The Value of Nature-Based Enterprise

Lead Research Organisation: Glasgow School of Art
Department Name: The Innovation School


As agreed with AHRC please see the Case for Support attachment for the full application information
Description This work, driven by a strong shared understanding of individual and collective impact of nature based enterprises in Glasgow city, is developing new and enhanced networks, new knowledge, new value creation and new markets. As such it is developing strategic sustainable development plans to support sustainable growth for nature-based enterprise in Glasgow in relation to their wider eco-systems of operation.
Exploitation Route The findings from this work are being co-developed with key stakeholders and they are placed to take the findings forward beyond the award.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink




Description Green Transitions Ecosystem, Future Island-Island
Amount £4,112,377 (GBP)
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2023 
End 09/2025
Description Centre for Civic Innovation, Glasgow City Council 
Organisation Glasgow City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution A group of nature-based businesses and social enterprises has been launched by Good Ideas and Glasgow City Council's H2020 Connecting Nature project pilot Nature-Based Accelerator programme in September 2021. This project will support their development, their evaluative and strategic skillsets and build a collective ecosystem that enables them to continue to thrive and deliver more social and environmental impact for Glasgow together than they could on their own. This design exchange partnership will do this with the Centre for Civic Innovation (CCI) within Glasgow City Council by mapping the relational development of each nature-based enterprise, as part of a collaborative process of developmental evaluation. The vision is to develop this emerging sustainable enterprise eco-system into a strategic regional microcluster by building individual and collective sustainable development strategies. This aims to be driven by a strong shared understanding of individual and collective impact, inclusive of dialogue between new-start enterprises, sustainability expertise and local urban planners from the start. The main area of focus is to develop and test a methodology of mapping and modelling relational forms of sustainable environmental development and adapt this into a programme of co-evaluation for the project partner and their constituents. The project would build on the associate's previous research applying a Creative Growth Model with networks of creative and cultural microenterprises, which framed more relational forms of growth through identifying new and enhanced networks, new knowledge, new value creation and new markets. The project would bring together such modelling with the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD), which combines principles of sustainability with five levels of strategic development - systems, purpose, strategic, actions and tools. This would be guided by the project supervisor's research experience in participatory design for sustainability and the circular economy. The project will be highly innovative in how it develops rigorous, novel methods to map and model sustainable growth for each nature-based enterprise in relation to their wider eco-systems of operation. In addition, collectively, the mapping of each supported nature-based enterprise will also feed into an innovative collaborative process of mapping and co-evaluating Glasgow's nature-based enterprise eco-system, as a whole. This aims to establish an ongoing process of design-led developmental evaluation that builds lasting relationships and shared understanding of sustainable development challenges across Glasgow that can only be addressed collaboratively. Well-designed evaluation should focus on learning and feed into policy and delivery improvement.
Collaborator Contribution The Centre for Civic Innovation, and Glasgow City Council's H2020 Connecting Nature project, are participating through time in-kind and cash provision as part of a working group to support the delivery of the project work plan with representatives from the Nature-Based Accelerator programme, a sustainability consultancy, and an academic supervisor as active contributor. A work plan outlines the following contribution from the partner: i) a scoping session with the working group to gather and share detailed understanding of the Nature-Based Accelerator programme, knowledge areas/frameworks being applied, key objectives and roles in supporting the recruitment of nature-based enterprises, co-design and co-evaluation of the project; ii) a co-design workshop with the working group to develop an ecosystem mapping method based on the associates Creative Growth Model and the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD). iii) individual 'ecosystem mapping' sessions with participating enterprises to review progress to date and sustainable growth going forward; iv) the working group will be convened to review and identify approx. 3-4 shared development opportunities across the mapped nature-based enterprises and wider ecosystem, which will incorporate the working group's knowledge of eco-system level resource to enhance the viability of opportunities posed to nature-based enterprises to collaborate; v) collaborative development feedback, based on the identified shared opportunities, to co-develop responses and approaches to tackling the incumbent shared sustainable development challenges; vi) a co-evaluation workshop to review the progress, adaptations and learnings collected on the NBA programme, the nature-based enterprises and strategic sustainable development ecosystem for Glasgow. This will include developing learning and recommendations (e.g. further interventions, policy changes and adaptations, etc.) framed as strategic sustainable development proposals. Quote for joint commitment statement: "CCI are keen to collaborate as active partners by committing staff members at CCI and the H2020 Connecting Nature Development Plan Group to attend working group meetings, engage with the mapping activities and methods, and develop upon co-evaluation and evidence-building, as part of their existing roles. As the non-academic partner, we are very happy to commit the maximum £3000 to bring in expert services on sustainability and social entrepreneurship (which paid for a sustainability consultant's involvement), as well as support early-stage nature-based enterprises to participate in design research activities (£50 per participant)."
Impact A co-designed mapping model based on Dr Johnson's Creative Growth Model and Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics Model. A mapping of Glasgow's Nature-Based Enterprise Eco-system Five Strategic Sustainable Development Proposals for Glasgow, which are currently undergoing co-development with the project partner and participating NBEs. This project has combined design researchers, creative economy researchers, civil servants in local development and sustainability consultants.
Start Year 2021
Description Expert talk Wellbeing Economy Alliance 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Members of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance attended a talk presenting the findings from the final report of the Nature Based Enterprises project. The talk raised awareness of NBEs in Scotland, growth potential and sparked debate around supports for NBE development.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Shared Development Opportunities workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Once data has been collected on individual nature based enterprises through the ecosystem mapping sessions, the working project group convened in a co-development workshop to review and identify shared development opportunities across the mapped nature-based enterprises and wider ecosystem. This included incorporating the working group's knowledge of eco-system level resource to enhance the viability of opportunities posed to nature-based enterprises to collaborate. The intention of this workshop was to share findings from the research with the project working group, including feedback on the nature based accelerator, and share the methods used to map individual eco system maps with the working group.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Webinar (international) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A webinar talk in July 2023 for The Centre for Sustainable Solutions, along with Glasgow City Council and ICLEI Europe hosting a Lunch and Learn webinar
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023