Synthetic Biology for Biotechnology of Fine Chemicals - SynBioTech

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Chemistry


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Description This was a travel award, so there are no scientific findings, but new collaborations were formed with the partnering groups. Prof. George Chen was appointed as a part time staff member at the University of Manchester; Prof. Scrutton took up a visiting professorship at Tsinghua in 2016. Both gave lectures to staff/students at respective centres. Prof Chen lectured at ESOF held in Manchester 2016
Exploitation Route This grant award opened up wider interactions between Manchester, Tsinghua and other Chinese institutions (e.g. Tianjin). Prof. Scrutton was also made adjunct professor at Beijing Chemical Technology University to further develop SynBio programmes in China.
Sectors Chemicals


including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology


Description Technology transfer is assisting with commercial development programmes in the UK with SYNBIOCHEM spin out companies.
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology
Description GSK 
Organisation GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
Country Global 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Provided expertise, research time and equipment.
Collaborator Contribution Provided expertise and funding.
Impact Synthetic biology methods for production of fine chemicals.
Start Year 2011
Description Manchester Tsignhua PhD Partnership 
Organisation Tsinghua University China
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution SYNBIOCHEM developed collaborations with Tsinghua which led to the development of a 2+2 dual degree PhD programme in synthetic and systems biology with applicants spending years at Manchester and Beijing. From early collaborations and the signing of a memorandum of understanding the scheme is funded jointly between the 2 institutions.
Collaborator Contribution Tsinghua collaborator George Guoqiang Chen signed a memorandum of understanding which developed into a strong relationship and co-funding of the PhD scheme.
Impact The first set of PhD students started the course in September 2020
Start Year 2018