Identifying and Mapping Design Impact and Value

Lead Research Organisation: Northumbria University
Department Name: Fac of Arts, Design and Social Sciences


Design has transitioned from being represented by the lone creative voice to one that is also seen as a facilitator of other people's creativity, working in collaboration with stakeholders through participatory approaches in private and public organisations. Multi-national companies like Apple, Nike and P&G are widely recognised to have embraced the use of Design-led approach to drive innovation for some time. At the same time, the use of design innovation in public and third sector organisations is growing. Examples includes service innovation projects resulting from the Design of the Times (DOTT) programme in the North East of England (2007) and in the subsequent programme based in Cornwall (2009); and the MindLab unit in Denmark which was set up as a cross-governmental innovation unit involving citizens and businesses in developing new solutions for the public sector.

As Design moves into improving outcomes for public service users, designers are moving towards longer-term partnerships and a process of collaborative knowledge exchange with policy making and service delivery organisations. For this to be effective the impact of a Design approach has to be evidenced and clearly communicated in a language accessible to all stakeholders. Hence the importance of not just documenting the impact in the form of case studies, but also identifying the characteristics of design that organisations value in order to help internal project teams build a convincing case for the inclusion of design as a core competency in their organisation.

The aim of this research therefore is to understand and document how Design-led approaches are valued by different groups of stakeholders and is specifically focused on public and third sector service context. Firstly, we have to map out the impact of these projects from the perspective of the project stakeholders. These insights will inform the creation of multi-dimensional case examples that identify the impact and value of design as understood from three complementary perspectives: the design team, project team and the service users. Secondly, we bring these multiple perspectives into a workshop setting to allow diverging values and opinions to be recorded and discussed in a supportive way. These insights will enable the research team to compare and contrast differences in how design is perceived and valued in public and third sector organisations. The final case examples will be written in way that demonstrates the qualitative benefit of working with designers, in a language which is sharable across sectors. By identifying the value of design in a multi-perspectival and academically rigorous way through sharable case examples will help build capacity and appetite for innovation within public and third sector organisations.

Planned Impact

The focus of this research is to understand how Design-led approaches are valued by different sets of stakeholders: designers, commissioning/project team and service users. Hence this research will aim to generate impact in the design practice community, public sector and third sector.

Design practice community-For the design practitioners interviewed for the project, understanding what is valued by the commissioning team as well as the service users will enable them to be more targeted in how they pitch for future projects. It will also enable them to achieve the maximum impact based on the most valuable outcome for the organisation and the service users. Attendance at the workshop will offer an opportunity to connect with designers working in the same areas to share experiences and evaluate the potential for future collaborative working. Service innovation projects are increasingly becoming more complex, spanning a longer timeframe and generally requiring people with different skills and expertise. Designers working individually will benefit from setting up networks and working together when bidding for these more ambitious projects. The workshop will also provide designers a chance to hear in person stories of the successes and failures of a design-led approach from the users and commissioners of design. Often design 'stories' are communicated as public relations exercises and their shortcoming are rarely effectively analysed and shared. The Design practitioners involved in the projects studied will not only have access to other exemplar case studies, they will also have access to a detailed description of their own project particularly focused on the impact and value of Design. This will help build credibility and can be used as a demonstration of their worth on future project bids.

Public and third sectors-This research is specifically focused on understanding value created in service design and service innovation projects in public and third sector organisations. Against a backdrop of spending cuts and other austerity measures, it is even more important for these organisations to deliver services that are not only better but that they also know to be achieving maximum impact. For the commissioning team, having a clear understanding of the benefits and limitations of Design-led approaches will enable a more realistic and targeted brief. Knowledge of where a Design-led approach can make the most impact is important to ensure the outcomes meet the initial project expectations. Participation in the workshop at the end of the project will also connect them to a wider range of design practitioners working successfully in service innovation projects. The impact and values identified in the case examples can be used as evidence to justify spend on past projects and to lobby for future projects. For organisational project teams tasked to deliver transformational projects, being able to clearly identify the value of a design-led approach and clearly articulate the positive outcomes for the organisation is essential if design is to continue to contribute in these new contexts. A clear understanding of the impact and value of a Design-led approach is also essential if capacity is to be built within organisations, enabling non-designers to use a design approach.

Service users-The service users involved in the project studied will be asked to reflect on their experience of the service. By participating in the research, they will learn how Design-led approaches were used in the design and delivery of these services. They will also have a better understanding of how co-design can contribute to the development and delivery of successful services.

Private sector-Although the research is focused on public and third sector organisations, the private sector will also benefit from the case examples and identification of values. The findings can be generalised and used to offer insight into how design is used to improve services.


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Description How do different stakeholders in service innovation projects value design? This research was aimed at identifying and mapping the impact and value of design in public and third sector organisations. Our research insights have been derived from six case studies that were co-created with the project participants of service innovation projects. A total of 25 interviews with 30 participants were conducted comprising service users, service commissioners and service designers. The projects covered a wide range of sectors including healthcare, mental health promotion, youth services and social care across England, Scotland and Australia. In the second phase of the research, these different perspectives were brought together in a joint workshop at the end of the project which focussed on validating the findings and uncovering how best to evidence and communicate impact. The research identifies what 'generic' approaches and 'specific' design-led approaches have been valued. A design-led approach has also been viewed as a catalyst for change but it is clear that there must also be a range of conditions present for these changes to remain effective on a longer-term basis.

A key insight (and unanticipated outcome) that has emerged from this research is that the stakeholders' perception of project impact has been enhanced by better mutual understanding of 'what happened' during and after the project, in relation to the respective stakeholders. The research has provided the stakeholders with an opportunity to reflect and share their experiences, as well as to uncover unanticipated post-project outcomes. Conventional design approaches are good at producing tangible outputs and tangible things can help build compelling cases. However, there is also a need to value outcomes, particularly when designing new services. This can be a challenge when many design-led interventions are done on a consultancy basis and the designer is frequently no longer involved by the time significant outcomes are achieved. In some cases, designers have responded by focusing, instead, on the development of sustainable ventures and in co-developing products and services in order to enhance the prospects for longer-term impacts.

The participants in the research clearly valued a design-led approach, but were keenly aware of the need to garner support from policy-makers for this approach, by further evidencing success through examples of good practice. A key challenge is to communicate the value of a design-led approach to decision and policy-makers. There is an appetite for more academically-sound impact case studies that are accessible and can be easily referenced as evidence. Ensuring that the research is published and publicise to the appropriate network is also crucial. For designers, having the knowledge and access to these networks is vital for networking and putting the case forward to individuals in positions of influence.

The participants of the research also expressed the importance of building and maintaining a network of practitioners involved in this space, to share best practices and build capacity. Being a lone voice in championing a design-led (or even an alternative) approach in organisations that are resistant to change can be very challenging. Innovating products and services requires systemic change and support throughout organisations, rather than one champion, otherwise support for this approach dwindles when the current project champion 'moves on'.

There are many opportunities for further research in this area. Our research has evidenced the impact of design-led approaches in service innovation projects in public and third sector organisations. The six case studies have revealed a varied and rich tapestry of different types of outcomes, impact, value and conditions for success. There is an appetite for more and varied impact case studies to be collected and studied over a longer period of time; and for the development of an impact framework that offers a credible theory of impact and value of design-led approaches.
Exploitation Route Design practice community - For the design practitioners interviewed for the project, understanding what is valued by the commissioning team as well as the service users will enable them to be more targeted in how they pitch for future projects. It will also enable them to achieve the maximum impact based on the most valuable outcome for the organisation and the service users. Attendance at the workshop has offered them the opportunity to connect with designers working in the same areas to share experiences and evaluate the potential for future collaborative working. The workshop has also provided designers a chance to hear in person stories of the successes and failures of a design-led approach from the users and commissioners of design. Often design 'stories' are communicated as public relations exercises and their shortcoming are rarely effectively analysed and shared. The Design practitioners involved in the projects studied will not only have access to other exemplar case studies, they will also have access to a detailed description of their own project particularly focused on the impact and value of Design. This will help build credibility and can be used as a demonstration of their worth on future project bids.

Public and third sectors - This research is specifically focused on understanding value created in service design and service innovation projects in public and third sector organisations. Against a backdrop of spending cuts and other austerity measures, it is even more important for these organisations to deliver services that are not only better but that they also know to be achieving maximum impact. For the commissioning team, having a clear understanding of the benefits and limitations of Design-led approaches will enable a more realistic and targeted brief. Knowledge of where a Design-led approach can make the most impact is important to ensure the outcomes meet the initial project expectations. Participation in the workshop at the end of the project has connected them to a wider range of design practitioners working successfully in service innovation projects. The impact and values identified in the case examples can be used as evidence to justify spend on past projects and to lobby for future projects. For organisational project teams tasked to deliver transformational projects, being able to clearly identify the value of a design-led approach and clearly articulate the positive outcomes for the organisation is essential if design is to continue to contribute in these new contexts. A clear understanding of the impact and value of a Design-led approach is also essential if capacity is to be built within organisations, enabling non-designers to use a design approach.

Service users-The service users involved in the project studied will be asked to reflect on their experience of the service. By participating in the research, they will learn how Design-led approaches were used in the design and delivery of these services. They will also have a better understanding of how co-design can contribute to the development and delivery of successful services.

Private sector-Although the research is focused on public and third sector organisations, the private sector will also benefit from the case examples and identification of values. The findings can be generalised and used to offer insight into how design is used to improve services.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




Democracy and Justice

Description 1. Co-investigator, Hazel White continues to work with Dundee City Council - embedding the findings of the research into a training module for 600 managers of services across social services, education, culture, environment and infrastructure. 2. Principal Investigator, Joyce Yee has used the findings to inform two research project: a) an investigation of social innovation projects in Asia Pacific (manifesting as a symposium in February 2015) b) an investigation of how design-led approaches are being embedded in different cross-sector organisations (outcome as a monograph). 3. The research findings have been used to support the development of a research network between UK and Asia Pacific researchers in Social Innovation. The AHRC funded project will begin in April 2016, focused on a public symposium and workshop in Bangkok to bring together the researchers and Advisory Board members.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Education,Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Economic

Description Dundee UNESCO City of Design. Service Design Academy
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Dundee UNESCO City of Design. Service Design Academy. The Dundee UNESCO City of Design Service Design Academy was developed for and attended by 10 Senior members of staff from Dundee City Council, including the Chief Executive. The two half-day workshops were designed to introduce a design-led approach to the delivery of local government services in the City. The Chief Executive's Office have now commissioned White to deliver a one day Dundee UNESCO City of Design. Service Design Academy for the City Council's 80 leaders at their annual Leadership Conference in June 2016 to enable Council Leaders to adopt a Design-Led approach to the development and delivery of services
Description Inspire: Future Focus
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Co-investigator, Hazel White is currently delivering training for a City Council - embedding the findings of the research into a training module for 600 managers of services across social services, education, culture, environment and infrastructure.
Description Scottish Government Service Design Champions Training Programme
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The research outcome was used to develop materials in the Scottish Government Service Design Champions training programme. The co-I (Hazel White) has been part of the team developing and delivering the programme aimed providing a practical introduction to public sector service design. Participants of the programme have been given insight into what user-centred design is - and how service design approaches can be applied to their work.
Description Better by Design 
Organisation Taylor Haig
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interviews to share subject specific knowledge and experience Attendance at participant workshop to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description Empower Your Mind 
Organisation Northumbria University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interviews to share subject specific knowledge and experience Attendance at participant workshop to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description Empower Your Mind 
Organisation Tyneside Mind
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interviews to share subject specific knowledge and experience Attendance at participant workshop to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description Patchwork 
Organisation FutureGov
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interview to share subject specific knowledge and experience Attendance at participant workshop to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description Patchwork 
Organisation Municipal Association of Victoria
Country Australia 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interview to share subject specific knowledge and experience Attendance at participant workshop to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA) 
Organisation Scottish Public Pensions Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Customer Experience Review: designed and supported a series of workshops with Police, Fire Service, Teachers, NHS, Pensioners and SPPA staff at locations throughout Scotland using design-led methods to understand customer experience and design new services.. Outcomes were analysed to inform a second phase of workshop to develop new products and services to meet Pension Scheme members needs. Over 100 participants from The SPPA, Scottish Government Digital Transformation Services, Fire, Police, NHS and Teachers were involved. Work has been used as an exemplar by Scottish Government of a user-centred approach to developing services.
Collaborator Contribution SPPA led the Customer Experience Review - engaging White to develop capacity for a design-led approach to customer engagement and to design and run workshops for over 100 participants. SPPA shadowed and developed the capacity to run customer engagement workshops, analyse results and develop future strategy based on customer insights.
Impact Two reports which will determine the strategic development of new products and services for members of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency Schemes. Development of capacity within SPPA to undertake user research and ideate new product and service propositions.
Start Year 2015
Description The Matter 
Organisation City of Edinburgh Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interview to share subject specific knowledge and experience Attendance at participant workshop to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description The Matter 
Organisation Design Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interview to share subject specific knowledge and experience Attendance at participant workshop to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description The Matter 
Organisation Snook
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interview to share subject specific knowledge and experience Attendance at participant workshop to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description Visioning Future Care 
Organisation Government of Scotland
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interviews to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description Visioning Future Care 
Organisation NHS Ayrshire and Arran
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interviews to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description Visioning Future Care 
Organisation Open Change
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interviews to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description Wheel of Wellbeing 
Organisation NHS England
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interview to share subject specific knowledge and experience Attendance at participant workshop to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description Wheel of Wellbeing 
Organisation Uscreates
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution In this project we conducted triangulated interviews between commissioners, designers and users of services and interventions which had a 'design-led' approach. The research enabled us to demonstrate to different stakeholders how a design-led approach had been valued and had continuing impact on the stakeholders beyond the duration of the original design interventions.
Collaborator Contribution Interview to share subject specific knowledge and experience Attendance at participant workshop to share subject specific knowledge and experience
Impact Forthcoming Report and paper to be presented at the 11th European Academy of Design Conference in 2015
Start Year 2014
Description AHRC Design Symposium 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The AHRC Design Symposium was held in London at The Brewery on the 25th of September 2015. The symposium featured presentations from researchers and practitioners in the Design research area, and discussions at the symposium was designed to inform development of AHRC's future Design strategy. There was also opportunities for showcasing of projects, where I presented the outcomes of the Valuing Design project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Design Thinking Academy to bring together 150 Secondary School Staff 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 150 staff (teachers and support workers) from two merging secondary schools were brought together to learn design-led approaches to developing new approaches to problem solving ahead of moving into the latest new build school in the Scottish Government's £1.8bn Schools for the Future programme.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Design Value Findings Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The workshop was held as part of the research activity and was aimed at bringing together the different perspectives of the different stakeholders in a joint workshop. We brought a selection of commissioners, designers and service users with multiple perspectives into a workshop setting to allow diverging values and opinions to be recorded, shared and discussed in a supportive way. Participants were asked for their feedback specifically in two areas: the research findings (Value, Impact and Conditions for Success) and the communication of the results. Participants were asked to consider, from their point of view, how the research team could best 'package' and communicate the findings to maximise their value to all participants.

Participants have asked to be involved in the follow-on research and was keen to maintain the network of commissioners, users and designers involved in service innovation projects in the public and third sector organisations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Design Value presentation at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I presented the Valuing Design project outcome to design academics and researchers at the Opportunity Lab (SUTD), an interdisciplinary collective of faculty and research staff seeking to enhance the way people design for social change. The presentation was used to position the role of design in social spaces and contributed to the content of the Design for Social Innovation in Asia Pacific (DESIAP) workshop that was held at the lab.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Design and Diabetes at the Dasman Institute, Kuwait City 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact We designed and delivered a two day workshop introducing creative design thinking and service design methods for a range of healthcare professionals at the Dasman Diabetes Institute in Kuwait City. The purpose was to embed a design-led approach within the programme to complement clinical and organisational course content. This aimed to equip healthcare practitioners with tools and methods to understand the experience of patients and staff in the healthcare system and leverage their knowledge and skills to provide services which both meet the patients needs and improve outcomes.


The post-course evaluation showed that the key benefits of a design-led approach to the healthcare professionals were: realising how quickly they could move into a creative mind-set, using visual tools (such as visual timelines) to plan, telling stories to imagine better future outcomes, using team-work effectively. These professionals will apply this thinking in their own organisations and assess how this impacts on patient experience and health outcomes.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Dundee UNESCO City of Design. Service Design Academy 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Dundee UNESCO City of Design. Service Design Academy was developed for and attended by 10 Senior members of staff from Dundee City Council, including the Chief Executive. The two half-day workshops were designed to introduce a design-led approach to the delivery of local government services in the City.
The Chief Executive's Office have now commissioned White to deliver a one day Dundee UNESCO City of Design. Service Design Academy for the City Council's 80 leaders at their annual Leadership Conference in June 2016.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Leadership and Management Continuing Professional Development, University of Dundee Medical School. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Delivered one day workshop to 19 GPs, Consultants and other Healthcare Professionals on a Creative, Design Led Approach to Organisational Change. Participants came from the USA, Sudan and the UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Queen's Young Leaders Programme - delivery of two modules 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Delivered two Leadership and Participation modules for Cambridge University's Leading Change Programme. This programme is taken by 120 recipients of the Queen's Young Leaders Award winners from over 50 Commonwealth countries. The modules introduced a design-led approach to leadership, community and capacity building in projects from Canada to Kenya to Australia.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015,2016
Description RSA North East Presentation 2015 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Held by the North East Fellowship team with support from Northumbria University, the event showcase some of the leading activity from the region, share aspirations and provide an opportunity to meet new Fellows, network and exchange views. I was invited to present work from the Valuing Design project to showcase the research in design value in service innovation sector.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Research Presentation Visit to Institute of Design Innovation (Forres) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The Institute of Design Innovation (InDI) is a research institute established by Glasgow School of Art and has an international reputation in creative leadership, design and innovation. It is a distributed collective of researchers, lecturers, adjunct faculty and postgraduate students. InDI has developed expertise in understanding complex social challenges through working in collaboration with people, practitioners and professionals in the InDI focal areas of work, wealth and wellbeing. The Forres campus located in north scotland was established to focus on working with local businesses in the rural economy. I was invited to present the Valuing Design project outcomes to their design researchers and postgraduate students In May 2015. It helped them understand how design knowledge and value can be extracted from the collaborative projects that they are currently working on and to discuss the possibility of using their projects as potential case study for the following on research project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Synthesis Workshop for Schools for the Future 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact We ran a synthesis workshop with Architecture and Design Scotland (A+DS) and the Scottish Futures Forum (Scottish Government) to understand the lessons learnt from the pilot of the Scottish Government's £1.8bn Schools for the Future programme. Interviews were conducted by A+DS with a range of people involved in commissioning, envisioning and using the new Lasswade and Eastwood schools. The workshop brought together these voices, A+DS and The Scottish Futures Trust to draw up recommendations for the next phase using a design-led approach to draw out themes and recommendations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Visit to Dasein Academy of Art (Malaysia) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Dasein Academy of Art is a well-known art and design specialist college in Malaysia. It was established in 1996 by a team of avid educators and professionals from the creative industry and offer courses in Digital Media, Graphic Design, Fine Arts and Illustration. I was invited to talk to 2nd year students who were working on socially focused projects to illustrate how design is being used an innovation and change management tool. The Valuing Design research project formed a major part of the presentation as the case studies were used to highlight how design was used in different socially-focused context. This raised interest in the role of design beyond styling and increased student interest and participation in related modules.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015