together an interdisciplinary community of researchers from the humanities, social sciences and the natural sciences to debate and conceptualise a database project on plant sciences and climate science of the IOW as documented in the records of the period. Sciences such as historical meteorology, phenology (a study of which species of plants and animals were living in which locations during which period) palynology (study of how much of the pollen of which flowering plants has been preserved in various places like lake sediments) depend on both historical documentary evidence and on physical evidence.
2. Discussing how to combine physical evidence of environmental change, with historical documentary evidence such as colonial records, documentary evidence of indigenous knowledge systems, and practices of natural resource use.

The locations for which we intend to gather and aggregate data are China, Mauritius, East Africa, the Cape, Sri Lanka, Western Australia, South East Asia and India. The region under study is the Indian Ocean World (IOW): an area of primary geo-political importance whose foundations are related to the monsoons, a system of winds and currents unique to the Indian Ocean, Indonesia and South and East China seas. The influence of the monsoon on the land and communities of the Indian Ocean and the inter-connected bodies of water helped to generate long distance trade and and led to an exchange of ideas, commodities and peoples. The intensive maritime voyaging of European mercantile empires after 1500 led to further interactions between indigenous knowledge systems and European ideas resulting in the distinctive environment, society, economy and culture of IOW of the modern period.

CWEH is uniquely positioned to do this as a leading centre in the UK working on the environmental history of the tropics and as a result of its links with other networks such as ACRE and Historic Weather concerned with transcribing, digitising and publishing online various sorts of meteorological data for the period 1700-2000. Our expertise in the tropics has been further established as a result of our collaborative work with Kew and the Natural History Museum (NHM) on specific Indian records relating to natural history and our participation in an AHRC-sponsored meeting in Bangalore in March 2011 on South Asian historical records and climate change which led to another meeting on 'Botany Climate and Empire' in Sussex in May 2011 involving the MET office, Kew Gardens, the British Library and the Natural History Museum.

Planned Impact

The key beneficiaries of the research outside the research community include: librarian and archivists, museum specialists, policy makers in government institutions in the Indian Ocean World and the UK government.

Several librarians and archivists will be involved in the network, including the head of the National Archives of India, the archivists responsible for the India Office collections at the British Library and the Nehru Memorial Library in Delhi, the collections at Kew, the Natural History Museum, at the heads of institutions, such as, the Kolkata Botanic Garden, and the National Museum of Natural History, Delhi. These holding institutions will benefit from the interaction with scholars that this network will provide, firstly in terms of understanding which of their own collections are of interest to scholars of meteorological and botanical history and secondly in becoming aware of one another's holdings and how they might complement one another.

Given the importance of the issue of climatic and environmental change, the data that is generated in the network project will also be important for policy makers, who will benefit from a long-term perspective on climate change and the responses to it from the colonial period onwards.Through the involvement of the MET office in the UK and its counterpart in Pune, we will ensure that the findings of the network reach government institutions in the UK and India, and influence policy concerning climate change research and policy. Both the National Archives of India, and the British Library have strong links with the Indian Ministry of Culture while the National Museum of Natural History comes under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, and thus the findings of the network will also be fed into Indian government policy. The UK Department of Business, Innovation and Skills will benefit from the promotion of UK expertise in how to use historical records to understand climate change as part of its endeavour to promote research partnerships between centres of excellence and towards developing professional and technical skills in education and training which meets the needs on an environmental scholarship for the 21st century.

The discussions during the networking project will include how to involve the wider public in research on an issue that affects every member of global civil society. Through the involvement of museums and libraries, the findings of the network will be transmitted to researchers outside the network and to the general public. It is envisaged that at a future date, academic members of the network will assist with displays and events to make the research visible to these audiences. Members of the Centre for World Environmental History are currently involved in existing projects to digitise and make use of the botanical records of Nathaniel Wallich and Joseph Dalton Hooker. As part of these projects we have taken part in public conferences and meetings and aided with the design of displays. These include helping to organise a public meeting on Nathanial Wallich and Indian natural history 6th and 7th December and a major public conference and museum display on Joseph Hooker at Kew Garden on the 9 December.

The overall impact of the network will be an increase both academic and non-academic collaboration around a critical issue, between the UK, Commonwealth partners in the Indian Ocean, and China. The potential impacts are environmental - in terms of the potential benefits for our understanding of human interaction with nature over the longue durée; cultural - in terms of the potential for exchange and personnel between countries; technological - in terms of the planned road map for large-scale digitisation; and have the potential to influence public policy, particularly in the UK and India.
Title Art and Empire video documentary, Natural History Museum 
Description A video documentary on Art and Empire at the Natural History Museum which was part of an exhibition on Indian collections. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2013 
Impact The museum display and the film highlighted the significance of these collections as part of the environmental history of empire. The PI on the AHRC project, Vinita Damodaran was the academic consultant in this video documentary and appeared in it. 
Title Hooker India correspondence project 
Description The result of our collaborations with Kew has resulted in the development of co-produced project on Hooker and India which is now hosted on the Kew website 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact This transcription project on Indian Collections inititated by our team at the University of Sussex was part of an MOU with Kew. It led to the hosting of the collection on the Kew website transcribed by a team of researchers from Sussex. The project according to the outgoing Head of the Library, Art and Archives has resulted in a 'lot of traffic on the Kew site'. 
Title Joseph Hooker botanical trail blazer and the environmental heritage of India museum display with a woman scientist, the life and times of the woman botanist E.K. Janaki Ammal. 
Description The Hooker exhibition which was originally curated by Kew for their own exhibition. It traveled to India as part of the follow on grant for impact and engagement to the Botanical Survey of India gallery of the Indian Museum in September, 2016. BSI added a lot of new exhibits of local relevance. We further curated another exhibition on the renowned Indian woman botanist, E.K. Janaki Ammal, the first director of the Botanical Survey of India. The exhibition received a lot of press coverage in the national and regional press. In 2017 the exhibition moved to Delhi to more audiences 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact This exhibition now is part of an ongoing school project which involves two Bengali medium vernacular schools in Kolkata on the environmental heritage of India. The students of the participating schools were very enthusiastic about the project which involves a trip both to the Botanical Survey of India gallery and the Kolkata Botanic garden. We have photographs and feedback forms that demonstrate their deep enjoyment of the outputs of the project and the efforts of the scientists in explaining the garden and the curator in explaining the museum exhibit. Around 240 school children participated in the project. With further funding we hope to be able to take this school project on the environmental heritage of India to further metropolitan schools in order to educate urban secondary school children about the value of natural history heritage. 
Title Science, Humanism and the making of Modern India 
Description An exhibition both physical and digital with 64 images complemented by two more exhibitions one on colonial anthropology and the second on the mangrove school project. The exhbition launch was attended by over 150 people in Kolkata and was a resounding success. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact Helping to highlight collections of the Botanical Survey of India to open these up to a wider public.To encourage the visit of school children from provincial and marginal schools in the Sundarbans and to engage them in dialogue with the scientists to explore problems so uncertainty and climate change 
Description The AHRC networking grant on the botanical and meteorological history of the Indian Ocean has helped to create a network of 105 members which includes holding institutions such as libraries and archives and academics from a number of countries in India and the Indian ocean world with an aim to enhance the use of historical records to understand environmental and climate change in the period 1600-1900. This is a hugely important period as European empires, the British, Dutch, French and Portuguese brought about an unprecedented transformation of the landscapes and environments on the periphery of the Indian Ocean. They also closely documented the impact of European colonisation on flora and fauna and on the natural world in general by keeping meticulous records in botany, zoology, meteorology and other branches of the natural sciences. These are now proving invaluable for understanding long term climate and environmental change in a global context. The network aimed to address the sense of global concern associated with the threat of anthropogenic climate change by attempting to plug gaps in our knowledge of human induced climate change by (a)uncovering historical records that help us understand climate and environmental change in the last 400 years and (b) by redressing the information balance in the Global South by creating a group that would bring together data and approaches in the arena of climate change and environmental history with groups and researchers concerned with understanding change in the environments on the periphery of the Indian ocean.

We were successful in both these aims having brought together a very active team of holding institutions and scholars in an interdisciplinary context to debate and conceptualise a database project on plant sciences and climate science of the IOW world as documented in the records of the period. This included detailed discussions of how to combine physical evidence of environmental change with historical documentary evidence such as colonial records, documentary evidence of indigenous knowledge systems and practices of natural resource use. In terms of knowledge exchange we were particularly successful having got together the Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, The Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, the Indian Museum Kolkata, the British Library, The U.K. Met office, the Natural History Museum and Kew Gardens in a collaborative exercise also aimed to redress the information balance in the global south in the area of botanical and climate history. For the Botanical Survey of India this has resulted in a further collaborative exercise with Kew for the creation of a database of Indian plant types held in major British herbaria. The Centre for Environmental History, (CWEH) is hoping to be the chief liaison institution in this process. We have been very busy in this reporting year. We co-curated a major exhibition with Kew and BSI that was hosted at the BSI gallery of the Indian Museum in Kolkata. We also organised a school project for 240 children to introduce urban secondary school students to India natural history heritage. The exhibition toured Delhi in 2017. We have also completed a database on seventeenth century disasters, famines, floods and droughts for India in the context of climate change along with our long standing collaborator in the Met Office, Prof Rob Allan. More recently we have started a new collaboration with Asia Scotland trust to restore Roxburgh house as a climate change centre in the Kolkata botanic garden. More recently along with IDS Sussex we have started a new school project called the Mangrove School project which takes the AHRC Kolkata school project to the marginal region of the Sundarbans
Exploitation Route The Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH) which I am the director of is a leading centre in the U.K. working on the environmental history of the tropics. The AHRC funding has further helped the Centre to establish its position as a liaison between various holding institution and archives and various scholars from the Indian Ocean world on scoping and digistising historical records related to environmental and climate change. As a result of the activities of the network, holding institutions such as the BL, The NHM, Kew Gardens, The Botanical Survey of India, The Forest Research Institute, The National Archives India, The Indian Museum have benefited from interaction with scholars, firstly in terms of understanding which of their collections are of interest to scholars of meteorological and botanical history and secondly in terms of becoming aware of one another's holdings and how they might complement one another. This has led for example in the Global South in a successful attempt by the Botanical survey of India to preserve and digitise its colonial manuscript collections on Indian botany and to put together a further proposal with Kew Gardens for creating a database of Indian plant types held in major British herbaria. This is critical to the creation of a new Flora of India project. Through our links with the BL and Met office we are raising awareness of the records as a source for climate studies. Some of the hard data we have uncovered could contribute to data modelling exercises being undertaken by the Met office. A further small Canadian Research council grant via the University of Mcgill to CWEH for a climate modelling exercise has been enabled by this AHRC grant. More recently in 2016 we have been awarded a Norwegian grant to work on climate change, uncertainity and social transformation and are working on historical climate date in two fragile environments, the Sundarbans and Kutch. We have also built up the environmental history curriculum at the university level in a provincial university at Kolkan. More recently we have facilitated the MOU between NHM and BSI to digitally repatriate the over 100,000 plant specimens held at NHM as a result of our network activities. This is work that can be reproduced at Kew and the Edinburgh botanic garden. We have also taken the work forward in terms of a new school project in the Indian Sundarbans called the Mangrove school project with funding from an IDS/Sussex project.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




Museums and Collections

Description The network on the meteorological and botanical history of the Indian Ocean 1600-1900 aimed to address the serious global challenges of environmental and climate change through an interdisciplinary approach to historical records that document alterations to the climate and environment and responses to them. The network built up as a result of the AHRC network grant has 105 members. These include librarians and archivists in holding institutions such as the British Library, Kew Gardens, the Natural History Museum in the U.K, Indian institutions such as the Botanical Survey of India (BSI) in Kolkata, the Indian Museum in Kolkata and the Natonal Archives in Delhi and academics from a range of universities from Malaysia, India, U.K. and Australia. The network had three meetings in U.K. and India and several steering committee and technical committee meetings. These were very successful meetings, attended by 50 scholars and archivists each, as a scoping exercise of archival collections and a discussion of the relevance of these to the problems of environmental and climate change in the Indian Ocean region. There were also detailed discussions and presentations of papers by members of the technical committee on the development of an interpretative framework for the records through a discussion of capture, presentation and metadata of the sources. The discussions on the technical and intellectual infrastructure for an interactive online database for these digitised collections have been invaluable in taking these ideas forward for holding institutions such as libraries and archives within the network. All the detailed discussions and the workshop minutes are available via URL More recently CWEH and the AHRC network are listed in the INDARE (Indian Ocean Data Rescue) implementation plan that was signed by several countries of the Indian Ocean Rim at a senior government level to preserve the climate heritage of the Indian Ocean. As a result of these meetings the Botanical Survey of India, the Indian Museum and the Forest Research Institute, Dehradhun are attempting to conserve and digitise their vast holdings for example on meteorological data and historic botanical collections. In the Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, this exercise has resulted in the rescue and digitisation of the 33 Volumes of Nathanial Wallich's manuscript files and some of his herbarium specimens from the 1820s. Along with the transcription of Joseph Hooker's India letters 1848-52 which also emerged as a result of the ongoing discussions between CWEH and Kew Gardens further facilitated by the award, these resources provide an invaluable source for the environmental history of India. These letters are hosted on the Kew website. As a result of the successful meetings of the network, a memorandum of understanding has also been signed between the University of Sussex, the British Library and the U.K Met office to share historic weather and climate data to enhance understanding of environmental and climate change in the Indian Ocean World. There is also a further proposal being currently discussed with the British Library to have a display of holdings relating to indigenous sources on Indian environmental history at the BL such as manuscripts from the endangered collections in the Sundarbans region of Bengal and a further proposal, in discussion with Kew Gardens, the Botanical Survey of India and the Indian Museum to bring the Hooker exhibition to the Indian Museum in Kolkata in 2017 the year of Hooker's bi-centenary. The Hooker exhibition was successfully taken to India in 2016. It was a grand success as the BSI added to the exhibition with its own holdings. We also co-curated an exhibition on the first female director of the BSI E.K. Janakiammal. The exhibition opened to wide audiences and had wide publicity in the Indian press. It was also accompanied by a school project which was done in conjunction with BSI scientists and involved 240 school children to introduce them to the botanical heritage of India. The students really enjoyed the project and responded well. Details of the project can be found on our website with photos. More recently we have been collaborating with the Asia Scotland trust about the restoration of Roxburgh house in the Kolkata botanic garden. More recently the project has been further developed with a new initiative to take project to the vulnerable marginal area of the Indian Sundarbans. We have successfully run several batik workshops in the region and have received funding from the AHRC impact acceleration fund to do so
First Year Of Impact 2012
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Environment,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural



Description Influence on policy at the level of the World Meterological Organisation in Maputo in April, 2014 on data rescue for the Indian Ocean Rim countries
Geographic Reach Asia 
Policy Influence Type Implementation circular/rapid advice/letter to e.g. Ministry of Health
Description Influence on policy of Indian institutions such as the Botanical Survey of India by helping to create an inventory of their manuscript holdings on natural history.
Geographic Reach Asia 
Policy Influence Type Implementation circular/rapid advice/letter to e.g. Ministry of Health
Impact The rescuing of India's climate and environmental data will help improve understandings of climate change and environmental sustainability in the long term. The growing efforts by Indian institutions such as the Botanical Survey of India, the National Archives of India and the Indian Museum to highlight their natural history collections are a result of our initiatives. There is a proposal by the BSI to digitise Hooker's herbarium held in U.K. collections to help with the creation of their new flora of India project. This will have a very big impact on policy.
Description Meeting with the secretary of the Indian Ministry of Environment, Climate change and Forests
Geographic Reach Asia 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact In a series of follow on meetings following the setting up of the network on the botanical and meteorological history of the Indian Ocean we have had a series of meetings, both at Sussex, Kolkata and Mysore with the Head of the Botanical Survey of India, Dr Paramjit Singh, with the National Museum of Natural History, Dr Venugopal and Dr Ajay Narayan Jha, Secretary, Ministry, Environment, forests and climate change from 2012-2016 the need to conserve manuscript collections held in Indian institutions pertaining to natural history.As a result of these conversations we are now taking forward a proposal to restore and renovate the house and collection of William Roxburgh one of the first superintendents of the Calcutta botanic garden in the 1780s. As a result the manuscript collections of Nathanial Wallich, the Danish botanist working for the garden in 1814 have been preserved in the Botanical Survey of India archives. The garden has also been opened up to regular visits by school children studying in the Bengali Vernacular and there has been a regular programme of visits arranged for them to see the gallery and the garden and to follow the work of scientists and the curator of the exhibition Dr Saha. This is the first time that such an effort has happened in the garden with such a wide ranging impact. We are hoping to cover 240 school children.
Description Our engagement with the Botanical survey of India has been enhanced. We engaged closely with the director of the botanical gallery in the Indian Museum, Dr Manas Bhaumick and Dr Anandita Saha in JUne 2022 and arranged a tour of visits to Kew garden, the Natural History Museum and the John Innes centre. In his reprt Dr Bhaumick and Dr saha spoke about how these visits has transformed their mode of thinking about public facing exhibitions and displays. This was an important capacity building exercise building on long standing networks. As part of a capacity building exercise we invited him to Sussex, along with the curator of our exhibition Dr Saha preliminary to our exhibition
Geographic Reach Asia 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to new or improved professional practice
Impact Science collections in India normally are not open to the public. Our long interaction with the Botanical Survey of India has opened up their collections to a wider public and developed new links with institutions of scientific expertise in Britain such as Kew, the John Innes Centre, the British Library, The Royal Pavilion gardens in Brighton and the Natural History Museum. By encouraging and hosting visits between the two organizations, scientific practice in both India and Britain are enhanced leading to a decolonisation of the natural history collections of empire. We are now engaged with bringing school children from marginal environments to view this exhibition and engage with the content.
Description Participation as critical friend in decolonising natural history collections in Royal Botanic Garden, Kew
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Impact Sharing botanical and environmental data for the shared benefit of India and the U.K. through digitisation , displays and school projects
Description AHRC follow on funding for Impact and Engagement
Amount £100,000 (GBP)
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2016 
End 09/2017
Description Canadian Social Science Research Council Grant
Amount $100,000 (CAD)
Organisation Government of Canada 
Department SSHRC - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Sector Public
Country Canada
Start 08/2014 
End 03/2015
Description Norwegian Research Council
Amount £30,000 (GBP)
Organisation Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) 
Department Noragric, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Sector Academic/University
Country Norway
Start 08/2015 
End 01/2017
Description SSHRC Canadian Social Science Research Council
Amount $200,000 (CAD)
Organisation Government of Canada 
Department SSHRC - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Sector Public
Country Canada
Start 08/2019 
End 08/2022
Description Science and the Colonies; Hidden networks of Botanical science, Ecology and Eugenics at the end of Empire
Amount £99,987 (GBP)
Funding ID AH/W009161/1 
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2022 
End 04/2023
Description Sussex Research fund
Amount £42,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Sussex 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 04/2020
Title Archival surveys on natural history collections and endangered archives in the Indian Ocean World 
Description The project has resulted in detailed archival surveys of archives in the Indian Ocean region which will be benificial to future research on climate and environmental change. This is an ongoing project aided by further funding from the Canadian Research Council and the Norwegian Research Council. We are currently conducting an inventory of local archives in Kutch and Sundarbans with a view to understanding their records on natural history. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2012 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This is important research as it has led to the uncovering of several endangered archives whose rescue is of enormous signifcance to a range of scholars from the sciences to humanities and social sciences in India, Malaysia and Bangladesh. This ongoing work by scholars linked to our network. 
Title Improvement to public display collections of the Botanical Survey of India gallery 
Description By preserving collections and raising awareness of the exiting natural history collections of the British empire held in Indian and British institutions and engaging with these with the wider public through museum exhibitions, visits by school children and conferences 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2014 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The preservation of the Wallich collection in the BSI archives has resulted in renewed number of researchers visiting the Calcutta Botanic Garden in search of the archives. A hand list of the useful papers in the archives was prepared by the post-doctoral researcher which will be put on line on the CWEH website 
Title Improving the research environment for researchers on Indian plant collections of the British Empire 
Description This project continues to engage in Digitisation, Display and school demonstrations to achieve a range of objectives of changing research infrastructure for the benefit of scientists and researchers particularly in the global south and engagement with youth and school children for new emancipatory futures 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact I have been invited to decolonise collections at Royal Botanic Gardens Kew as part of a wider decolonising project 
Title Knowledge exchange and capacity building 
Description Through the activities of the network we have attempted to improve research infrastructure particularly in terms of developing a franework for the digital repatriation of Indian plants speciments held in U.K. institutions 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The Natural History Museum's successful funding to secure 3 Indian scientists to visit the Museum and to help with digital repatriation of Indian plant specimens will have a significant impact on improving India's research infrastructure. 
Title our current project builds on the Mangrove school project and aims to educate for the Anthropocene. This new methodology is being refined through a series of workshops that engage with school children and their understandings of nature in the age of the anthropocene 
Description Our current mangrove school project builds on bottom-up understandings of climate change in a fragile delta region of the world. The project is to develop a non-instrumentalist approach to education in the age of the Anthropocene. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact we are having a range of stakeholder meetings in Sundarbans, Kolkata and are now taking these ideas to other parts of India, Ecuador and the Caribbean. 
Title A website containing a description of resources in key locations 
Description The network allowed for a scoping of the archives and collections relating to botany and meteorology in various locations in the Indian Ocean world. It also helped to develop through the technical committee meetings an interpretative framework for the records through a discussion of capture, presentation and metadata of the sources that will help to enhance the data through commentaries. The scoping of the archives relating to natural history of the IOW world is now available on line through the Centre for World Environmental History's website. We also contributed to the Kew, Hooker and India database.We are currently updating this database with a new inventory of the archives of the BSI 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2012 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The collection and transcription of one database on Hooker's India letters has been digitised as part of the joint Sussex University/Kew project on his India correspondence and is available to the wider public on the Kew Website. The BL had a Botany in British India day. The BSI in Kolkata is inventorising and protecting its collections on Hooker. 
Title The Botanical Survey of India 
Description The Botanical Survey of India (BSI) was established in 1890 with the primary aim of surveying the plant resources of the Indian empire. The BSI was instrumental in identifying, classifying, and documenting the diverse flora of the country. Over the years, the BSI has been a key contributor to the development of scientific research in plant biology in India.E.K. Janaki Ammal was instrumental in the transformation of the Botanical Survey of India (BSI). In her capacity as an Officer on Special Duty, she introduced a host of changes that rendered the BSI more organized and efficient. Her preliminary memorandum on the reorganisation of BSI underscored the need for a revitalized and restructured survey for better exploration and understanding of India's diverse flora. Later, as the director of the Central Botanical Laboratory, she continued to guide the institution to new heights of scientific achievement in the field of botany. See Also:Preface of Janaki Ammal's plan for reorganising the Botanical Survey of IndiaPhotograph of E.K. Janaki Ammal with a microscope 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This was part of a data set on Science, humanism and the making of modern India with over 60 unused photographs 
Title a data base of seventeenth and eighteenth century disasters including famines, floods and droughts and a climate database 
Description The research funding that followed from the network from the University of Mcgill resulted in us setting up this database on the seveneteenth century crisis in South Asia followed by another database on the impact of ElNino in the eighteenth century 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We collected data on climate and the environment in the Longue Durée from archives and are interested in making this information understandable to the public in terms of understanding the climate and how we engage with it in the Indian Ocean World. The potential to bring together our data within the MCRI database, the integration of the database to GIS, and the tools in development for ICRA are all exciting. To aid visualisation we hoped to create models concerning the periods surrounding two major volcanic eruptions, reconstructing wind directions and shipping routes with the help of Philip Brohan (Met Office) that shows the composite of all ships routes for the 2 years before and after the volcanic eruptions which will be displayed through a movie loop that shows each new route as it progresses but keeps past routes on the image with new routes changing colour after the volcanic eruptions and having two separate movies for the two volcanic eruptions. This visualization has been completed by two graduate students on the project Melissa Lazenby and Netsanet Alamirew. 
Description Appraising risk, past and present: interrogating historical data to enhance understanding of environmental crises in the Indian ocean world Funder: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Grant number: N/A 
Organisation McGill University
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We work closely with McGill on this collecting data on Indian ocean world climate and human interaction at specific points in time. We also ran a very successful summer school in May 2021.The Appraising Risk Partnership's 1st Summer School Workshop was conducted on the 26th and 27th May via Zoom. It was organised by the Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH) at the University of Sussex, as part of the Appraising Risk Partnership funded by the Canadian Social Science Research Council and with collaboration from the McGill University, the British Library, the University of Hull and the Met Office. 44 participants, mainly early career researchers, registered for the sessions from India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Germany, U.K, Australia and Canada. Attendance for each day was good, with approximately 45 attendees on each day (including the 7 speakers/organisers). The theme of day 1, chaired by Vinita Damodaran was "Environmental Archives". The first half comprised 3x 20-minute presentations from Antonia Moon (British Library), Rob Allan (Met Office) and Greg Bankoff (University of Hull/University of Sussex), entitled respectively, "Some sources for meteorology in the India Office Records and related collections", "ACRE's experiences with Indian Ocean World archives and their uses" and "Climate and the Environmental Historian". The second half comprised a 40-minute workshop that drew on some of the themes from the presentations, run by Vinita Damodaran and Mike Rayner. The participants had been given 9 primary source extracts, relating to 3 case studies, in advance of the session, as well as secondary source material for optional further reading. The case studies related to (1) the 1864 Calcutta Cyclone, (2) the 1877-1878 El Niño and Madras famine, and (3) the 1944-1945 Pacific Typhoon. In break-out rooms of 4-5 participants they were instructed to discuss one of the case studies and answer questions about the sources. A padlet was provided as a platform to exchange ideas/ask questions, and each group was asked to share their conclusions with the larger group at the end. The theme of day 2, chaired by Mick Frogley, was "Climate of the Indian Ocean World: practical application". The first half comprised a demonstration by Melissa Lazenby of the KNMI Climate Explorer software (, exploring data from the Calcutta Cyclone case study. In the second half, participants were divided into breakout rooms of 5-6 participants, and were given exercises to complete using KNMI based on either case study 2 or case study 3. Following this,
Collaborator Contribution Collaborators who work together on conferences, and publications on India and the Indian Ocean World include Margaret E.R. Kalacska - McGill University Co-PI Isaac N. Luginaah - McGill University Co-PI Angela Schottenhammer - KU leuven Co-PI Jon Unruh - McGill University Co-PI Julia Verne - Guttenberg University Co-PI James F. Warren - Murdoch university Co-PI
Impact Summer school Publications Further grant applications Conferences
Start Year 2017
Description Botanical and Meteorological history of the Indian Ocean 1500-1900 
Organisation Institute of Development Studies
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The AHRC networking grant made to the Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH) with Damodaran as PI helped facilitate initial networking meetings which have culminated in the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The University of Sussex, The British Library and The UK Met Office. The 3 have agreed to share historical weather and climate data to enhance understanding of environmental change in the Indian Ocean area during the colonial period. It is a hugely important period as European empires, the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese, brought about an unprecedented transformation of the landscapes and environments on the periphery of the Indian Ocean. The resulting ecological reshaping was closely documented and can be found in various types of colonial and indigenous documents but the issue is finding where relevant historical sources are held. In terms of the botanical record the transcription of an important record of Indian natural history in conjunction with Kew, the Indian letters of Joseph Hooker has resulted in the collaborative Hooker's India letters project, where we are listed as project partners. We are now preparing to take the collaboration further by taking two exhibitions to India, the first one to Delhi and the second to Kolkata highlighting the role of natural history collections of the empire to a wider audience of school students, the general public and academics. The exhibition with the follow on funding for impact and engagment were extermely successful in addressing the questions of public engagement in Kolkata and Mysore. It was particularly successful in terms of involving secondary school children in the bid to understand and conserve the natural history heritage of India. In this year, the exhibition travelled to Delhi. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in further funding for that institition to bid successfully from the Rutherford Fund to bring 3 scientists from the Botanical Survey of India one of our key collaborators to the NHM for the work of digital repatriation of Indian botanical specimens. This got wide publicity in the Indian and U.K. press. We have now added a new partner to this network which is the Asia Scotland Trust and we are preparing to restore Roxburgh house in the Kolkata Botanic garden as part of this exercise.As part of further development of our international network we have managed to secure further funding with IDS to take a school project to the Sundarbans
Collaborator Contribution CWEH is responsible for identifying relevant historical records , strengthening academic and non-academic networks, providing online hosting for descriptive accounts of the collection and ultimately providing a roadmap for digitising the sources for improved accessibility.The CWEH has already played a key advisory role in helping holding institutions such as Kew, the Natural History Museum and the British Library to establish interconnections between their various collections and those of institutions in South Asia such as the National Library in Kolkata and the Kolkata Botanic Garden. The colonial records include numerous papers and archives compiled by both private individuals and by colonial bureaucracies, naturalists, travellers, missionaries and scientific services. For example, the British Library holds a large collection of transcribed songs from across India that lament the environmental changes caused by the introduction of new crops by the British from the late 19th century. Physical sources include the specimens of plants, animals and geological materials that remain in herbaria and museum collections. Our collaboration with these institutions had helped to take an earlier curated exhibition by Kew to India on Joseph Hooker. This was inaugurated by us in Kolkata and Mysore in 2016 with two very successful exhibitions at the Botanical Survey of India and the Regional Museum of Natural History both institutions are our collaborators. We also had a school project to involve secondary school children to further their understanding of the natural history heritage of India. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in BSI and the NHM taking their collaboration further as a result of our network to digitally repatriate over a 100,000 Indian botanical specimens to India. The Asia Scotland trust is actively engaging with us to restore Roxburgh house as a new centre for environmental history and climate change.
Impact The Hooker India letters is also an outcome of this network. The Kew/ BSI/NMNH Natural History heritage of India exhibition is an outcome of this collaboration. More recently the collaboration has extended to Mcgill University, Canada and the Norwegian Institute of Social Sciences, Noragric who are collaborating with us on two projects on Human Environment interactions in the Indian Ocean World, 1500 onwards Climate change, uncertainity and social transformation (with Institute of Development Studies, (IDS) and Noragric). The digital repatriation of the Indian plants at the Natural History Museum is part of this collaboration exercise and the visit of three Indian scientists to aid with this repatriation exercise had recently been successfully the Rutherford trust. It is exteremly important for India/U.K. collaboration.
Start Year 2012
Description Botanical and Meteorological history of the Indian Ocean 1500-1900 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The AHRC networking grant made to the Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH) with Damodaran as PI helped facilitate initial networking meetings which have culminated in the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The University of Sussex, The British Library and The UK Met Office. The 3 have agreed to share historical weather and climate data to enhance understanding of environmental change in the Indian Ocean area during the colonial period. It is a hugely important period as European empires, the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese, brought about an unprecedented transformation of the landscapes and environments on the periphery of the Indian Ocean. The resulting ecological reshaping was closely documented and can be found in various types of colonial and indigenous documents but the issue is finding where relevant historical sources are held. In terms of the botanical record the transcription of an important record of Indian natural history in conjunction with Kew, the Indian letters of Joseph Hooker has resulted in the collaborative Hooker's India letters project, where we are listed as project partners. We are now preparing to take the collaboration further by taking two exhibitions to India, the first one to Delhi and the second to Kolkata highlighting the role of natural history collections of the empire to a wider audience of school students, the general public and academics. The exhibition with the follow on funding for impact and engagment were extermely successful in addressing the questions of public engagement in Kolkata and Mysore. It was particularly successful in terms of involving secondary school children in the bid to understand and conserve the natural history heritage of India. In this year, the exhibition travelled to Delhi. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in further funding for that institition to bid successfully from the Rutherford Fund to bring 3 scientists from the Botanical Survey of India one of our key collaborators to the NHM for the work of digital repatriation of Indian botanical specimens. This got wide publicity in the Indian and U.K. press. We have now added a new partner to this network which is the Asia Scotland Trust and we are preparing to restore Roxburgh house in the Kolkata Botanic garden as part of this exercise.As part of further development of our international network we have managed to secure further funding with IDS to take a school project to the Sundarbans
Collaborator Contribution CWEH is responsible for identifying relevant historical records , strengthening academic and non-academic networks, providing online hosting for descriptive accounts of the collection and ultimately providing a roadmap for digitising the sources for improved accessibility.The CWEH has already played a key advisory role in helping holding institutions such as Kew, the Natural History Museum and the British Library to establish interconnections between their various collections and those of institutions in South Asia such as the National Library in Kolkata and the Kolkata Botanic Garden. The colonial records include numerous papers and archives compiled by both private individuals and by colonial bureaucracies, naturalists, travellers, missionaries and scientific services. For example, the British Library holds a large collection of transcribed songs from across India that lament the environmental changes caused by the introduction of new crops by the British from the late 19th century. Physical sources include the specimens of plants, animals and geological materials that remain in herbaria and museum collections. Our collaboration with these institutions had helped to take an earlier curated exhibition by Kew to India on Joseph Hooker. This was inaugurated by us in Kolkata and Mysore in 2016 with two very successful exhibitions at the Botanical Survey of India and the Regional Museum of Natural History both institutions are our collaborators. We also had a school project to involve secondary school children to further their understanding of the natural history heritage of India. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in BSI and the NHM taking their collaboration further as a result of our network to digitally repatriate over a 100,000 Indian botanical specimens to India. The Asia Scotland trust is actively engaging with us to restore Roxburgh house as a new centre for environmental history and climate change.
Impact The Hooker India letters is also an outcome of this network. The Kew/ BSI/NMNH Natural History heritage of India exhibition is an outcome of this collaboration. More recently the collaboration has extended to Mcgill University, Canada and the Norwegian Institute of Social Sciences, Noragric who are collaborating with us on two projects on Human Environment interactions in the Indian Ocean World, 1500 onwards Climate change, uncertainity and social transformation (with Institute of Development Studies, (IDS) and Noragric). The digital repatriation of the Indian plants at the Natural History Museum is part of this collaboration exercise and the visit of three Indian scientists to aid with this repatriation exercise had recently been successfully the Rutherford trust. It is exteremly important for India/U.K. collaboration.
Start Year 2012
Description Botanical and Meteorological history of the Indian Ocean 1500-1900 
Organisation National Museum of Natural History New Delhi
Country India 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The AHRC networking grant made to the Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH) with Damodaran as PI helped facilitate initial networking meetings which have culminated in the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The University of Sussex, The British Library and The UK Met Office. The 3 have agreed to share historical weather and climate data to enhance understanding of environmental change in the Indian Ocean area during the colonial period. It is a hugely important period as European empires, the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese, brought about an unprecedented transformation of the landscapes and environments on the periphery of the Indian Ocean. The resulting ecological reshaping was closely documented and can be found in various types of colonial and indigenous documents but the issue is finding where relevant historical sources are held. In terms of the botanical record the transcription of an important record of Indian natural history in conjunction with Kew, the Indian letters of Joseph Hooker has resulted in the collaborative Hooker's India letters project, where we are listed as project partners. We are now preparing to take the collaboration further by taking two exhibitions to India, the first one to Delhi and the second to Kolkata highlighting the role of natural history collections of the empire to a wider audience of school students, the general public and academics. The exhibition with the follow on funding for impact and engagment were extermely successful in addressing the questions of public engagement in Kolkata and Mysore. It was particularly successful in terms of involving secondary school children in the bid to understand and conserve the natural history heritage of India. In this year, the exhibition travelled to Delhi. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in further funding for that institition to bid successfully from the Rutherford Fund to bring 3 scientists from the Botanical Survey of India one of our key collaborators to the NHM for the work of digital repatriation of Indian botanical specimens. This got wide publicity in the Indian and U.K. press. We have now added a new partner to this network which is the Asia Scotland Trust and we are preparing to restore Roxburgh house in the Kolkata Botanic garden as part of this exercise.As part of further development of our international network we have managed to secure further funding with IDS to take a school project to the Sundarbans
Collaborator Contribution CWEH is responsible for identifying relevant historical records , strengthening academic and non-academic networks, providing online hosting for descriptive accounts of the collection and ultimately providing a roadmap for digitising the sources for improved accessibility.The CWEH has already played a key advisory role in helping holding institutions such as Kew, the Natural History Museum and the British Library to establish interconnections between their various collections and those of institutions in South Asia such as the National Library in Kolkata and the Kolkata Botanic Garden. The colonial records include numerous papers and archives compiled by both private individuals and by colonial bureaucracies, naturalists, travellers, missionaries and scientific services. For example, the British Library holds a large collection of transcribed songs from across India that lament the environmental changes caused by the introduction of new crops by the British from the late 19th century. Physical sources include the specimens of plants, animals and geological materials that remain in herbaria and museum collections. Our collaboration with these institutions had helped to take an earlier curated exhibition by Kew to India on Joseph Hooker. This was inaugurated by us in Kolkata and Mysore in 2016 with two very successful exhibitions at the Botanical Survey of India and the Regional Museum of Natural History both institutions are our collaborators. We also had a school project to involve secondary school children to further their understanding of the natural history heritage of India. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in BSI and the NHM taking their collaboration further as a result of our network to digitally repatriate over a 100,000 Indian botanical specimens to India. The Asia Scotland trust is actively engaging with us to restore Roxburgh house as a new centre for environmental history and climate change.
Impact The Hooker India letters is also an outcome of this network. The Kew/ BSI/NMNH Natural History heritage of India exhibition is an outcome of this collaboration. More recently the collaboration has extended to Mcgill University, Canada and the Norwegian Institute of Social Sciences, Noragric who are collaborating with us on two projects on Human Environment interactions in the Indian Ocean World, 1500 onwards Climate change, uncertainity and social transformation (with Institute of Development Studies, (IDS) and Noragric). The digital repatriation of the Indian plants at the Natural History Museum is part of this collaboration exercise and the visit of three Indian scientists to aid with this repatriation exercise had recently been successfully the Rutherford trust. It is exteremly important for India/U.K. collaboration.
Start Year 2012
Description Botanical and Meteorological history of the Indian Ocean 1500-1900 
Organisation Natural History Museum
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The AHRC networking grant made to the Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH) with Damodaran as PI helped facilitate initial networking meetings which have culminated in the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The University of Sussex, The British Library and The UK Met Office. The 3 have agreed to share historical weather and climate data to enhance understanding of environmental change in the Indian Ocean area during the colonial period. It is a hugely important period as European empires, the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese, brought about an unprecedented transformation of the landscapes and environments on the periphery of the Indian Ocean. The resulting ecological reshaping was closely documented and can be found in various types of colonial and indigenous documents but the issue is finding where relevant historical sources are held. In terms of the botanical record the transcription of an important record of Indian natural history in conjunction with Kew, the Indian letters of Joseph Hooker has resulted in the collaborative Hooker's India letters project, where we are listed as project partners. We are now preparing to take the collaboration further by taking two exhibitions to India, the first one to Delhi and the second to Kolkata highlighting the role of natural history collections of the empire to a wider audience of school students, the general public and academics. The exhibition with the follow on funding for impact and engagment were extermely successful in addressing the questions of public engagement in Kolkata and Mysore. It was particularly successful in terms of involving secondary school children in the bid to understand and conserve the natural history heritage of India. In this year, the exhibition travelled to Delhi. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in further funding for that institition to bid successfully from the Rutherford Fund to bring 3 scientists from the Botanical Survey of India one of our key collaborators to the NHM for the work of digital repatriation of Indian botanical specimens. This got wide publicity in the Indian and U.K. press. We have now added a new partner to this network which is the Asia Scotland Trust and we are preparing to restore Roxburgh house in the Kolkata Botanic garden as part of this exercise.As part of further development of our international network we have managed to secure further funding with IDS to take a school project to the Sundarbans
Collaborator Contribution CWEH is responsible for identifying relevant historical records , strengthening academic and non-academic networks, providing online hosting for descriptive accounts of the collection and ultimately providing a roadmap for digitising the sources for improved accessibility.The CWEH has already played a key advisory role in helping holding institutions such as Kew, the Natural History Museum and the British Library to establish interconnections between their various collections and those of institutions in South Asia such as the National Library in Kolkata and the Kolkata Botanic Garden. The colonial records include numerous papers and archives compiled by both private individuals and by colonial bureaucracies, naturalists, travellers, missionaries and scientific services. For example, the British Library holds a large collection of transcribed songs from across India that lament the environmental changes caused by the introduction of new crops by the British from the late 19th century. Physical sources include the specimens of plants, animals and geological materials that remain in herbaria and museum collections. Our collaboration with these institutions had helped to take an earlier curated exhibition by Kew to India on Joseph Hooker. This was inaugurated by us in Kolkata and Mysore in 2016 with two very successful exhibitions at the Botanical Survey of India and the Regional Museum of Natural History both institutions are our collaborators. We also had a school project to involve secondary school children to further their understanding of the natural history heritage of India. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in BSI and the NHM taking their collaboration further as a result of our network to digitally repatriate over a 100,000 Indian botanical specimens to India. The Asia Scotland trust is actively engaging with us to restore Roxburgh house as a new centre for environmental history and climate change.
Impact The Hooker India letters is also an outcome of this network. The Kew/ BSI/NMNH Natural History heritage of India exhibition is an outcome of this collaboration. More recently the collaboration has extended to Mcgill University, Canada and the Norwegian Institute of Social Sciences, Noragric who are collaborating with us on two projects on Human Environment interactions in the Indian Ocean World, 1500 onwards Climate change, uncertainity and social transformation (with Institute of Development Studies, (IDS) and Noragric). The digital repatriation of the Indian plants at the Natural History Museum is part of this collaboration exercise and the visit of three Indian scientists to aid with this repatriation exercise had recently been successfully the Rutherford trust. It is exteremly important for India/U.K. collaboration.
Start Year 2012
Description Botanical and Meteorological history of the Indian Ocean 1500-1900 
Organisation Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The AHRC networking grant made to the Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH) with Damodaran as PI helped facilitate initial networking meetings which have culminated in the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The University of Sussex, The British Library and The UK Met Office. The 3 have agreed to share historical weather and climate data to enhance understanding of environmental change in the Indian Ocean area during the colonial period. It is a hugely important period as European empires, the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese, brought about an unprecedented transformation of the landscapes and environments on the periphery of the Indian Ocean. The resulting ecological reshaping was closely documented and can be found in various types of colonial and indigenous documents but the issue is finding where relevant historical sources are held. In terms of the botanical record the transcription of an important record of Indian natural history in conjunction with Kew, the Indian letters of Joseph Hooker has resulted in the collaborative Hooker's India letters project, where we are listed as project partners. We are now preparing to take the collaboration further by taking two exhibitions to India, the first one to Delhi and the second to Kolkata highlighting the role of natural history collections of the empire to a wider audience of school students, the general public and academics. The exhibition with the follow on funding for impact and engagment were extermely successful in addressing the questions of public engagement in Kolkata and Mysore. It was particularly successful in terms of involving secondary school children in the bid to understand and conserve the natural history heritage of India. In this year, the exhibition travelled to Delhi. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in further funding for that institition to bid successfully from the Rutherford Fund to bring 3 scientists from the Botanical Survey of India one of our key collaborators to the NHM for the work of digital repatriation of Indian botanical specimens. This got wide publicity in the Indian and U.K. press. We have now added a new partner to this network which is the Asia Scotland Trust and we are preparing to restore Roxburgh house in the Kolkata Botanic garden as part of this exercise.As part of further development of our international network we have managed to secure further funding with IDS to take a school project to the Sundarbans
Collaborator Contribution CWEH is responsible for identifying relevant historical records , strengthening academic and non-academic networks, providing online hosting for descriptive accounts of the collection and ultimately providing a roadmap for digitising the sources for improved accessibility.The CWEH has already played a key advisory role in helping holding institutions such as Kew, the Natural History Museum and the British Library to establish interconnections between their various collections and those of institutions in South Asia such as the National Library in Kolkata and the Kolkata Botanic Garden. The colonial records include numerous papers and archives compiled by both private individuals and by colonial bureaucracies, naturalists, travellers, missionaries and scientific services. For example, the British Library holds a large collection of transcribed songs from across India that lament the environmental changes caused by the introduction of new crops by the British from the late 19th century. Physical sources include the specimens of plants, animals and geological materials that remain in herbaria and museum collections. Our collaboration with these institutions had helped to take an earlier curated exhibition by Kew to India on Joseph Hooker. This was inaugurated by us in Kolkata and Mysore in 2016 with two very successful exhibitions at the Botanical Survey of India and the Regional Museum of Natural History both institutions are our collaborators. We also had a school project to involve secondary school children to further their understanding of the natural history heritage of India. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in BSI and the NHM taking their collaboration further as a result of our network to digitally repatriate over a 100,000 Indian botanical specimens to India. The Asia Scotland trust is actively engaging with us to restore Roxburgh house as a new centre for environmental history and climate change.
Impact The Hooker India letters is also an outcome of this network. The Kew/ BSI/NMNH Natural History heritage of India exhibition is an outcome of this collaboration. More recently the collaboration has extended to Mcgill University, Canada and the Norwegian Institute of Social Sciences, Noragric who are collaborating with us on two projects on Human Environment interactions in the Indian Ocean World, 1500 onwards Climate change, uncertainity and social transformation (with Institute of Development Studies, (IDS) and Noragric). The digital repatriation of the Indian plants at the Natural History Museum is part of this collaboration exercise and the visit of three Indian scientists to aid with this repatriation exercise had recently been successfully the Rutherford trust. It is exteremly important for India/U.K. collaboration.
Start Year 2012
Description Botanical and Meteorological history of the Indian Ocean 1500-1900 
Organisation The Botanical Survey of India
Country India 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The AHRC networking grant made to the Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH) with Damodaran as PI helped facilitate initial networking meetings which have culminated in the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The University of Sussex, The British Library and The UK Met Office. The 3 have agreed to share historical weather and climate data to enhance understanding of environmental change in the Indian Ocean area during the colonial period. It is a hugely important period as European empires, the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese, brought about an unprecedented transformation of the landscapes and environments on the periphery of the Indian Ocean. The resulting ecological reshaping was closely documented and can be found in various types of colonial and indigenous documents but the issue is finding where relevant historical sources are held. In terms of the botanical record the transcription of an important record of Indian natural history in conjunction with Kew, the Indian letters of Joseph Hooker has resulted in the collaborative Hooker's India letters project, where we are listed as project partners. We are now preparing to take the collaboration further by taking two exhibitions to India, the first one to Delhi and the second to Kolkata highlighting the role of natural history collections of the empire to a wider audience of school students, the general public and academics. The exhibition with the follow on funding for impact and engagment were extermely successful in addressing the questions of public engagement in Kolkata and Mysore. It was particularly successful in terms of involving secondary school children in the bid to understand and conserve the natural history heritage of India. In this year, the exhibition travelled to Delhi. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in further funding for that institition to bid successfully from the Rutherford Fund to bring 3 scientists from the Botanical Survey of India one of our key collaborators to the NHM for the work of digital repatriation of Indian botanical specimens. This got wide publicity in the Indian and U.K. press. We have now added a new partner to this network which is the Asia Scotland Trust and we are preparing to restore Roxburgh house in the Kolkata Botanic garden as part of this exercise.As part of further development of our international network we have managed to secure further funding with IDS to take a school project to the Sundarbans
Collaborator Contribution CWEH is responsible for identifying relevant historical records , strengthening academic and non-academic networks, providing online hosting for descriptive accounts of the collection and ultimately providing a roadmap for digitising the sources for improved accessibility.The CWEH has already played a key advisory role in helping holding institutions such as Kew, the Natural History Museum and the British Library to establish interconnections between their various collections and those of institutions in South Asia such as the National Library in Kolkata and the Kolkata Botanic Garden. The colonial records include numerous papers and archives compiled by both private individuals and by colonial bureaucracies, naturalists, travellers, missionaries and scientific services. For example, the British Library holds a large collection of transcribed songs from across India that lament the environmental changes caused by the introduction of new crops by the British from the late 19th century. Physical sources include the specimens of plants, animals and geological materials that remain in herbaria and museum collections. Our collaboration with these institutions had helped to take an earlier curated exhibition by Kew to India on Joseph Hooker. This was inaugurated by us in Kolkata and Mysore in 2016 with two very successful exhibitions at the Botanical Survey of India and the Regional Museum of Natural History both institutions are our collaborators. We also had a school project to involve secondary school children to further their understanding of the natural history heritage of India. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in BSI and the NHM taking their collaboration further as a result of our network to digitally repatriate over a 100,000 Indian botanical specimens to India. The Asia Scotland trust is actively engaging with us to restore Roxburgh house as a new centre for environmental history and climate change.
Impact The Hooker India letters is also an outcome of this network. The Kew/ BSI/NMNH Natural History heritage of India exhibition is an outcome of this collaboration. More recently the collaboration has extended to Mcgill University, Canada and the Norwegian Institute of Social Sciences, Noragric who are collaborating with us on two projects on Human Environment interactions in the Indian Ocean World, 1500 onwards Climate change, uncertainity and social transformation (with Institute of Development Studies, (IDS) and Noragric). The digital repatriation of the Indian plants at the Natural History Museum is part of this collaboration exercise and the visit of three Indian scientists to aid with this repatriation exercise had recently been successfully the Rutherford trust. It is exteremly important for India/U.K. collaboration.
Start Year 2012
Description Botanical and Meteorological history of the Indian Ocean 1500-1900 
Organisation The British Library
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The AHRC networking grant made to the Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH) with Damodaran as PI helped facilitate initial networking meetings which have culminated in the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The University of Sussex, The British Library and The UK Met Office. The 3 have agreed to share historical weather and climate data to enhance understanding of environmental change in the Indian Ocean area during the colonial period. It is a hugely important period as European empires, the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese, brought about an unprecedented transformation of the landscapes and environments on the periphery of the Indian Ocean. The resulting ecological reshaping was closely documented and can be found in various types of colonial and indigenous documents but the issue is finding where relevant historical sources are held. In terms of the botanical record the transcription of an important record of Indian natural history in conjunction with Kew, the Indian letters of Joseph Hooker has resulted in the collaborative Hooker's India letters project, where we are listed as project partners. We are now preparing to take the collaboration further by taking two exhibitions to India, the first one to Delhi and the second to Kolkata highlighting the role of natural history collections of the empire to a wider audience of school students, the general public and academics. The exhibition with the follow on funding for impact and engagment were extermely successful in addressing the questions of public engagement in Kolkata and Mysore. It was particularly successful in terms of involving secondary school children in the bid to understand and conserve the natural history heritage of India. In this year, the exhibition travelled to Delhi. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in further funding for that institition to bid successfully from the Rutherford Fund to bring 3 scientists from the Botanical Survey of India one of our key collaborators to the NHM for the work of digital repatriation of Indian botanical specimens. This got wide publicity in the Indian and U.K. press. We have now added a new partner to this network which is the Asia Scotland Trust and we are preparing to restore Roxburgh house in the Kolkata Botanic garden as part of this exercise.As part of further development of our international network we have managed to secure further funding with IDS to take a school project to the Sundarbans
Collaborator Contribution CWEH is responsible for identifying relevant historical records , strengthening academic and non-academic networks, providing online hosting for descriptive accounts of the collection and ultimately providing a roadmap for digitising the sources for improved accessibility.The CWEH has already played a key advisory role in helping holding institutions such as Kew, the Natural History Museum and the British Library to establish interconnections between their various collections and those of institutions in South Asia such as the National Library in Kolkata and the Kolkata Botanic Garden. The colonial records include numerous papers and archives compiled by both private individuals and by colonial bureaucracies, naturalists, travellers, missionaries and scientific services. For example, the British Library holds a large collection of transcribed songs from across India that lament the environmental changes caused by the introduction of new crops by the British from the late 19th century. Physical sources include the specimens of plants, animals and geological materials that remain in herbaria and museum collections. Our collaboration with these institutions had helped to take an earlier curated exhibition by Kew to India on Joseph Hooker. This was inaugurated by us in Kolkata and Mysore in 2016 with two very successful exhibitions at the Botanical Survey of India and the Regional Museum of Natural History both institutions are our collaborators. We also had a school project to involve secondary school children to further their understanding of the natural history heritage of India. More recently our collaboration with the Natural History Museum has resulted in BSI and the NHM taking their collaboration further as a result of our network to digitally repatriate over a 100,000 Indian botanical specimens to India. The Asia Scotland trust is actively engaging with us to restore Roxburgh house as a new centre for environmental history and climate change.
Impact The Hooker India letters is also an outcome of this network. The Kew/ BSI/NMNH Natural History heritage of India exhibition is an outcome of this collaboration. More recently the collaboration has extended to Mcgill University, Canada and the Norwegian Institute of Social Sciences, Noragric who are collaborating with us on two projects on Human Environment interactions in the Indian Ocean World, 1500 onwards Climate change, uncertainity and social transformation (with Institute of Development Studies, (IDS) and Noragric). The digital repatriation of the Indian plants at the Natural History Museum is part of this collaboration exercise and the visit of three Indian scientists to aid with this repatriation exercise had recently been successfully the Rutherford trust. It is exteremly important for India/U.K. collaboration.
Start Year 2012
Description Gwillim project 
Organisation McGill University
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Worked on the environment and climate of south India in the period of the sisters. My contribution was to the environmental history dimension of the project. I have also contributed to the edited collection of this project entitled, Women, Environment, and Networks of Empire: Elizabeth Gwillim and Mary Symonds in Madras
Collaborator Contribution McGill University was given a large grant to digitise and work on the collection of the sisters. This was a major initiative and one that we learnt a great deal from
Impact Blogs Conferences Publication Reports
Start Year 2019
Description Hidden histories of science 
Organisation John Innes Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We highlighted the collections held in the JOhn Innes Centre mainly photographs and archives and brought it to a public audience through an exhibition in Kolkata
Collaborator Contribution The John Innes centre and the Librarian were very helpful and contributed their expertise to the exhibition in the form of identifying key material and photographic images. We had 64 images for our exhibition
Impact A public-facing exhibition on Science and the making of Modern India in Kolkata that was inaugurated on the 7th of January and is still running at the botanical survey of India gallery of the Indian Museum. A digital exhibition was also inaugurated this year
Start Year 2022
Description Restoring Roxburgh house as a climate change centre in the Kolkata Botanic Garden 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are working with the Asia Scotland trust to preserve Roxburgh house as a climate change centre in the Kolkata botanic garden. The fund raising for this project has moved to the next stage where the MOU with the Trust and the Kolkata Botanic Garden has been finalised. 25,000 pounds has already been raised as initial funding for for this project.
Collaborator Contribution The Asia Scotland Trust is very active in trying to fund raise for this project and recently we have made some strong links with the FCO in this matter
Impact The outcomes currently include a detailed architectural plan for the restoration and a funding agenda.
Start Year 2016
Description A formal working group on the conservation of Roxburgh House at BSI in Kolkata 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact We have created a dialogue by setting up an expert group about the importance to protect Roxburgh House as a heritage and historical site for Indian Botanical heritage. The proposal currently is being decided by the Indian ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Digital Repatriation of Indian plants 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The network helped to promote links between Indian institutions and British Institutions. As a result of the activities of the network the Botanical Survey of India and the Natural History Museum have collaborated to digitally repatriate 100,000 Indian plant specimens. This has been made possible through the visits of the director of the BSI, Dr Paramjit Singh who is an active network member to network meetings in Sussex and London. See
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Digital online exhibition 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The online exhibition , Science, Humanism and the making of modern India was launched at the end of 2023. It has received 281 visitors to date including a large number of school children
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023,2024
Description Kew BSI exhibition tours Delhi 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Kew/BSI exhibition after its year long display in Kolkata was taken to Delhi in October 2017 here it had a successful showing over 10 days to a wide audience. It was inaugrated by the Director of the BSI and the Secretary Ministry of Environment. The specialist talk was given by one of our members of the steering committee of the network, Prof Deepak Kumar from JNU.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Participant in video documentary at the Natural History Museum on Indian collections 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The participation in the short video documentary was viewed by many visitors to the Natural History Museum who were interested in Indian Collections and the museum display. The result of this exercise was to highlight the importance of these collections in holding institutions such as the BL, the Natural History Museum and Kew which host the biggest collections from India and the Indian ocean region. The value of these both in terms of preserving the natural heritage of these countries in the Indian Ocean world and in knowledge creation and knowledge repatriation cannot be underestimated.

As a result there has been a resurgence of interest in inventorying and showcasing these collections among a range of institutions from NHM, to Kew to the BL and Indian institutions such as the National Museum of natural History, The Forest Research Institute, The Botanical Survey of India, The Indian Museum. We are planning to bring the Hooker exhibition to India next year as part of the larger engagement process with the wider public in India. The Botanical Survey of India and the Indian Museum are also putting together a conservation programme to preserve their collections of natural history and also showcase them in displays at the Indian Museum.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012,2013
Description Public Lecture, Indian Museum and following media coverage 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Public Lecture at the Indian Museum was followed by media coverage of the event where I was able to highlight our project to digitally repatriate historic Indian Natural history collections
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Public facing exhibition 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact The public-facing exhibition in Kolkata and the two-day-long workshop was attended by 160 people who were very happy with the outcomes. It generated huge interest and debate in science and human values among a range of people. School children from the marginal area of the Sundarbans delta attended the workshop and also presented their work on climate change and uncertainty through a range of art work including paintings
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description School project, Indian Natural History collections 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact 250 school children have been engaging with the Botanic Garden in Kolkata on the natural history collections there and visiting the museum exhibition that has been on permanent display there. Since then we have extended the project with some further funding to another 250 students in the fragile bio-region of the Sundarbans
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021
Description conference and curriculum change in a provincial university 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The conference in Kolkan and the environment and tribal was highly praised by the tribal students who were able to interact with one of the members of our network a tribal activist Gladson DungDung. This was followed by a curriculum meeting with the teachers who were keen to add environmental history to the curriculum. The meeting was follwed by email exchanges through the year which helped the university to build up their environmental history teaching
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017