What Am I? Riddles, Riddling Language and World View in Old Norse Poetry

Lead Research Organisation: University of Aberdeen
Department Name: Centre for Scandinavian Studies


Describing the world and understanding our place in it has always been one of the major preoccupations of humanity. Riddles may seem little more than an amusing distraction today, but they were a crucial way in which earlier societies came to terms with the world and their place in it. In today's scientifically advanced world it is easy to underestimate the importance of earlier societies' means of grappling with big ontological questions, and to forget the legacy they have had on our own cultural heritage. This project offers a new understanding of the multivalent medieval Scandinavian world view, achieved through a study of Old Norse poetry, in particular its riddles and riddling language.

Riddles allow for profound wonder and for mischievous delight. They offer unfamiliarity and recognition. In creating and resolving paradoxes, they are a particularly suitable medium with which to encapsulate the multiplicity of complex and potentially conflicting experiences, emotions, and thoughts we have about our environments. Riddles and riddling language are fundamental to Old Norse poetry, which capitalises on the potential of paradox, humour, mystery, and incongruity to describe the world. This is true not only of the corpus of riddles proper contained in the legendary saga Hervarar saga ok Heidreks ('The saga of Hervör and Heidrekr'), but of the mythological and heroic poems of the Poetic Edda, eddic poetry found in prose texts describing Scandinavia's legendary past, and the huge corpus of court skaldic poetry. This material is a rich source of information on how medieval Scandinavians saw the natural world and thought about their relation to it. It is steeped in native tradition, but is also outward-looking and open to European influence as poets and their audiences negotiated ways of being in the world.

This project has five major objectives. First, it will provide the first detailed study of the Old Norse riddle-corpus. Second, it will investigate the riddling strategies to be found everywhere in Old Norse poetry, both eddic and skaldic, aiming to provide a more holistic understanding of Old Norse poetic culture that does not maintain a sharp divide between these two 'genres'. Third, it will contribute to understanding the complex world views of medieval Scandinavians, considering especially their responses to and interactions with the natural environment and material objects. Fourth, it will develop knowledge of the changing uses of poetry, particularly riddling poetry and wordplay, in the pre-modern world. Finally, it will engage schoolchildren, creative writers, environmental bodies, the third sector, and others in exploring the natural world through 'Viking' and through contemporary eyes.

Old Norse literature, culture and myth is still a prominent part of our cultural heritage. We are fascinated by the History Channel's Vikings, Marvel Comics' Thor, and Tolkien's The Hobbit (the riddle-scene of which, prominent in the first of Peter Jackson's recent film trilogy, was inspired by a riddle-match in the Old Norse saga of Hervör and Heidrekr). This project will bring the artistic and literary endeavours of medieval Iceland and Scandinavia closer to the forefront of our thinking about the Viking and medieval world.

Planned Impact

This project involves a number of collaborative activities and outputs to ensure the research has far-reaching impact beyond its benefit to the academic community. Most of the events relate to creating new ways of thinking about and describing responses to the environment, and to engaging with the Viking heritage of North-East Scotland. The groups targeted include:

Creative writers/poets, particularly in Orkney and North-East Scotland: the PI will run workshops and discussion about riddles and riddling language as a medium for describing the natural world and addressing environmental concerns. Amateur writers will benefit from the opportunity to take inspiration from new research into old forms of poetry, to discuss issues and their work with researchers, established writers, community arts leaders, and representatives from the heritage sector, and to have their work published and distributed in an openly accessible booklet.

Walkers and visitors to Orkney: The booklet of poems reflecting on the local surroundings will offer members of the public visiting heritage sites in Orkney new ways of experiencing the landscape and of engaging with the history, particularly the Viking impact, of the area.

Audiences interested in creative writing about the environment: Since the booklet will be made available as a downloadable PDF, it will be accessible to anyone with an interest in nature poetry.

Local communities and community groups: A poetry workshop will be held specifically for young people in conjunction with local council-supported galas in Aberdeenshire regeneration areas. Poems produced by participants will be broadcast on a special programme on local radio station shmu FM, as well as performed at the galas. Young people will thus have the chance to critically engage with medieval sources they are otherwise unlikely to encounter, to express themselves in a creative way, to be involved in the production of a radio programme, and to have their views heard by local audiences.

Other third sector groups, particularly the museum and heritage sector, in this instance focused on the King's Museum in Aberdeen and the Brough of Birsay area in Orkney: These bodies will benefit from innovative research-led projects (the treasure hunt and Viking Hiking activities described in the Pathways to Impact document), bringing in new audiences and offering the opportunity to develop further collaborative events and activities.

Members of the public, particularly families with primary-school age children, will benefit from the educational opportunities offered by the treasure hunt, which will encourage participants to engage more closely with the museum's collections and to learn about 'Viking'-style poetry.


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Description Investigation into the complex, riddling language of Old Norse poetry has revealed complicated and multi-faceted perceptions of and relationships with the natural world in Viking Age and medieval Scandinavia. Common stereotypes of medieval people's relationship with their environments tend to assume one of two extremes: either that it was a utopian one of harmony, or that it was a hostile one subsumed by the need for mastery. This research problematises such understandings, revealing varied perspectives such as exist today. Most previous research has emphasised Old Norse literature's disinterest in describing the natural world. This research has uncovered more mimetic and aesthetic interest than usually assumed. It has shown how political figures could, through poets in their service, use descriptions taken from the natural world to manipulate perceptions of their own identity and power, for instance in suggested control of the weather. It has shed further light on the intellectual history of the period and its poetic communities (Burrows forthcoming 2020; Burrows in prep). It has shown that the 'natural world' is not straightforwardly defined in Old Norse poetry, when material objects can be made animate and living beings thought of in terms of landscape features (Burrows in prep).

The project has continued earlier work of the PI in problematizing the traditional generic division of Old Norse poetry into 'skaldic' and 'eddic' types. Although this division is useful and necessary for many reasons, it tends to produce a binary mode of thought about these categories and overemphasises the differences between them while eliding the similarities. This research has highlighted the formal and linguistic similarities in riddling strategies used across both types (Burrows forthcoming 2021; Burrows in prep).

The project has offered new resources for creativity to writers and artists in Scotland, and in doing so has promoted greater awareness of the artistic endeavours of the medieval Scandinavian world (Burrows ed. 2019). It has allowed the University of Aberdeen and its Centre for Scandinavian Studies to undertake outreach events with a variety of local audiences, including schoolchildren and the wider public.
Exploitation Route The research findings will, when fully published, contribute new material to sector-wide research in the environmental humanities.
The creative writing workshops developed as part of the project can be taken to further audiences.
Sectors Creative Economy



Museums and Collections

Description Creative writers and artists have used the findings to produce new works of poetry and illustration as well as to enhance their portfolio of writing techniques for the future.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural

Description 'Night Song', Arizona Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I presented research about the application of ecocritical methods to medieval, specifically Old Norse, texts to an international audience of scholars and students without my specific field. The presentation and discussion helped in refining my own methodologies as well as sparking debate about the use of critical theories.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description International Saga Conference 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I participated in a panel on law and legal culture in medieval Iceland, contributing specifically a discussion on the role of poetry. I have received requests for further information from several audience members, and a publication based on similar material is in preparation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Public lecture (Stromness) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I gave a public talk on Old Norse poetry and uses of the natural world at Stromness library which was attended by 25-30 attendees either from Orkney or who were on holiday there. There was lively discussion and questions afterwards. Oral feedback suggested most audience members had learned something they previously knew nothing or very little about and had changed their view on the use of poetry embedded in sagas, e.g. in Orkneyinga saga, which many of them had previously ignored, finding it boring or difficult.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Research seminar: Showered with praise: Weatherscapes in tenth-century skaldic verse 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Around 30 people attended this online seminar presentation, which included time for questions and discussion. Details of the event reached over 200 people on social media.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description UCL seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I was invited to give a paper at UCL's Medieval and Renaissance seminar, at which I spoke on 'The Fair Wind and the Foul Sea: Nature Appreciation in Skaldic Verse?'. The event was delivered in hybrid form, in-person and over Zoom, with approx. 40 attendees online. This sparked discussion afterwards.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Uncovering Viking Secrets (schools' event) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Approx. 30 pupils (one primary class), Primary 6 students, attended for a school visit to the research organisation as part of the May Festival 2019. With a team of postgraduate student helpers, I ran various activities based on 'Viking' riddles and poetry. Students had studied some aspects Vikings before and enjoyed discussing what they already knew. They had not studied riddles, kennings and poetry before and enjoyed learning about this side of medieval life.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Viking Society Student Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I was invited to present some of my research for this project to the annual Viking Society Student Conference, this year in Oxford, which attracted around 60 attendees. There were questions and discussions afterwards. I was subsequently invited to submit a related article to a new journal, Medieval Ecocriticisms (forthcoming).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Writers' workshop (Stornoway) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I gave a talk and ran a workshop demonstrating Norse poetic techniques for an existing creative writing group. Written feedback unanimously evaluated the workshop as useful and several commentators said it had expanded their repertoire of techniques for both poetic and prose writing and provided inspiration. Participants also said they had learning something completely new about a topic they knew nothing about ('A complete revelation') and that they would seek out further information by themselves to learn more.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Writers' workshop (Stromness) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I ran a workshop demonstrating Norse poetic techniques for an existing creative writing group. Written feedback unanimously evaluated the workshop as useful and several commentators said it had expanded their repertoire of techniques for both poetic and prose writing.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019