Networks and Actors in the British and French Foreign Ministries: Responses to the Idea of European Integration, 1919-1957.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Politics and International Studies


This project concerns the intellectual framework applied by civil servants (permanent officials) who formulated British and French foreign policy between 1919 and 1957 and how they decided whether an integrated European approach to international security was preferable to a more traditional single state strategy. Research on the history of European integration has tended to focus on policy at government level; little attention has been given to how policy was formulated and executed within foreign ministries and certainly not in any comparative way. And yet, the core political and diplomatic assumptions of the permanent officials should be intrinsic to our understanding of how the British and French foreign ministries, or networks within them, saw Europe as a solution to maintaining their international influence. We will also demonstrate how civil servants, including diplomats, reflected the value systems of those who appointed them and those who trained them, although it is not always true that they reflected the priorities of the government ministers whom they served.

Even though Britain and France became members of the European Community at different moments, they have been chosen because they are nation-states of similar populations, with similar imperial histories and world roles, they are both permanent members of the UN Security Council, leading members of NATO and of the EU. Nevertheless, historically these two countries have viewed the concept of European security and integration differently, with Britain placing more emphasis on the importance of overseas ties (Empire, Commonwealth, US) than the French have chosen to do. The British and French examples reveal how within the machinery of government of these states different views were held by politicians, permanent officials and diplomats about how far a commitment should be made to Europe as part of their wider foreign and imperial policy. The consensus among historians of British foreign relations is of an either/or contest between a continental and an imperial strategy, when in reality both views were held simultaneously by different groupings of permanent officials, diplomats and their political masters. The French case is similar. In France competing views were held by politicians and networks of officials about how to provide the security necessary for France to continue to play an imperial and world role. While some believed her security lay, as before the First World War, in a more loosely based network of alliances, others were increasingly committed to an institutional form of European integration.

Very little work has been done on the process by which the permanent officials of the foreign ministries of European states considered the question of European integration; when this has been done it tends to be in relation to Cold War strategic questions. Even fewer studies are to be found on European integration prior to the Second World War; and no works of a comparative nature consider foreign policy-making and the influence of networks in relation to the European ideal in the French Foreign Ministry or British Foreign and Commonwealth Office(FCO).

This work has considerable benefits for policy makers in the FCO, the French Foreign Ministry and in the European Commission. It is a current FCO priority to understand better the historical perspective on present-day policies to which this project would contribute. It would also be of great benefit to those engaged in the study and formulation of foreign policy amongst all EU members and future accession countries. It is our intention to use our research as the basis for a series of workshops for British and French diplomats and permanent officials as well as organisations that liaise with the EU such as the United Kingdom Permananent Representation to the European Union (UKREP).

Planned Impact

The research will investigate how foreign policy is made, its actors and the networks and influences that condition it and will therefore be of interest to both academic and non-academic audiences.

1) Who will benefit from the research?
- International academics and research institutions: beneficiaries include academics and students in the fields of international history, international relations, political science and, potentially, the fields of organisational behaviour and sociology.
- Policy makers at national government level: results will be of direct relevance to policy-makers in the British and French national political systems, notably in the areas of foreign policy formulation and execution i.e. the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the French Foreign Ministry. It could also benefit those engaged in the formulation of foreign policy across Europe especially in future accession countries.
- Policy makers at European level: similarly, the research will inform departments within the European Commission and Parliament engaged in foreign policy and integration, specifically the European Council's High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
- Recruitment/HR infrastructure of civil service/EU: the comparison of the impact of the background of officials in terms of education, training and networks has the potential to inform current recruitment practices and feed into employment and equality and diversity strategies of both the Civil Service, the French Fonction Publique de l'État and the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO), whose Director David Bearfield has agreed to be involved in the workshops and the dissemination of the findings of the project.
- Political commentators and the public: the project will also enhance public debate in the media and elsewhere on further European integration as well as contributing to an increase in the effectiveness of British diplomacy.

2) How will they benefit?
They will gain considerably from:
- an understanding of the factors that shape the policy making processes of the British and French governments towards European integration
- new insights into how elites select themselves and the impact of that process on foreign policy-making
- the production of a prosopographical series of webpages of both British & French diplomats that will be located on the University of Salford website and accessible to other researchers
- the potential for this study to pave the way for similar studies of networks in other government departments and/or other countries

3) What will be done to ensure they benefit?
- In addition to the monograph and journal articles aimed largely at the academic community, the investigators also intend to use workshops and symposia to bring potential end-users into discussion with the investigators on the project. We will invite not only academics to these seminars, but also government and European Union officials to ensure that research is up to date and to maximise policy relevance.
- Regular workshops and a one-day symposium will allow engagement throughout the lifetime of the project and will act both as progress reports and as a way of making the final outcomes reach a wider public. The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office Historical Branch, through Dr Isabelle Tombs, has agreed to host the final symposium at the FCO in London and to invite French diplomats to participate.
- Results will also be shared via the internet using the institution's website pages and also by posting on the University of Salford Institutional Repository (USIR), which is 'Open Access' and whose content is freely available and locatable via search engines.
- Salford University's Communications directorate will facilitate links to the press and media.
- The investigators will draft a Policy Recommendations Summary which will be available on USIR and for distribution directly to policy-makers and other beneficiaries
Description The award came to an end following a symposium composed of serving and former FCO permanent officials and diplomats at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office which took place on 25 October 2017. A number of key findings are already evident.
1)The project has brought to light how permanent officials and civil servants participate in making policy and how their views and contributions to policy may, on occasions, conflict with, or obstruct, those of their political masters. The research has found how the nature and content of officials' higher education can condition the world views and mental maps of civil servants and determine the policy options they propose to ministers.
2) The research has found how networks of like-minded civil servants can intervene in the policymaking process to achieve their views of what is best for a state, sometimes in contradiction to those of their political masters
3) Another finding is the importance of organisational function and process to policymaking. Certain departments in foreign ministries can from time to time monopolise policy, otherwise processed by a different route, and thereby short-circuit the policymaking process. Bureaucratic rivalry and politics can have a decisive impact on policy formulation and execution.
Exploitation Route How ministries structure themselves and build teams of civil servants to make and carry out policy is a crucial area that merits further research. The nature of the teams that are built, the diversity of educational background, individual views, outlooks and perceptions of the world should be given greater consideration by government when making policy. Such considerations should be taken seriously, for instance, in those ministries and organisations involved in team-building for negotiation of "Brexit" and its aftermath in order to avoid "group think" and its negative impact on negotiation.
Sectors Government

Democracy and Justice

Security and Diplomacy

Description Aspects of the findings have been referred to more generally and publicly in a Politics Podcast "Talking Politics" and an article in The Spectator magazine 18 January 2018 entitled "France and Brexit: lessons from history", Sunday Times article 'This is not 1789 - wounded King Emmanuel will limp on', 9 December 2018, The Spectator online 20 December 2019, 'Will Boris's Whitehall overhaul work?'
Sector Government, Democracy and Justice,Security and Diplomacy
Impact Types Cultural


Description Foreign and Commonwealth Office symposium
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description International Expert for 'troika' advising Greek Minister for Administrative Reform
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact The PI was contracted in 2013 by the French Finance Ministry (ADETEF/Expertise France), on behalf of the 'troika' (IMF, ECB, EU), to assist the Greek government in reorganising its higher education system and subsequently its research system. This involved preparing information and potential areas for reform on the Greek higher education sector, attending meetings with the Greek Education Ministry and senior civil servants, as well as the Greek Minister for Administrative Reform and E-government and his team, and senior officials from the European Commission. My report was submitted to the relevant authorities. It suggested a possible reorganisation of universities for improved delivery as well as avenues for the reorganisation of the national system of research. The mission is as yet incomplete while the Greek government renegotiates its financial obligations to the 'troika' along with agreed reforms to its public services.
Description Invitation to join French Foreign Ministry team of senior civil servants, ambassadors and academics preparing an administrative history of the French Foreign Ministry from 1980 to the present
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Title Project website and blog 
Description A website and blog dedicated to the overall project that contains documentation, information, news and events related to the project for sharing with the wider academic and public sphere: 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Unknown thus far 
Title Foreign and Commonwealth Office symposium 25 October 2017 
Description Recording and transcript of day-long symposium at the FCO with serving practitioner diplomats, former FCO diplomats, FCO historians and academics. The targeted discussions dealt with Foreign Office recruitment, selection, FCO administrative organisation, the policymaking process etc 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Not that are yet measurable 
Title Interview with European Communities EPSO Director 
Description Interview with the European Personnel Selection Office Director, Mr David Bearfield, about recruitment practices, selection and career orientation of European Union officials 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact None as yet measurable. 
Title Recorded workshop interview with M.Christian Masset, Secretary General, French foreign ministry, Paris 
Description This workshop interview with the most senior civil servant in the French foreign ministry allowed the project team to test the working hypothesis based on archival findings and historical evidence that foreign policymaking can be influenced by educational background,recruitment, selection and nomination to particular foreign ministry departments and positions as much as the political will of politicians 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact As yet none that is measurable. The recording is embargoed at the request of M. Christian Masset. We are allowed to quote with his permission. 
Title Recorded workshop interview with Sir Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor, Bank of England and former British Permanent Representative to the European Union 
Description This workshop interview with a senior civil servant and former head of UKRep allowed the project team to test the working hypothesis based on archival findings and historical evidence that foreign policymaking can be influenced by educational background, recruitment, selection and nomination to particular foreign ministry departments and positions as much as the political will of politicians 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact As yet none that is measurable as recording embargoed at the request of Sir Jon Cunliffe (presently Deputy Governor of the Bank of England). We can cite from the interview with Sir Jon's permission. 
Title Recorded workshop interview with Sir Simon McDonald Permanent Under-Secretary Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London 
Description This workshop interview with the senior civil servant in the British foreign ministry allowed the project team to test the working hypothesis based on archival findings and historical evidence that foreign policymaking can be influenced by educational background,recruitment, selection and nomination to particular foreign ministry departments and positions as much as the political will of politicians 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact As yet none that is measurable 
Description Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) 
Organisation Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The research team organised a symposium at the FCO, as agreed, to test the historical evidence and findings discovered in the archives against the experience and knowledge of current practitioners on the issue of how foreign policy is made and carried out. The team provided the historical expertise, the examples and lead the proceedings and recorded the findings.
Collaborator Contribution On 25 October 2017 the FCO hosted the day-long symposium at the FCO, King Charles Street, London. The FCO provided facilities and AVM and, in line with its policy of encouraging current FCO practitioners to engage with the historical experience, encouraged FCO personnel to participate in the exercise.
Impact Symposium of team and practitioners at FCO on 25 October 2017 to test historical findings and to act as training for FCO staff. Recording and transcript of discussion completed.
Start Year 2013
Description Brunel University Seminar paper 28 Nov 2018: 'Sciences Po, French Foreign Ministry Officials and the Idea of Europe, 1920-1957' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact A seminar paper on the crux of the AHRC research grant: the education and training of foreign ministry officials and its impact on foreign policymaking. This allowed for a testing of one of the themes of the research by an interdisciplinary academic audience composed of politics, history, international relations and sociology specialists.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Conference Paper: "'How to be Byzantium without becoming Byzantine' Paul Gore-Booth, The Foreign Office, and Britain's Second Application for Membership of the EEC, 1965-7" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I presented a paper at the British International History Group annual conference at Keele University to an international audience. I facilitated a discussion on the role of Paul Gore-Booth in British foreign policy towards European integration and raised the profile of the AHRC project with the wider academic community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Conference Paper: "Better In Than Out: The Foreign Office European Economic Organisations Department and Britain's First Application for EEC Membership, 1960-3" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I presented a paper on my own research at the British International History Group conference at the University of Edinburgh, one of the sub-discipline's largest and most prestigious annual conferences. My findings challenged previous assumptions about the Foreign Office's role during Britain's first application for membership of the EEC and I was asked to provide further information about my findings.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Conference Paper: "The 'Grande Design': The Foreign Office Western Organisations Department and an 'Alternative Europe', 1957-9" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I gave a conference paper on a piece of original research at an international conference at the University of Cambridge. The paper helped garner greater interest in the project from the wider academic community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Conference Paper: "Unfinished Business: Foreign Office Attitudes, the Brussels Breakdown and Britain's Second Application for Membership of the EEC, 1964-7" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I presented a paper on my own research at a national conference at Liverpool John Moores University. My paper sparked questions and discussions in the Q&A session, and I was invited to present at another conference.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Conference on British Attitudes towards Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact In November 2016, a conference was organised on British attitudes towards Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries'. This conference aimed to offer a forum for the discussion of British attitudes towards Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries across a broad spectrum of sub-disciplines and redress the imbalance of scholarly analysis of Britain's relationship with Europe. The majority of literature on Britain and Europe focuses on the post-1945 period, but very rarely is a longer historical perspective offered. This is a critical oversight in the historiography on Britain's relationship with Europe, as the 19th century witnessed a significant increase in British interaction with the Continent in a variety of media, and was crucial in the framing of cultural preconceptions and political developments which still endure today. In the wake of the Brexit vote, we thought it would be interesting to hold an event which examined Britain's historical relationship with Europe, and perhaps how past events and movements contributed towards the current political climate

We were fortunate enough to receive papers from a variety of research backgrounds and locations which made the scope of the conference broad and diverse. The topics included literary history, diplomatic history, cultural history, the history of science, social history, and the history of art. In addition, we were privileged to have Dr Robert Saunders from Queen Mary, University of London present an excellent keynote lecture entitled: "Brexit in Historical Perspective", which was very well received by staff and students alike. In order to bring the conference to a close, there was a plenary discussion session entitled: "British Attitudes Towards Europe: Past, Present and Future." We had a number of renowned academics sit on a discussion panel and offer their thoughts on the matter, including Dr James Ellison (Queen Mary, University of London), Professor John Keiger (University of Cambridge) and Dr Mark Lawrence (University of Kent).

The outcome of the conference was to gain a greater insight of the nature of Britain's historical relationship with Europe, and in this the conference was largely successful. In terms of impact, the conference made use of social media and the participation of delegates from as far afield as Croatia to broaden the appeal and gain attention and interest from a wider range of people. In addition, the University of Kent did much to promote the event and it received a great deal of support from the School of History's staff.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description La réforme du Foreign and Commonwealth Office depuis les années 1980 (The reform of the FCO since the 1980s) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A seminar paper on the reform of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office since the 1980s in a series on the reform of modern foreign ministries since the 1980s. The seminars at Sciences Po, Paris, were attended by serving foreign ministry officials/practitioners, diplomats and academics. It allowed findings from the project research to be tested on practitioners, policymakers and academic specialists.
The paper will be published in a forthcoming book on foreign ministry reform
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Liège (Belgium) Book Fair. 'Brexit and the United Kingdom; what if General de Gaulle was right?' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A panel discussion on French and British historical diplomatic beliefs, attitudes, behaviour towards the European Union
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The Balkans and East Central Europe: A Source of post First World War Great Power Rivalry and Estrangement between London and Paris 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A conference paper on Franco-British diplomacy for the centenary of the ending of the First World War in the Balkans. The conference was entitled: The End of the War in the Balkans 1918-1923. It was organized by the Institute of Balkan Studies SASA and supported by the French Mission de Centenaire
It was followed by a long interview for the Serbian newspaper 'Danas' on 18 October 2018.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018