Lincolnshire Wolds Landscape Network

Lead Research Organisation: Historic Bldgs & Mnts Commis for England
Department Name: Research Group


Many fields of study and practice share an interest in the concept of landscape, including archaeology, ecology and nature, health and well-being, tourism and the arts. However, policy makers are not always very good at working across those disciplinary boundaries, even within the shared frame of landscape. Improving cross-disciplinary working is essential if, for example, we are to develop joined-up conservation approaches that can enhance both the natural and the historic environment, understand how communities value their local heritage, or manage the processes of change that are inevitable in a landscape.

The proposed Lincolnshire Wolds Landscape Network starts from the European Landscape Convention's definition of landscape as 'an area perceived by people whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors'; in other words, it has cultural, natural and aesthetic or psychological aspects. The network will explore and promote the shared conceptual space of landscape from a historic environment perspective, with an emphasis on building connections between archaeological, ecological and well-being approaches in order to deliver a range of public benefits in a significant and high-quality rural landscape that is relatively neglected in research terms.

The unique chalk landscape of the Lincolnshire Wolds, which forms one of Natural England's National Character Areas (NCAs) and much of which is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), has a distinctive topography that is the legacy of episodes of glaciation. Although relatively secluded, the Wolds have a long history of human land use. Their historic value has long been recognised, with the rich archaeological resource of the area defined in the AONB's Management Plan as one of its outstanding qualities. Highlights include Neolithic and Bronze Age barrows, cropmarks of Romano-British settlements and earthwork remains of deserted medieval villages (DMVs). However, this resource remains poorly understood. Compared to other chalk landscapes there has been little research funding for investigative work, which has been sporadic and focused on specific locations or types of monument. While enough has been done to recognise the huge potential of the Wolds' heritage, the expansion of knowledge has not matched that seen for other areas, and we do not yet have a coherent picture of human settlement and land-use over the long term. There is great willingness among local stakeholders to do more work.

The network aims to bring together existing knowledge of the historic environment, identify gaps and develop a strategy to address them. Most significantly, it will go on to explore how better understanding of past land-use and environments can inform decision-making about the present landscape. How can we improve consideration of cultural heritage in conservation initiatives, such as ensuring flood management is sensitive to the history of the landscape? And enhance the well-being of local communities and visitors to the Wolds, e.g. ensuring better provision of access to the kinds of heritage which have value to different groups? The key outcomes of the network will be practical strategies for addressing such questions, which will frame the co-creation of an innovative and focused Wolds landscape project. Crucially, the network will include national policy-makers and international colleagues as well as local organisations, to ensure that methods developed during the project will be applicable to other rural areas across England and beyond.

The network will convene at two meetings, with preparatory work and reporting undertaken in each case, and hold informal discussions throughout the period of operation. Meeting 1 will be a one-day seminar focused on understanding the historic environment, while meeting 2 will be a two-day landscape forum, integrating archaeological understanding with the cross-disciplinary themes.

Planned Impact

The non-academic benefits are the primary reason for establishing the network. The wide range of beneficiaries includes national agencies, local government, commercial organisations, charities, cultural groups and local communities, who will all be engaged in co-creation of the network's outputs. The integration of these stakeholders with academic participants throughout the project is a key benefit of the network.

The network will address the UK government's 25 Year Environment Plan, particularly targets related to enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment, including 'Safeguarding and enhancing the beauty of our natural scenery and improving its environmental value while being sensitive to considerations of its heritage'. It will also address Natural England's priorities in relation to landscape and geodiversity, and access and engagement; and more specifically provide a useful test of their participatory GIS tool for mapping valued places.

Historic England is currently working closely with DCMS to develop concepts of 'cultural capital', in order to assign value to the historic environment in a similar way to the use of natural capital accounting. The network will afford substantive potential to develop this thinking in a specific context. The network will also align with objectives in Historic England's Corporate Plan 2019-22 - Building the future, in particular contributing to 'Investing directly in places where our expertise ... make[s] the most difference', since the Wolds is an underappreciated historic landscape which has the potential to bring social, economic and health benefits to residents and visitors; and 'Developing innovative techniques and tools...', as the network aims to establish new ways of working with the natural environment sector and local communities.

Local government organisations and their partners are key beneficiaries. Lincolnshire County Council has expressed its support for work that will bring benefits to the future management of the environment and to the well-being of those the project touches, through opportunities for richer and deeper engagement. The network will enhance the county's Historic Environment Record and help build on the Council's recent research project to understand the value of heritage. It will inform their pilot project on health and well-being, and support programmes of collaboration with cultural organisations, as well as relevant initiatives of the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership and the Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership.

The network is also supported by the Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service and will address key objectives of their current AONB management plan (2018-2023), for example to 'raise awareness of archaeological heritage in the Wolds... to support positive management.' There will also be benefits for the local plans of the various district councils covering the Wolds.

The network will assist commercial archaeological and environmental organisations working in the Wolds by providing assessments of the resource and strategies for action to provide a broader context for their projects. It will also benefit landowners and farmers by demonstrating the value of heritage in the context of developing the new Environmental Land Management Schemes (ELMS).

Finally, the network will benefit charities and community organisations working to improve health and well-being by promoting the inclusion of heritage in cultural activities. It will explicitly seek to understand the range of communities and interests within the Wolds, including residents of more deprived areas as well as those with established heritage interests; and to balance the needs of tourists and visitors against those of residents who value the seclusion of the Wolds. Developing understanding of the diverse values attached to landscape, heritage and environment will be key to the success of the network and any follow-up project.
Description The most significant achievement of the Lincolnshire Wolds Landscape Network has been to provide time and space for discussions between policymakers, heritage professionals, academics and representatives of community groups. While the Covid-19 pandemic meant the Network was unable to meet in person, online discussions facilitated contributions to the main themes and objectives. The successful dialogue that emerged between people with different roles and backgrounds is something new for the region, often revealing shared goals that had been pursued separately beforehand and furthering understanding of creative ways forward. The reports from these discussions set out a way forward for a future investigative project in the Wolds that promotes its significant cultural heritage, brings together objectives relevant to the historic landscape, natural environment and communities, and will help embed heritage in future landscape decisions.

The Network discussions have contributed to the project's original objectives as follows:

Promote understanding of the historic environment by developing a research strategy
The discussions suggest that while key components of the Wolds heritage are well known, there is more to do in terms of explaining the historic environment's collective contribution over time to the distinctive character of the Wolds landscape, at a variety of spatial scales, and developing a more comprehensive narrative by improving understanding of less well-known or visible components and periods. Informed by a GIS collating historic environment and landscape data for the area, the network has summarised current knowledge of the cultural heritage resource and outlined period-based and cross-period research questions.

Collate evidence to help understanding of interrelationships between the natural and historic environment
Starting from the European Landscape Convention definition, the network has outlined the historic character of the Wolds landscape and how it has changed over time. Discussions have emphasised both how past landscape decisions can provide lessons in relation to present-day landscape change, and the need to consider the potential impacts of future decisions on the condition and accessibility of the historic environment. As outlined further below, understanding these relationships also has significant community benefits. Enhancement of both heritage and nature in the Wolds landscape will benefit greatly from the sectors working together to identify synchronicities and mutual opportunities.

Understand the values attached to the Wolds landscape and heritage and their role in well-being
The network has considered how people feel connections to the landscape and its history, the close links between cultural heritage and nature in relation to well-being, the role of arts projects and the importance of being active. The varying perspectives and needs of different communities with an interest in the Wolds landscape were considered, along with what makes certain places special or valued, and the potential for conflicting opinions and changing values as a result of factors like the Covid-19 pandemic. The network has come up with a range of possible approaches to engagement, addressing recent social history and deeper archaeological heritage, in particular the development of a focus on walking as an activity and the enhancement of heritage information for guided walks.
Exploitation Route The findings will be taken forward by the PI and Co-I, with other Network members, in the form of a funding proposal for an innovative heritage-based landscape research project in the Wolds that will bring together the key ideas and objectives set out in the Network reports. They will also contribute to the development of other proposals for archaeological fieldwork in the Wolds by members of the Network, and the work of the Lincolnshire Wolds AONB Countryside Service, for example in the development of a community arts project focussed on archaeological heritage (long barrows). The findings will also feed into the work of Historic England by contributing to work in various policy areas (see Narrative impact).
Sectors Culture


Museums and Collections

Description The emerging impact of the Network lies in the following areas: Building a heritage community By bringing together in online discussions academics working on the historic environment, representatives from the public sector (national agencies, local authorities) and local voluntary and community organisations the Network is developing impact in the co-creation and promotion of integrated landscape approaches, including means of improving virtual and physical access to the historic landscape of the Lincolnshire Wolds. For example, because Covid restrictions prevented face-to-face gatherings during the project, the Network thought about walking as an alternative means of exploring community engagement with the historic landscape. The Wolds is well-provisioned with guided walks and rights of way so the work involved trialling the provision of enhanced historic environment information in walking guides and adding an element of interactivity, whereby the public can undertake nature-based activities and feed back thoughts and images online. In addition archaeological fieldwork in the central Wolds linked to the award and conducted by the Co-I (for two seasons at points where Covid restrictions permitted) demonstrated the enthusiasm of local people of various ages and backgrounds to actively participate in learning about and discovering their heritage. Addressing national and local policy objectives The Network has been influential in establishing dialogue with local policy-makers (local authorities and representatives of national agencies), inviting their contributions to thinking about the aims of the Network, and contributing to thinking about and planning future collaborative research; these discussions have informed the reports produced by the Network. Emerging from the network was a deeper appreciation of the quality of preservation of the Wolds landscape heritage, both archaeological and above-ground, in an area that is intensively farmed but not subject to the pressures of development seen in adjacent areas. This represents an exceptional resource over a wide tranche of landscape that is not grazing or moorland. The need for a Wolds-specific heritage resource assessment was highlighted through the Network. Nationally the thinking developed for the Network, contributions of policy-makers, and lessons learnt from the discussions will continue to inform the work of the PI within Historic England (HE) by contributing to policy areas including historic landscape characterisation, archaeological sensitivity mapping, approaches to heritage and wellbeing, and the relationship between the natural and historic environment (e.g. working with Natural England). For example in 2022 the PI became a collaborator on the UKRI-funded project 'Rewilding later prehistory' to look at deep-time perspectives in nature recovery initiatives; and initiated a HE project to consider how community values might be attached to historic landscape characterisation (HLC) data. Disseminating project results to different audiences: The Network results will be disseminated through a variety of outputs summarising the discussions and work so far, including: conference papers for academic impact (e.g. Landscape Archaeology conference); contributions to reports for regional organisations (e.g. the AONB; the Council for British Archaeology) and Historic England; informing historic environment strategies for policy impact; and continued engagement on social media (e.g. Twitter feed), as well as finalisation of the guided walks products with Network partners for community impact.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural

Description Online discussions with Network members 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The PI and Co-I have led and contributed to the Network's discussions on the Knowledge Hub with members drawn from academic institutions, local government heritage and environment teams, professional organisations and voluntary/community groups. The discussions have covered a range of topics related to the heritage of the Lincolnshire Wolds, including:
• what people value about the heritage and landscape of the Wolds;
• what we need to know more about, and how such knowledge relates to appreciation of the landscape;
• how we engage a wider range of people with the Wolds' heritage.

This activity contributes to the core aims of the Network, especially: developing and promoting understanding of the historic environment by compiling a research strategy; and engaging people to understand the values attached to the Wolds landscape and heritage by communities and visitors, and their role in well-being.

The activity has been supported by the production of various resources including:
• a project GIS collating relevant datasets
• reports on different themes, including the landscape history of the Wolds, and a review of the scales at which landscape is encountered and studied
• summaries of the Knowledge Hub discussions.

A series of videoconference meetings on Zoom have reinforced the online forum discussion, discussed specific issues, and rounded up a range of recent and forthcoming initiatives in the Wolds which are relevant to the Network discussions and/or where the Network can help with adding value, identifying synergies and making connections.

Separate conversations have taken place with individuals having local experience and expert knowledge, and with the Lincolnshire Wolds Heritage Working Group which has agreed to serve as a steering group for the Network.

Collectively, this activity has replaced planned meetings which could not be held because of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description Social media channel (Twitter) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A social media (Twitter) account has been launched for the Network as a means of sharing images and information about the Wolds heritage and to prompt feedback and engagement from followers within and beyond the Network itself. This addresses the Network's aim of engaging people to understand the values attached to the Wolds landscape and heritage, and their role in well-being.

This has only recently started so the nature of the impact cannot yet be assessed, but the number of people reached will increase through 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021