MRes in Tissue Engineering for Regenerative Medicine

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Medical and Human Sciences


The MRes in Tissue Engineering for Regenerative Medicine (TERM) is a multi-disciplinary masters degree combining expertise from across the University (Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences and Faculty of Life Sciences). The primary objective is to provide high quality training in novel strategies and technologies aimed to repair, replace and ultimately regenerate tissues and organs and restore tissue function. This one-year full-time research Masters was established in September 2007 and is steered by a programme committee comprising membership from each of the represented Faculties. The Committee meets regularly to discuss training delivery, development and ongoing relevance to the UK academic and commercial sector. Approaches to training are also heavily influenced by our associated centres (North West Embryonic Stem Cell Centre - NWESCC; UK Centre for Tissue Regeneration - UKCTR) as well as industrial collaborators (Intercytex; Renovo; Smith & Nephew; Eden Biodesign). The MRes is structured between laboratory-based independent research projects and taught elements, with a major emphasis on research (120/180 credits). It comprises six compulsory components: Research Methods & Transferable Skills (15 credits), Masterclass Seminar Series (15 credits), Tutorial Course Unit (15 credits), Teaching Seminar Unit (15 credits), Research Placement 1 (10 weeks; 30 credits) and Research Placement 2 (25 weeks; 90 credits). Research Methods & Transferable Skills is delivered through the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences Vitae Graduate Training Programme (GTP). The GTP takes the form of an intensive research methods unit (abstract writing, research governance, quantitative techniques) and series of interactive online training seminars (project planning/experimental design, commercial awareness, public/media engagement and career pathways). A unique and important component of the course is the subject-focused masterclasses, which provide a broad overview of the principle technologies of tissue engineering and their role in regenerative medicine application. The masterclasses are co-ordinated through an integrated series of workshops, practical demonstrations and site visits delivered by experts from across the University and our external collaborators. Five modules introduce a wide spectrum of topics (biomaterials/bioengineering technologies as delivery vehicles/agents to direct cell behaviour; tissue repair, developmental patterning and tissue regeneration of embryos; specialist technologies associated with stem cell sourcing; product development, validation of in vitro and in vivo models; clinical trials/commercial development). The assessed tutorials involve students working together to evaluate and critically appraise recently published findings from experts across the University whilst the teaching seminar unit requires students to submit concise pr¿®cis on seminars presented by eminent scientists from the international community. These are organised as part of a series of seminar programmes hosted by the NWESCC and UKCTR. The two independent research placements provide direct hands-on experience of specialist research skills relating to stem cell science and synthetic biology. Placements are structured so students experience different research environments from interlinked disciplines. The focus of projects is agreed between the student, supervisors and MRes Programme Committee based on previous experience, research interests and career plans. Given the wide network of researchers contributing to the MRes, as many as 40 projects spanning biotechnology, engineering, biomedicine and systems biology approaches are available to select from. Many projects are hosted in partnership with industry allowing directed training from within a commercial setting. Assessment comprises a final dissertation incorporating both projects and oral presentation at the



Sarah Herrick (Principal Investigator)
Kimberly Mace (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Francesco Cellesi (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Timothy Edward Hardingham (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Clair Baldock (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Giorgio Terenghi (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Karl Kadler (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Sarah Millward-Sadler (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Judith Hoyland (Researcher Co-Investigator) orcid
Cay Kielty (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Christopher Ward (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Michael Sherratt (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Nicola Tirelli (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Elizabeth Laird (Researcher Co-Investigator) orcid
Susan Kimber (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Alain Pluen (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Alberto Saiani (Researcher Co-Investigator) orcid
Julie Gough (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Karen Piper Hanley (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Paolo Carampin (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Paul Bishop (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Matthew Hardman (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Anthony Day (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Yvonne Alexander (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Sandra Downes (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Fiona Wilkinson (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Geoff Parker (Researcher Co-Investigator) orcid
Duncan Angus McGrouther (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Ann Canfield (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Brian Derby (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Anne-Marie Buckle (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Brian Bigger (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Stephen Richardson (Researcher Co-Investigator) orcid
Karel Dorey (Researcher Co-Investigator) orcid
Ian Kinloch (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Valerie Kouskoff (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Susan Shawcross (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Georges Lacaud (Researcher Co-Investigator)
Cathy Merry (Researcher Co-Investigator) orcid
Enrique Amaya (Researcher Co-Investigator) orcid


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