Aural/Oral Dramaturgies: Post-Verbatim, Amplified Storytelling and Gig Theatre in the Digital Age

Lead Research Organisation: Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Department Name: Faculty


In the 21st century, contemporary live performance and theatre are increasingly concerned with exploring the potential of speech and sound. This project' focus on the aural aspects of speech, sound, voice and sound design replaces the late 20th century dominance of literary textuality (new writing) and/or corporeality (physical theatre) as the primary dramaturgical motors in live performance. Some notable works that illustrate this trend include Robert Lepage's Lipsynch (2008), Simon McBurney's The Encounter (2016) but also, more symptomatically, the works known as 'gig theatre' in the UK (by artists such as Kate Tempest, Christopher Brett-Bailey, Kieran Hurley, Rash Dash, Middle Child etc). The trend emphasising aurality/orality has an international dimension and can be detected in its various manifestations in the works of, for example, Taylor Mac in the US, Lola Arias in Argentina, Valentijn Dhaenens in Belgium. Other noteworthy examples that privilege the dramaturgical rather than a merely utilitarian or decorative use of sound in live performance include forms such as headphones theatre (Rimini Protokoll, Rotozaza, ZU:UK) ordinarily considered a form of immersive or participatory theatre.

Taking a broad spectrum approach, but at the same time focusing on examples found at the intersection of orality, aurality and contemporary performance-making, the project seeks to also connect this trend to verbatim theatre of the early 2000s and to argue that the renewed interest of makers in speech and sound should be viewed together as a part of a paradigm shift, rather than as isolated phenomena or unrelated sub-species of contemporary performance. These trends can be understood as belonging to the same paradigm as they seek to engage the audience primarily, though not exclusively, through an act of listening.

The project will provide leadership by taking an interdisciplinary approach to the topic bringing together insights and expertise from ethnography, philosophy, digital humanities, musicology, museology and voice training as well as dramaturgy, performance and theatre studies. It will involve original field research as well as networking and public engagement activities. A two-tier international research network consisting of a pre-appointed Steering Group and an Advisory Group yet to be convened will be engaged to support various leadership and public engagement activities. The Fellow will co-commission new work with Battersea Arts Centre (BAC), which will form part of primary research together with a series of interviews with a range of performance-makers and experts on speech and sound from other disciplines. The research will be disseminated through a podcast, an international project conference, a special journal issue, a monograph, a workshop and a professional practice document for curators.

As an example of innovative collaborative research activity, the Fellow will work with sound producer Tim Bano, members of the Research Network and in partnership with BAC and Digital Theatre Plus (DT+), on creating a 12-part podcast series ('Lend Me Your Ears') to be hosted by the DT+ website as an open access feature, dealing with the research topic of the project in a way accessible to publics outside of academia. In order to foster wider impact, the Fellow will also work with voice coach Jane Boston on creating a public speaking workshop based on the research generated through this project. Additionally, she will engage in relevant knowledge exchange with V&A's curators to investigate together ways of developing use of aural dramaturgies in curatorial practice.

All these activities will serve to generate different kinds of knowledge and/or research outcomes suitable for widest possible dissemination.

Planned Impact

The main benefit of the research, which has the potential to create impact beyond academia is contained in a heightened understanding of the specific features, advantages and limitations of composition privileging speech and sound over writing. This represents an important challenge to a historical hegemony of the written word and can therefore have an empowering and democratising effect. Linked to this will be aspects of technical 'how to' knowledge derived from various research activities integral to the project. The main non-academic beneficiaries will be:

1. Artists and Cultural Producers (Performance-Makers, Writers, Museum Curators, Tour Guides, Arts Journalists, Podcasters) - The project will directly benefit three international artists co-commissioned with BAC, whose work will be supported under the banner of 'aural/oral dramaturgy', thus legitimising this vocabulary in a professional context and influencing ways in which the artists can frame their work with regards to histories and theories of performance. Similarly, the project will directly involve and further develop the practice of podcaster and radio producer Tim Bano, and of the curatorial team at V&A.

Other users interested in performance-making can access the research findings through the podcast hosted as an open access resource on DT+ as well as associated articles in Exeunt, The Theatre Times, The Stage etc, and through the monograph written in a way accessible to non-academic as well as academic readers. Users will benefit by gaining deeper understanding of why and how potential and actual uses of speech and sound yield specific advantages (and disadvantages) in performance-making and where the opportunities might be for further exploration and experimentation.

2. Non-academic users of public speaking - Additional findings concerning the intersections between speech, sound, music and rhetoric will be more widely applicable especially in terms of creating the public speaking training package which will be of use to professionals whose work involves public speaking - politicians, teachers, lawyers, business-people - as well as to those interested in enhancing their public speaking skills in social situations.

These findings will be disseminated mainly in the form of a training package. The Fellow will devise and then launch the training package in collaboration with voice coach Jane Boston as a workshop at the project conference (which will be organised with the stipulation that reading of papers will not be acceptable). The workshop and any accompanying materials will be offered to conferences in other related fields as well as being aimed at a broadest cross-section of users targeted through the Research Network convened by the project and by other means. The workshop will be filmed and made available through DT+ and/or Central website. Based on the premise of challenging the hegemony of the written word, the workshop will distill the key research findings in the form of training geared towards voice maintenance, composition exercises and technical public speaking skills.

3. Users of the digital domain/ general public - More contextual findings concerned with the relationships between digital technology, performance and authorship will benefit the publics interested in the effect of the digital age on our cognitive processes and presentational skills and our cultural consumption. Further benefit of this research to general users is contained in the implicitly empowering effect of the legitimisation of the oral and aural over the written.

Drawing on the contacts and expertise available within the Research Network, opportunities will be sought to disseminate aspects of the research to publics outside of academia by promoting the podcast through social media, and other relevant platforms.


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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Library #2: Farokh Soltani - Radio/Body (2020) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory #2: Nic Green - The Making of Cock and Bull (2015) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon #3: Caridad Svich and Pedro de Senna - in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory #3: Gracefool Collective - The Making of This is Not a Wedding (2019) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon #2: Mark Fleishman & Neo Muyanga - The Third Character in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory #3: The Unspoken Project - The Making of The Voice Monologues (2018) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon #3: Jane Boston & Matthew Mills - To Sound Ourselves in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon #2: Brandon LaBelle & Konstantinos Thomaidis - Vocal Positionings in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory #3: The Unspoken Project - The Making of The Voice Monologues (2018) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #3: Sound is a Plastic Art - An Interview with Melanie Wilson in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Library #2: Ben Spatz - Making a Laboratory (2020) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery: Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi - The Rhythm of the Archive in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory #1: Silvia Mercuriali - The Making of Swimming Home (2020) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon #2: Mark Fleishman & Neo Muyanga - The Third Character in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery: LucyMcCormick - Tricking the Audience into Watching Performance Art in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory #2: Emma Frankland - The Making of Hearty (2018-2020) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon #1: Ella Finer & Urok Shirhan - Companion Sounds in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon #2: Paul Dwyer, Laura Ginters & Gay McAuley - Rehearsal as an Oral Space in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory: Silvia Mercuriali - The Making of Swimming Home (2020) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Library #1: Silvija Jestrovic - Performances of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #2: Poets of the Digital Age - An Interview with Dead Centre in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #2: Changing the World by Opening Your Mouth - Valentijn Dhaenens in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery: SK Shlomo - To Unite in the Groove in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery: Conrad Murray - All from the Mouth in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon: Katie Beswick & Javon Johnson - Sounds of the City in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory #2: Emma Frankland - The Making of Hearty (2018-2020) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #2: Changing the World by Opening Your Mouth - Valentijn Dhaenens in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #2: This Language That is Our Lives - An Interview with Kate Hunter in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #3: To Unite in the Groove - An Interview with SK Shlomo in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Library #2: Farokh Soltani - Radio/Body (2020) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery: JQ (Q Brothers) - Theatre as a Sample-Based Artform in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory: Sleepwalk Collective - The Making of Swimming Pools (2020) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon: Andrej Mircev and Julian Henriques - Dramaturgy as Sonic Warfare in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Library #3: Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren - Hearing Difference (2006) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Library #1: Lynne Kendrick - Theatre Aurality (2017) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery: Maya Krishna Rao - The Chord that Opens Up the Subconscious in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #3: Slippages in Perception - An Interview with ZU-UK in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery: Kate Hunter - This Language That is Our Lives in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory #2: The Fall Collective - The Making of The Fall (2016) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #2: Poets of the Digital Age - An Interview with Dead Centre in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory #2: Nic Green - The Making of Cock and Bull (2015) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon #3: Jane Boston & Matthew Mills - To Sound Ourselves in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Salon: Ella Finer & Urok Shirhan - Companion Sounds in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #1: Theatre as a Sample-Based Artform - An Interview with JQ (Q Brothers) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Library #1: Lynne Kendrick - Theatre Aurality (2017) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Laboratory #1: Sleepwalk Collective - The Making of Swimming Pools (2020) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Library: Lynne Kendrick - Theatre Aurality (2017) in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #3: Learning by Ear, Painting by Voice - An Interview with Quote Unquote in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #3: Non-Verbal Narratives - An Interview with Eszter Kalman in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

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Duska Radosavljevic (2021) LMYE Gallery #3: Sound is a Plastic Art - An Interview with Melanie Wilson in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Title Andrej Mircev and Julian Henriques - Dramaturgy as Sonic Warfare 
Description Academic conversation between a performance studies and sound studies scholar on 'call and response'. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Conrad Murray - All from the Mouth - The Spirit of Hip-Hop 
Description Interview with Conrad Murray (Beatbox Academy) about his development as an artist, collaboartive ways of working and the success of Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster (2016). 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Ella Finer and Urok Shirhan - Companion Sounds 
Description Conversation about the broadcasting potential of Zoom and other internet-based platforms by Ella Finer and Urok Shirhan. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi podcut 
Description Interview with Italian performance-maker Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi about his works Between Me and P. (2016) and Psalming (2019). 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi podcut 
Description Interview with Italian performance-maker Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi about his works Between Me and P. (2016) and Psalming (2019). 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title JQ (Q Brothers) 
Description Interview with JQ of Q Brothers about their hip hop Shakespeare adaptations. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Kate Hunter podcut 
Description Interview with Kate Hunter. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Kate Hunter podcut 
Description Interview with Kate Hunter. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Katie Beswick and Javon Johnson - Sounds of the City 
Description Conversation between performance studies scholar and writer Katie Beswick and spoken word artist and scholar Javon Johnson on the sociological performativities of grime in London and rap in LA respectively. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: All From the Mouth - An Interview with Conrad Murray 
Description Interview with Conrad Murray (Beatbox Academy) about his development as an artist, collaboartive ways of working and the success of Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster (2016). This interview was recorded on 29.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: All From the Mouth - An Interview with Conrad Murray 
Description Interview with Conrad Murray (Beatbox Academy) about his development as an artist, collaboartive ways of working and the success of Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster (2016). This interview was recorded on 29.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: All From the Mouth - An Interview with Conrad Murray 
Description Interview with Conrad Murray (Beatbox Academy) about his development as an artist, collaboartive ways of working and the success of Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster (2016). This interview was recorded on 29.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: All From the Mouth - An Interview with Conrad Murray 
Description Interview with Conrad Murray (Beatbox Academy) about his development as an artist, collaboartive ways of working and the success of Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster (2016). This interview was recorded on 29.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Between the Big and the Small Picture - An Interview with RashDash 
Description Interview with RashDash about their work, including Two Man Show (2017), Three Sisters (2018) etc. This interview was conducted on 16.01.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Between the Big and the Small Picture - An Interview with RashDash 
Description Interview with RashDash about their work, including Two Man Show (2017), Three Sisters (2018) etc. This interview was conducted on 16.01.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Between the Big and the Small Picture - An Interview with RashDash 
Description Interview with RashDash about their work, including Two Man Show (2017), Three Sisters (2018) etc. This interview was conducted on 16.01.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Between the Big and the Small Picture - An Interview with RashDash 
Description Interview with RashDash about their work, including Two Man Show (2017), Three Sisters (2018) etc. This interview was conducted on 16.01.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Putting a Different Spin on the World - An Interview with Silvia Mercuriali 
Description Interview with Silvia Mercuriali about her work as a performance-maker, including etiquette (2007), And the Birds Fell from the Sky (2011) and Macondo (2015). Silvia shares with us the story of her developmental journey as an artist into and beyond the concept of 'autoteatro': we discuss her formative influences rooted in European film and performance, the value of collaboration in her work, the need for new languages, her radical departures from various influential traditions and her new work, Swimming Home (2020). This interview was conducted on 19.03.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Putting a Different Spin on the World - An Interview with Silvia Mercuriali 
Description Interview with Silvia Mercuriali about her work as a performance-maker, including etiquette (2007), And the Birds Fell from the Sky (2011) and Macondo (2015). Silvia shares with us the story of her developmental journey as an artist into and beyond the concept of 'autoteatro': we discuss her formative influences rooted in European film and performance, the value of collaboration in her work, the need for new languages, her radical departures from various influential traditions and her new work, Swimming Home (2020). This interview was conducted on 19.03.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Putting a Different Spin on the World - An Interview with Silvia Mercuriali 
Description Interview with Silvia Mercuriali about her work as a performance-maker, including etiquette (2007), And the Birds Fell from the Sky (2011) and Macondo (2015). Silvia shares with us the story of her developmental journey as an artist into and beyond the concept of 'autoteatro': we discuss her formative influences rooted in European film and performance, the value of collaboration in her work, the need for new languages, her radical departures from various influential traditions and her new work, Swimming Home (2020). This interview was conducted on 19.03.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Putting a Different Spin on the World - An Interview with Silvia Mercuriali 
Description Interview with Silvia Mercuriali about her work as a performance-maker, including etiquette (2007), And the Birds Fell from the Sky (2011) and Macondo (2015). Silvia shares with us the story of her developmental journey as an artist into and beyond the concept of 'autoteatro': we discuss her formative influences rooted in European film and performance, the value of collaboration in her work, the need for new languages, her radical departures from various influential traditions and her new work, Swimming Home (2020). This interview was conducted on 19.03.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: The Chord that Opens Up the Subconscious - Interview with Maya Krishna Rao 
Description Interview with Maya Krishna Rao about her works Khol Do (1993), A Deep Fried Jam (2002), Walk (2012), Loose Woman (2018) and Lockdown Stories (2020). This interview was recorded on 02.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: The Chord that Opens Up the Subconscious - Interview with Maya Krishna Rao 
Description Interview with Maya Krishna Rao about her works Khol Do (1993), A Deep Fried Jam (2002), Walk (2012), Loose Woman (2018) and Lockdown Stories (2020). This interview was recorded on 02.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: The Chord that Opens Up the Subconscious - Interview with Maya Krishna Rao 
Description Interview with Maya Krishna Rao about her works Khol Do (1993), A Deep Fried Jam (2002), Walk (2012), Loose Woman (2018) and Lockdown Stories (2020). This interview was recorded on 02.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: The Chord that Opens Up the Subconscious - Interview with Maya Krishna Rao 
Description Interview with Maya Krishna Rao about her works Khol Do (1993), A Deep Fried Jam (2002), Walk (2012), Loose Woman (2018) and Lockdown Stories (2020). This interview was recorded on 02.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Theatre as a Sample-Based Artform - An Interview with JQ (Q Brothers) 
Description Interview with JQ of Q Brothers about their hip hop Shakespeare adaptations. This interview was conducted on 16.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Theatre as a Sample-Based Artform - An Interview with JQ (Q Brothers) 
Description Interview with JQ of Q Brothers about their hip hop Shakespeare adaptations. This interview was conducted on 16.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Theatre as a Sample-Based Artform - An Interview with JQ (Q Brothers) 
Description Interview with JQ of Q Brothers about their hip hop Shakespeare adaptations. This interview was conducted on 16.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Theatre as a Sample-Based Artform - An Interview with JQ (Q Brothers) 
Description Interview with JQ of Q Brothers about their hip hop Shakespeare adaptations. This interview was conducted on 16.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Tricking the Audience into Watching Performance Art - An Interview with Lucy McCormick 
Description Interview with Lucy McCormick about her work. References include Triple Threat (2016), Post-Popular (2019) and Life:Live (2020). This interview was conducted on16.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Tricking the Audience into Watching Performance Art - An Interview with Lucy McCormick 
Description Interview with Lucy McCormick about her work. References include Triple Threat (2016), Post-Popular (2019) and Life:Live (2020). This interview was conducted on16.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Tricking the Audience into Watching Performance Art - An Interview with Lucy McCormick 
Description Interview with Lucy McCormick about her work. References include Triple Threat (2016), Post-Popular (2019) and Life:Live (2020). This interview was conducted on16.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #1: Tricking the Audience into Watching Performance Art - An Interview with Lucy McCormick 
Description Interview with Lucy McCormick about her work. References include Triple Threat (2016), Post-Popular (2019) and Life:Live (2020). This interview was conducted on16.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Changing the World by Opening Your Mouth - Valentijn Dhaenens 
Description Interview with Valentijn Dhaenens about his work, including BigmoutH (2012), SmallWaR (2014) and Unsung (2018). This interview was conducted on 29.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Changing the World by Opening Your Mouth - Valentijn Dhaenens 
Description Interview with Valentijn Dhaenens about his work, including BigmoutH (2012), SmallWaR (2014) and Unsung (2018). This interview was conducted on 29.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Changing the World by Opening Your Mouth - Valentijn Dhaenens 
Description Interview with Valentijn Dhaenens about his work, including BigmoutH (2012), SmallWaR (2014) and Unsung (2018). This interview was conducted on 29.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Finding the Dancer's Voice - An Interview with Gracefool Collective 
Description Kate Cox and Rachel Fullegar, founding members of Leeds-based company Gracefool Collective discuss the company's development, their relationship to dance as a medium and commitment to a shared practice that is truly pluralistic and democratic. Interview with Gracefool Collective. This interview was conducted on 06.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Finding the Dancer's Voice - An Interview with Gracefool Collective 
Description Kate Cox and Rachel Fullegar, founding members of Leeds-based company Gracefool Collective discuss the company's development, their relationship to dance as a medium and commitment to a shared practice that is truly pluralistic and democratic. Interview with Gracefool Collective. This interview was conducted on 06.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Finding the Dancer's Voice - An Interview with Gracefool Collective 
Description Kate Cox and Rachel Fullegar, founding members of Leeds-based company Gracefool Collective discuss the company's development, their relationship to dance as a medium and commitment to a shared practice that is truly pluralistic and democratic. Interview with Gracefool Collective. This interview was conducted on 06.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Poets of the Digital Age - An Interview with Dead Centre 
Description Interview with Dead Centre about their work, including Chekhov's First Play (2015), Shakespeare's Last Play (2018), Hamnet (2017) and Beckett's Room (2019). This interview was recorded on 27.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Poets of the Digital Age - An Interview with Dead Centre 
Description Interview with Dead Centre about their work, including Chekhov's First Play (2015), Shakespeare's Last Play (2018), Hamnet (2017) and Beckett's Room (2019). This interview was recorded on 27.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Poets of the Digital Age - An Interview with Dead Centre 
Description Interview with Dead Centre about their work, including Chekhov's First Play (2015), Shakespeare's Last Play (2018), Hamnet (2017) and Beckett's Room (2019). This interview was recorded on 27.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Storytelling as Survival - An Interview with Lola Arias 
Description Interview with Lola Arias about her work in Argentina, UK and Germany. This interview was recorded on 09.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Storytelling as Survival - An Interview with Lola Arias 
Description Interview with Lola Arias about her work in Argentina, UK and Germany. This interview was recorded on 09.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: Storytelling as Survival - An Interview with Lola Arias 
Description Interview with Lola Arias about her work in Argentina, UK and Germany. This interview was recorded on 09.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: This Language That is Our Lives - An Interview with Kate Hunter 
Description Hunter explores her training and conceptual interests, her working methods and relationship to technology, and how she came to understand the social, narrative and affective potentiality of voice on stage through Earshot but also through the performances Maybe We're Never Together (2011) and her current project Fugue State. This interview was conducted on 26.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: This Language That is Our Lives - An Interview with Kate Hunter 
Description Hunter explores her training and conceptual interests, her working methods and relationship to technology, and how she came to understand the social, narrative and affective potentiality of voice on stage through Earshot but also through the performances Maybe We're Never Together (2011) and her current project Fugue State. This interview was conducted on 26.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: This Language That is Our Lives - An Interview with Kate Hunter 
Description Hunter explores her training and conceptual interests, her working methods and relationship to technology, and how she came to understand the social, narrative and affective potentiality of voice on stage through Earshot but also through the performances Maybe We're Never Together (2011) and her current project Fugue State. This interview was conducted on 26.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #2: This Language That is Our Lives - An Interview with Kate Hunter 
Description Hunter explores her training and conceptual interests, her working methods and relationship to technology, and how she came to understand the social, narrative and affective potentiality of voice on stage through Earshot but also through the performances Maybe We're Never Together (2011) and her current project Fugue State. This interview was conducted on 26.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Learning by Ear, Painting by Voice - An Interview with Quote Unquote 
Description Amy Nostbakken and Norah Sadava discuss their show Mouthpiece in 2015, its film adaptation and other works using speech and sound. This interview was recorded on 01.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Learning by Ear, Painting by Voice - An Interview with Quote Unquote 
Description Amy Nostbakken and Norah Sadava discuss their show Mouthpiece in 2015, its film adaptation and other works using speech and sound. This interview was recorded on 01.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Learning by Ear, Painting by Voice - An Interview with Quote Unquote 
Description Amy Nostbakken and Norah Sadava discuss their show Mouthpiece in 2015, its film adaptation and other works using speech and sound. This interview was recorded on 01.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Non-Verbal Narratives - An Interview with Eszter Kalman 
Description Eszter Kalman talks about her work including award-winning The Lake (2016) and Domestic Noise (2020). This interview was recorded on 03.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Non-Verbal Narratives - An Interview with Eszter Kalman 
Description Eszter Kalman talks about her work including award-winning The Lake (2016) and Domestic Noise (2020). This interview was recorded on 03.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Non-Verbal Narratives - An Interview with Eszter Kalman 
Description Eszter Kalman talks about her work including award-winning The Lake (2016) and Domestic Noise (2020). This interview was recorded on 03.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Slippages in Perception - An Interview with ZU-UK 
Description Artistic Director Persis Jadé Maravala and Executive Director Jorge Lopes Ramos, take us on a fascinating tour of ZU-UK's politics and poetics. This interview was recorded on 01.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Slippages in Perception - An Interview with ZU-UK 
Description Artistic Director Persis Jadé Maravala and Executive Director Jorge Lopes Ramos, take us on a fascinating tour of ZU-UK's politics and poetics. This interview was recorded on 01.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Slippages in Perception - An Interview with ZU-UK 
Description Artistic Director Persis Jadé Maravala and Executive Director Jorge Lopes Ramos, take us on a fascinating tour of ZU-UK's politics and poetics. This interview was recorded on 01.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Sound is a Plastic Art - An Interview with Melanie Wilson 
Description Melanie Wilson discusses her creations including Autobiographer (2011), sci-fi inspired Opera for the Unknown Woman (2016), and her binaural headphone piece Women of Record (2018) and her collaborations with Katie Mitchell, Tassos Stevens, Made in China. This interview was recorded on 01.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Sound is a Plastic Art - An Interview with Melanie Wilson 
Description Melanie Wilson discusses her creations including Autobiographer (2011), sci-fi inspired Opera for the Unknown Woman (2016), and her binaural headphone piece Women of Record (2018) and her collaborations with Katie Mitchell, Tassos Stevens, Made in China. This interview was recorded on 01.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Sound is a Plastic Art - An Interview with Melanie Wilson 
Description Melanie Wilson discusses her creations including Autobiographer (2011), sci-fi inspired Opera for the Unknown Woman (2016), and her binaural headphone piece Women of Record (2018) and her collaborations with Katie Mitchell, Tassos Stevens, Made in China. This interview was recorded on 01.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Storytelling as Sonic Conjuring - An Interview with Kieran Hurley 
Description Hurley details how he has crafted his style of storytelling, in Beats (2012), Rantin (2014), Heads Up (2017) and Mouthpiece (2018), focusing on the social and political aspects of the work and on the material conditions of their conception. This interview was recorded on 08.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Storytelling as Sonic Conjuring - An Interview with Kieran Hurley 
Description Hurley details how he has crafted his style of storytelling, in Beats (2012), Rantin (2014), Heads Up (2017) and Mouthpiece (2018), focusing on the social and political aspects of the work and on the material conditions of their conception. This interview was recorded on 08.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: Storytelling as Sonic Conjuring - An Interview with Kieran Hurley 
Description Hurley details how he has crafted his style of storytelling, in Beats (2012), Rantin (2014), Heads Up (2017) and Mouthpiece (2018), focusing on the social and political aspects of the work and on the material conditions of their conception. This interview was recorded on 08.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: To Unite in the Groove - An Interview with SK Shlomo 
Description Having worked with icons including Björk, Damon Albarn, DJ Yoda, Lily Allen and Jarvis Cocker, beatboxer SK Shlomo tells us about his turn towards storytelling and his new 'rave theatre' piece. This interview was conducted on 10.03.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: To Unite in the Groove - An Interview with SK Shlomo 
Description Having worked with icons including Björk, Damon Albarn, DJ Yoda, Lily Allen and Jarvis Cocker, beatboxer SK Shlomo tells us about his turn towards storytelling and his new 'rave theatre' piece. This interview was conducted on 10.03.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: To Unite in the Groove - An Interview with SK Shlomo 
Description Having worked with icons including Björk, Damon Albarn, DJ Yoda, Lily Allen and Jarvis Cocker, beatboxer SK Shlomo tells us about his turn towards storytelling and his new 'rave theatre' piece. This interview was conducted on 10.03.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #3: To Unite in the Groove - An Interview with SK Shlomo 
Description Having worked with icons including Björk, Damon Albarn, DJ Yoda, Lily Allen and Jarvis Cocker, beatboxer SK Shlomo tells us about his turn towards storytelling and his new 'rave theatre' piece. This interview was conducted on 10.03.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Forever at This Volume - An Interview with Chris Brett Bailey 
Description From his collaborations with company Made in China to his award-winning and critically acclaimed This is How We Die (2016), to his current noise project THIS MACHINE WON'T KILL FASCISTS BUT IT MIGHT GET YOU LAID (2020-2021), Chris's is a rich performance idiom which fuses deep interests in literature, rock'n'roll and comedy. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Forever at This Volume - An Interview with Christopher Brett Bailey 
Description From his collaborations with company Made in China to his award-winning and critically acclaimed This is How We Die (2016), to his current noise project THIS MACHINE WON'T KILL FASCISTS BUT IT MIGHT GET YOU LAID (2020-2021), Chris's is a rich performance idiom which fuses deep interests in literature, rock'n'roll and comedy. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Forever at This Volume - An Interview with Christopher Brett Bailey 
Description From his collaborations with company Made in China to his award-winning and critically acclaimed This is How We Die (2016), to his current noise project THIS MACHINE WON'T KILL FASCISTS BUT IT MIGHT GET YOU LAID (2020-2021), Chris's is a rich performance idiom which fuses deep interests in literature, rock'n'roll and comedy. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Harnessing the Magic of the Gig - The Electrolyte Interview 
Description In this interview we examine Wildcard's individual and collective journeys towards Electrolyte (2018) made in collaboration with director Donnacadh O'Briain, and their individual routes towards gig theatre as a form and the ethos of diversity, inclusion and authenticity that determined Electrolyte's subject matter and musical identity. This interview was conducted on 12.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Harnessing the Magic of the Gig - The Electrolyte Interview 
Description In this interview we examine Wildcard's individual and collective journeys towards Electrolyte (2018) made in collaboration with director Donnacadh O'Briain, and their individual routes towards gig theatre as a form and the ethos of diversity, inclusion and authenticity that determined Electrolyte's subject matter and musical identity. This interview was conducted on 12.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Harnessing the Magic of the Gig - The Electrolyte Interview 
Description In this interview we examine Wildcard's individual and collective journeys towards Electrolyte (2018) made in collaboration with director Donnacadh O'Briain, and their individual routes towards gig theatre as a form and the ethos of diversity, inclusion and authenticity that determined Electrolyte's subject matter and musical identity. This interview was conducted on 12.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Pushing the Boundaries of Storytelling - The Misty Interview 
Description The Bush theatre production of Misty (2018), written by Arinze Kene and directed by Omar Elerian led to two Olivier nominations in 2019 and was only the second play of all time by a Black playwright to transfer to the West End. In this interview Kene and Elerian discuss their collaborative efforts as well as their individual theatrical journeys and plans for future work. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Pushing the Boundaries of Storytelling - The Misty Interview 
Description The Bush theatre production of Misty (2018), written by Arinze Kene and directed by Omar Elerian led to two Olivier nominations in 2019 and was only the second play of all time by a Black playwright to transfer to the West End. In this interview Kene and Elerian discuss their collaborative efforts as well as their individual theatrical journeys and plans for future work. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Pushing the Boundaries of Storytelling - The Misty Interview 
Description The Bush theatre production of Misty (2018), written by Arinze Kene and directed by Omar Elerian led to two Olivier nominations in 2019 and was only the second play of all time by a Black playwright to transfer to the West End. In this interview Kene and Elerian discuss their collaborative efforts as well as their individual theatrical journeys and plans for future work. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Taking Music Up a Level - An Interview with Little Bulb 
Description Since their first piece Crocosmia (2008), they have become known for conjugating the language of theatre- and music-making, creating a quirky DIY hybrid style which is most definitely their own. In this conversation with Administrative Director Clare Beresford, Artistic Director Alexander Scott and Musical Director Dominic Conway, we retrace the footsteps of Little bulb, investigate their working methods, and learn about a finely-honed theatrical idiom that is both rigorous and infectious. This interview was recorded on 26.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Taking Music Up a Level - An Interview with Little Bulb 
Description Since their first piece Crocosmia (2008), they have become known for conjugating the language of theatre- and music-making, creating a quirky DIY hybrid style which is most definitely their own. In this conversation with Administrative Director Clare Beresford, Artistic Director Alexander Scott and Musical Director Dominic Conway, we retrace the footsteps of Little bulb, investigate their working methods, and learn about a finely-honed theatrical idiom that is both rigorous and infectious. This interview was recorded on 26.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: Taking Music Up a Level - An Interview with Little Bulb 
Description Since their first piece Crocosmia (2008), they have become known for conjugating the language of theatre- and music-making, creating a quirky DIY hybrid style which is most definitely their own. In this conversation with Administrative Director Clare Beresford, Artistic Director Alexander Scott and Musical Director Dominic Conway, we retrace the footsteps of Little bulb, investigate their working methods, and learn about a finely-honed theatrical idiom that is both rigorous and infectious. This interview was recorded on 26.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: The Political Shaman - An Interview with Matthew Xia 
Description Matthew Xia is a theatre director, journalist, composer, DJ and Artistic Director of the Actors' Touring Company. In 2020 he directed Reconnect: Digital Raving, a piece commissioned by BBC Culture in Quarantine and written by Aural/Oral Dramaturgies Artist in Residence SK Shlomo. This interview was recorded on 17.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: The Political Shaman - An Interview with Matthew Xia 
Description Matthew Xia is a theatre director, journalist, composer, DJ and Artistic Director of the Actors' Touring Company. In 2020 he directed Reconnect: Digital Raving, a piece commissioned by BBC Culture in Quarantine and written by Aural/Oral Dramaturgies Artist in Residence SK Shlomo. This interview was recorded on 17.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #4: The Political Shaman - An Interview with Matthew Xia 
Description Matthew Xia is a theatre director, journalist, composer, DJ and Artistic Director of the Actors' Touring Company. In 2020 he directed Reconnect: Digital Raving, a piece commissioned by BBC Culture in Quarantine and written by Aural/Oral Dramaturgies Artist in Residence SK Shlomo. This interview was recorded on 17.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: Oliver Zahn - Pointing at Things and Saying What They Are 
Description In this Gallery interview we learn about Zahn's artistic and intellectual journey towards his distinctive performance works, including Situation with an Outstretched Arm (2015), Situation with Doppelgänger (2016) and In Praise of Forgetting (2020). This conversation was recorded on 28.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: Oliver Zahn - Pointing at Things and Saying What They Are 
Description In this Gallery interview we learn about Zahn's artistic and intellectual journey towards his distinctive performance works, including Situation with an Outstretched Arm (2015), Situation with Doppelgänger (2016) and In Praise of Forgetting (2020). This conversation was recorded on 28.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: Oliver Zahn - Pointing at Things and Saying What They Are 
Description In this Gallery interview we learn about Zahn's artistic and intellectual journey towards his distinctive performance works, including Situation with an Outstretched Arm (2015), Situation with Doppelgänger (2016) and In Praise of Forgetting (2020). This conversation was recorded on 28.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: Sammy Metcalfe (Sleepwalk Collective) - The Sound That You Feel 
Description In this interview, we hear about how Sleepwalk Collective's specific way of working has evolved from their first piece in 2011 to their current work on the large-scale project Swimming Pools, co-produced by Battersea Arts Centre. This conversation was recorded on 08.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: Sammy Metcalfe (Sleepwalk Collective) - The Sound That You Feel 
Description In this interview, we hear about how Sleepwalk Collective's specific way of working has evolved from their first piece in 2011 to their current work on the large-scale project Swimming Pools, co-produced by Battersea Arts Centre. This conversation was recorded on 08.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: Sammy Metcalfe (Sleepwalk Collective) - The Sound That You Feel 
Description In this interview, we hear about how Sleepwalk Collective's specific way of working has evolved from their first piece in 2011 to their current work on the large-scale project Swimming Pools, co-produced by Battersea Arts Centre. This conversation was recorded on 08.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: She Goat - Everything in Harmony 
Description In this Gallery interview, Pastor and Turner generously guide us through their long time as collaborators in performance, music, and life, exploring what it means to 'finish each other's sentences' as women who are friends, colleagues and co-creators. We learn about their process and about their plans for the future, which open up onto the sphere of radio. This conversation was recorded on 22.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: She Goat - Everything in Harmony 
Description In this Gallery interview, Pastor and Turner generously guide us through their long time as collaborators in performance, music, and life, exploring what it means to 'finish each other's sentences' as women who are friends, colleagues and co-creators. We learn about their process and about their plans for the future, which open up onto the sphere of radio. This conversation was recorded on 22.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: She Goat - Everything in Harmony 
Description In this Gallery interview, Pastor and Turner generously guide us through their long time as collaborators in performance, music, and life, exploring what it means to 'finish each other's sentences' as women who are friends, colleagues and co-creators. We learn about their process and about their plans for the future, which open up onto the sphere of radio. This conversation was recorded on 22.04.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: The Rhythm of the Archive - An Interview with Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi 
Description Interview with Italian performance-maker Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi about his works Between Me and P. (2016) and Psalming (2019). This interview was conducted on 25.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: The Rhythm of the Archive - An Interview with Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi 
Description Interview with Italian performance-maker Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi about his works Between Me and P. (2016) and Psalming (2019). This interview was conducted on 25.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: The Rhythm of the Archive - An Interview with Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi 
Description Interview with Italian performance-maker Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi about his works Between Me and P. (2016) and Psalming (2019). This interview was conducted on 25.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: The Rhythm of the Archive - An Interview with Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi 
Description Interview with Italian performance-maker Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi about his works Between Me and P. (2016) and Psalming (2019). This interview was conducted on 25.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: sair goetz - The Voice I Want for Myself 
Description sair goetz writes instructions that queer problematic realities into speculative fictions. Their work takes the form of bodily performance, video, installation, and signage. sair is one of the Aural/Oral Dramaturgies artists in residence. This conversation took place on 31.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: sair goetz - The Voice I Want for Myself 
Description sair goetz writes instructions that queer problematic realities into speculative fictions. Their work takes the form of bodily performance, video, installation, and signage. sair is one of the Aural/Oral Dramaturgies artists in residence. This conversation took place on 31.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery #5: sair goetz - The Voice I Want for Myself 
Description sair goetz writes instructions that queer problematic realities into speculative fictions. Their work takes the form of bodily performance, video, installation, and signage. sair is one of the Aural/Oral Dramaturgies artists in residence. This conversation took place on 31.05.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery Maya Krishna Rao - The Chord that Opens Up the Subconscious 
Description Interview with Maya Krishna Rao. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: Conrad Murray - All from the Mouth 
Description Interview with Conrad Murray (Beatbox Academy) about his development as an artist, collaboartive ways of working and the success of Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster (2016). 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery: Conrad Murray - All from the Mouth - The Spirit of Hip-Hop 
Description Interview with Conrad Murray (Beatbox Academy) about his development as an artist, collaboartive ways of working and the success of Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster (2016). 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi - The Rhythm of the Archive 
Description Interview with Italian performance-maker Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi about his works Between Me and P. (2016) and Psalming (2019). 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery: Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi - The Rhythm of the Archive 
Description Interview with Italian performance-maker Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi about his works Between Me and P. (2016) and Psalming (2019). 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: JQ (Q Brothers) - Theatre as a Sample-Based Artform 
Description Interview with JQ of Q Brothers about their hip hop Shakespeare adaptations. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: JQ (Q Brothers) - Theatre as a Sample-Based Artform 
Description Interview with JQ of Q Brothers about their hip hop Shakespeare adaptations. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery: JQ (Q Brothers) - Theatre as a Sample-Based Artform 
Description Interview with JQ of Q Brothers about their hip hop Shakespeare adaptations. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: Kate Hunter - This Language That is Our Lives 
Description Interview with Kate Hunter. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: Kate Hunter - This Language That is Our Lives 
Description Interview with Kate Hunter. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery: LucyMcCormick - Tricking the Audience into Watching Performance Art 
Description Interview with Lucy McCormick about her work. References include Triple Threat (2016), Post-Popular (2019) and Life:Live (2020). 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: LucyMcCormick - Tricking the Audience into Watching Performance Art 
Description Interview with Lucy McCormick about her work. References include Triple Threat (2016), Post-Popular (2019) and Life:Live (2020). 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery: Maya Krishna Rao - The Chord that Opens Up the Subconscious 
Description Interview with Maya Krishna Rao. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: Maya Krishna Rao - The Chord that Opens Up the Subconscious 
Description Interview with Maya Krishna Rao. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery: RashDash - Between the Big and the Small Picture 
Description Interview with RashDash. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery: RashDash - Between the Big and the Small Picture 
Description Interview with RashDash. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: SK Shlomo - To Unite in the Groove 
Description Interview with SK Shlomo. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Gallery: SK Shlomo - To Unite in the Groove 
Description Interview with SK Shlomo. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: Silvia Mercuriali - Putting a Different Spin on the World 
Description Interview with Silvia Mercuriali about her work as a performance-maker. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Gallery: Silvia Mercuriali - Putting a Different Spin on the World 
Description Interview with Silvia Mercuriali about her work as a performance-maker. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #1: Silvia Mercuriali - The Making of Swimming Home (2020) 
Description Silvia Mercuriali talks about making her autoteatro headphones piece Swimming Home (2020) during covid19 lockdown. This presentation was recorded on 09.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #1: Silvia Mercuriali - The Making of Swimming Home (2020) 
Description Silvia Mercuriali talks about making her autoteatro headphones piece Swimming Home (2020) during covid19 lockdown. This presentation was recorded on 09.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #1: Silvia Mercuriali - The Making of Swimming Home (2020) 
Description Silvia Mercuriali talks about making her autoteatro headphones piece Swimming Home (2020) during covid19 lockdown. This presentation was recorded on 09.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #1: Sleepwalk Collective - The Making of Swimming Pools (2020) 
Description Sleepwalk Collective's Sammy Metcalfe talks about the making of the company's show Swimming Pools (2020) during the covid19 lockdown in Spain. This presentation was recorded on 10.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #1: Sleepwalk Collective - The Making of Swimming Pools (2020) 
Description Sleepwalk Collective's Sammy Metcalfe talks about the making of the company's show Swimming Pools (2020) during the covid19 lockdown in Spain. This presentation was recorded on 10.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #1: Sleepwalk Collective - The Making of Swimming Pools (2020) 
Description Sleepwalk Collective's Sammy Metcalfe talks about the making of the company's show Swimming Pools (2020) during the covid19 lockdown in Spain. This presentation was recorded on 10.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #2: Emma Frankland - The Making of Hearty (2018-2020) 
Description Emma Frankland talks us through the conceptual and practical process of making the fifth and final solo show in her None of Us is Yet a Robot cycle - a series of works about her gender transition and abut the politics surrounding trans identity, from which she has also published a book: None of Us is Yet a Robot: Five Performances on Gender Identity and the Politics of Transition (London: Oberon, 2019). This presentation was recorded on 08.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #2: Emma Frankland - The Making of Hearty (2018-2020) 
Description Emma Frankland talks us through the conceptual and practical process of making the fifth and final solo show in her None of Us is Yet a Robot cycle - a series of works about her gender transition and abut the politics surrounding trans identity, from which she has also published a book: None of Us is Yet a Robot: Five Performances on Gender Identity and the Politics of Transition (London: Oberon, 2019). This presentation was recorded on 08.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #2: Emma Frankland - The Making of Hearty (2018-2020) 
Description Emma Frankland talks us through the conceptual and practical process of making the fifth and final solo show in her None of Us is Yet a Robot cycle - a series of works about her gender transition and abut the politics surrounding trans identity, from which she has also published a book: None of Us is Yet a Robot: Five Performances on Gender Identity and the Politics of Transition (London: Oberon, 2019). This presentation was recorded on 08.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #2: Nic Green - The Making of Cock and Bull (2015) 
Description Nic Green offers a step-by-step explanation of and a deep a posteriori reflection on how she went about making Cock and Bull Green (2015) in collaboration with her long-term collaborators Rosana Cade and Laura Bradshaw. This presentation was recorded on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #2: Nic Green - The Making of Cock and Bull (2015) 
Description Nic Green offers a step-by-step explanation of and a deep a posteriori reflection on how she went about making Cock and Bull Green (2015) in collaboration with her long-term collaborators Rosana Cade and Laura Bradshaw. This presentation was recorded on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #2: Nic Green - The Making of Cock and Bull (2015) 
Description Nic Green offers a step-by-step explanation of and a deep a posteriori reflection on how she went about making Cock and Bull Green (2015) in collaboration with her long-term collaborators Rosana Cade and Laura Bradshaw. This presentation was recorded on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #3: Gracefool Collective - The Making of This is Not a Wedding (2019) 
Description Kate Cox and Rachel Fullegar share with us how they developed the conceptual framework of the piece and kept honing it through a series of considered choices in their approach to working with movement, sound, and text, and show videos and photographs from their involved process, which lasted between 2016 and 2019. This presentation was recorded on 10.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #3: Gracefool Collective - The Making of This is Not a Wedding (2019) 
Description Kate Cox and Rachel Fullegar share with us how they developed the conceptual framework of the piece and kept honing it through a series of considered choices in their approach to working with movement, sound, and text, and show videos and photographs from their involved process, which lasted between 2016 and 2019. This presentation was recorded on 10.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #3: Gracefool Collective - The Making of This is Not a Wedding (2019) 
Description Kate Cox and Rachel Fullegar share with us how they developed the conceptual framework of the piece and kept honing it through a series of considered choices in their approach to working with movement, sound, and text, and show videos and photographs from their involved process, which lasted between 2016 and 2019. This presentation was recorded on 10.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #3: The Unspoken Project - The Making of The Voice Monologues (2018) 
Description In this Laboratory we meet Kate Caryer and Ky Hall, two of Unspoken's directors, to discuss The Voice Monologues, a performance in which actors with unimpaired communication bring to life the writing of AAC users. The performance centres on what can be found in this collaboration across voices, what is at stake in finding a voice, in gaining access to one's voice, in giving and lending voice and in voicing others, in speaking and being spoken through. The presentation was recorded on 06.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #3: The Unspoken Project - The Making of The Voice Monologues (2018) 
Description In this Laboratory we meet Kate Caryer and Ky Hall, two of Unspoken's directors, to discuss The Voice Monologues, a performance in which actors with unimpaired communication bring to life the writing of AAC users. The performance centres on what can be found in this collaboration across voices, what is at stake in finding a voice, in gaining access to one's voice, in giving and lending voice and in voicing others, in speaking and being spoken through. The presentation was recorded on 06.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #3: The Unspoken Project - The Making of The Voice Monologues (2018) 
Description In this Laboratory we meet Kate Caryer and Ky Hall, two of Unspoken's directors, to discuss The Voice Monologues, a performance in which actors with unimpaired communication bring to life the writing of AAC users. The performance centres on what can be found in this collaboration across voices, what is at stake in finding a voice, in gaining access to one's voice, in giving and lending voice and in voicing others, in speaking and being spoken through. The presentation was recorded on 06.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: Oliver Frljic - The Making of TURBOFOLK (2008) 
Description Taking seriously as its starting point one of the most richly sedimented yet most deeply misunderstood popular music genres of new Europe - the term 'turbo-folk' was coined in the mid-1980s by Rambo Amadeus - Turbofolk by Oliver Frljic is a rich, caustic, irreverent and sometimes darkly funny investigation of Ex-Yugoslav society and of how it might choose to tell its own story to itself. This conversation was recorded on 16.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: Oliver Frljic - The Making of TURBOFOLK (2008) 
Description Taking seriously as its starting point one of the most richly sedimented yet most deeply misunderstood popular music genres of new Europe - the term 'turbo-folk' was coined in the mid-1980s by Rambo Amadeus - Turbofolk by Oliver Frljic is a rich, caustic, irreverent and sometimes darkly funny investigation of Ex-Yugoslav society and of how it might choose to tell its own story to itself. This conversation was recorded on 16.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: Oliver Frljic - The Making of TURBOFOLK (2008) 
Description Taking seriously as its starting point one of the most richly sedimented yet most deeply misunderstood popular music genres of new Europe - the term 'turbo-folk' was coined in the mid-1980s by Rambo Amadeus - Turbofolk by Oliver Frljic is a rich, caustic, irreverent and sometimes darkly funny investigation of Ex-Yugoslav society and of how it might choose to tell its own story to itself. This conversation was recorded on 16.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: Oliver Frljic - The Making of TURBOFOLK (2008) 
Description Taking seriously as its starting point one of the most richly sedimented yet most deeply misunderstood popular music genres of new Europe - the term 'turbo-folk' was coined in the mid-1980s by Rambo Amadeus - Turbofolk by Oliver Frljic is a rich, caustic, irreverent and sometimes darkly funny investigation of Ex-Yugoslav society and of how it might choose to tell its own story to itself. This conversation was recorded on 16.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: SK Shlomo - The Making of Reconnect: Digital Raving (2020) 
Description This LMYE Laboratory uses archive footage of Zoom rehearsals and interviews to piece together the making process of Reconnect: Digital Raving (2020) by SK Shlomo, made together with film-maker Chris Britten and theatre director Matthew Xia for BBC Culture in Quarantine, in the process of developing the idea for a theatre show. SK Shlomo is an Artist in Residence of the Aural/Oral Dramaturgies Project. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: SK Shlomo - The Making of Reconnect: Digital Raving (2020) 
Description This LMYE Laboratory uses archive footage of Zoom rehearsals and interviews to piece together the making process of Reconnect: Digital Raving (2020) by SK Shlomo, made together with film-maker Chris Britten and theatre director Matthew Xia for BBC Culture in Quarantine, in the process of developing the idea for a theatre show. SK Shlomo is an Artist in Residence of the Aural/Oral Dramaturgies Project. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: SK Shlomo - The Making of Reconnect: Digital Raving (2020) 
Description This LMYE Laboratory uses archive footage of Zoom rehearsals and interviews to piece together the making process of Reconnect: Digital Raving (2020) by SK Shlomo, made together with film-maker Chris Britten and theatre director Matthew Xia for BBC Culture in Quarantine, in the process of developing the idea for a theatre show. SK Shlomo is an Artist in Residence of the Aural/Oral Dramaturgies Project. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: SK Shlomo - The Making of Reconnect: Digital Raving (2020) 
Description This LMYE Laboratory uses archive footage of Zoom rehearsals and interviews to piece together the making process of Reconnect: Digital Raving (2020) by SK Shlomo, made together with film-maker Chris Britten and theatre director Matthew Xia for BBC Culture in Quarantine, in the process of developing the idea for a theatre show. SK Shlomo is an Artist in Residence of the Aural/Oral Dramaturgies Project. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: SK Shlomo - The Making of Reconnect: Digital Raving (2020) 
Description This LMYE Laboratory uses archive footage of Zoom rehearsals and interviews to piece together the making process of Reconnect: Digital Raving (2020) by SK Shlomo, made together with film-maker Chris Britten and theatre director Matthew Xia for BBC Culture in Quarantine, in the process of developing the idea for a theatre show. SK Shlomo is an Artist in Residence of the Aural/Oral Dramaturgies Project. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: Unfolding Theatre - Putting the Band Back Together (2016) 
Description In this documentary, made up of clips from the show and memories of moments and encounters, Elliot, Rigby and Millard generously talk through the project's initial sketches, crystallisation and realisation: from a desire to investigate this widespread nostalgia, to the choice of focusing in on the story of theatre-maker Mark Lloyd and his wish to reform his old bands having received a terminal cancer diagnosis, to the experience of getting into a room and jamming rather than improvising as you would in a rehearsal room, and dwelling on how that feels. This conversation was recorded on 27.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: Unfolding Theatre - Putting the Band Back Together (2016) 
Description In this documentary, made up of clips from the show and memories of moments and encounters, Elliot, Rigby and Millard generously talk through the project's initial sketches, crystallisation and realisation: from a desire to investigate this widespread nostalgia, to the choice of focusing in on the story of theatre-maker Mark Lloyd and his wish to reform his old bands having received a terminal cancer diagnosis, to the experience of getting into a room and jamming rather than improvising as you would in a rehearsal room, and dwelling on how that feels. This conversation was recorded on 27.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: Unfolding Theatre - Putting the Band Back Together (2016) 
Description In this documentary, made up of clips from the show and memories of moments and encounters, Elliot, Rigby and Millard generously talk through the project's initial sketches, crystallisation and realisation: from a desire to investigate this widespread nostalgia, to the choice of focusing in on the story of theatre-maker Mark Lloyd and his wish to reform his old bands having received a terminal cancer diagnosis, to the experience of getting into a room and jamming rather than improvising as you would in a rehearsal room, and dwelling on how that feels. This conversation was recorded on 27.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #4: Unfolding Theatre - Putting the Band Back Together (2016) 
Description In this documentary, made up of clips from the show and memories of moments and encounters, Elliot, Rigby and Millard generously talk through the project's initial sketches, crystallisation and realisation: from a desire to investigate this widespread nostalgia, to the choice of focusing in on the story of theatre-maker Mark Lloyd and his wish to reform his old bands having received a terminal cancer diagnosis, to the experience of getting into a room and jamming rather than improvising as you would in a rehearsal room, and dwelling on how that feels. This conversation was recorded on 27.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: Shannon Yee & Hanna Slattne - Reassembled, Slightly Askew (2015) 
Description Our guests for this LMYE #5 Laboratory are Shannon Yee and Hanna Slättne who worked together as writer and dramaturg of the award-winning headphone theatre piece Reassembled, Slightly Askew (2015). The performance made in collaboration also with co-creators Anna Newall, Stevie Prickett and sound designer Paul Stapleton, is amongst the most daring pieces of recent years to have uncompromisingly brought together a performative language with a medical one, interweaving technological achievement, autobiographical trauma and dramaturgical experimentation. This recording was made on 14.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: Shannon Yee & Hanna Slattne - Reassembled, Slightly Askew (2015) 
Description Our guests for this LMYE #5 Laboratory are Shannon Yee and Hanna Slättne who worked together as writer and dramaturg of the award-winning headphone theatre piece Reassembled, Slightly Askew (2015). The performance made in collaboration also with co-creators Anna Newall, Stevie Prickett and sound designer Paul Stapleton, is amongst the most daring pieces of recent years to have uncompromisingly brought together a performative language with a medical one, interweaving technological achievement, autobiographical trauma and dramaturgical experimentation. This recording was made on 14.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: Shannon Yee & Hanna Slattne - Reassembled, Slightly Askew (2015) 
Description Our guests for this LMYE #5 Laboratory are Shannon Yee and Hanna Slättne who worked together as writer and dramaturg of the award-winning headphone theatre piece Reassembled, Slightly Askew (2015). The performance made in collaboration also with co-creators Anna Newall, Stevie Prickett and sound designer Paul Stapleton, is amongst the most daring pieces of recent years to have uncompromisingly brought together a performative language with a medical one, interweaving technological achievement, autobiographical trauma and dramaturgical experimentation. This recording was made on 14.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: Shannon Yee & Hanna Slattne - Reassembled, Slightly Askew (2017) 
Description Our guests for this LMYE #5 Laboratory are Shannon Yee and Hanna Slättne who worked together as writer and dramaturg of the award-winning headphone theatre piece Reassembled, Slightly Askew (2017). The performance made in collaboration also with co-creators Anna Newall, Stevie Prickett and sound designer Paul Stapleton, is amongst the most daring pieces of recent years to have uncompromisingly brought together a performative language with a medical one, interweaving technological achievement, autobiographical trauma and dramaturgical experimentation. This recording was made on 14.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: She Goat - The Making of The Undefinable (2019-2020) 
Description As they guide us through their process of working on The Undefinable, Pastor and Turner open up a number of rich questions central to a shift from the spectatorial to the purely aural: why does a text-heavy scene feel 'flat' on radio? What does a lighting cue sound like? How can we creatively fill in the gaps of the visual with description, and how does audio description take on a life of its own? What is gained and what is lost in the use of foley and sound effects? This recording was made on 18.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: She Goat - The Making of The Undefinable (2019-2020) 
Description As they guide us through their process of working on The Undefinable, Pastor and Turner open up a number of rich questions central to a shift from the spectatorial to the purely aural: why does a text-heavy scene feel 'flat' on radio? What does a lighting cue sound like? How can we creatively fill in the gaps of the visual with description, and how does audio description take on a life of its own? What is gained and what is lost in the use of foley and sound effects? This recording was made on 18.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: She Goat - The Making of The Undefinable (2019-2020) 
Description As they guide us through their process of working on The Undefinable, Pastor and Turner open up a number of rich questions central to a shift from the spectatorial to the purely aural: why does a text-heavy scene feel 'flat' on radio? What does a lighting cue sound like? How can we creatively fill in the gaps of the visual with description, and how does audio description take on a life of its own? What is gained and what is lost in the use of foley and sound effects? This recording was made on 18.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: sair goetz - The Making of ABCs and XYZs of LMNs (2020-2021) 
Description In this Laboratory documentary, sair goetz introduces us to their multi-faceted, multimedia and multidimensional project The ABCs and XYZs of LMNs, which departs from the term 'lemon' as used in American English to describe the purchase of a defective good (i.e. 'lemon laws') to investigate the idea of something always already not quite broken, damaged, or defective, but 'something that just doesn't fit its requirements from the beginning'. This conversation was recorded on 26.01.2021. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: sair goetz - The Making of THE ABCs AND XYZs OF LMNs (2020-2021) 
Description In this Laboratory documentary, sair goetz introduces us to their multi-faceted, multimedia and multidimensional project The ABCs and XYZs of LMNs, which departs from the term 'lemon' as used in American English to describe the purchase of a defective good (i.e. 'lemon laws') to investigate the idea of something always already not quite broken, damaged, or defective, but 'something that just doesn't fit its requirements from the beginning'. This conversation was recorded on 26.01.2021. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: sair goetz - The Making of THE ABCs AND XYZs OF LMNs (2020-2021) 
Description In this Laboratory documentary, sair goetz introduces us to their multi-faceted, multimedia and multidimensional project The ABCs and XYZs of LMNs, which departs from the term 'lemon' as used in American English to describe the purchase of a defective good (i.e. 'lemon laws') to investigate the idea of something always already not quite broken, damaged, or defective, but 'something that just doesn't fit its requirements from the beginning'. This conversation was recorded on 26.01.2021. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory #5: sair goetz - The Making of THE ABCs AND XYZs OF LMNs (2020-2021) 
Description In this Laboratory documentary, sair goetz introduces us to their multi-faceted, multimedia and multidimensional project The ABCs and XYZs of LMNs, which departs from the term 'lemon' as used in American English to describe the purchase of a defective good (i.e. 'lemon laws') to investigate the idea of something always already not quite broken, damaged, or defective, but 'something that just doesn't fit its requirements from the beginning'. This conversation was recorded on 26.01.2021. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory: Silvia Mercuriali - The Making of Swimming Home 
Description Silvia Mercuriali talks about making her autoteatro headphones piece Swimming Home (2020) during covid19 lockdown. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Laboratory: Silvia Mercuriali - The Making of Swimming Home (2020) 
Description Silvia Mercuriali talks about making her autoteatro headphones piece Swimming Home (2020) during covid19 lockdown. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Laboratory: Sleepwalk Collective - The Making of Swimming Pools 
Description Sleepwalk Collective's Sammy Metcalfe talks about the making of the company's show Swimming Pools (2020) during the covid19 lockdown in Spain. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Laboratory: Sleepwalk Collective - The Making of Swimming Pools (2020) 
Description Sleepwalk Collective's Sammy Metcalfe talks about the making of the company's show Swimming Pools (2020) during the covid19 lockdown in Spain. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #1: Lynette Hunter - Politics of Practice (2019) 
Description Lynette Hunter introduces her book Politics of Practice: A Rhetoric of Performativity (2019) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. This recording was made on 20.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #1: Lynette Hunter - Politics of Practice (2019) 
Description Lynette Hunter introduces her book Politics of Practice: A Rhetoric of Performativity (2019) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. This recording was made on 20.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #1: Lynette Hunter - Politics of Practice (2019) 
Description Lynette Hunter introduces her book Politics of Practice: A Rhetoric of Performativity (2019) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. This recording was made on 20.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #1: Lynne Kendrick - Theatre Aurality (2017) 
Description Lynne Kendrick introduces her book Theatre Aurality (2017) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. This recording was made on 20.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #1: Lynne Kendrick - Theatre Aurality (2017) 
Description Lynne Kendrick introduces her book Theatre Aurality (2017) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. This recording was made on 20.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #1: Lynne Kendrick - Theatre Aurality (2017) 
Description Lynne Kendrick introduces her book Theatre Aurality (2017) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. This recording was made on 20.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #1: Silvija Jestrovic - Performances of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) 
Description Silvija Jestrovic introduces her book Performance of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) as part of Lend Me Your Ears Library. This recording was made on 21.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #1: Silvija Jestrovic - Performances of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) 
Description Silvija Jestrovic introduces her book Performance of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) as part of Lend Me Your Ears Library. This recording was made on 21.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #1: Silvija Jestrovic - Performances of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) 
Description Silvija Jestrovic introduces her book Performance of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) as part of Lend Me Your Ears Library. This recording was made on 21.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #2: Ben Spatz - Making a Laboratory (2020) 
Description In this oral introduction Ben Spatz talks us through the epistemological concerns and methodological discoveries found in their book Making a Laboratory: Dynamic Configurations with Transversal Video (New York: Punctum, 2020). This interview was recorded on 03.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #2: Ben Spatz - Making a Laboratory (2020) 
Description In this oral introduction Ben Spatz talks us through the epistemological concerns and methodological discoveries found in their book Making a Laboratory: Dynamic Configurations with Transversal Video (New York: Punctum, 2020). This interview was recorded on 03.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #2: Ben Spatz - Making a Laboratory (2020) 
Description In this oral introduction Ben Spatz talks us through the epistemological concerns and methodological discoveries found in their book Making a Laboratory: Dynamic Configurations with Transversal Video (New York: Punctum, 2020). This interview was recorded on 03.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #2: Ella Finer - Acoustic Commons 
Description Ella Finer explains how she came to write her book Acoustic Commons and the Wild Life of Sound (Berlin: Errant Bodies), a collection of essays following sound's capacity to evade taxonomies and structures of power - from the gallery to the archive to the House of Commons - and open up other possible resistant and radical spaces of listening and thought. This interview was recorded on 22.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #2: Ella Finer - Acoustic Commons 
Description Ella Finer explains how she came to write her book Acoustic Commons and the Wild Life of Sound (Berlin: Errant Bodies), a collection of essays following sound's capacity to evade taxonomies and structures of power - from the gallery to the archive to the House of Commons - and open up other possible resistant and radical spaces of listening and thought. This interview was recorded on 22.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #2: Ella Finer - Acoustic Commons 
Description Ella Finer explains how she came to write her book Acoustic Commons and the Wild Life of Sound (Berlin: Errant Bodies), a collection of essays following sound's capacity to evade taxonomies and structures of power - from the gallery to the archive to the House of Commons - and open up other possible resistant and radical spaces of listening and thought. This interview was recorded on 22.09.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #2: Farokh Soltani - Radio/Body (2020) 
Description Farokh Soltani provides an overview of the territory explored in his Radio/Body: Phenomenology and Dramaturgy of Radio (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020), in which he argues for a bodily, rather than semantic, analysis of radio dramaturgies. This interview was recorded on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #2: Farokh Soltani - Radio/Body (2020) 
Description Farokh Soltani provides an overview of the territory explored in his Radio/Body: Phenomenology and Dramaturgy of Radio (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020), in which he argues for a bodily, rather than semantic, analysis of radio dramaturgies. This interview was recorded on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #2: Farokh Soltani - Radio/Body (2020) 
Description Farokh Soltani provides an overview of the territory explored in his Radio/Body: Phenomenology and Dramaturgy of Radio (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020), in which he argues for a bodily, rather than semantic, analysis of radio dramaturgies. This interview was recorded on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #3: Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren - Hearing Difference (2006) 
Description Kanta Kochhar-Lindren talks us through her Hearing Difference: The Third Ear in Experimental, Deaf and Multicultural Theatre (Washington: Gallaudet University Press, 2006), a ground-breaking interdisciplinary volume that departs from the idea of the 'third ear' to tie together experimental, deaf and multicultural theatre and theatrical research. This interview was recorded on 14.10.2020.You can watch this video with subtitles here: 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #3: Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren - Hearing Difference (2006) 
Description Kanta Kochhar-Lindren talks us through her Hearing Difference: The Third Ear in Experimental, Deaf and Multicultural Theatre (Washington: Gallaudet University Press, 2006), a ground-breaking interdisciplinary volume that departs from the idea of the 'third ear' to tie together experimental, deaf and multicultural theatre and theatrical research. This interview was recorded on 14.10.2020.You can watch this video with subtitles here: 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #3: Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren - Hearing Difference (2006) 
Description Kanta Kochhar-Lindren talks us through her Hearing Difference: The Third Ear in Experimental, Deaf and Multicultural Theatre (Washington: Gallaudet University Press, 2006), a ground-breaking interdisciplinary volume that departs from the idea of the 'third ear' to tie together experimental, deaf and multicultural theatre and theatrical research. This interview was recorded on 14.10.2020.You can watch this video with subtitles here: 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #3: Ross Brown - Sound Effect (2020) 
Description Ross Brown leads us into his Sound Effect: The Theatre We Hear (London: Bloomsbury, 2020), in which he re-theorises the sonic turn in theatre practice and theory in popular and populist key, subtracting the sceptre of the sonic from the domain of the purely avant-garde to focus on sound as 'effect' and not only 'affect'. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #3: Ross Brown - Sound Effect (2020) 
Description Ross Brown leads us into his Sound Effect: The Theatre We Hear (London: Bloomsbury, 2020), in which he re-theorises the sonic turn in theatre practice and theory in popular and populist key, subtracting the sceptre of the sonic from the domain of the purely avant-garde to focus on sound as 'effect' and not only 'affect'. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #3: Ross Brown - Sound Effect (2020) 
Description Ross Brown leads us into his Sound Effect: The Theatre We Hear (London: Bloomsbury, 2020), in which he re-theorises the sonic turn in theatre practice and theory in popular and populist key, subtracting the sceptre of the sonic from the domain of the purely avant-garde to focus on sound as 'effect' and not only 'affect'. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #4: A.D. Carson - i used to love to dream (2020) 
Description A.D. Carson details the work he undertook on his peer reviewed album i used to love to dream (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2020, covering issues of race, identity, history, rhetoric, research methodology and epistemology. This conversation was recorded on 13.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #4: A.D. Carson - i used to love to dream (2020) 
Description A.D. Carson details the work he undertook on his peer reviewed mixtap/e/ssay i used to love to dream (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2020, covering issues of race, identity, history, rhetoric, research methodology and epistemology. This conversation was recorded on 13.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #4: A.D. Carson - i used to love to dream (2020) 
Description A.D. Carson details the work he undertook on his peer reviewed mixtap/e/ssay i used to love to dream (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2020, covering issues of race, identity, history, rhetoric, research methodology and epistemology. This conversation was recorded on 13.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #4: A.D. Carson - i used to love to dream (2020) 
Description A.D. Carson details the work he undertook on his peer reviewed mixtap/e/ssay i used to love to dream (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2020, covering issues of race, identity, history, rhetoric, research methodology and epistemology. This conversation was recorded on 13.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #4: Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone - The Punk Turn in Comedy (2018) 
Description In this oral introduction, Krista Bonello details the starting points and intellectual triggers of her research at the intersection of punk and 'altcom' which brought her to write The Punk Turn in Comedy: Masks of Anarchy (London: Palgrave, 2018). Bonello walks us through the various lines of thinking and case studies explored in the volume towards the rich conclusions she has drawn about both 'genres' as complex aesthetic and social strategies for political critique. This recording was made on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #4: Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone - The Punk Turn in Comedy (2018) 
Description In this oral introduction, Krista Bonello details the starting points and intellectual triggers of her research at the intersection of punk and 'altcom' which brought her to write The Punk Turn in Comedy: Masks of Anarchy (London: Palgrave, 2018). Bonello walks us through the various lines of thinking and case studies explored in the volume towards the rich conclusions she has drawn about both 'genres' as complex aesthetic and social strategies for political critique. This recording was made on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #4: Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone - The Punk Turn in Comedy (2018) 
Description In this oral introduction, Krista Bonello details the starting points and intellectual triggers of her research at the intersection of punk and 'altcom' which brought her to write The Punk Turn in Comedy: Masks of Anarchy (London: Palgrave, 2018). Bonello walks us through the various lines of thinking and case studies explored in the volume towards the rich conclusions she has drawn about both 'genres' as complex aesthetic and social strategies for political critique. This recording was made on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #4: Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone - The Punk Turn in Comedy (2019) 
Description In this oral introduction, Krista Bonello details the starting points and intellectual triggers of her research at the intersection of punk and 'altcom' which brought her to write The Punk Turn in Comedy: Masks of Anarchy (London: Palgrave, 2019). Bonello walks us through the various lines of thinking and case studies explored in the volume towards the rich conclusions she has drawn about both 'genres' as complex aesthetic and social strategies for political critique. This recording was made on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #4: Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone - The Punk Turn in Comedy (2019) 
Description In this oral introduction, Krista Bonello details the starting points and intellectual triggers of her research at the intersection of punk and 'altcom' which brought her to write The Punk Turn in Comedy: Masks of Anarchy (London: Palgrave, 2019). Bonello walks us through the various lines of thinking and case studies explored in the volume towards the rich conclusions she has drawn about both 'genres' as complex aesthetic and social strategies for political critique. This recording was made on 16.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #5: Maria Kapsali - Movement Sonification and its Application in Pedagogical and Artistic Contexts (2014-2019) 
Description In this introduction to the project which she developed with technologist Simon East between 2014 and 2019, Maria Kapsali talks us through her work at the intersection of sound studies, movement studies and technology. We are invited to think about movement sonification and its potential for learning, for creative expression, and for sense-making across different domains of cultural and artistic practice. This conversation was recorded on 26.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #5: Maria Kapsali - Movement Sonification and its Application in Pedagogical and Artistic Contexts (2014-2019) 
Description In this introduction to the project which she developed with technologist Simon East between 2014 and 2019, Maria Kapsali talks us through her work at the intersection of sound studies, movement studies and technology. We are invited to think about movement sonification and its potential for learning, for creative expression, and for sense-making across different domains of cultural and artistic practice. This conversation was recorded on 26.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #5: Maria Kapsali - Movement Sonification and its Application in Pedagogical and Artistic Contexts (2014-2019) 
Description In this introduction to the project which she developed with technologist Simon East between 2014 and 2019, Maria Kapsali talks us through her work at the intersection of sound studies, movement studies and technology. We are invited to think about movement sonification and its potential for learning, for creative expression, and for sense-making across different domains of cultural and artistic practice. This conversation was recorded on 26.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #5: W.B. Worthen - Shakespeare, Technicity, Theatre (2020) 
Description Taking his cue from Beckett's idea of the theatre as a medium and from Bernard Stiegler's reflections on human technics as a process of exteriorisation of humanness, Worthen talks us through a volume that moves from the zoomed-in space of the face on screen to immersive practices in which the audience becomes part of the spectacle in productions of Shakespare. This conversation was recorded on 06.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #5: W.B. Worthen - Shakespeare, Technicity, Theatre (2020) 
Description Taking his cue from Beckett's idea of the theatre as a medium and from Bernard Stiegler's reflections on human technics as a process of exteriorisation of humanness, Worthen talks us through a volume that moves from the zoomed-in space of the face on screen to immersive practices in which the audience becomes part of the spectacle in productions of Shakespare. This conversation was recorded on 06.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library #5: W.B. Worthen - Shakespeare, Technicity, Theatre (2020) 
Description Taking his cue from Beckett's idea of the theatre as a medium and from Bernard Stiegler's reflections on human technics as a process of exteriorisation of humanness, Worthen talks us through a volume that moves from the zoomed-in space of the face on screen to immersive practices in which the audience becomes part of the spectacle in productions of Shakespare. This conversation was recorded on 06.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library: Lynette Hunter - Politics of Practice 
Description Lynette Hunter introduces her book Politics of Practice: A Rhetoric of Performativity (2019) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Library: Lynette Hunter - Politics of Practice (2019) 
Description Lynette Hunter introduces her book Politics of Practice: A Rhetoric of Performativity (2019) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library: Lynne Kendrick - Theatre Aurality 
Description Lynne Kendrick introduces her book Theatre Aurality (2017) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Library: Lynne Kendrick - Theatre Aurality (2017) 
Description Lynne Kendrick introduces her book Theatre Aurality (2017) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Library: Silvija Jestrovic - Performances of Authorial Presence and Absence 
Description Silvija Jestrovic introduces her book Performance of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) as part of Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Library: Silvija Jestrovic - Performances of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) 
Description Silvija Jestrovic introduces her book Performance of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) as part of Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Andrej Mircev & Julian Henriques - Dramaturgy as Sonic Warfare 
Description Academic conversation between a performance studies and sound studies scholar on 'call and response'. This conversation was recorded on 29.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Andrej Mircev & Julian Henriques - Dramaturgy as Sonic Warfare 
Description Academic conversation between a performance studies and sound studies scholar on 'call and response'. This conversation was recorded on 29.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Andrej Mircev & Julian Henriques - Dramaturgy as Sonic Warfare 
Description Academic conversation between a performance studies and sound studies scholar on 'call and response'. This conversation was recorded on 29.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Andrej Mircev & Julian Henriques - Dramaturgy as Sonic Warfare 
Description Academic conversation between a performance studies and sound studies scholar on 'call and response'. This conversation was recorded on 29.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Ella Finer & Urok Shirhan - Companion Sounds 
Description Conversation about the broadcasting potential of Zoom and other internet-based platforms by Ella Finer and Urok Shirhan. This conversation was recorded on 16.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Ella Finer & Urok Shirhan - Companion Sounds 
Description Conversation about the broadcasting potential of Zoom and other internet-based platforms by Ella Finer and Urok Shirhan. This conversation was recorded on 16.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Ella Finer & Urok Shirhan - Companion Sounds 
Description Conversation about the broadcasting potential of Zoom and other internet-based platforms by Ella Finer and Urok Shirhan. This conversation was recorded on 16.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Ella Finer & Urok Shirhan - Companion Sounds 
Description Conversation about the broadcasting potential of Zoom and other internet-based platforms by Ella Finer and Urok Shirhan. This conversation was recorded on 16.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Katie Beswick & Javon Johnson - Sounds of the City 
Description Conversation between performance studies scholar and writer Katie Beswick and spoken word artist and scholar Javon Johnson on the sociological performativities of grime in London and rap in LA respectively. This conversation was recorded on 24.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Katie Beswick & Javon Johnson - Sounds of the City 
Description Conversation between performance studies scholar and writer Katie Beswick and spoken word artist and scholar Javon Johnson on the sociological performativities of grime in London and rap in LA respectively. This conversation was recorded on 24.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Katie Beswick & Javon Johnson - Sounds of the City 
Description Conversation between performance studies scholar and writer Katie Beswick and spoken word artist and scholar Javon Johnson on the sociological performativities of grime in London and rap in LA respectively. This conversation was recorded on 24.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #1: Katie Beswick & Javon Johnson - Sounds of the City 
Description Conversation between performance studies scholar and writer Katie Beswick and spoken word artist and scholar Javon Johnson on the sociological performativities of grime in London and rap in LA respectively. This conversation was recorded on 24.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #2: Brandon LaBelle & Konstantinos Thomaidis - Vocal Positionings 
Description This Salon conversation explores sound and meaning, the performativity of the self in listening and voicing, aural dramaturgies of inclusion/exclusion, and the intersections of history, politics and voice. This conversation was recorded on 01.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #2: Brandon LaBelle & Konstantinos Thomaidis - Vocal Positionings 
Description This Salon conversation explores sound and meaning, the performativity of the self in listening and voicing, aural dramaturgies of inclusion/exclusion, and the intersections of history, politics and voice. This conversation was recorded on 01.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #2: Brandon LaBelle & Konstantinos Thomaidis - Vocal Positionings 
Description This Salon conversation explores sound and meaning, the performativity of the self in listening and voicing, aural dramaturgies of inclusion/exclusion, and the intersections of history, politics and voice. This conversation was recorded on 01.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #2: Mark Fleishman & Neo Muyanga - The Third Character 
Description Mark and Neo reason together on the role of speech, sound, and music in a number of their collaborative works, including Cargo (2007) and Antigone (not quite/quiet) (2019). This conversation was recorded on 02.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #2: Mark Fleishman & Neo Muyanga - The Third Character 
Description Mark and Neo reason together on the role of speech, sound, and music in a number of their collaborative works, including Cargo (2007) and Antigone (not quite/quiet) (2019). This conversation was recorded on 02.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #2: Mark Fleishman & Neo Muyanga - The Third Character 
Description Mark and Neo reason together on the role of speech, sound, and music in a number of their collaborative works, including Cargo (2007) and Antigone (not quite/quiet) (2019). This conversation was recorded on 02.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #2: Paul Dwyer, Laura Ginters & Gay McAuley - Rehearsal as an Oral Space 
Description Laura, Gay and Paul discuss the Australian theatre and research scene vis à vis uses of speech and sound in performance, thinking through dramaturgy, ethnography and rehearsal as interrelated practices, methods, and spaces of exploratory orality. This conversation was recorded on 10.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #2: Paul Dwyer, Laura Ginters & Gay McAuley - Rehearsal as an Oral Space 
Description Laura, Gay and Paul discuss the Australian theatre and research scene vis à vis uses of speech and sound in performance, thinking through dramaturgy, ethnography and rehearsal as interrelated practices, methods, and spaces of exploratory orality. This conversation was recorded on 10.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #2: Paul Dwyer, Laura Ginters & Gay McAuley - Rehearsal as an Oral Space 
Description Laura, Gay and Paul discuss the Australian theatre and research scene vis à vis uses of speech and sound in performance, thinking through dramaturgy, ethnography and rehearsal as interrelated practices, methods, and spaces of exploratory orality. This conversation was recorded on 10.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #3: Caridad Svich & Pedro de Senna - Ramble Dramaturgies 
Description Pedro de Senna and Caridad Svich discuss the relation between the personal and intimate and the global and planetary in dramaturgical practices. Their reflections are moved along by two rumbles of our time: the sound of the lungs of a patient suffering from Covid-19 and the sound of Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf melting. This conversation was recorded on 06.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #3: Caridad Svich & Pedro de Senna - Ramble Dramaturgies 
Description Pedro de Senna and Caridad Svich discuss the relation between the personal and intimate and the global and planetary in dramaturgical practices. Their reflections are moved along by two rumbles of our time: the sound of the lungs of a patient suffering from Covid-19 and the sound of Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf melting. This conversation was recorded on 06.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #3: Caridad Svich & Pedro de Senna - Ramble Dramaturgies 
Description Pedro de Senna and Caridad Svich discuss the relation between the personal and intimate and the global and planetary in dramaturgical practices. Their reflections are moved along by two rumbles of our time: the sound of the lungs of a patient suffering from Covid-19 and the sound of Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf melting. This conversation was recorded on 06.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #3: Caridad Svich and Pedro de Senna - 
Description Pedro de Senna and Caridad Svich discuss the relation between the personal and intimate and the global and planetary in dramaturgical practices. Their reflections are moved along by two rumbles of our time: the sound of the lungs of a patient suffering from Covid-19 and the sound of Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf melting. This conversation was recorded on 06.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #3: Jane Boston & Matthew Mills - To Sound Ourselves 
Description Jane Boston and Matthew Mill's Salon concentrates on voice and identity, asking questions about how we come to sound ourselves, stimulated and exemplified in music by Siren's 'Sounding Different' and by MJ Rodriguez's rendition of 'Home' from The Wiz. This conversation was recorded on 19.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #3: Jane Boston & Matthew Mills - To Sound Ourselves 
Description Jane Boston and Matthew Mill's Salon concentrates on voice and identity, asking questions about how we come to sound ourselves, stimulated and exemplified in music by Siren's 'Sounding Different' and by MJ Rodriguez's rendition of 'Home' from The Wiz. This conversation was recorded on 19.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #3: Jane Boston & Matthew Mills - To Sound Ourselves 
Description Jane Boston and Matthew Mill's Salon concentrates on voice and identity, asking questions about how we come to sound ourselves, stimulated and exemplified in music by Siren's 'Sounding Different' and by MJ Rodriguez's rendition of 'Home' from The Wiz. This conversation was recorded on 19.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #4: Daphne Brooks & P.A. Skantze - A Playlist for Encouragement 
Description Skantze and Brooks's Salon for LMYE functions like an end-of-2020 radio show based on what they term 'sonic encouragement', wondering how we can speak to each other in order to get each other to the other side of the bridge - in song, in study and in life. This conversation was recorded on 22.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #4: Daphne Brooks & P.A. Skantze - A Playlist for Encouragement 
Description Skantze and Brooks's Salon for LMYE functions like an end-of-2020 radio show based on what they term 'sonic encouragement', wondering how we can speak to each other in order to get each other to the other side of the bridge - in song, in study and in life. This conversation was recorded on 22.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #4: Daphne Brooks & P.A. Skantze - A Playlist for Encouragement 
Description Skantze and Brooks's Salon for LMYE functions like an end-of-2020 radio show based on what they term 'sonic encouragement', wondering how we can speak to each other in order to get each other to the other side of the bridge - in song, in study and in life. This conversation was recorded on 22.12.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #4: Olly Double & Josie Long - Finding Your Favourite Band in Comedy 
Description Oliver and Josie's Salon gift LMYE a comedy perspective on dramaturgies of speech and sound. In their Salon, they discuss the value of maintaining a DIY approach and a punk attitude, the political dimension of laughter and the labour of chiseling one's own performative voice in comedy. This conversation was recorded on 19.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #4: Olly Double & Josie Long - Finding Your Favourite Band in Comedy 
Description Oliver and Josie's Salon gift LMYE a comedy perspective on dramaturgies of speech and sound. In their Salon, they discuss the value of maintaining a DIY approach and a punk attitude, the political dimension of laughter and the labour of chiseling one's own performative voice in comedy. This conversation was recorded on 19.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #4: Olly Double & Josie Long - Finding Your Favourite Band in Comedy 
Description Oliver and Josie's Salon gift LMYE a comedy perspective on dramaturgies of speech and sound. In their Salon, they discuss the value of maintaining a DIY approach and a punk attitude, the political dimension of laughter and the labour of chiseling one's own performative voice in comedy. This conversation was recorded on 19.06.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #4: Roesner, Rost & Stemann - The Dirty Noise of Theatre 
Description David Roesner hosts Katharina Rost and Nicolas Stemann for a round table on dramaturgies of speech, sound and music on the German-speaking stage, focussing on Stemann's own theatrical output. This conversation was recorded on 10.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #4: Roesner, Rost & Stemann - The Dirty Noise of Theatre 
Description David Roesner hosts Katharina Rost and Nicolas Stemann for a round table on dramaturgies of speech, sound and music on the German-speaking stage, focussing on Stemann's own theatrical output. This conversation was recorded on 10.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #4: Roesner, Rost & Stemann - The Dirty Noise of Theatre 
Description David Roesner hosts Katharina Rost and Nicolas Stemann for a round table on dramaturgies of speech, sound and music on the German-speaking stage, focussing on Stemann's own theatrical output. This conversation was recorded on 10.07.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #5: Annie Goh & Miriam Kolar - Performing Archaeoacoustics 
Description This exchange has a starting point in a meeting at Chavín de Huántar, Perú, and also includes some rarely-heard archival recordings of the site made by our guests during their fieldwork. Focusing on archaeo- and cultural acoustics, Kolar and Goh, discuss the role of the and of 're-sounding the past' and of in the tension between preservation and imaginative speculation. This conversation was recorded on 06.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #5: Annie Goh & Miriam Kolar - Performing Archaeoacoustics 
Description This exchange has a starting point in a meeting at Chavín de Huántar, Perú, and also includes some rarely-heard archival recordings of the site made by our guests during their fieldwork. Focusing on archaeo- and cultural acoustics, Kolar and Goh, discuss the role of the and of 're-sounding the past' and of in the tension between preservation and imaginative speculation. This conversation was recorded on 06.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #5: Annie Goh & Miriam Kolar - Performing Archaeoacoustics 
Description This exchange has a starting point in a meeting at Chavín de Huántar, Perú, and also includes some rarely-heard archival recordings of the site made by our guests during their fieldwork. Focusing on archaeo- and cultural acoustics, Kolar and Goh, discuss the role of the and of 're-sounding the past' and of in the tension between preservation and imaginative speculation. This conversation was recorded on 06.11.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #5: Robert Icke & Anne Washburn - Oral/Aural Remains 
Description Reunited after their 2014 hit at Almeida theatre, Mr Burns, in this Salon, playwright Anne Washburn and director Robert Icke chat about 'the pandemic apocalypse' - but this is also a conversation about theatre, about history and about culture now. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #5: Robert Icke & Anne Washburn - Oral/Aural Remains 
Description Reunited after their 2014 hit at Almeida theatre, Mr Burns, in this Salon, playwright Anne Washburn and director Robert Icke chat about 'the pandemic apocalypse' - but this is also a conversation about theatre, about history and about culture now. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #5: Robert Icke & Anne Washburn - Oral/Aural Remains 
Description Reunited after their 2014 hit at Almeida theatre, Mr Burns, in this Salon, playwright Anne Washburn and director Robert Icke chat about 'the pandemic apocalypse' - but this is also a conversation about theatre, about history and about culture now. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #5: Sara Ramshaw & Danilo Mandic - Law as Sonic Performance 
Description Looking into concepts such as law and justice, structure and form, listening and hearing, improvisation and composition, and machine listening, Mandic and Ramshaw question the ways in which sound and law are similar, focusing on their elusive and material qualities. This conversation was recorded on 21.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #5: Sara Ramshaw & Danilo Mandic - Law as Sonic Performance 
Description Looking into concepts such as law and justice, structure and form, listening and hearing, improvisation and composition, and machine listening, Mandic and Ramshaw question the ways in which sound and law are similar, focusing on their elusive and material qualities. This conversation was recorded on 21.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon #5: Sara Ramshaw & Danilo Mandic - Law as Sonic Performance 
Description Looking into concepts such as law and justice, structure and form, listening and hearing, improvisation and composition, and machine listening, Mandic and Ramshaw question the ways in which sound and law are similar, focusing on their elusive and material qualities. This conversation was recorded on 21.10.2020. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon: Andrej Mircev & Julian Henriques - Dramaturgy as Sonic Warfare 
Description Academic conversation between a performance studies and sound studies scholar on 'call and response'. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon: Andrej Mircev and Julian Henriques - Dramaturgy as Sonic Warfare 
Description Academic conversation between a performance studies and sound studies scholar on 'call and response'. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Salon: Andrej Mircev and Julian Henriques - Dramaturgy as Sonic Warfare 
Description Academic conversation between a performance studies and sound studies scholar on 'call and response'. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Salon: Andrej Mircev and Julian Henriques - Dramaturgy as Sonic Warfare 
Description Academic conversation between a performance studies and sound studies scholar on 'call and response'. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon: Ella Finer & Urok Shirhan - Companion Sounds 
Description Conversation about the broadcasting potential of Zoom and other internet-based platforms by Ella Finer and Urok Shirhan. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon: Ella Finer and Urok Shirhan - Companion Sounds 
Description Conversation about the broadcasting potential of Zoom and other internet-based platforms by Ella Finer and Urok Shirhan. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Salon: Katie Beswick & Javon Johnson - Sounds of the City 
Description Conversation between performance studies scholar and writer Katie Beswick and spoken word artist and scholar Javon Johnson on the sociological performativities of grime in London and rap in LA respectively. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Salon: Katie Beswick and Javon Johnson - Sounds of the City 
Description Conversation between performance studies scholar and writer Katie Beswick and spoken word artist and scholar Javon Johnson on the sociological performativities of grime in London and rap in LA respectively. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Salon: Katie Beswick and Javon Johnson - Sounds of the City 
Description Conversation between performance studies scholar and writer Katie Beswick and spoken word artist and scholar Javon Johnson on the sociological performativities of grime in London and rap in LA respectively. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 1 - Diasporic Voices 
Description Part 1 of Decolonising the Voice podcast training course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 1 - Diasporic Voices 
Description Part 1 of Decolonising the Voice podcast training course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 2 - Estranged Voices 
Description Part 2 of Decolonising the Voice podcast training course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 2 - Estranged Voices 
Description Part 2 of Decolonising the Voice podcast training course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 3 - Gendered Voices 
Description Part 3 of Decolonising the Voice podcast training course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 3 - Gendered Voices 
Description Part 3 of Decolonising the Voice podcast training course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 4 - Historical Vocalities (part 1) 
Description Part 4 of Decolonising the Voice podcast training course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 4 - Historical Vocalities (part 1) 
Description Part 4 of Decolonising the Voice podcast training course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 6 - Tonalities and Tunes 
Description Part 6 of Decolonising the Voice podcast training course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 6 - Tonalities and Tunes 
Description Part 6 of Decolonising the Voice podcast training course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 7 - Re-Positioned Voices and Affirmations 
Description Part 7 of Decolonising the Voice podcasttraining course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Decolonising the Voice 7 - Re-Positioned Voices and Affirmations 
Description Part 7 of Decolonising the Voice podcasttraining course by Jane Boston and Deelee Dube. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Title LMYE Studio: Gracefool Collective - Embracing Failure; And Approach to Movement, Sound and Voice 
Description Gracefool Collective's Kate Cox and Rachel Fullegar's co-deliver a masterclass on embracing failure, one of the key foundational pinciples of their dance-theatre devising methodology. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Gracefool Collective - Embracing Failure; And Approach to Movement, Sound and Voice 
Description Gracefool Collective's Kate Cox and Rachel Fullegar's co-deliver a masterclass on embracing failure, one of the key foundational pinciples of their dance-theatre devising methodology. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Jane Boston and Deelee Dube - Decolonising the Voice Masterclass 
Description Jane Boston and Deelee Dube pilot techniques, methods and exercises for decolonising voice training and finding your own voice. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Jane Boston and Deelee Dube - Decolonising the Voice Masterclass 
Description Jane Boston and Deelee Dube pilot techniques, methods and exercises for decolonising voice training and finding your own voice. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Kasia Lech - Performing Verse Structure through Body, Voice and Technology 
Description Join Kasia Lech's masterclass to find out the secrets of working with verse in theatre from Pushkin to hip hop and beyond. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Kasia Lech - Performing Verse Structure through Body, Voice and Technology 
Description Join Kasia Lech's masterclass to find out the secrets of working with verse in theatre from Pushkin to hip hop and beyond. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Maya Krishna Rao - The Solo Devising Performer; Pathways into Imagination and Process 
Description Maya Krishna Rao combines elements of performance lecture, workshop and improvisation to demonstrate the workings of her creative methodology and its gradual development. Spanning continents, genres and decades of Rao's career this is a tightly picked 90 minutes with much to relish and enjoy. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Maya Krishna Rao - The Solo Devising Performer; Pathways into Imagination and Process 
Description Maya Krishna Rao combines elements of performance lecture, workshop and improvisation to demonstrate the workings of her creative methodology and its gradual development. Spanning continents, genres and decades of Rao's career this is a tightly picked 90 minutes with much to relish and enjoy. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Rokia Bamba - Creating Your Trademark 
Description How do you make your mark as a DJ? How can sound archives inform your creative process as an artist? How do you assert yourself as a female DJ artist? Join Brussels-based sound artist, DJ and teacher Rokia Bamba to find out. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Rokia Bamba - Creating Your Trademark 
Description How do you make your mark as a DJ? How can sound archives inform your creative process as an artist? How do you assert yourself as a female DJ artist? Join Brussels-based sound artist, DJ and teacher Rokia Bamba to find out. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Sammy Metcalfe - Conversations with Objects 
Description In Sleepwalk Collective's work, sound is a key dramaturgical ingredient and Metcalfe has often taken the part of a composer in the sense of the word that includes dramaturgy as well as music and sound design. In this masterclass he explains how he uses sound as an object in making theatre with his company. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Sammy Metcalfe - Conversations with Objects 
Description In Sleepwalk Collective's work, sound is a key dramaturgical ingredient and Metcalfe has often taken the part of a composer in the sense of the word that includes dramaturgy as well as music and sound design. In this masterclass he explains how he uses sound as an object in making theatre with his company. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Silvia Mercuriali - Immersive Theatrical Experiences in Public Spaces 
Description Immersive theatre through sound has been the speciality of Silvia Mercuriali's practice as a theatre-maker. In this workshop/masterclass, Mercuriali provides some context and conceptual underpinnings of her methodology as well as gifting the participants some useful exercises for transforming their everyday surroundings through sound. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: Silvia Mercuriali - Immersive Theatrical Experiences in Public Spaces 
Description Immersive theatre through sound has been the speciality of Silvia Mercuriali's practice as a theatre-maker. In this workshop/masterclass, Mercuriali provides some context and conceptual underpinnings of her methodology as well as gifting the participants some useful exercises for transforming their everyday surroundings through sound. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: sair goetz - PlayVox 
Description This workshop explores playing with one's voice. Hosted by AOD artist in residence sair goetz. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title LMYE Studio: sair goetz - PlayVox 
Description This workshop explores playing with one's voice. Hosted by AOD artist in residence sair goetz. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Title Lend Me Your Ears Laboratory: Silvia Mercuriali 
Description Silvia Mercuriali talks about making her autoteatro headphones piece Swimming Home (2020) during covid19 lockdown. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Lend Me Your Ears Laboratory: Sleepwalk Collective 
Description Sleepwalk Collective's Sammy Metcalfe talks about the making of the company's show Swimming Pools (2020) during the covid19 lockdown in Spain. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Lend Me Your Ears Library: Lynette Hunter 
Description Lynette Hunter introduces her book Politics of Practice: A Rhetoric of Performativity (2019) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Lend Me Your Ears Library: Lynette Hunter 
Description Lynette Hunter introduces her book Politics of Practice: A Rhetoric of Performativity for Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Lend Me Your Ears Library: Lynne Kendrick 
Description Lynne Kendrick introduces her book Theatre Aurality (2017) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Lend Me Your Ears Library: Lynne Kendrick 
Description Lynne Kendrick introduces her book Theatre Aurality (2017) for Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Lend Me Your Ears Library: Lynne Kendrick 
Description Lynne Kendrick introduces her book Theatre Aurality for Lend me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Lend Me Your Ears Library: Silvija Jestrovic 
Description Silvija Jestrovic introduces her book Performance of Authorial Presence and Absence (2020) as part of Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Lend Me Your Ears Library: Silvija Jestrovic 
Description Silvija Jestrovic introduces her book Performance of Authorial Presence and Absence as part of Lend Me Your Ears Library. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LucyMcCormick_podcut 
Description Interview with Lucy McCormick about her work. References include Triple Threat, Post-Popular and Life:Live. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title LucyMcCormick_podcut 
Description Interview with Lucy McCormick about her work. References include Triple Threat, Post-Popular and Life:Live. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Maya Krishna Rao - The Chord that Opens Up the Subconscious 
Description Interview with Maya Krishna Rao. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title RashDash podcut 
Description Interview with RashDash. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title RashDash podcut 
Description Interview with RashDash. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title SK Shlomo podcut 
Description Interview with SK Shlomo. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title SK Shlomo podcut 
Description Interview with SK Shlomo. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Silvia Mercuriali podcut 
Description Interview with Silvia Mercuriali. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Silvia Mercuriali podcut 
Description Interview with Silvia Mercuriali. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title lend Me Your Ears Laboratory: Silvia Mercuriali 
Description Silvia Mercuriali talks about making her autoteatro headphones piece Swimming Home (2020) during covid19 lockdown. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Description Methodological findings: Initial findings are primarily in the area of research methodology. The initial plan was to document the working process of four selected artists and to hold a project conference with academics presenting on the topics of speech, sound and dramaturgy. Due to Covid-19, I have reconfigured my field research and enhanced it in scope (interviewing another 32 artists in addition to the selected four) to compensate for limitations to depth. Another 14 conversations between artists and academics and 13 presentations of academic publications are featured on the project website in easily portable mp3 and mp4 files. I have been able to rethink ways of documenting artistic process and therefore augment the initial intention to utilise rehearsal ethnography with some more contemporary digital strategies - Zoom interviews, dialogues, making of documentaries and oral introductions to academic books, treating the Zoom generated recordings as raw data for analysis. The project has generated more digital documentation than previously expected and this raw data has been made accessible to the public online through Figshare and a bespoke website. The monograph emerging from this project offers and articulation of the postcritical artist-centred relational research methodology deployed in this work.

Analysis of Data: Analysis of data has occurred in the process of writing the monograph. Key emerging findings in this process concerning the dramaturgies of speech and sound highlight the ontological potential of sound to facilitate intersubjectivity in live performance which leads to changed relationships between the work and the audience. Aural/Oral dramaturgies facilitate a reconfiguration of the processes of critique by involving the audience in a dialectical affective/critical relationship with the work via the use of counterpoint, they use technologies as a means of creating a critical intervention, and they facilitate integration of the marginalised into the mainstream. The conceptual ideas of the 'disruption of closure' in the realm of listening and 'enmeshment' vs. immersion are highlighted as the encapsulating aspects of the aural/oral theatre dramaturgies. The findings emerging from the analysis of the technicities of the aural/oral dramaturgies particularly highlight the notions of 'self-authorisation' and de/professionalisation. The notion of polyphonic historiography emerges as another methodological innovation.
Exploitation Route The most immediately transferable element is the artist-centred research methodology about which I have presented several papers and written in the monograph. The artists and academics interviewed and featured on the website in the form of downloadable mp3 and mp4 files and accompanying pdf transcripts offer up insights that will be of use to other researchers, artists, teachers and students. We are currently lining up an additional series of masterclasses.
The monograph offers several nascent ideas regarding the dramatugies of speech and sound which can be taken further discursively.
Sectors Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




Museums and Collections


Description It is too early to claim impact as the project is not finished yet but my main hope is that it contributes towards the agenda for decolonisation and overcoming literacy-based elitism in cultural production. Some content has been used in teaching with enthusiasm. In 2022, the project received the Elliott Hayes award for Outstanding Achievement in Dramaturgy - awarded by the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas. This is primarily a professional rather than an academic organisation covering the north and south American continents.
Sector Creative Economy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education
Impact Types Cultural

Description Collection of sound and video recordings created during the Aural/Oral Dramaturgies project. Also available on Figshare: 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The project has received two international awards: Elliott Hayes Outstanding Contribution to Dramaturgy (Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas, 2022) ASTR-ATHE Award for Excellence in Digital Scholarship (ASTR-ATHE, 2022) Decolonising the Voice podcast training course produced as part of thei sproject has been shortlisted in the Outstanding Drama Education Resource category in the Music & Drama Education Awards. 
Description Aural/Oral Dramaturgies 
Organisation Battersea Arts Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Multiple 
PI Contribution I designed the research project with some help from the named partners. I wrote the funding bid and, on receipt of the funding, managed the research project as a whole. I worked with a number of collaborators on conducting the research, generating data, ensuring the dataset is securely deposited, editing the content for publication and making it available to the general public via a project website.
Collaborator Contribution Victoria and Albert museum's Simon Sladen and Kate Bailey volunteered their time in helping me conceptualise aspects of the research project that were of interest to curoators working with aural/oral dramaturgies. Further plans for collaboration were thwarted by the pandemic. Digital Theatre Plus's director Talia Rodgers worked with me on designing the aspect of the research project that would culminate in a podcast series to be hosted by DT+. Despite the the onset of covid-19 pandemic which disrupted the original plan, Rodgers has had numerous meetings with me throughout the project's duration with a view to licensing the content produced as part of the research project for the DT+ website. These plans are yet to be realised. Battersea Arts Centre's producer Bethany Haynes participated in designing the rehearsal ethnography aspect of the research in combination with the BAC project development methodology called 'scratch'. We worked on publishing an open call for artists to work with, interviewing short-listed candidates, commissioning them and writing their contracts. The partners have been involved with the project to various degrees and their respective involvements have continued or discontinued gradually.
Impact The project has led to a collection of audio-visual recordings published on and on There will be a book as part of the project authored by myself as the PI.
Start Year 2020
Description Aural/Oral Dramaturgies 
Organisation Victoria and Albert Museum
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution I designed the research project with some help from the named partners. I wrote the funding bid and, on receipt of the funding, managed the research project as a whole. I worked with a number of collaborators on conducting the research, generating data, ensuring the dataset is securely deposited, editing the content for publication and making it available to the general public via a project website.
Collaborator Contribution Victoria and Albert museum's Simon Sladen and Kate Bailey volunteered their time in helping me conceptualise aspects of the research project that were of interest to curoators working with aural/oral dramaturgies. Further plans for collaboration were thwarted by the pandemic. Digital Theatre Plus's director Talia Rodgers worked with me on designing the aspect of the research project that would culminate in a podcast series to be hosted by DT+. Despite the the onset of covid-19 pandemic which disrupted the original plan, Rodgers has had numerous meetings with me throughout the project's duration with a view to licensing the content produced as part of the research project for the DT+ website. These plans are yet to be realised. Battersea Arts Centre's producer Bethany Haynes participated in designing the rehearsal ethnography aspect of the research in combination with the BAC project development methodology called 'scratch'. We worked on publishing an open call for artists to work with, interviewing short-listed candidates, commissioning them and writing their contracts. The partners have been involved with the project to various degrees and their respective involvements have continued or discontinued gradually.
Impact The project has led to a collection of audio-visual recordings published on and on There will be a book as part of the project authored by myself as the PI.
Start Year 2020