StoryFutures: Gateway Cluster Partnership for Audiovisual Digital Creativity

Lead Research Organisation: Royal Holloway University of London
Department Name: Media Arts


The stories of tomorrow will reach audiences in new and complex ways, fuelled by immersive technologies, data-driven personalisation, smart devices and AI alongside evolutions in contemporary screen form. Screen industries' creative story processes, techniques, business models, value networks and workflows are thus challenged to iterate a next generation of storytelling that can engage audiences in novel and commercially viable experiences.
We span screen and createch industries, converging world leaders in storytelling, including Double Negative, Punchdrunk, nDreams, Sony, Pinewood, BBC Worldwide, HTC Vive and the BFI, to work alongside SMEs. We match these with academic expertise traversing story form (Media, Gaming, Drama); audience behaviour (Psychology); business models (Management); production cultures (Media); hardware, software and user interfaces (Engineering, Comp Sci, Design), to facilitate R&D that will create innovative and compelling content, products and service for emerging creative technologies. StoryFutures will grow both screen and createch industries. Led by an innovative StoryLab model, we work across 4 themes: T1 StoryLab; T2 Value Networks; T3 Data in the Creative Workflow; T4 Audience Engagement.
Our StoryLab (T1) provides expertise and space for collaborative approaches to creative challenges that are barriers to business growth, such as how to increase user comfort in VR, build social immersive experiences or novel exploitation of existent IP. It will operate at professional and student level, spanning FE, HE and CPD, training a next generation of storytellers and entrepreneurs in world-class creative content and products. StoryLab will develop, fund and support prototype and risky innovations in story form that tackle such challenges, providing SMEs with new business opportunities and access to further funding and mentoring (T2). SF's R&D programme links these innovative productions with R&D on the effective management of data in the creative production pipeline, enabling more efficient and creative workflows (T3). And, via our partner distribution platforms (HTC, Heathrow, BFI, Sky VR), tests next gen experiences with audiences in novel ways that produce rich understandings of their engagement, including cognitive and neurological responses linked to a long-range analysis of youth audiences' preferences in these new spaces (T4). Across this work we will grow revenues and jobs in our region and beyond.
With over £6.7m in leverage funding, SF is led by Royal Holloway together with its industry partners and HEIs, Brunel, NFTS and University of Creative Arts. SF spans film, television, gaming and immersion across a regional cluster that forms a gateway in and out of London. It will connect the film studios in the region's north to Guildford's gaming in the south, across to the west's plethora of createch companies and back to London's intensity of creative industries (see map). The cluster thus emphasises the region's - and UK economy's - fusion of digital and creative skills, with such companies likely to be 'more productive and have higher growth rates than [those] located entirely in one discipline' (Bazalgette 2017: 14). The region contains nearly 20% of the UK's high concentration, high growth creative Travel to Work Areas, forming the highest proportion of creative jobs and businesses outside of London. Within the cluster Heathrow constitutes "a critical driver of the area's economy" (TVBerkshire, 2017) as well as a gateway to the global markets and audiences that our innovative products and services must reach. SF will address a significant challenge for the UK creative economy in sustaining creative conurbations that have the potential for 'higher levels of business productivity' than Creative Cities (Nesta, 2016: 6). The Gateway Cluster thus has potential to form a powerhouse akin to the 'Golden Triangle' of medical research, industrial collaboration and innovation to its immediate north.

Planned Impact

SF has significant potential to support economic growth, innovation and value creation in the screen and creative technology industries at regional, national and international levels. It will tap un-explored creativity across a conurbation that spans screen industries and createch, reaching over 24,000 businesses. We will boost the £349m 2012-18 TTWAs' R&D spending that is currently below London levels, with every £1 R&D spend likely to lead to 20% increase p.a. of private sector R&D output (Haskel 2014).
We provide SF Partners and SMEs within the cluster with an architecture for innovative R&D, enabling product, content and experience development otherwise too risky. StoryLab (Theme 1) will broker collaborations across sectors to generate new market opportunities and provide participants with brand exposure on national/international platforms to facilitate further investment or sales opportunities. T4 audience research will provide insight for further development and investment. We link these insights to technological form, providing narrative engineering solutions to technical barriers that restrain creative innovation. We will develop workflow tools (T3) that are more efficient, enabling cost-savings and enhancing creative collaboration to foster innovation. Across our work packages, T2's R&D on value networks will provide companies with support for business growth via mentoring, funding applications, analysis of business needs, routes to finance and international export. T2 also provides network infrastructural support, including building and enhancing innovation nodes across the cluster. SF will provide a wider understanding of the creativity of conurbations to act as a blueprint for nationwide growth, producing 155 R&D projects, 20% increase in funding success, 55 jobs and reach over 1m audiences.
R&D will benefit policy stakeholders, trade bodies and networks nationally via reports, showcases, and network events to ensure companies outside the cluster gain insight to support innovation for competing at global scale in next gen story form and products. Our StoryLab will tackle industry wide challenges, offering national bodies research to guide and grow memberships. Policymakers (Ofcom, DCMS) will gain insights and recommendations on opportunities/barriers/models for future growth to inform industrial policy as well as audience behaviours and ethics to inform regulation. Locally we will have direct impact by investing in creative and digital business, including innovation funding for companies and providing increased incubation and scale-up space.
SF will have lasting impact via its focus on education and skills. It responds to industry emphasis on collaborative problem-solving and soft-skills, increased diversity and the need to teach creativity in conjunction with data skills and STEM to STEAM. Via HEIs that operate at FE, UG, PGT and CPD level we will create a talent pipeline to benefit the region's and nation's economy. We will also develop a 'next generation' of researcher, spanning industry and academia, via our support for PhD studentships and PDRA training. Our commitment to sustainability of the cluster will thus treat AHRC grant as seed funding for SF's growth, utilising a capped revenue share on StoryLab projects to return future successes for further innovation challenge funding, whilst grant applications to both commercial and public bodies are a key R&D activity. Significant investment in infrastructure, including a new building at RHUL, will continue SF activities beyond the funding period, whilst our dynamic and flexible project architecture allows short, medium and long-term benefits for partners who may come into contact with the R&D partnership at different points in its life cycle. Finally, the general public will gain new kinds of viewing experiences as well as a skilled and more diverse workforce that can ensure the UK's continued leadership in innovative and market-able story form and content.
Title AI-Spy 
Description AI-Spy is an innovation in artificial intelligence driven storytelling for immersive environments. The experience throws users into the lair of AI 'Spy Master', Alistair, who tests players emotionally and psychologically for a role in a new counter-intelligence agency. Run as an experimental research and development project (R&D) between and StoryFutures in partnership with ProduceUK, AI-Spy set out to test new boundaries in VR and AI in playful but impactful ways. The experience was designed to address two key research questions: 1. Could AI could read and respond to human emotions? 2. What value does virtual reality offer to audiences, in terms of engagement and experience, compared with 2D? Over 2 weeks on site at Broadgate's prime 3FA location in central London, over 200+ Broadgate residents participated in the experiment. The findings show a huge appetite for this kind of experience, in both 2D and VR, 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact The results outline some surprising preferences along gender lines as well as a high degree of enjoyment and repeatability. The large majority of users wanted more experiences like this at Broadgate and would tell their friends about this, taking away a positive view of Broadgate as a result of the experience. AI Spy showed great potential to provide tailored storytelling to individual's age, gender and emotional responses. Half of participants noticed that the experience was tailored to their age and gender. Over half of participants noticed the emotion based tailoring. In both instances, users felt that the tailoring really added value to the experience. One of the most significant findings was the impact of VR on levels of enjoyment and willingness to pay. Overall VR and 2D experiences were enjoyed equally, but when it came time to evaluate how much users would pay for the experience - VR was valued at nearly £1 more/experience than 2D overall. But this skewed very differently depending on gender, with women willing to pay much more for 2D than VR. AI-Spy will continue to be developed by and StoryFutures. The AI platform has already been picked up by Sky to run a new interactive storytelling experience on TV for its highly acclaimed Bulletproof featuring Noel Clarke. 
Title Cupsy: Immersive recycling bin 
Description Cupsy is the world's first immersive and interactive recycling bin. It fused a unique combination of consumer psychology, computer vision, emotion recognition and augmented reality technologies with great storytelling to engage Heathrow Terminal 5 passengers in the challenge of correct coffee cup recycling. StoryFutures collaborated with Heathrow's Centre of Excellence for Sustainability, Costa Coffee and local creative company Surround Vision to create Cupsy, an immersive technology prototype, as a way to improve coffee cup recycling rates. Cupsy was installed in Heathrow Terminal 5 for 4 weeks to compare its performance with previous recycling rates at the same location. Previous research at the airport has shown that people have the intention to recycle but don't actually do so. Cupsy represented an experiment to not only to change attitudes but to change behaviours directly as well. And it did so in an engaging and entertaining way! 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact An upturn in recycled coffee cups of 130% with over 6,000 cups recycled during a 4-week trial. Cupsy also worked to improve the passenger experience economy at the airport, with over 75% passengers enjoying the installation and 83% indicating they would like to see more experiences like Cupsy. 
Title Virtual Veronese 
Description The National Gallery wished to explore innovation in the use of immersive technologies to reunite paintings in their collection with their original exhibition context. They partnered with StoryFutures as our first 'challenge-setter' for StoryLab to engage SMEs and academics on the challenge of creating a national institution's first AR/VR experience. Co-funded to the value of £60,000 +in-kind staffing resource and digital assets, the challenge attracted 5 of the most exciting SMEs in the region to collaborate with academics and National Gallery researchers for our inaugural StoryLab. Focal Point VR's innovative AR solution won the StoryLab commission, with Virtual Veronese playing to over 700 Gallery patrons in July and August of 2019. StoryFutures' work generated immediate economic impact for Focal Point as well as far reaching benefits to culture and the economy. By working with StoryFutures on the solution, Focal Point VR were also able to access £10,000 HEIF funding to work with a BAFTA-award winning director at Royal Holloway as well as employ sound design graduates and in-kind support of £5,000 from Magic Leap. This commission alone therefore increased turnover by 76%, but it also introduced new skills in live action drama and sound production to their company. For both The National Gallery and Focal Point, the end result was the ability to test both an AR and a VR version of the same experience with real visitors at the Gallery. This enabled rich audience insight into visitor's preferences for technologies, experiences and their emotional responses. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact As a consequence, The National Gallery is now preparing to invest more in the prototype to roll it out for a full-scale exhibition in Winter 2019-20: this will lead to further commercial investment in Focal Point. Focal Point VR are now taking part in our accelerator programme, have been invited to showcase Virtual Veronese at SXSW and potentially Heathrow, and continue to work closely with our team on business model innovation. This case study demonstrates the way in which a single engagement with StoryFutures is having multiple economic impacts but it has also had a demonstrable high-profile cultural impact as indicated by the reference in the Dept of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport's policy paper, Culture is Digital (2019), which notes the importance or StoryFutures in establishing a Innovation Lab at the Gallery: "The National Gallery is preparing to launch of its Innovation space, National Gallery X, and partnered with StoryFutures to create an audience experience that puts one of the great masterpieces by Veronese back in its historical context." Moreover, as the Gallery's Head of Digital, Lawrence Chiles attests, the StoryLab model introduced innovation and new suppliers into the Gallery's supply chain that would simply not have been possible otherwise. 
Description StoryFutures has become a 'go to' source for R&D funding, collaboration, insight and investment for the creative industries, and has seen our short term outcomes translate into mid- and longer-term benefits and impacts. Significantly our work has seen over £5m industry investment directly into R&D projects into the creative cluster economy. StoryFutures has helped companies like Austella, Smartify, Valkyrie, Arcade, Focal Point and Figment take prototypes to market, unlocking millions of further investment and commercialisation as a result of early and late stage R&D undertaken with StoryFutures. The cluster progrmme built a network of over 1100 SMEs, with over 142 collaborative R&D projects, 372 jobs saved or created, and 64 new products/services created.

Highlights across the programme have included StoryTrails won 'Best Use of Digital UK' at 2023 Museums + Heritage Awards, Best innovative use of archive in the Focal Interantional Film Awards (2023), was shortlisted for Arts & Humanities Research Project of the year for the Times Higher Education awad. The immersive experience provided the opportunity for over 1.5 million people to re-imagine their hometown via the use of VR, AR and archive footage at their local public library; with 70% of visitors reporting that the project made them feel connected to their city. Furthermore 38% of visitors reported never having used immersive tech before, highlighting the significant impact the project had on underserved communities. ST continues to further the conversation around inclusive innovation and the importance of representational storytelling.

StoryFutures launched 'Xperience', funded by the BFI, awarding National Lottery Fundingwhich and introduced immersive story-led VR content into cinemas and independent Arts centres across the 4 devolved nations of the UK. The project provides ground-breaking infrastructure to diverse communities in order to increase engagement and accessibility of immersive technologies.

Other major StoryLab projects have included a collaboration with Heathrow to develop Cupsy - the world's first augmented reality recycling bin produced by cluster-based SME Surround Vision. Achieving a 130% increase in recycling rates and over 10,000 coffee cups recycled in a 3 week period, Cupsy's roll out was stalled by the pandemic closing all airports and travel (more here:

A project with Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity focussed on children's transition of care through immersive storytelling with SME Play Well for Life (more here:

StoryFutures has helped to support 8 R&D prototypes move to full products - Focal Point's Virtual Veronese VR experience (more here:, exhibited at the National Gallery, 3D haptic sculpting tool Argil developed by Valkyrie Industries (more here:, a blockchain enabled solution aimed at facilitating recycling - BURT - developed by Austella (more here:, and arts and culture app Smartify (more here:

With the support of additional funding, StoryFutures has also launched the innovative TestXR platform, a remote audience testing platform which enables immersive creators to access audience insights (more here: Over 2,000 users are now on the site with companies applying directly for support to work on the platform.

Finally, in partnership with StoryFutures Academy, StoryFutures won one of ten DCMS commissions for Unboxed: Creativity in the UK (more here: A partnership between the BFI, Niantic, the BBC, local SMEs Nexus Studios and ProduceUK, as well as ISO Design, Uplands Television and The Reading Agency, StoryTrails delivered one of the UK's largest ever immersive storytelling projects, which is one of three global finalists for the 2023 SXSW Innovation Award for Immersive. Ambitiously reanimating BFI and BBC archive material, 6 VR prototypes featuring BFI and BBC archive were created by cluster SMEs and RHUL academics as part of a StoryLab commission, and showcased at 15 locations across the UK during the summer of 2022. StoryTrails had a significant impact in reaching culturally underserved audiences with 38% of visitors having never experienced immersive technologies. StoryFutures, in partnership with Meta's largest ever European VR headset donation, has equipped and trained 18 national libraries and 5 cinemas with VR headsets that continue to extend the reach of immersive experiences to new users. As well as benefitting a further 20,000+ visitors in 2023, this national VR testbed has already enabled 5 SMEs to develop prototypes for audience distribution and testing.
Exploitation Route Our TestXR audience insight platform has acted as a key gateway for SMEs and large organisations to work with us, including Factory42, Sky, BBC, and a range of small players.
Our XPerience Venues of 18 libraries and 7 cinemas act as a national testing bed for VR and immersive development, most recently for Hatsumi to develop the award-nominated Soul Paint through collaboration with librarians and communties. This is currently being evaluated for further funding.
Sectors Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism



Museums and Collections



Description Our activities have multiple impacts, some of which have been unexpected across a range of economic, social and cultural activities, and policy guidance announcements. Our StoryLab model has seen large organisations (StoryLab challenge setters) co-invest over £530,000 to foster R&D collaborations that have provided both SMEs and challenge setters rich audience insight. Moreover, these programmes have both introduced new suppliers and innovation into large organisations' supply chains (for example, the National Gallery, Discovery, BFI and Heathrow) as well as brokered new collaborations between SMEs. StoryLab's open innovation model enables SMEs to learn from each other as they pitch their ideas in an open forum and explore the difficulties and advantages inherent within each other's solutions to the challenges. To date, 64 new products, services, and experiences (including new IP) have been created, including audience facing prototypes at Heathrow and The National Gallery, as well as prototypes showcased around UK libraries, cinemas, Bradford Media Museum and Commonwealth Games venues as part of StoryTrails - reaching over 100,000 live audiences to become the UK's largest immersive storytelling experience. Over £5 million has been invested by creative SMEs participating across all our R&D programmes, as leverage including in-kind, across over 142 collaborative R&D project. StoryFutures work on creative industries R&D was noted by the House of Lords 'Our Creative Future Review'. It was cited over 20 times as evidence of generating economic impact including 'Businesses stated that having the support of universities provided a degree of reassurance to investors that made them a stronger proposition for investment. Academics noted that the Clusters programme created new incentives for applied research relevant to commercial applications that did not otherwise exist. House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee, 2nd Report of Session 2022-23, At risk: our creative future, 17 Jan 2023, p66 StoryFutures work with libraries was recognised by Baroness Sanderson's Library's Review in 2023 - noting the importance fo developing a digital and virtual offer for communities that congretate in libraries.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Creative Economy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections,Retail,Transport
Impact Types Cultural


Policy & public services

Description Citation in HOUSE OF LORDS Communications and Digital Committee 2nd Report of Session 2022-23 HL Paper 125 'At risk: our creative future'
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Description Gave evidence to House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee's Call for Evidence 'A Creative Future'
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description StoryFutures - National Gallery impact
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Impact As a consequence, of Virtual Veronese project within StoryFutures The National Gallery is now preparing to invest more in the prototype to roll it out for a full-scale exhibition in Winter 2019-20: this will lead to further commercial investment in Focal Point. Focal Point VR are now taking part in our accelerator programme, have been invited to showcase Virtual Veronese at SXSW and potentially Heathrow, and continue to work closely with our team on business model innovation. This case study demonstrates the way in which a single engagement with StoryFutures is having multiple economic impacts but it has also had a demonstrable high-profile cultural impact as indicated by the reference in the Dept of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport's policy paper, Culture is Digital (2019), which notes the importance or StoryFutures in establishing a Innovation Lab at the Gallery: "The National Gallery is preparing to launch of its Innovation space, National Gallery X, and partnered with StoryFutures to create an audience experience that puts one of the great masterpieces by Veronese back in its historical context." Moreover, as the Gallery's Head of Digital, Lawrence Chiles attests, the StoryLab model introduced innovation and new suppliers into the Gallery's supply chain that would simply not have been possible otherwise.
Title Data for 2 experiments on VR and Extroversion 
Description Data for the studies discussed in the manuscript entitled "The impact of audience-size on the appeal of virtual reality, and how to offset this." 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes