Ageing, Drama and Creativity: a critical review

Lead Research Organisation: Keele University
Department Name: Research Institute for Social Sciences


This proposal is to produce a critical review on 'ageing, drama and creativity', focusing on cultural value as viewed through the lens of older people's experiences of theatre and theatre-making. The rationale for the review arises from the interdisciplinary work on theatre and ageing we have been carrying out since 2009 through the Ages and Stages projects, which have explored the role a particular cultural institution (the Victoria/New Vic Theatre) has played in the lives of older people in North Staffordshire. Our research, and that of others, has led us to identify a gap in our knowledge: whilst we know quite a lot about the practice of undertaking creative drama-based projects with older people, our conceptual and empirical understandings of how cultural value is viewed by the participants in these projects is much more limited.

The review is set against developments in 'cultural gerontology' and critical gerontology, which acknowledge the wider social/cultural context of ageing; engage with new theorising and methodologies which cut across the social sciences and the humanities; and recognise the skills, abilities and contributions of older people rather than framing ageing as 'a problem to be solved' in contemporary society. Literary and cultural scholars have also become increasingly interested in the artistic outputs of older people, and in how the arts may construct, perpetuate and challenge stereotypical views and existing models of the ageing process. Theatre is a particularly fruitful context for such investigations not least because it is a cultural arena in which older people are particularly active participants. However, whilst older people may be visible as audience members and volunteers, what is less well understood is the cultural value of engaging older people in theatre making itself; how this develops individuals; and the links this may not facilitate between different generations within a given community.

The overarching research question to be addressed in this review is: What does the research and literature tell us about the cultural value older people derive from their involvement with theatre in general, and theatre-making in particular? Secondary questions are: What conceptual and theoretical frameworks, if any, have been used to research older people's experiences of theatre/theatre-making?; What methodologies and research designs have been employed in existing studies? What are the key research findings concerning how older people involved in theatre and theatre-making conceptualise and understand cultural value?

We will take a systematic approach to the literature so that we can be as transparent as possible about how our searches were conducted and/or the comprehensiveness of our coverage, whilst also being open to where our searches and networks may lead us. We will begin with the sources we have accumulated over the course of the Ages and Stages project, combined with searches of the main electronic databases in both Social Sciences and Humanities and other search engines. We will also search grey literature, using our established networks and databases such as Open Grey (the System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe [SIGLE]). The Critical Review will be published on our website and we will use our established networks to bring the findings of the project to policy makers and practitioners locally, nationally and internationally.

A further aim of the review is to link it to new work with the 'Ages and Stages Company' designed to explore participants' experiences and understandings of cultural value. This is the subject of a separate proposal for a Research Development Award on 'the cultural value of older people's experiences of theatre making'. We will hold an invited workshop in early May 2014 to present the initial findings from the review. If awarded, the workshop will also feature a new performance piece and findings from the Research Development Project.

Planned Impact

The critical review will be of benefit to a range of individuals, groups and organisations. We anticipate that it will have potential policy and/or practice impact on:

- Older people.
- Professionals working with older people in the arts; health and social care; the voluntary sector.
- Policy-makers working at local, regional and national levels and in voluntary agencies.

Implications for older people:
- The focus of the Review will be on older participants' own understandings and experiences of the cultural value of theatre and theatre making. It will also contribute to literature focusing on the skills, abilities and capacities of older people, rather than framing ageing as a 'problem to be solved' in contemporary society. Professionals and organisations working with (or planning to work with) older people and arts/creative projects will be able to use this research evidence to inform their practice through increased awareness of the perspectives of older people themselves.

Implications for professionals and policy makers:
- As noted above, the Critical Review will draw together research evidence about older people's own understandings and experiences of the cultural value of theatre and theatre making, which could be used to inform the practice of professionals working with older people, particularly practitioners and organisations who use, or plan to use, drama in their work.
- The Review will also demonstrate the value of older people's engagement in theatre and drama to policy makers focusing on ageing, older people and the arts.
- The established links we have will enable the project's findings to be brought to the attention of policy makers and practitioners locally, nationally and internationally. These links include; the Ages and Stages Advisory Group, which includes older people, academic researchers, professionals and policy makers; Prof Bernard's involvement with the UK Urban Ageing Consortium's 'Network of Age Friendly Cities' and her particular links with the 'cultural offer for older people' strand [see:]; the New Vic Theatre's links with the 'Theatre in Education' network; our links to the Centre for Intergenerational Practice and the newly developed European Certificate in Intergenerational Learning for which the Ages and Stages pilot training course is a case study [see: http://www.centreforip.; our linked CIHR/NDA project with the University of Alberta, Canada (Health and Creative Aging: Theatre as a Pathway to Healthy Aging).

This Critical Review proposal is linked to a Research Development proposal on 'the cultural value of older people's experiences of theatre making' which, if awarded, will involve new work with the 'Ages and Stages Company' designed explicitly to explore participants' and performers' experiences and understandings of cultural value. We will hold an invited workshop in May 2014 to present initial findings from the Critical Review. If awarded, this workshop will also feature the new performance piece and findings from Research Development project. Older people, professionals and policy makers will be invited to attend.


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Title Live Age Festival 
Description A two-day (Oct 1st and 2nd) Festival celebrating and showcasing the work and talents of local older people, arts organisations and practitioners across Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire. Arose from the initial scoping meeting held as part of the Ages and Stages 'follow on' project and was co-ordinated by Mim Bernard (Ages & Stages PI), Jill Rezzano (Ages & Stages Co-I) and Jackie Reynolds (RA/maternity cover on follow-on project). Included an 'Ages & Stages Company' performance of 'Welcome to Silence' which was seen live by satellite link-up with partner project at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact Organisation involved 14 partner organisations and over 300 people took part over the two days. We anticipate there may be sufficient interest and demand for this to become an annual event in the area. 
Title Out of the Box - DVD 
Description DVD of the one-day Ages and Stages Symposium (May 9th 2014) marking the conclusion of our two Cultural Value Projects. DVD captures the performances and the discussions with audience, speakers and cast members. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact Generated considerable discussion on the day and requests for further information about the projects/reports. 
Title Out of the Box 1, 2 and 3 - performance and scripts 
Description Three short pieces designed to stimulate discussion amongst audience at Symposium concluding our two 'Cultural Value' projects: May 9th, 2014 at the New Vic Theatre. 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2014 
Impact Stimulated considerable discussion and debate about the cultural value older people derive from involvement in theatre/drama and what older people understand by the term 'cultural value'. 
Description This was the first review of its kind to focus on theatre and drama in later life.
Exploitation Route As the basis for others wanting to do further work in this area.
Sectors Creative Economy



Museums and Collections


Description The findings of the review have built on the previous Ages and Stages work (original NDA funded project) and underpin the subsequent - and ongoing - activities: both academic and non-academic. These include subsequent funding awards (eg. for 'Meet Me at Live Age' funded under the Arts Council England/Baring Foundation 'Celebrating Age' programme) and the continuing activities of the Ages and Stages Theatre Company and the Live Age Festival.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Creative Economy,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural


Description AHRC Cultural Value Project - Critical Review
Amount £22,359 (GBP)
Funding ID AH/L005522/1 
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2014 
End 05/2014
Description Health and Creative Aging: Theatre as a Pathway to Healthy Aging 
Organisation University of Alberta
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Funded under the NDA/Canadian Institutes of Health Research joint initiative, this has involved exchange of information between the two projects; visits by members of each team to the other project/country; joint presentations and symposia at various conferences; and (in preparation) joint articles.
Collaborator Contribution Funded under the NDA/Canadian Institutes of Health Research joint initiative, this has involved exchange of information between the two projects; visits by members of each team to the other project/country; joint presentations and symposia at various conferences; and (in preparation) joint articles.
Impact 2012 - presentations at BSG conference, Keele University 2013 - presentations at BSG conference, Oxford University 2014 - presentations at European Cultural Gerontology conference, NUI Galway.
Start Year 2009
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Age UK
Department Age UK North Staffordshire
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Arts Council England
Department New Vic Theatre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation B-Arts
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Beth Johnson Foundation
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation EngAGE Stoke-on-Trent
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation FRONTLINEdance
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Hullabaloo Arts Collective
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Keele University
Department Arts Keele
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Letting in the Light
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Mitchell Arts Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Peace Through Folk Choir
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Potteries Museum and Art Gallery
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Learned Society 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Restoke
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Royal National Theatre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Staffordshire Film Archive
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Staffordshire University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Live Age Festival 2015 
Organisation Stoke-on-Trent City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The first 'Ages & Stages' project; the follow-on project; and the linked project with Canada were the genesis of the first Live Age Festival held in 2014. The ideas for a Festival were scoped out as part of the follow-on project: the first Festival was held in Oct 2014 and the second in Oct 2015. Miriam Bernard, Jill Rezzano and Jackie Reynolds continued in 2015 as co-organisers of the Festival, coordinating the Planning Group and expanding the numbers of partners involved as well as the extent and reach of the Festival (over 3 days and in the Staffordshire Moorlands as well as the City).
Collaborator Contribution Partners are involved on the Planning Group; in delivering Festival activities; and in providing substantial in-kind support (including free venues).
Impact This collaboration/partnership has led to the Live Age Festival becoming an annual event which will run again in 2016. It is reaching more people and organisations each time.
Start Year 2014
Description Ageing, Drama and Creativity: findings from the critical review 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation keynote/invited speaker
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact End of project event at the New Vic Theatre. Generated a great deal of debate and discussion around 'cultural value'.

Has stimulated debate and discussion among attendees and led to requests for copies of the final review.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Ages and Stages Symposium 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation keynote/invited speaker
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This Symposium (May 9th 2014) was organised by the Research Team and marked the conclusion of our two Cultural Value Projects. It consisted of three 'provocations' performed by the 'Ages & Stages Company (Out of the Box, 1, 2 and 3); a formal presentation on the findings from the critical review and guest presentations from Prof Mick Mangan (Loughborough University) and Prof Janet Fast (University of Alberta) - our Canadian partner project. The day generated a great deal of discussion about cultural value; the role of theatre in the lives of older people; approaches to ageing; and innovative research methods/ways of presenting findings.

Generated further interest in the Ages and Stages projects and the outcomes/findings; and requests for further information.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Study tour to Japan on 'Arts and Older People' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Prof Bernard was invited to participate in the first ever study tour to Japan on 'Arts and Older People', jointly organised and funded by the British Council Japan, the Baring Foundation and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, UK. She was the only researcher/academic amongst the group of 18. She spoke about the Ages and Stages projects and the Live Age Festival.
The purpose of the visit was to inspire and inform Japanese colleagues in the run-up to them hosting the 2020 Olympics alongside which they plan to have a Cultural Olympics featuring creativity in later life.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015