Creative Exchange Wales Network 2 (CEWN2)

Lead Research Organisation: University of South Wales
Department Name: Faculty of Creative Industries


CEWN2 is a project that aims to extend and maximise the impact of Creative Exchange Wales Network, which is a joint AHRC/A4B funded project. CEWN 2 will continue to develop its portfolio of collaborative work through strengthening and furthering existing projects and by developing new ones, resulting in a pipeline of collaborative R&D projects at various stages of maturity. CEWN2 will also continue the development of a network of businesses and Welsh Universities, based on the need to support, sustain and grow the opportunities for collaboration.

CEWN2 will maintain the best elements of CEWN. The demand for project support that has been submitted to CEWN has in indicated that there is significant potential for KE between creative academics and businesses across Wales. CEWN2 will overcome these challenges and maximise benefit from opportunities by:

Holding 3 facilitated KE events based for HE and the Creative Industries based on themes of 'Open innovation- applying creativity across boundaries'; 'Creative Tourism'; and 'Living longer, living well'.
Knowledge exchange through interaction at the events and through detailed bespoke funding scoping.
Evaluating and further developing existing projects to develop a pipeline of projects with different stages of maturity. £30,000 funding from the AHRC will support the cost of the pilot projects. In addition the project will seek to lever in at least another £60,000 of funding to support the development of projects.
Continued co-funding via A4B funding from the Welsh government to provide support for KE activity across Wales
Further understanding of the Creative Industries in Wales and KE opportunities through analysis and critique of outcomes of business and academic surveys based on Creative Canvas (CEWN 2012-13). This will identify barriers to collaborative working and making recommendations on overcoming these.
Partnering with BBC/S4C within the Higher Education elements of the Connected Studio initiative, through CEWN2 becoming the gateway for HE involvement in the Studios.

CEWN2 will further consolidate activity and form a legacy by providing a platform for the development of a £5-10m funding proposal that will create a KE Hub for the Creative Industries in Wales. The project will conduct a needs assessment and through working with all stakeholders develop a business case and a funding model for a Wales KE Hub for the Creative Economy.

CEWN2 will be co-funded by the sum of £120,514 funding from the Welsh Government's A4B scheme, which will pay for a number of distinct yet complementary work packages that will add significant value to the AHRC's investment.


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Description This proposal has discovered, extended and maximised the impact of Creative Exchange Wales Network, which is a joint AHRC/A4B funded project. CEWN2 maintained the best elements of CEWN, by consolidating activity and forming a legacy while also providing a platform for the development of a £5-10m funding proposal that will create a KE Hub for the Creative Industries in Wales.
Exploitation Route Welsh Government have absorbed the survey information from the creative canvas survey into their larger survey of creative industries in Wales.
Sectors Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

Description Welsh Government have absorbed the survey information from the creative canvas survey into their larger survey of creative industries in Wales.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Creative Economy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Cultural

