Pacific Community Filmmaking and Gender, Impact and Public Engagement

Lead Research Organisation: Edinburgh Napier University
Department Name: School of Arts and Creative Industries


Gender inequality in the Pacific is a serious challenge and a sensitive issue - requiring a culturally appropriate and joined-up development approach to support and drive the necessary social changes. The prevalence of violence against women in the Pacific region is among the highest in the world, whilst women's parliamentary participation is amongst the lowest in the world. Countries across the Pacific region have put in place policy strategies, legal frameworks and a raft of initiatives, but against their own and internationally accepted indicators there has been poor progress towards gender equality, despite the development cooperation efforts of many donors over several decades.

The AHRC/GCRF Research Networking Project, Exploring Participatory Filmmaking as a Development Method to address Gender Inequality in the Pacific (2017/2018) and the SFC-GCRF Pacific Connections: Community Filmmaking and Gender Inequality in the Pacific (2018/19) projects have highlighted and brought together an emerging body of Pacific-made participatory documentary films and filmmakers. Their work opens up alternative routes to understand and influence gender inequality in the Pacific by enabling communities to tell their own stories through their own cultural terms. In their own analyses of events and actions, Pacific peoples point to the importance of differentiating gender within particular social, collective and kinship relations and of the nuances and sensitivities of promoting rights-based issues such as gender inequality and GBV within a communal society.

Significantly, these projects have brought to the fore the impact the processes of participatory production have on individuals and communities involved, and how projects can be seen as multi layered, locally embedded and culturally sensitive approaches to achieving gender based policy objectives. This proposed international community filmmaking project will enhance filmmakers' and organisations' capacity to work with communities around issues of gender inequality and to use this work as drivers for social change.

Based on outcomes from the AHRC/GCRF previous projects, this project will target support at training and mentoring for community filmmakers and emerging talent. It will produce media projects on gender related themes across the Pacific that will create impact for participants and audiences during and after production. It will develop audiences through cross platform screenings & events that bring together communities, funders, organisations, Government and stakeholders. Though training, production, distribution and public engagement the project will seek to visibly advocate for the validity of the emerging Pacific Filmmakers Consortium, and a sustainable and locally generated approach to contextualising and enacting change around gender equality.

The proposed project will build on the Pacific Filmmakers Consortium network, with media projects, filmmaker and public training and programmes of distribution and stakeholder, government and NGO engagement in ODA LMIC and UMC countries - PNG (including Bougainville Island), Samoa, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Tuvalu, Tonga and Vanuatu. It has the potential to also include and bring into this network practitioners and communities in Marshall Islands and Kiribati. This multi strand approach has the objective of contributing to creative development methods to support the challenge of promoting gender equality in the Pacific.

Planned Impact

As set out in our ODA and GCRF compliance statements and Case for Support, gender inequality is widespread in the Pacific and a key challenge in the countries of Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Tuvalu and Fiji where project activities and impact engagement will occur. By addressing Pacific conceptualisations of gender and inequality actions in the vernacular through the use of community responsive participatory documentary film-making we have designed a project around mixed impact and engagement activities which hold considerable potential in supporting efforts to face the challenge of gender inequality in the Pacific.

In designing the proposed project and pathways to impact, we take a lead from how Pacific governments view and are responding to gender inequality issues through national strategies. As such, the proposed impact and engagement project responds to calls made by the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group (ACP), the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). The SPC holds a technical support and regional coordination role in the field of gender equality that builds on the Revised Pacific Platform for Action on Advancement of Women and Gender Equality (2005 to 2015).

Each of our workshops, training events, meetings, screenings and the production projects will involve some element of impact engagement, and be followed by publicity to the project's wider networks. We also recognise the need to specifically engage certain key stakeholders - with whom our group has existing working contacts - in their own location.

To this end we have designed a series of practitioner and public training workshops (June 2020) across 6 Pacific LMIC & UMC ODA countries that will build capacity and develop and share existing expert knowledge within the Pacific. These workshops will develop filmmakers' networks with stakeholders, their business and project development skills, use of social media and online platforms, thus building their capacity to be self sustaining, access funding and promote their work with communities. Workshops will also be extended to community members, students and organisations in community media techniques and mentoring relationships will be established to develop sustainable communities of practice and support. This will include peer-to-peer mentoring.

13 Participatory community media projects will be funded and produced (July- October 2020) across the Pacific, supporting filmmaker practice and gender equality engagement. Filmmakers and community partners will propose projects relevant to local issues or contexts. These projects will engage a range of community stakeholders and individual participants, telling stories in vernacular terms relevant to promoting gender equality or highlighting gender inequality. These projects will have impact not only as products to be viewed by audiences or policy makers, but will aim to effect change through the process of production and the space for dialogue and reflection that the process engenders.
A programme of screenings, audience engagement, community participation and project publicity will engage a range of audiences during 16 Days of Activism (November- December 2020). This will take advantage of existing festivals, events and activities, maximizing resources and publicity. Live events will be supported by social media, online and mobile downloads, exploring the potential of multi platform access and viewing. These events will give visibility and validity to the Pacific Filmmakers' Consortium at both public and stakeholder levels, building its capacity and the reputation of its members for quality, socially engaged filmmaking practice. These projects, their production and dissemination and the potential for creating dialogue across different public spheres seek to initiate and support efforts towards transforming gender inequality in the Pacific.


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Title "From the Market to the Parliament" - short documentary film (Bougainville, 2020) 
Description Bougainville "From the Market to the Parliament" Women leaders and the effects of Covid 19 restrictions in Arawa, Bougainville Island. The film explores local women's responses to the restrictions imposed in Arawa during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic & how women emerged as leaders during this time. Producer/Director: Llane Munau of Voice in the Wilderness. The film is part of the Film4Gender collection of films and the Pacific Community Filmmaking consortium. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The process of making the film created a network between various local women leaders in the Arawa area of Bougainville who are working to have female representation in parliament. The film is being used to mobile other women across Bougainville, demonstrate their role in leadership and also to demonstrate to policy makers and government how Covid-19 restrictions have had a disproportionate effect on women. 
Title "Hero-ine" - short film (Solomon Islands, 2020) 
Description Title: "Hero-ine" The film Hero-ine aims to make people think about attitudes towards gender through the story of male and female heroes in trouble. A key partner in the project, Family Support Centre, will use the film and small grant funding from the project to discuss attitudes towards gender with local authorities. Family Support Centre is a local non-governmental organisation that was established in 1995 to address the high incidence of domestic violence, sexual abuse, child abuse and rape in the Solomon Islands. Producer & Director : Anouk Ride Assistant Director: JoJo Lepping Company: Sukwadi Media Website: The film is part of the project's Film4Gender collection. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Third sector agency Family Support Centre and local advocates Public Solicitors are interested in using this film as a tool for advocacy to share with police forces in the Solomon Islands and for education in attitudes to domestic violence. As the film was only released in November 2020 it is early to record significant impacts just yet. At the time of writing (April 2020) this report the film has had 17, 676 views on You tube. 
Title "Resilience" : The impact of the pandemic on Samoans and everyday life. Short documentary film (Samoa, 2020) 
Description "Resilience" : The impact of the pandemic on Samoans and everyday life.This film examines the impact of COVID -19 in Samoa, in a country without a confirmed case. It shares the intimacy of the struggle for normalcy, the economic impact of a tourist industry left decimated and of organizations working in the communities to support vulnerable families. Producer: Ramona Boodoosingh and team from National University of Samoa. Leota Khosrow Siisiialafia - Filmmaker Joshua Lafoai - Journalist Misa Vicky Lepou - Research 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The response to the film has been very positive from audience members who have attended screenings and from public health university students and staff in Samoa. The film was produced recent to the time of writing so it is early to report accurately on the impact and will be better assessed at the end of the project extension period. 
Title "Strongpela Meri" - Strong women" - short documentary film (Goroka, PNG, 2020) 
Description Title: "Strongpela Meri" (Strong Women). The film highlights the resilience of women in and around Goroka in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea during the 28 day national Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, providing food for their families and as table mamas selling produce in the streets. The film features Ms. Eriko Fufurefa, president and the founder of KUSWA (Kafe Urban Settlers Women's Association), a Goroka based NGO which addresses Gender Based Violence. She reflects on the pandemic's impact on marginalized women and the government role in addressing emergencies for urban settlers and people in rural communities. Producer: Lilly Sar Directors: Pikacha McLeen & Eggert Gunnarsson Centre for Social and Creative Media at the University of Goroka. CSCM: gives a voice to the communities through the use of media and developing local research and development The film was part of the Film4Gender collection of films, funded through this project. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The film has engaged with marginalised communities and women in Goroka, PNG, giving them voice to their experiences of the impact of Covid. It has brought together the women nd organisations working to support women who have experienced gender based violence. 
Title "Te Ala kite Mae" - A Path to violence - short film (Tuvalu, 2020) 
Description Te Ala kite Mae looks at domestic violence through the story of a young Tuvaluan couple who live in a traditional setting. The aim of the film is to create awareness amongst the youth about the impact of domestic violence on women. Filmmaker: Tala Simeti of Talofa Productions. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact As the film was released in December 2020, the project team is tracking the impact of the film and will update records when we can give more feedback and information. 
Title Film4Gender - Collection of short films on gender based violence and local responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in the Pacific (2020) 
Description Film4Gender is a collection of short films made by Pacific community filmmakers to highlight local responses to gender based violence and the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on local communities. The film showcases the newly formed Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium as a collective of filmmakers who work with communities to make films which address issues like gender based violence but which take an approach to these issues from the local vernacular and using indigenous concepts or sensitivities. The collection of films under the umbrella Film4Gender his to showcase the filmmakers' work and how this approach to filmmaking can be used as a way of enacting policy. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Produced during the global Covid-19 pandemic, the Film4Gender collection of films support gender equality and highlight local community-led responses to gender based violence. The films also document the impact of local restrictions on people's lives, and especially for women. The collection of 7 short films screening in 2020 spans 6 Pacific countries - Papua New Guinea, Bougainville, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Fiji and Samoa. The Film4Gender collection was launched in December 2020 so it is difficult to assess the impact at present (March/ April 2021) and the project has been granted an extension to allow it to further develop distribution - which has been difficult given the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions locally and internationally on the ground. However adaptations have been made towards digital distribution. Feedback suggests a very positive response from audiences, policy makers and organisations working with women, who have indicated the potential for using the films in the collection as an advocacy tool. The film can be viewed on the you tube link below and also via the Project website: 
Title Modern Men & Woke Women - Defining Ideal Gender Roles in a Modern Samoa, 
Description With today's modern society, and global trends, defining the ideal gender roles for men and women in Samoa may have changed over the years. Therefore, the Peer2Peer Media Team, through this film, aims to highlight the perspectives of the local community on what they think defines an ideal Samoan man or woman nowadays. By engaging with both the younger and elder generation, 'Modern Men & Woke Women' covers a diverse approach to the topic, involving common as well as new concepts to what ideal gender roles are in Samoa. The aim of this film was to also showcase what a group of students, with limited resources, can do to voice important social issues on the big screen. The film crew included: Tali Fakaua (Assistant director & Camera Operator), Michelangelo Tuipoloa (Presenter & Production Assistant), Evelyn Tavita (Presenter & Public Relations officer), Grace Pua'i Aumua (Presenter & Production Assistant), Nagoya Molesi (Finance officer & Production Assistant), Nu'u Alofagia Isaia (Public relations officer) and Yongkwon Suafa (Director and Producer). There were 22 interviewees - Edward Leiataua, Grace Ah Young, Izek Pauga, Joshua Sa'aga, Maria Kerslake, Noelani Simi, Otto Rheeniga, Quentin Lauaki, Richard Kurt Fred Schmidt, Tai Ah Foon, Wesly Pakoa, Dr. Torise Sa'u Ne'emia, Ronna Lee, Moananu Tyrone Laurenson, Salote Meredith, Tesa Afele, Kaino Thomsen Fuataga, Tovale Filipo, Suhay'l Ale, Iosefa Domingo Enari, Daniel Koria, Longi Johnny Jr. Taulafo Selesele 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact During the making this film the production team received filmmaking training and learnt production and interview skills. They learned and will now share insights into gender relations on Samoa and act as advocates for gender equality. The film will be used in education settings to act as a catalyst for discussion and to encourage gender equality in relationships. 
Title O Le tama'ita'i o l feagaiga tausi (Women and girls - a sacred covenant) 
Description This film articulates some of the Samoan proverbs and cultural constructs that are relevant in the context of gender relations. Shared with those interviewed, these sayings provided the talking points for this production. The aim is to promote an understanding of how the worldviews of pre-contact Samoa may provide Samoans today with a cultural orientation and identity that may help curb violence against women and girls. This film explores the issue through the lens of traditional Samoan culture and is one of a series of films produced across the region under the Pacific Connections project. T 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact The film has been screened to NGOs and academics and public audience at the National University of Samoa. It is also available for viewing via the Consortium website and is in the process of being distributed locally on Samoa and abroad. 
Title Our Forest Our Life 
Description Documentary produced by the Centre for Social and Creative Media (CSCM) at the University of Goroka, Papua New Guinea. Led by Dr. Lilly Sar and her team. The film focuses on women's experiences of food security and shortages during the covid lockdowns in rural and semi urban/rural areas in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact The film is used to influence Government and NGOs and organisations working in PNG regarding food supplies and security. It is used within academic contexts as a teaching tool to bring real experiences into the classroom. The film is used locally in communities to advocate for provision during times of crisis and in relation to gender and the gendered impact on women. 
Title Weaving the Streets - Behind the Scenes 
Description Behind the scenes with Weaving the Streets delves into a little more detail, the story of Rani, a transgender woman and former sex worker from Fiji. She talks about the importance of sharing her story especially as a trans person. Other voices in the film talk about the importance of visibilty for transgender people because they are "part of our society and communty". Father Denis Revi talks about love and acceptance and finding God in them, in each one of us. Dr Jacquline Ryle, a senior lecturer in Sociology at the University of the South Pacific uses the film in one of her courses on gender based violence and says, the film is important when looking and addressing gender based violence. MikWali, the director of the Haus of Khameleon, says the film is an important story for transgender people, weaving their stories and 'as you weave, you speak life'. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact The impacts of this production are not instantly measurable nor visible but are intended to bear fruit in the long term and add to resources and understanding of participatory approaches to filmmaking in the Pacific. This film adds weight to the significance of the original film, Weaving the Streets and gives depth to how it can be used as a training and teaching resource for other filmmakers or third sector organisations working with communities and on gender sensitive topics. 
Title Weaving the Streets - short documentary film, Fiji 
Description Weaving the Streets tells the story of Rani, a trans woman growing up in a Fijian village and the struggle and suffering she has faced, leaving home while still in high school to "work the streets" as a sex worker. This story is about her determination to be who she is and her courage to change her identity and gender while facing discrimination, hardship and violence. Directors: : Larry Thomas & Joji Nabalarua (X'isle Productions) ( 2nd camera: Wais Tavatuilagi Twitter: @JojiNabalarua 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The film has had over 738 views on the You tube channel created for the films, as well as at the launch screening and via X'isle Productions channel. The film is shown as part of teaching at the University of the South Pacific, across a range of gender and sociology and anthropology modules. Representatives from various NGOs, government agencies and British and EU commissions have seen the film and will be followed up over the next year to assess how the film can be used to create conversations and understanding of the experiences of trans populations and of broader challenges of gender inequality. 
Description The work funded through the award has demonstrated the significance small amounts of seed funding can have to stimulate community based filmmaking which can have positive impacts on challenging cultural assumptions around gender inequality and gender based violence in the Pacific.

The most significant achievement of the award to date has been the funding and production of a slate of Pacific made films, by Pacific filmmakers that address social issues related to gender inequality and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The production of these films has created impact on local and international levels, with audiences accessing the films through local and digital screenings. Audiences across the Pacific have had the opportunity to share experiences of gender based violence and the gendered impact of the pandemic, supporting initiatives that address these issues from local perspectives and in vernacular terms.

As a result of the project, filmmakers and project team leaders have been able to facilitate dialogue with regional NGO's, government, non-government and international development agencies to raise the profile of the process of community media as development methodology. This process is ongoing.

Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic several objectives of the project were limited or have had to be diverted. The project team were unable to travel during 2020 to deliver workshops and training. As an alternative the filmmakers were commissioned to produce a second slate of films to support learning around community based media production and specifically when filming with communities on issues relating to gender and culturally sensitive topics. These films, 2 of which are on the Consortium website and Youtube channel will act as online resources for filmmakers and third sector organisations interesting in applying participatory filmmaking methods.

The project team are in the process of documenting and analysing the process of the project, the productions and their distribution. The subsequent publication, combined with ongoing dialogue with funders and policy makers will enable us to share the project methods and outcomes for the benefit of Pacific filmmakers, funders and development agencies.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of this funding can be taken forward by policy makers and funders working in development in the Pacific and internationally. The outcomes demonstrate the strength of community based filmmaking as a development tool and impact and engagement methodology. The outcomes are also relevant to filmmakers and creative practitioners who draw on participatory and community based methods and who work with development organisations and third sector agencies. The outcomes thus far demonstrate the potential for capacity building between the creative industries and policy and third sector. The project outcomes also demonstrate the potential for the use of digital technology and platforms to share creative outputs and routes to enhancing these and connecting with local networks.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Museums and Collections

Description The award period is still ongoing and the full impact from the award is too early to fully describe or assess. As a preliminary assessment the award has enabled the establishment of the Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium, a network of Pacific filmmakers and organisations using community based and participatory filmmaking methods to address social and cultural development challenges. The consortium has produced a slate of short films and a collected longer film, which are available to view online for free via digital platforms. The films have been screened locally at live events attended by public, third sector, and international agencies and organisations. The films and their screenings have enabled dialogue, collaboration and are part of ongoing pathways to impact - in particular in areas relating to gender equality, tackling gender based violence and understanding the impact of Covid-19. The approach taken in the films and from the consortium is of working closely with participants and local communities to address these issues in vernacular terms. The consortium productions are being used in education settings, such as universities, opening up the curriculum to new ways of addressing such issues, and which are pan-Pacific in their breadth. The consortium's work thus far, and its showcase via the Consortium website and You tube channel serve as a portal and networking tool for Pacific filmmakers to showcase their work and enhance their opportunities for further commissions within the creative industries and third sector. The digital platforms open up the potential for new markets and ways of establishing creative practice networks. The work produced thus far has been made during the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed on local populations globally. This initially restricted the ability of the project team to deliver all the project aims which included a series of community media training workshops and face to face networking. However, the project has adapted to the unprecedented situation and applied some of its productions to addressing the impact of the pandemic and with special reference to the affect and impact on women. These films have been shared and will continue to be shared to influence decision making around the imposition of covid restrictions and building resilience among local populations. Between 2021/2022 the filmmakers have been making additional films - several are about the process of making community media; some focused on the production process of the Film4Gender films. One film, from Samoa is a new film, made with young people and focused on gender relations on the island. These films expand the range of films produced in relation to gender inequality and how filmmaking can be a positive force for change. In 2022 the production team at The Centre for Social and Creative Media at the University of Goroka used project funding to produce a film, OurForest Our Life to document the effects of the covid pandemic on food security in the PNG Highlands and how this has especially impacted women. The films have been viewed increasingly via the online platform Youtube. At the time of writing in 2023, Weaving the Streets had reached 1.2k views, Te Ala Kite Mae over 48k, and Heroine over 30k. At the time of the 2024 update, the films continue to be viewed and used in their communities to support local programmes and initiatives dealing with gender based violence and gender inequality. For example, Te Ala Kite Mae has now been viewed over 72, 000 times and Hero-ine (Samoa) has had over 44,000 views. Both these films are short dramas and demonstrate the power of issue based storytelling to reach wide audiences, who are able to view free online on mobile devices. In Samoa, Steven Percival's work on tackling GBV through sharing and re-presenting Samoan traditional culture continues. His Film4Gender production contributed to a larger UNESCO film project and research on intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development ( ) Members of the project, Dr Ramona Boodoosingh and Dr Lilly Sar contributed to a report by Yvette Hardie for the South Africa based Organisation of African Caribbean Pacific States and the European Union. The report will use the Pacific Community filmmaking consortium as a case study to be presented at the World Conference on Arts Education in February 2025. Filmmaker and researcher, Dr Anouk Ride who produced the Solomon islands film, Hero-ine has been made a Fellow of the Australian National University and Adjunct Fellow Solomon Islands National University since Sep 2023.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Creative Economy,Education,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural


Description REF2021 Impact Case-Study
Geographic Reach Australia 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Impact Summary of the impact Dr Tony Crook's leadership of anthropology- focused policy and practice research collaborations has transformed how the 'root causes' and trenchant problems of gender inequality and domestic violence are tackled in the Pacific. Outcomes are detailed in three examples: 1. New European Union funding programmes Our research was used as evidence for the design and justification, in 2016-19, of two new EU-led gender inequality development programmes, currently providing EUR68,000,000 (05/2017 & 11/2018) to community, national and regional initiatives across 14 Pacific island countries, with over 8,000,000 people as direct beneficiaries. 2. 'Moana': Pacific visual story-telling and community engagement Our collaboration with the Fiji-based Oceania Dance Theatre and Pasifika Voices evolved a vernacular visual story-telling method of change. This influenced an attending EU H2020 official to publicly announce the justification of a new EUR2,500,000 (06/2015) funding call. The wider impacts of our collaborative engagements with 'Moana' on 3,000,000 people were recognized by the 2016 THE Awards - Shortlisted for Excellence and Innovation in the Arts. 3. PaCiFiC Film4Gender - Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium We enhanced the capacity of filmmaking for gender equality by engaging independent filmmakers in 11 Pacific countries, and created a new Consortium by bringing 18 people (filmmakers), and 11 people (UN Women, UK FCO and EU policy makers) together for the first time. We commissioned and premiered 8 new films and innovated 15 community screening discussions in 6 Pacific countries.
Description Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium 
Organisation Edinburgh Napier University
Department Centre for Media and Culture
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This impact and engagement project has brought together filmmakers, independent production companies and university departments to form the Consortium. The aim of the project was to establish this consortium, give it visibility and showcase the work of members to funders and policy makers, as well as to establish a supportive network of practice in the Pacific and internationally.
Collaborator Contribution Partners produced short films which were assembled as a collection to showcase participatory and community based filmmaking in the Pacific, and which challenge gender based violence and gender inequality. Partners also produced films about local responses to Covid-19 restrictions during 2020. Partners shared these films at screenings events and online and continue to do so.
Impact Film4Gender: a collected feature film of short films produced by the partners - The individual short films are as follows: Heroine (Sukwadi Media): Weaving the Streets (X'isle Productions): From the Market to Parliament (Voice in the wilderness): Strongpela Meri (Centre for Social and Creative Media, University of Goroka): Resilience (National University of Fiji): Te Ala Kite Mae (Talofa Productions):
Start Year 2020
Description Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium 
Organisation National University of Samoa
Country Samoa 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This impact and engagement project has brought together filmmakers, independent production companies and university departments to form the Consortium. The aim of the project was to establish this consortium, give it visibility and showcase the work of members to funders and policy makers, as well as to establish a supportive network of practice in the Pacific and internationally.
Collaborator Contribution Partners produced short films which were assembled as a collection to showcase participatory and community based filmmaking in the Pacific, and which challenge gender based violence and gender inequality. Partners also produced films about local responses to Covid-19 restrictions during 2020. Partners shared these films at screenings events and online and continue to do so.
Impact Film4Gender: a collected feature film of short films produced by the partners - The individual short films are as follows: Heroine (Sukwadi Media): Weaving the Streets (X'isle Productions): From the Market to Parliament (Voice in the wilderness): Strongpela Meri (Centre for Social and Creative Media, University of Goroka): Resilience (National University of Fiji): Te Ala Kite Mae (Talofa Productions):
Start Year 2020
Description Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium 
Organisation Sukwadi Media
Country Solomon Islands 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This impact and engagement project has brought together filmmakers, independent production companies and university departments to form the Consortium. The aim of the project was to establish this consortium, give it visibility and showcase the work of members to funders and policy makers, as well as to establish a supportive network of practice in the Pacific and internationally.
Collaborator Contribution Partners produced short films which were assembled as a collection to showcase participatory and community based filmmaking in the Pacific, and which challenge gender based violence and gender inequality. Partners also produced films about local responses to Covid-19 restrictions during 2020. Partners shared these films at screenings events and online and continue to do so.
Impact Film4Gender: a collected feature film of short films produced by the partners - The individual short films are as follows: Heroine (Sukwadi Media): Weaving the Streets (X'isle Productions): From the Market to Parliament (Voice in the wilderness): Strongpela Meri (Centre for Social and Creative Media, University of Goroka): Resilience (National University of Fiji): Te Ala Kite Mae (Talofa Productions):
Start Year 2020
Description Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium 
Organisation Tiapapata Art Centre
Country Samoa 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution This impact and engagement project has brought together filmmakers, independent production companies and university departments to form the Consortium. The aim of the project was to establish this consortium, give it visibility and showcase the work of members to funders and policy makers, as well as to establish a supportive network of practice in the Pacific and internationally.
Collaborator Contribution Partners produced short films which were assembled as a collection to showcase participatory and community based filmmaking in the Pacific, and which challenge gender based violence and gender inequality. Partners also produced films about local responses to Covid-19 restrictions during 2020. Partners shared these films at screenings events and online and continue to do so.
Impact Film4Gender: a collected feature film of short films produced by the partners - The individual short films are as follows: Heroine (Sukwadi Media): Weaving the Streets (X'isle Productions): From the Market to Parliament (Voice in the wilderness): Strongpela Meri (Centre for Social and Creative Media, University of Goroka): Resilience (National University of Fiji): Te Ala Kite Mae (Talofa Productions):
Start Year 2020
Description Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium 
Organisation University of Goroka
Department Centre for Creative and Social Media (CSCM)
Country Papua New Guinea 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This impact and engagement project has brought together filmmakers, independent production companies and university departments to form the Consortium. The aim of the project was to establish this consortium, give it visibility and showcase the work of members to funders and policy makers, as well as to establish a supportive network of practice in the Pacific and internationally.
Collaborator Contribution Partners produced short films which were assembled as a collection to showcase participatory and community based filmmaking in the Pacific, and which challenge gender based violence and gender inequality. Partners also produced films about local responses to Covid-19 restrictions during 2020. Partners shared these films at screenings events and online and continue to do so.
Impact Film4Gender: a collected feature film of short films produced by the partners - The individual short films are as follows: Heroine (Sukwadi Media): Weaving the Streets (X'isle Productions): From the Market to Parliament (Voice in the wilderness): Strongpela Meri (Centre for Social and Creative Media, University of Goroka): Resilience (National University of Fiji): Te Ala Kite Mae (Talofa Productions):
Start Year 2020
Description Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium 
Organisation University of St Andrews
Department Centre for Pacific Studies
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This impact and engagement project has brought together filmmakers, independent production companies and university departments to form the Consortium. The aim of the project was to establish this consortium, give it visibility and showcase the work of members to funders and policy makers, as well as to establish a supportive network of practice in the Pacific and internationally.
Collaborator Contribution Partners produced short films which were assembled as a collection to showcase participatory and community based filmmaking in the Pacific, and which challenge gender based violence and gender inequality. Partners also produced films about local responses to Covid-19 restrictions during 2020. Partners shared these films at screenings events and online and continue to do so.
Impact Film4Gender: a collected feature film of short films produced by the partners - The individual short films are as follows: Heroine (Sukwadi Media): Weaving the Streets (X'isle Productions): From the Market to Parliament (Voice in the wilderness): Strongpela Meri (Centre for Social and Creative Media, University of Goroka): Resilience (National University of Fiji): Te Ala Kite Mae (Talofa Productions):
Start Year 2020
Description Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium 
Organisation University of the South Pacific, Laucala
Country Fiji 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This impact and engagement project has brought together filmmakers, independent production companies and university departments to form the Consortium. The aim of the project was to establish this consortium, give it visibility and showcase the work of members to funders and policy makers, as well as to establish a supportive network of practice in the Pacific and internationally.
Collaborator Contribution Partners produced short films which were assembled as a collection to showcase participatory and community based filmmaking in the Pacific, and which challenge gender based violence and gender inequality. Partners also produced films about local responses to Covid-19 restrictions during 2020. Partners shared these films at screenings events and online and continue to do so.
Impact Film4Gender: a collected feature film of short films produced by the partners - The individual short films are as follows: Heroine (Sukwadi Media): Weaving the Streets (X'isle Productions): From the Market to Parliament (Voice in the wilderness): Strongpela Meri (Centre for Social and Creative Media, University of Goroka): Resilience (National University of Fiji): Te Ala Kite Mae (Talofa Productions):
Start Year 2020
Description Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium 
Organisation Wan Smol Bag Theatre
Country Vanuatu 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution This impact and engagement project has brought together filmmakers, independent production companies and university departments to form the Consortium. The aim of the project was to establish this consortium, give it visibility and showcase the work of members to funders and policy makers, as well as to establish a supportive network of practice in the Pacific and internationally.
Collaborator Contribution Partners produced short films which were assembled as a collection to showcase participatory and community based filmmaking in the Pacific, and which challenge gender based violence and gender inequality. Partners also produced films about local responses to Covid-19 restrictions during 2020. Partners shared these films at screenings events and online and continue to do so.
Impact Film4Gender: a collected feature film of short films produced by the partners - The individual short films are as follows: Heroine (Sukwadi Media): Weaving the Streets (X'isle Productions): From the Market to Parliament (Voice in the wilderness): Strongpela Meri (Centre for Social and Creative Media, University of Goroka): Resilience (National University of Fiji): Te Ala Kite Mae (Talofa Productions):
Start Year 2020
Description Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium 
Organisation X'isle Productions
Country Fiji 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This impact and engagement project has brought together filmmakers, independent production companies and university departments to form the Consortium. The aim of the project was to establish this consortium, give it visibility and showcase the work of members to funders and policy makers, as well as to establish a supportive network of practice in the Pacific and internationally.
Collaborator Contribution Partners produced short films which were assembled as a collection to showcase participatory and community based filmmaking in the Pacific, and which challenge gender based violence and gender inequality. Partners also produced films about local responses to Covid-19 restrictions during 2020. Partners shared these films at screenings events and online and continue to do so.
Impact Film4Gender: a collected feature film of short films produced by the partners - The individual short films are as follows: Heroine (Sukwadi Media): Weaving the Streets (X'isle Productions): From the Market to Parliament (Voice in the wilderness): Strongpela Meri (Centre for Social and Creative Media, University of Goroka): Resilience (National University of Fiji): Te Ala Kite Mae (Talofa Productions):
Start Year 2020
Description Feature on project and Fiji screening on ABC Radio Australia 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Feature on project and Fiji screening on Pacific Beat & Islands business programmes on ABC Radio Australia ( 25/11/20. Filmmaker, contributor and Project PI gave interviews for the programme.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Fiji public screening of Film4Gender films, including Fiji short film, Weaving the Streets 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Premiere screening of Film4Gender collection of films at the AusPacific Performance Space, University of the South Pacific. The collection included the Fiji made film, Weaving the Streets about trans experience in Fiji. The audience was diverse, including the British high Commissioner for Fiji, the university VP, students and staff at the university and the members of Fiji's trans community and support organisations. Following the screening of the films, there was a discussion session with the filmmaker (Larry Thomas) and the main contributor/subject of Weaving the Streets. The event was coordinated and hosted by Dr. Jacqueline Ryle of USP who was a Co-I on the project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Genoa Radical Film Festival Un-Conference Presentation and Screening of Film4Gender films 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Genoa Radical Film Network Un-Conference and Festival at the University of Genoa. Presentation about the Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium and Producing Films during a pandemic.
Also screening of Film4Gender films, including Heroine and StrongPela Meri.
International (un) conference with audience and participants of approximately 50-60 people, across presentations and film screenings. Audience of filmmakers, academics, activists, third sector and members of the public
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Interview ABC Radio Return Ticket - Podcast Interview re Fiji filming and Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Invited to record podcast interview for Australian Radio network programme, ABC Radio Return Ticket. Discussed with the presenter filmmaking in the Pacific and specifically in Fiji and the impact of foreign/ international film and television crews filming productions for reality Tv series such as Love Island and Survivor. We discussed the impact of external crews on the local industry and the representation of Fiji within these external productions. We also discussed local filmmaking, such as with the Pacific community filmmaking consortium and why smaller scale and indigenous media production is important for cultural representation and for sustaining capacity in the local media and creative industries.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Local Piksa Haus screenings of Papua New Guinea film, Strongpela Meri 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The project film, Strongpela Meri that was produced in Goroka, about goroka women's experiences of the economic impact of cover restrictions in 2020, has been shared locally via a system of 'Piksa Haus' screening s - there are families who have built houses to show films to others in the community. They charge a small fee and that is how they bring income for family needs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description Online Launch & Screening of Project Film collection, Film4Gender 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact This event was the online launch and screenings of the PaCiFiC project films - a series of short films focusing on local Pacific responses to gender based violence and to women's experiences of the covid-19 pandemic and its restrictions. The launch event brought together the filmmakers, participants members of the public and university colleagues from partner institutions from UK, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Samoa and Papua New Guinea. 20 people attended online and approximately 45 people in person. The films were launched online via Youtube and publicised via social media and email networks. The event was a discussion and Q&A where the filmmakers and participants presented their experiences of participatory filmmaking and how they worked together to tell these stories.
A live event was held simultaneously at the Centre for Social and Creative Media at the University of Goroka, Papua New Guinea. Here, participants from the film - women stallholders in Goroka took part in the online event, which was followed by a live screening of the films and audience discussion, which included members of the public, university students and academic staff. Filmmakers and participants shared their experiences making the films, of the stories told - relating to gender, GBV and experiences of pandemic in the Pacific.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Papua New Guinea Premiere Screening of Film4Gender collection of films 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Premiere screening of Film4Gender films, including PNG produced film, Strongpela Meri about women street sellers in Goroka and their experiences of the restrictions and lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The film's contributors attending the screening (held in the University of Goroka), along with filmmakers from the CSCM (Centre for Social and Creative Media), University of Goroka. Following the screening, which was also attended by members of the student and staff body and invited members of the public, there was discussion about women's experiences of covid-19 and its economic impact on their lives.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Samoa Public screening of Film4Gender films at National University of Samoa 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Premiere public screening of Film4Gender films including Samoan film, Resilience, about the impact of Covid-19 in Samoa and how local people have adapted and felt the impact of restrictions. Following the screening of the film there was a public discussion with the filmmaking team about the process of making the film and of the impact of avoid and how it was represented in the film.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Screening of Film4Gender on International Women's Day in Samoa 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Event held to screen project Film4Gender collection of short films to coincide with International Women's Day. Publicity for the event connected with international events and networks related to women. As a result of this event and the main Samoa activity the filmmaker is developing a new project in relation to gender and Women's experiences of gender based violence in Samoa.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Screening of Weaving the Streets at NGO House of Cameleo, which supports Fiji's transgender community. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Screening of Weaving the Streets at NGO House of Cameleo, which supports Fiji's transgender community. Following the screening the groups are going to work with the police , delivering training relating to transgender community and sex work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Solomon Islands public screening of project film, Hero-ine 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Premiere of project funded film, Hero-ine in Solomon Islands - on November 25, 2020 at the at Dreamcast Theatre, Honiara, Solomon Islands. A public screening was followed by Question and answer session with cast and crew and a short educational talk on family violence. The film is a short drama about police attitudes to domestic violence in the Solomon Islands and challenges audience and police force to consider their approaches to dealing with women's experiences of domestic violence. The event was attended by members of FSC- Family Support Centre, an organisation dealing with domestic violence in Samoa and representatives from The Public Solicitors, as well as the filmmakers and invited members of the public. Both PS and FSC indicated they would like to use the film for public advocacy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Strongpela Meri film screening at Down Under settlement, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Film screened to the Down Under community (settlement) in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. Discussions included the importance of the informal economy on women in settlements, as they do not own customary land as settlers from other provinces. Therefore, they suggested SME projects for women to sustain income during Covid times.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description TEDx Youth Talk on "Menstruation, Media and FOMO" for local and international audience 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact TEDx Youth talk by Dr Kirsten MacLeod at St.George's School Edinburgh, UK, applied to the theme of "The Voice of Possibility". The talk, titled, "Menstruation, Media and FOMO" ranged from the impact of menstruation on girl's education and life chances to how local small scale media production can challenge global issues, with examples from the Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023